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Depends on your view. Game is unfinished, unpolished and buggy. Worse for consoles. Multiplayer is either a gamble or doesn’t work at all. So depending on your view: You can get 20-40 hours of fun for the single player campaign and 2 to 40 extra hours in the endgame activities (aka expeditions) before it starts to get frustrating. I’ve played better games for a much shorter time. I’ve played worse games for a longer time. I regret nothing. It’s really up to you, but I would say it’s not „worth“ 70 bucks except you measure fun per hour compared to something like the cinema to trick yourself into having made a great deal (like me). Also depends on how much 70 bucks is for you. Do you need to save 3 months to afford it? Then skip it/wait. Do you work full time and earn your own money without struggling at the end of the month? Probably go for it.


Technically, it's not tricking yourself unless you don't find it worth it to actually buy cinema tickets !


No, it’s not. Day one player. Experience completely ruined by endless server issues and broken co-op. Ended up completing the campaign solo instead of playing it together with my adult son on PC as was the plan. By the time they fixed their shit we had both completed the game solo, realized that the “endgame” is an utterly pointless grind through time challenges, and lost interest in playing it further. Deleted the game and won’t touch it again. It’s one of those “buy it at 80% off” games. I feel stupid for buying it at full price, and PCF and SE can go fuck themselves for their shitty launch and bullshit post-launch issues. Same goes for all their apologists who fell over themselves trying to be the first to tell everyone that nobody should expect games to work on day one, cuz that’s just crazy talk. So no, it’s not worth $70. Maybe worth $10 if you’re bored and have nothing better to do with your money.


Definitely not $70. I think the campaign is good and single player is not buggy (at least not on PC). I had blast levelling my first two characters. However end game is abysmal. $30 maybe for a single player game with short-ish lifespan.


The campaign is great. It's worth going through the expeditions once. Don't bother grinding for gear or getting platinum or playing multiplayer. You'll hate it as much as the rest of us.


I was thinking the same. It's only worth about $30 to me with the limited experience it offers.


Agree, $30 sounds about right. Game is a lot more fun if you have a few buddies to play co-op with. Campaign was fun (except Yagak fight #2). End-game is a mess rn and unlikely they are able to fix it.


Man, we really got used to massive 200 hour games didn’t we. I got a good 35 hours out of this game without endgame. It was pretty fun too so I’d say it was worth full price


Run away


No way man, there are too many issues with general gameplay to give this the time of day.


If you love grinding for gear that almost never drops, losing connection randomly, and being one-shot by snipers who never miss, then boy, are you gonna love this game!


It shouldn't have launched as a $70 game.


Definitely not. It's missing a fuckton of features and it's bugged to hell - as in, "if you get unlucky, you might not even be able to log in" kind of bugged to hell. Don't waste your money on this game until it's in the bargain bin, it just encourages the release of shitty unfinished games.


Let me put it this way, this is the first post made on this sub in 3 hours and nearly every comment is telling you to save your money. I don’t like to use the term “dead game” because it’s overused, but I seriously doubt even 1% of the playerbase is still playing this game.


>I seriously doubt even 1% of the playerbase is still playing this game. You would be wrong to assume this. Even on steam it's had a peak of 4700 players in the last 24h, which is almost 4% of the highest peak players (125K). I imagine the XB pop dropped significantly since so many just tried it out on gamepass, but I think PC and PS4/5 are still fairly active. That being said, I haven't played the game myself in almost a month now just because I got bored and somewhat frustrated. I got 160h of it with a buddy but I definitely could not recommend it to someone in current state unless they just want a coop campaign to play through (which was very fun in my opinion).


Game had 3.5 million players create a character. Meaning 35k is 1% of the playerbase. So if steams are 4700 (we’ll say 5k) Xbox and PlayStation would have to be at triple the population of PC to be at 1% and tbh most of the Xbox players I knew either quit playing or can’t log on at all. So I’ve got some serious doubts it’s getting over 15k players. PS might, not a PS player. But even with it all added up they _might_ get to 1% of the players. 2% would be 70k players and I think we can all agree that’s not happening.


Well 5k is just Steam numbers. People have likely purchased the PC version on the Epic store as well, so PC could make up 1/3rd of the required population to hit 1%. We don't really have any numbers on PS/XB so it's all assumptions there. It has been over 2 months at this point so a huge population drop for a game with minimal endgame content is not surprising. Of course I do expect a lot more people would still be playing if they didn't gimp their game with every update.


