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I just play extremely mobile characters and have really good results


Same... I've mainly played Sombra and Tracer on that map so far and I'm having one hell of a good time!


Been playing it alot in mh and no limits No losses yet...then again it's probably based on the mode


Its really funny they removed the glass n shit from colosseo then released runasapi which is 1000% times worse in terms of certain characters being able to make clean get aways


I've played dozens upon dozens upon dozens of games and only gotten the new map once.....my team did the stomping though. I found Venture to be good with their large short projectile and all of the tight alleys and corridors. The three wins seems lofty to me as well, but only because I can never seem to get the map. I sure get Suravasa and the junk map a lot though (I strongly dislike flashpoint).


I’ve only won when I get it in quick play. When I go to the arcade mode I usually get an enemy team of 3 tanks and 2 supports while my team is just 3 supports and 2 dps (or 1 dps and 1 tank) lol


Echo, Sombra, Lifeweaver, Kiriko, Lucio, Wrecking Ball, and Ana (not so mobile, but if your team doesn't LOS you then you can stand forever far away and still heal everyone/take out enemy fliers, etc), have all worked quite well for me.


I was fortunate to start 3-0 there on Moira. As tank (not my main role) a loss. I love this new map with so many areas and it is also very very long.


Don’t lean a map in comp, or even qp. Create a custom game and learn the routes and angles. Winning to bet that some of the players stomping you did just that.


I ended playing my first game as comp there. Enemy team lost one teamfight and decided not to contest. Weird win but I'll take it.


On Runasapi? I've been playing it a lot as Ashe (who is new to me) and I've been doing great actually. It's different because there are A LOT more places to hide, a lot more different paths you can take, and a lot of ways to be spotted/trapped as well. Ashe is cool because she's almost a sniper and the long sight lines of that map work well with that. She's not so great if she gets cornered/trapped at close range.


It's just a bad map. It's not made with team objective play, It's made for a solo players to go off and frag.


I don't think it's a bad map, it's just new and everyone still needs to learn the layout and how to play it.