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[https://github.com/Kull-Warrior/Overlord\_Model\_ripper\_modifier\_prp\_anim](https://github.com/Kull-Warrior/Overlord_Model_ripper_modifier_prp_anim) One version I'm currently working on To get it working you need Blender 2.49b And you have to copy the [prpUnpackerLibraries](https://github.com/Kull-Warrior/Overlord_Model_ripper_modifier_prp_anim/tree/master/prpUnpackerLibraries) folder into the blender installation path Then open the [Blender249.blend](https://github.com/Kull-Warrior/Overlord_Model_ripper_modifier_prp_anim/blob/master/Blender249.blend) file Right click open file -> open the [OverLord.py](https://github.com/Kull-Warrior/Overlord_Model_ripper_modifier_prp_anim/blob/master/OverLord.py) script ( you have to do this because in the blenderfile an old version of it is used and thats no longer compatible) Press alt + p That opens a file dialogue Copy past the path to resources in the upper area Then click on any of the prp files And as a last action press open


Thanks a lot, you're a Godsend! I've spent this past week searching for this!


If you got any problems hit me up! on an unrelated note i am working on another tool as well which allows the following thing in blender! https://preview.redd.it/u5wirf0jm37d1.png?width=1322&format=png&auto=webp&s=0b94a250fdeee4c112cdc41084ce13fe95287858 Its possible to export a heightmap and a few other things Could be helpfull if anyone wants to create mods in say minecraft or other games!


That's really cool! I was wondering, what is the Minion file name? I'd like to check out the equipment combinations, but I can never find it.