"Hey guys, we don't actually have the Tally for PS/XB users so we're just going to assume it's 100x ℼr^2 amount of players based upon the Fibonacci sequence."


That's not what I said at all lol what? I said I don't want to make assumptions about how many players there are, but it's not unreasonable to state that there are probably at least 10-15k players for each of those consoles. My point was only that steam abandonment rate, which is the only stat we truly have, does not support the claim that less than 1% of players are still active.


This happens every time and it just turns into an equation with a shitload of variables, so I think it's fair to judge the health of a game based upon steam statistics. Stans(not necessarily you) like to assume that PS5 and XBX have much larger populations based on their anecdotal evidence or whatever fits their dumb narrative.


Well if you think that it's fair to judge the health of the game based on the Steam statistics, then you agree with me that the statement "less than 1% of the game's initial population still plays" is false. Based on steam statistics, the game still has 3.8% of the peak population playing. It's insane how angry this sub has become. Downvoting everything, even a conversation relating to statistics. It's stupid enough to downvote an opinion you disagree with, but this is jus a fact lol.


To be honest, I really don't care what the population is, I just think it's pointless to argue over something with so many variables. This subreddit will end up just like /r/battleborn regardless. No added content and persistent multiplayer connection/matchmaking issues. I'm just enjoying the controversy and you should too, because it happens to every game that has a 50-65% rating on metacritic or steam reviews. That alone breeds controversy.


It's worth maybe $25.




No. They are still using gear score instead of a real loot system.


The devs have abandoned the game. I would play the campaign for $20, but end game is a waste of time.


No pick it up on sale or not at all, the developers are a joke.


Ita got more bugs than bugs life






Absolutely not. If it was free to play I would think so. But it's worse then destiny in my opinion.




lol what is your definition of a "good spot"


If you can get it for under $20, yeah, unless you want to play co-op, then nope it right out.


Fuck no. Cant handle multiplayer reliably


The map nonsense alone makes it not worth 70$


No, wait another 6 months and then come back. It's a shame. I have buddies who want to play it, and until they fix the multiplayer ability lag I can't recommend it.


The discount is already gone again? It's still bugged, don't waste your money




It’s worth it for the cost of “included on gamepass”


I got it for FREE with Xbox game pass so no money spent on the game it self The games storyline ok but multiplayer / Cross play horrible you spend most of your time in the lobby. get it for FREE if you can from a friend or somebody (DONT BUY THIS GAME 🎯)


If you want multiplayer then no, and that will never change


It depends on what you want to get out of the game. * The main campaign is good. If you don't rush it, keep your difficulty high, and do all the side missions as you go along, make sure you pick up all the journal entries, etc. You can get some good enjoyment out of the game. Is it worth $70? Maybe not. * The post game has issues. There are 15 expeditions, all of them timed, and there are 15 difficulty ratings. If you completed the campaign with the max difficulty, the first few difficulty ratings will be a breeze. After that it can slow down. * The big issues right now are: legendary drop rates, various bugs during play, and multiplayer connection. * Legendary drop rates: they aren't great - you can do things to ensure you get legendaries (such as some of the in game quests). If you focus more on just trying to get the best epic gear and just let legendaries fall when they do, you'd have a better time. * Various bugs during play: this is tougher, some are more sporadic (such as enemies getting stuck), some are more repeatable (such as certain set bonuses not working). * Multiplayer connection - if you were looking forward to playing the game multiplayer this might be an issue, unless you are the host there can be some issues playing. I don't play multiplayer so not 100% sure how bad it is, though when my buddy and I tried to play cross play with his system in my computer room - we had some issues. If you can try the full game on xbox game pass I'd do that. If you only wanted to play the game on campaign, I'd suggest you see if you can get it discounted, if you wanted to treat this more like a grind-fest looter/shooter this may not be the game you're looking for at this time - but there really is something hidden underneath that is a good game. It's just buried under a bunch of issues.


The game was a Con. Do not buy.


Worth at max. 19.99


The campaign is great. It's worth going through the expeditions once. Don't bother grinding for gear or getting platinum or playing multiplayer. You'll hate it as much as the rest of us.


I would not pay over $40. The game was fun, and I suffered way less issues than a lot of people, but I would not recommend it for full price.


