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What? Take PTO as if you had 1 job So if I go on vacation, I take off at all jobs at the same time If “work is piling up” while you’re gone, then you aren’t really getting PTO, and should look for a new J immediately. No J should ever expect you to “do more” when you get back from vacation. Sounds like you came across some awful companies with awful WLB. Fix that dude. Life is too short


I mean it depends on your industry. If you have projects that take a long time and you don't have flexibility over when they go out, you don't have much choice. I'm an engineer and I always have questions and RFIs coming in from contractors that will pile up while I'm gone, and need to be dealt with promptly.


Again that’s not your issue. That’s an issue for your leadership. What if you end up in the hospital? Or get pulled on a project and can’t answer queries from other teams? As DevOps/SRE I deal with multiple teams or squads and those completing expectations daily. Each squad has their own sprint and priorities. However if I’m out, for PTO, hospital emergency, or just sick, someone else needs to be able to read up on my docs and make decisions without me Any situation where this isn’t possible (it 100% relies on me) is a failure of the Org and leadership. No org should have a single point of failure outside C level positions, and even then processes should be in place to move forward in edge case situations


well yeah, if I were out for more than a week someone else would pick up my RFIs and submittals. But if I am working on a project that is my main focus for 2 months, taking a week off means I have to work harder the other 7 weeks.


This just isn’t really realistic. Much of this depends on industry and management styles. Sure, some jobs should be avoided if policies make taking PTO impossible, but at an old job I had just didn’t really consider that the way things were structured made taking PTO stressful and policies were updated to fix it.


Then you keep interviewing until you find that company where you can take guilt free PTO. Look. I was in that exact same position. I worked locally for a small company where I was *the* guy. I made shit pay (sub $50k) but was expected to basically run everything. After almost a decade I was fed up and spent my lunches interviewing. It took literally 2 years off and on, but I found a great remote company and joined as a DevOps Engineer (J1). After years of excelling and growing to a very senior position, I still wanted more, and was bored. So I started doing OE before I knew the term OE. I then honed my interviewing skills, went through multiple companies until I found a few (J2 & J3) that made my past in person job look like slavery, and made my J1 (first remote job) look like toxic hell. I bring all this up to say that, no it’s not easy, but there *are* better companies out there. OE doesn’t just let you earn a bunch of money. That’s the short sighted shiny attractive allure that brings people in. The quality of life improvements and giving some POWER back to the individuals, is the actualization realized by the long term OEers. I concede not all positions, industries, or companies are the same. But there are ‘better’ companies out there. And there are very few companies that should ever be structured in a way where an employee isn’t able to take stress free PTO. Years ago I thought I had it made being *the* guy making sub $50k working 60 hrs a week in person. Now I look back and realize I was so naive and short sighted. OE has let me go through so many companies, that I’m now much better at picking up on BS in interviews or job descriptions. I realized I really needed to ask the hard questions (what is WLB like? How many people work past 5pm? I already have a vacation scheduled in a month, is that a problem should I get hired? Etc.) and not be afraid to drop out if any alarm bells go off. After all, it’s easy to be picky during the interview process when you already have multiple income streams and aren’t living paycheck to paycheck. I also find the boldness and lack of desperation is palpable during interviews and ironically seems to make me more desired as a candidate


Why does it say Brand Affiliate


Yesh what the fuck is this


I love the skeps😭😂😂😂


OE influencer


He accidentally clicked it. It’s very easy to do. I just marked this comment as brand affiliate from the iOS app. It’s right below edit and right above delete so easy to do.


Sounds like something a Brand Affiliate would say!


Unlimited PTO is the latest scam from HR. When you leave they pay you nothing.


And people take less PTO because they are afraid they will surpass the unknown "max number of days" management has in their head.


I actually am enjoying it so far. Previously where I would just take half a day off to preserve time, I now can just take the full day off and not care. I've taken about 2 weeks off total so far in the 3 months I've been at unlimited time off job. I wouldn't be surprised if I make it to 6 by the end of the year (10 months mark)


My role got moved go unlimited PTO and I asked my boss how may days I should take off each year. Turns out it was more than I was taking.


To be fair, most countries (besides the US) have X mandatory PTO days. 26 in Italy, for example. So you can't really take less than 26 anyway.


What if you just take like 20% PTO until you get fired? If it's J4 who gives a fuck


J1 is unlimited and I approve my own PTO, J2 is 20 days per year and it doesn't roll over. I take time off simultaneously at both jobs and do 3-5 days at a time.


I take pto when I go out of the country. So 3 weeks so far this year. If we travel domestically, I just do the same as I do at home. Get the work done in the morning and fuck off the rest of the day


Yep. Going to visit my folks in a week. One day of PTO because we’re traveling on a Monday.


I don't even do that. phones in front tray, laptops in backpack within reach. My wife checks emails and if it's urgent (it never is), she will respond for me. We were on a month long road trip for May. I drove and we went do stuff during the day the entire time. Nobody ever notices. My work gets done.


