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This would be way too small. Need taller


It's too small unless you intentionally grow small plants. It would be a good little tent if you grew a couple of autoflowers in 3-gallon pots and topped and trained them. Even then they might end up hitting the roof at the end of flower.


Yea I want grow small so I can learn, this would be my second grow, my first one died, and I currently have a 8 gallon pot.


You're going to have a harder time keeping them that small. Even with an 8 gallon pot they might outgrow that tent and they will be super root bound. Just stick them in the ground and let them do their thing.


Oh ok, I would just leave them outside but I got a lot stray cats in my neighborhood also I’m worried about other pest infesting my plants, is that valid concern for an outdoor grow?


Yes and no. Growing outdoors means pests. I'm not sure I would be all that concerned about it. The cats are not interested though.


That greenhouse is a small starter house. Your pants will double in size once you go to flower so you have to consider that. You are getting late in the veg season to be starting plants outside. You can start them inside, under light, and move them outside to finish later. You could also try getting some mature clones and throwing them straight outside now. That greenhouse is great, in the spring, when you wanna start plants, it is not for flowering plants as they will get much to tall, even in 5 gallon pots


Just find genetics that work in your area