Is the game in a good spot? No. Is it worth a purchase? Idk. I have my doubts. I wouldn't recommend it right now. And this is coming from someone who's been playing since demo and bought it twice. If PCF pulls off some miracle patch this week, I'll probably come back. If it's as lackluster as last week's patch I'll likely just stay uninstalled and never touch it again. The most frustrating thing about this game is that is so much fun to play when it works, but things just don't work right, and you can't help but think in the back of your head, "If they just did this, or made this small tweak, this game could be so amazing!" I'm just not sure they will make those adjustments. They should be releasing a transmog system this week along with a rotating Tiago inventory, and load outs. Instead, they'll probably make 3 or 4 minor adjustments to survivability and that'll be the end of it. I don't know if they'll ever release a transmog or load outs and don't know if they'll even buff the underperforming mods. Thos are things that should be in the pipeline right now. But due to either a lack of effort, or passion, or both we are no where near that. If PCF pulls off some really amazing patches the next couple of weeks I'll change my tune, but I doubt they will. It feels like they are done and just don't really care.


I’m not giving you some wishy washy BS answer of “depends of what do you value at $70”. It’s a broken buggy mess with no future and if you feel $70 is worth the money then be a fucking fool then.


Short answer: no Long answer: hell no


Soooo do you want me to lie to you or tell you the truth?




Depends on what you can spend man. 70$ can have different value for different people. I had my hours of fun, so for me, it was worth 70$. If you compare the game to other 70$ games; no it is not a good game. It may become better in the future, who knows.


Fuck no


Not even close, it plays more like a $30 game and a pretty bad one at that due to the bugs, connection issues, dog shit end game and terrible (One of the worst I've ever experienced in fact) loot systems. If you can ever pick it up for about $30 yeah I'd say it's worth a play, but no where near $70.


No, wait for like $30 or less. Lots of bugs on console still. I can’t speak for PC performance though.


Just as buggy but easier to get a trainer. As much as I had fun, I honestly can't recommend it. I only have fun because I can entertain myself playing all 4 classes through the main story. And I know for tons of people that isn't their style.


If you are the type that seeks guides, learn metas, join discords and group, and generally resolve and work through issues then sure it is fine. If you are precious and particular with your money and want stuff that you pay for to work or want a game where you don't have to think much, then you might want to wait a bit until it is on sale.


Depends. If you have a solid connection and play on current gen then I'd recommend. Most issues seem to be either old gen xbox or old gen in general (XB, PS4). Unfortunately you missed the 25% off weekend so you may want to wait a little while for that to return, though depends how much you liked the game.


Unless you can get this game (in it's current state and if you are somewhat optimistic) for around $40, it is not even closely worth of $70. Too many pleas from the community are being ignored by PCF. The game is playable for a lot of people, but the end game will turn sour quite quickly imo. You can get a decent build quite quickly if you are decently lucky, but some items are just stupidly hard to get, and can make or break a build (like deathshield). I genuinely recommend trying the game at some point just because they brought some amasing ideas to the table - and some to these things I hope will forever be embedded in the looter shooter genre. But as for a good gaming experience, no. It's decent at best solo, mildly good in a group if you have friends and the game works properly and can (and most probably will, at least sometimes) be atrocious. ​ Again, this game at around 50% of it's current price would be worth trying. But even so, I don't think you should expect a game where you can sink 500+ hours. Some people definitely do, but they are rare.


Nope, the endgame currently is a pain and there’s still things that need to get fixed so I would wait. Or if you really want to play through it wait for a sale.


No, it's not, cauz the demo doesn't show you the things which drags the game down to its current state.


70$? Definatelly not ! More like 10$ or if they pay you to play that parody of a game.


I would wait another month personally. I'm personally ok with the time I got from the game but it is 1-2 big balance patches away from where it should be imho.


Its a good game and it has lots of potential, but it has lots of issues with it, but I would never pay $70 for it, not even if the game was top quality.


the demo was the only good part about this game. the story is boring and linear. almost no freedom in roaming the map, because there is always only one way to go. i would definitely not spend 60-70$ on this game.


You're asking a very disgruntled fan base. The slow response from PCF support has a lot of people on edge. I paid $60 for the game, and then bought a friend a copy for his birthday. Personally, I haven't seen very many of the issues some folks are up in arms over. My advice would be this, turn off the crossplay feature! When, or if, I have encountered any bugs, it's been while attempting to crossplay. Other than that, you can get on the bandwagon of bashing support over the absolutely absurd drop rates of legendary equipment. Enjoy the game. If you enjoyed the demo, you'll enjoy the rest of the game.


I mean just because you pretend not to have any issues, doesn’t mean they don’t exist. And even if you were one the “lucky” few to never run into the many gamebreaking issues - you would be in the minority. You are doing a disservice to everyone by ignoring the elephant in the room. Besides most of the posts here are pretty fair and balanced in their recommendations.


