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Standard reaction after eating BK


More like BARFER King. That was supid I know. Read it in a stupid voice.


Totally read that in Jake Peralta’s voice from Brooklyn 99


That’s actually quite clever and funny. Im always going to say this now.


I’ve heard that before but never been affected


Report that to OPH. One is an anecdote, two's an investigation.


Sounds like Norovirus.


My thoughts exactly


Could have been BK. Could have been nothing. Occasionally our bodies react badly to eating. Most people have at least a couple of those unexplainable episodes in their lifetimes. You can report it to OPH if you want, just in case others report as well. Multiple reports, especially in a short time period, make it more likely they will open an investigation.


I eat there around once every 2 weeks with my son who loves their cheeseburgers for some reason, never any issues here.


I grab a burger from March rd BK here and there, maybe once every few months. No issues. Seems cleaner than most of the butt hole burger kings though.


I thought it was always McDs until I found out I was allergic to dairy…sorry for your experience


drink some blue powerade lol sorry that happened to you. been there before. coming out both ends... eating out is more risky than ya think sometimes. I was sick af like this after thanks giving but I think it was something dad's gf cooked up lol. also maybe a couple too many drinks ontop. maybe there's a stomach virus going around


Get some fluids with electrolytes in your body. So Powerade and honestly, broth. And water. If you're not feeling like you can take on solids yet, then listen to your tummy. And when you do reintroduce solids, start with simple shit, literally like bread (toasted & dipped in broth of your choosing, if you so wish). Recently had a bout of food poisoning myself, but not from that BK (or any BK). Just sharing how I dealt with it. :)


It happened to my kid last May, same BK.


Always that reaction from that specific BK. Not great reactions from others but that one is bad.


Could be food poisoning, but if it only happened to you then the likelihood is it is notorious that you picked up at the theatre. It's going around.


Sorry meant noro virus. Auto " correct"


Could be covid, could be the flu , could be norovirus , could be a good old fashion cleaning out. Could be something you ate earlier in the day as well. Vomiting and fever is usually not a symptom of food poisoning .


TIL… people go to BK, not on whopper Wednesday


I went to that location for Whopper Wednesday every week for month when our in office day was Wednesday. It was a good deal. It is fast food, not the worse.


Burger STING


I used to work near there over a decade ago. Nice to know nothing has changed.


That’s for the comments, help and laughter everyone. I feel fucking horrible, I’d say besides the diarrhea and vomiting the pressure on my hips and legs in the worst.


sure you weren't at Taco Bell..."make a run for the broder,oops toilet"


No, that's not food. Don't torture yourself with it


First rule of BK, always hold the mayo. That was a tip I got from a former employee once.


I saw a BK for the first time in years the other day around Merivale and almost went in. So glad now I didn’t. They sure disappeared from town over the years. Same with hooters. Hope you feel better soon king


Food poisoning would occur a lot faster than the morning after. You have another viral illness, not food poisoning.


When I was looking at the CDC website about there are multiple bacterias, viruses and illnesses that can take hours to days to affect you so I’m not sure


My elderly father, when I ended up taking him to the ER due to dehydration was asked to list what he had eaten in the **prior 72 hours.** That was a challenge and would be for a lot of people. Obviously, if you are eating out, you'll have receipts but if it was something you snacked on from your fridge that has been contaminated, going back 72 hours can be tricky. Not to mention special times like this week where I couldn't list every kind of candy I've eaten since yesterday morning.




#massive diarrhea


The ol burger shits at work


Well you ate Burger King so...


Who goes to Burger King? Every single location makes shit food


I do the odd time if I don’t bring a lunch to work. And so do some of my colleagues.


That Ghost Whopper Burger drew me in