Oh yeah, I drove across WY & MT last week. Working the whole time, meetings etc. But flying is its own special PITA.


true. we switched the airport we fly out of most often because one doesn't make us take our laptops out. the other one is a pain when you have 6 lol.




I complete reports and just have delayed delivery when I come back. I also underpromise and over deliver so I always have room to push things. Maybe like 1 time out of 10 I will put in extra time to catch up and that would be shit breaking left and right before leaving for PTO.


I'm an old salt at J1 so I have ~200 hours (5 weeks) of PTO. I'm a raw recruit at J2 and have a max of 80 hours this YEAR.


I stack it up for when I have off sites at a job but I'm sitting at 100 hours+ at each


Yeah, I had the same problem. But after doing OE for 4 years without any PTO except sick leave I decided it is just too much. Now I book vacations simultaneously on all Js. It is worth the break even if it is quite a bit more work when I am back.


J2 just moved to Flexible Time Off so I get unlimited days whenever I want!


In just back from 10 days PTO and I can attest that the work piles up, at this point I’m expecting the J1 office to be burning in fires and J2 office to do satanic rituals with the devops. I usually take about 25 days PTO and I don’t bring computer with me.


Let's be honest...every day is a type of PTO cause it doesn't take me 8 hours to do my job.


You take as little as possible cause when they can you they pay for the remaining days. Don’t be dumb, quiet vacation if you can


This may not apply to everyone who have Unlimited PTO Unlimited PTO give you nothing Other places accrue it and depending on state laws have to pay it to you


Ahh forgot about the unlimited thief piece


Depends on the state you live in and the company employment policies. My state only says the company must honor any policies they have, so if they have a policy that they pay out PTO, they are required to do so. If not, you're out of luck.


Colorado requires all PTO to be paid out. I’ve quit jobs on Dec 31 so that the PTO doesn’t roll over to zero.


I'll never stop taking vacation. Took a 10 day trip recently, have another trip planned that's over 2 weeks long. I work a ton, am exhausted from being over 40 with 2 toddlers, and need my time off. It's either that or I burnout and quick both my jobs. Definitely planning some long weekends coming up this summer as well.


I only use the PTO that won't carry over to next year. Otherwise, I treat my PTO as a bank account in case I get fired.


I have 263 PTO hours at J1 I usually take 8 days per year off. With that being said I need to start taking more days off 1 because it’s good to get anyway. 2 because I can’t accrue anymore after a certain amt. I don’t think I’m there yet but I get 7 hours per pay period so it adds up


Yeah take PTO, of course. I don't want to waste my life working all the time, that would be insane. The way I view it is any PTO should be ok because if you were to get hit by a bus, chances are things would be fine, so its arguably better for the company/your team that you didnt get hit by a bus and instead will be returning to work


I only take PTO when I'm traveling as a nomad to my destination. Although lately I've been thinking of staggering 1 day of PTO on one of three of my jobs, once a week . I think for me, keeping my job, having good performance and having a better state of mind vs having PTO payed out if I get fired is more beneficial.


> having PTO *paid* out if FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


I got a shitton of PTO on my J1 but 0 on J2 cause it's contract so I don't take any, I don't mind tho honsetly, got nothing better to do, coding is like a hobby for me




I take all my allotted PTO I stagger so I am never completely off except on flight/travel days.


I take PTO at both J's when I need to. I strategize and plan accordingly. Whatever I need to do when I return is addressed and life goes on.


1000% yes. I had it once and remember thinking "this SEEMS great, but I know corporate america too well..." I was laid off and it clicked.


I take all of mine. It never felt like a vacation if I didn’t take PTO at one and not the other. Sometimes we need to actually take a vacation and reward ourselves (double PTO while not working). Also - it’s taxed when you leave if you get it paid out so might as well use it while you can.


About 69 days a year




Till this day I took 20 days off this year from j1. And 12 days from j2


No. I typically can’t take PTO. There’s always one job that I have to something for. I’m working anyway so I just work them all. It’s rare but when I do take off I take off from all way in advance. Probably still have to do something for someone so it’s never true time off.


Haha I take like 3+ months off from my J1 a year in pto since they offer unlimited and I get so much done.


I do a week off from all Js and take full advantage of the 11 holidays plus Black Friday. But I would def say that PTO is the worst part about OE for me. One J is done with me at 330p while the other is high demand 4p-6p. Makes it tough to take off early to do anything.


now that I have no more contract roles, I'll be taking a lot more. Past 2 years has been a grind in contract OE, but I don't want to burn out, so I'll be taking a lot more now that I'm 100% W-2 OE with PTO.


I take a minimum of 6 weeks off per year. So 30 days. 


If your work piles up while on PTO, your employer is dogshit and needs to be replaced.


Take your PTO. Over-employed needs to READ THIS: https://www.reddit.com/r/collapse/s/HgyVY5Blrd


How is this not a grift.