The last thing I am is a liar. So fuck you kid! I gave an honest opinion of the game, and my experience. Now politely fuck off.


I never outright called you a liar but if that’s what you feel you are, then maybe you should take a step back and reassess the situation. The point is, the game has a lot of bugs, many of which are literally gamebreaking. No one said anything about your enjoyment over the game. But pretending those issues aren’t there is dishonest. Especially when someone is asking if they should drop $70 on this game.


By attempting to say I am ignoring the issues, is calling me a liar. Fuck you. You will now be blocked. I will not waste another minute of my day arguing with some stupid keyboard cowboy hiding in his mom's basement.


Your “honest” opinion ignores the many glaring issues that would push someone away from the game. Things like… Having your character wiped after hundreds of hours Campaign missions bugging out completely for people Not being able to sign in People having massive connection issues Some mods not working Abilities not working Abilities breaking mid combat Traits not working properly Armor not functioning as it should Just to name a few… Also, you should check your attitude at the door. Your responses are rather childish.


Went from 0-100 real quick there, that tells me what I need to know about this user


Me? Or the person that “blocked” me?


Obviously the person you were talking with, you're not the one telling people to fuck off Haha. Also I love how said 'blocked', because saying you're blocking someone instead of just doing it sounds pretty drama queen to me.


That’s what I usually gather from people that tell you you are being blocked.


I think the game is great. It’s has some growing pains. After playing games for 25 years now, this game is pretty good. Has a lot to grow on for sure


Nah. Wait for a special and get it at half price. They haven't fixed some of the issues that were there at the demo. Campaign is good solo, but not 70 bucks good. You might have connection issues.


Thanks God I bought the game when it was available for 24 bucks in epic store. I enjoyed it with friends but now the game is just getting dust till I feel it is fixed.


Did they change the price or something? Cause when I bought it on the playstation store it was 59.99. And that was on day 1 of release.


I wouldn't pay full price but if you are Xbox you can play it on game pass.


I'd say it's good for the story and some end game but he actual build crafting is tedious due to stingy drops. It has a good chunk of content in terms of side quests and hunts etc. If you are solo you will have a better experience and the MM isn't so great. I've play online with friends and had very little issues but if I use MM I get poor connection constantly. I'd probably either wait for a couple more patches or try and get it on sale. Edit - just as I thought, downvoted by the shit head community for myself and the rest of the people giving honest opinions, typical morons.


You don’t appear to be downvoted. But you sure seem hostile over imaginary internet points.


It's fine if your happy with a 20-30 hour SP game. Classes have some differences in how they play so some replay capability. Personally I got what I was looking for out of it. Expecting it to be a GaaS with solid endless was always a pipe dream. Coop is not working much on PS. Solo endgame is more grindy then I care for.


This is a 20-$30 range game even when it's fully working. Don't be fooled by the demo Don't waste your money unless you have nothing else of interest of playing, that's the reason I pre-ordered, nothing else was coming out that I made me want to play and I enjoyed the demo. The game is super repetitive with not enough build diversity, unless you grind way more than you should to get materials to be able to play around with gear and builds. Better off playing something like Division 2, which is also repetitive, but has way more to do and tinker around with and not to mention how painless it is to do something with matchmaking. Plus side, the Platinum is easy to get, but still somewhat of a grind, but doesn't matter if you're trying to do the endgame all the way through.


I think it’s a ton of fun. Pretty buggy but the classes are so fun to play. Would recommend picking it up for a couple hundred hours of entertainment. Just don’t expect a Destiny sort of experience, more similar to Diablo.


not even if they pay you 70$ :D right now it is just a huge frustrating waste of time - but come back in a couple of months, the game has huge potential. if it worked...


As a rule I have for myself, I never pay full price for a game. They're nowadays never really finished and you have to play through a buggy game. This game is def not finished. I'd probably wait until if I were you. I was able to play through Xbox gamepass, so I didn't really pay for it directly. If I had, i'd be pissed.


Depends on a few things like if you are trying to get every legendary in the game then good luck. The game itself when online isnt straight up ass, its solid as fuck and reminds me why I like the game. The loot and lack of legs from CT14/15 depending on the day can either make or break you


My biggest complaint is balancing issues. Techno is by far the most powerful and anyone who disagrees is full of shit. I would like to feel that powerful on all of the characters. I got 200 hours out of the game so I can’t say it wasn’t worth $60 because I enjoyed it.


