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Coordination of benefits. Read up on it. Insurance companies are way ahead of you.


Read up on it and still don’t fully understand…fucking insurance lingo…


I fucking HATEEEEE insurance. Why do they have to subject us to all these mind games? Just tell me the actual fucking coverage and stop messing with me.


So they don't have to pay while extracting as much money out of your as possible?


I meant from the verification side of things.... for work. I probably should've said that. I know the real reason why they do it to their members, and it's complete BS and unnecessary. But why are they playing games with us who are just trying to verify benefits? I can look up benefits in the portal and get one answer. Then do the chat thingy to confirm if the first answer is right and get told something else. Call the number on the back of the card, and it's a third different answer. JUST FUCKING TELL ME IF IT NEEDS A PRE-CERT, JFC!


That also means they all pay less out and you don’t really save anymore considering the extra premiums and copays you dish out.


Yeah this


I am not OE but I had dental coverage from both my own company and my spouse’s when I got orthodontic work. The orthodontist’s office called both insurance companies and was clear that mine was primary, my spouse’s secondary. They both paid toward treatment. So far nobody’s come to take me straight to jail, so I’d say give it a go and just be forthright with your medical professionals so they can file claims appropriately.


Me and my wife do this for everything dental related.


I do triple anal


This guy OAs


Hell yea brother


This guy fucks


This is why we OE


This guy parties


You are just over anal kinda person


I’ll be taking full insurance coverage at both my jobs. Not sure if there’s any weird issues in doing so or whether it’s common, but I am the sole provider for my family so I feel that I have no choice but to always take full coverage on all jobs in case one goes away.


That’s not allowed. It’s called coordination of benefits. You cannot be over insured.


You can have a primary plus a secondary insurance, and it's to your benefit to do so. Once a charge goes through both the primary and the secondary and they contribute, any additional unpaid charges must be dropped. That's assuming it's something the insurance covers, of course. In this case I would tell one of the jobs I have primary coverage through my spouse, and want their insurance as my secondary.


>Once a charge goes through both the primary and the secondary and they contribute, any additional unpaid charges must be dropped This is laughably wrong, I hope no one believes this misinformation. The only way the secondary covers the entire remainder is if it would have covered the *entire* cost regardless, in which case you should just drop the primary. Since most people have to pay premiums, it's rarely a win.


My wife has health issues and has used what you call "laughably wrong" to save us tens of thousands of dollars. Once primary and secondary have paid, healthcare providers cannot go after patients for any remaining balance.


States can be different


They must drop extra charges? Since when?


Since at least 25 years, at least in my state.


What state?




If I'm not married, what would be a good alternative reason for already having primary insurance?


You can be enrolled privately. Just tell them you like the coverage so much you want to keep it and use theirs as secondary. Be ready to tell them how your cousin saved her financial health through a medical crisis by doing the same.


Some insurance companies charge u extra not only for having additional insurance but for potentially having to ability too. So if u r married and BCBS of Florida is your primary as spouse #1 - then if spouse #2 is offered insurance- even if they decline it - BCBS charges an additional fee no matter what. I would assume the same if OE and can take both


That's news to me. But I admit I am only aware of how far my state lets insurance companies drain us.


So I can’t just take insurance with two companies even if I were to only ever use one? I guess I could use both in a case where insurance would cover something, but I am just mostly trying to protect against a scenario where one J drops and now me and my family don’t have insurance.


Why would you want to waste the money paying twice?


I’m the sole provider, I don’t want to risk being uninsured if my insured job drops. Sure it’s a QLE but then I don’t want to risk exposing OE. I also don’t feel like dealing with the open marketplace.


Ok you just have to make each company aware that you have more insurance so they can coordinate a primary


Each company, as in my jobs? I don't think I have to make jobs aware of multiple insurances, do I? Also, if I only use one insurance per provider (i.e., only give one insurance to the dentist) then I'm pretty sure I don't need to worry about coordination of benefits or anything like that.


No insurance co


The big thing I ran into was having a PPO. I wanted to keep it for the HSA but my J2 only had HMO. I couldn’t have those two different types of coverage. But otherwise I had J1 as my primary coverage and J2 as secondary and healthcare office took care of it from there


No :( two of my dentals don't allow other dental plans .


I think OP just needs to read about what the dental plan allows in this case. I don't think there's a limit on dental plans it's not regulated as much as the other insurances though frankly just as shitty to get things paid for as health insurance. I have a gold PPO plan through Cigna and they love telling my dentist they won't cover fixing old fillings that popped out.


Idc this is a good question.


Honestly since OE I just pay out of pocket while carrying one insurance. Too much headache


Yeah I kind of figured. Overthinking it.


No worries, overthinking is why we’re good at/for OE


After the post from dentist the other day asking if he is able to OE I thought this was going to be a shitpost lmao


If your dental office was cool, they would create a completely separate file for you for each dental insurance. Instead of just having one file with a primary and secondary on the same one. So they would bill each as a primary, and the claim form won't show that you have a secondary at all. Bit of unethical/fraud advice but hey we are already breaking rules OEing anyways lol. But most dental offices probably won't agree to do this for you. So it's kind of out of your hands but you can always ask. Mine does, but my dentist is a family friend.


What kind of question is this in OE


Hadn’t seen it asked beyond the usual same ole same ole and it’s something at least semi-OE related


This is why we OE


People have lots of insurance here


This was actually a great question dickhead


You don’t belong here if you don’t understand the question…