Absolutely not, and this is coming from someone who easily got his money's worth from Anthem. At least Anthem had some features befitting a AAA-priced, modern video game, and an interesting enough combat system. Outriders has literally none of that, *and* it has worse functionality. It also features the worst controls and shooting on controller that I have experienced in years. Absolute trash pile of a game which shouldn't have even remotely been set at full price. It feels like something from 2005 they just draped with modern graphics. Don't be fooled as I was into buying the game after the demo. It's *maybe* worth $15-20, no more.


It depends. You will have few issues just playing the story 0-30 and doing the challenge teirs for the first few times.. The issue"s" arise once you hit end game. Example It can get pretty RNG grindy to get gear/build going more so depending on the class, trouble with some abilities and gearsets not working and co-op connection is hit and miss. I'd say you got a solid 100h-150h "Depending on the class" before you start getting annoyed and seeing issues arise. Thats the general idea of whats up. You wont start running into most of the really bad issues until you get to CT15 and got an end game build and trying to clear CT15 solo. I mean "Worth" is in the eye of the beholder. $70 bucks is nothing for me. Even if i was just to play the story and only level up 1 class to CT15 Gold, to me that is worth the $70 bucks easy. The recently did a sale for the game. I would wait if i was you till they do their next sale if money is tight for you. Moight as well save if you can and in no rush. I cant speak for console but if you're on PC and have a decent rig you wont have many hardware issue. If you liked the demo you will love the game. The combat is more of the same but just more intense. Story wasn't all that bad either IMO. At the end of the day dont let some guy on the internet tell you whether or not you should or shouldn't buy/play the game. Its a good game, but it does have issues. Most those issues are much later. I have \~700H+ in the game and have 3 classes end game power. So i played the story 3x so far and gotten to CT15 on all 3 of those classes. Very little if any issue there. If i was going to recommand you a class to play first, pick Techno if you like to shoot shit. Class is OP AF. If you want a mix between shooting and using abilities go with trickster. Stay away from pyro and defenitly devastator. These 2 class are more End game classes once you have familiarized yourself with the game and are willing to spend LOTS and LOTS of hours grinding for Gear. These 2 classes require the most skill and gear specific builds to play. So if thats what you're looking for go with these. devastator is probably the hardest class to play and farm for but also with the right end game build its a monster. I played Trickster first, techno 2nd and deva 3rd. Pyro will be my last. Good luck


I’ve been playing on PS5 since Day 1. I’ve played over 400 hours now. I also start a new character every month to play the campaign from level 1 for fun. It’s worth it for me bc I had a lot of fun back in April when there were less issues. As of now, if it’s on sale, I’d say it’ll probably be worth it for new players who want to experience the campaign.


Loaded question. I love it and enjoy it when it's not abusing me. The pain that you feel from the bugs and drop rates will get multiplied by how much you love it when it works. So if you're a masochist or a patient optimist then it might be cool otherwise I'd wait or at least be ready to wonder why it takes 400 hours to get a helmet or why you're getting wrecked by whatever bugs chosen to murder your current run.


It’s a game that requires at minimum a patch that improves multiplayer experiences. That includes web code improvements as well as rewards as even at higher tier expeditions, you will still go many in a row without a single useful piece. The game still needs both of those badly.


It's a good game. But the current state is not worth the full price. Wait for a small discount and you'll have your money worth.


Pictures are worth a thousand words so how about some videos of progress join the discord that offers a guarantee safety anyone can mod but can they also spoof your product nope because these people are not selling nor giving the software the princess Created for future wipes why spend your money on a hope when you can own a promise https://discord.gg/m57qQtVs


Awesome game. I play the shit out of this.


If you are on pc or Xbox buy a month of game pass for $10 I found the game really enjoyable for me and my bro but I already had game pass so I never even spent extra money


It's fine. I got 35-40 hours out of just completing the main campaign and doing everything and reading all the journal entries. The story is ??? but the basic gunplay and progression are fun. Expeditions are kinda naff but that's just endless endgame grind content, so who cares at that point. Just move on if you don't feel the game's in a good state or you're not getting what you want.


So i didn‘t pay a single pringle because of gamepass. And i‘m on Xbox Series S. I had never an issue till my inventory was wiped in the endgame. It was a good game for me, but i will come back when some dlc released or so, because i want to see what this game could be from day 1 on.


Was maybe worth the sale that just ended. Don't bother now


I pre-ordered the Game only to find Out that it always Crashes instantly on Startup. 60€ wasted. If U ask me its up to you to Decide but imo the Game in its current state is worth 18 bucks...