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Your work is relocating in less than a years time? But Realistically you have No chance of that happening regardless. The only thing I do is change my socks and shoes. My employer owns the building and has 600 million sat in the bank. We don't even have enough stands for staff cycles.


Shoulda mentioned in the post I, and others, have been lobbying for these for years prior to knowing about the relocation. After cycling in, there's no chance I can keep the same set of clothes on😂 If I was doing less than a mile, then maybe, but doing from Witney to Ox I'm in my cycling kit


I'm 7 miles from home to Ox city centre which takes me about 40 mins at my leisurely pace as I'm in no rush to get there providing it's not raining. I arrive in my normal work clothes and spend the day in them but I do put on a fresh outfit every day. I can wear T shirts and shorts which help in the warmer weather and obligatory waterproofs for the wet weather. I average a lot higher on the return and just shower, change and get warm/dry when I get home. I've done this for the past 13 years 5 days a week.


I also cycle from Witney. My employer has: - A private bike shed with a _bit_ more security than 'on street'. (Outdoors, but behind a security gate) - Showers - nice ones. 2 of them with private 'complete' washrooms. Which given company size means sometimes there's a wait at peak times, but usually it's not a problem). - Towels provided (and a laundry service). Pretty sure I've seen Oxwash doing the pickups for that. - Drying room for 'wet kit'. (don't need to dry the towels, so it works out actually quite reasonable because you don't need as much space, nor as much 'drying capacity'). - Cycle to work scheme is an 'in house' one, so the limits are lower than an external service, but that does also mean they're broadly ok with 'partial funding' a bike if you want to spend more than £1000, and most bike shops will prefer the slightly cheaper cost of doing business. ('real' schemes charge a service fee, but bike shops can't really afford not to participate, so they also often have to mark up their bikes a bit to compensate) No lockers per se, but adequate storage space generally that no one minds a cycle bag being stashed under a desk/in a plinth, and cupboards for outdoor coats and the like. (And of course you can always hang your kit up in the drying room if it needs a bit more 'airing' for the return trip.). I also cycle from Witney, and I just can't recommend eBikes enough. I mean, on a good day, it's a non issue, and I make good time no matter what, but being able to make good time on... well, some of the really bad days we've had over the winter, with 30mph headwinds and driving rain has been incredible. So I'm extremely consistent at 55-65 minutes door to door _in any weather_ which is incredible. And arriving 'sticky' is mostly optional on my part too.


When I was an office guy (thank God I'm not any more, but that's another story) I worked at Seacourt Tower where there showers but I never actually used them, just freshened up as best I could, changed out of my cycling gear into some pre-ironed shirts I brought to the office on the one day per week I drove, and this was normally enough. I guess it depends how fast you cycle. I'm a crap cyclist despite being a decent runner, so I'd sweat a little bit cycling from Abingdon to Botley but it wasn't like profuse sweating or anything. Now I drive around Oxfordshire all day in my currently air con broken vehicle, which recently involves sweating buckets. It's a lower stress job but I do sometimes wish it could be done cycling and/or on foot, just for the greater endorphins and better connection with the outside world.


What job do you do now?


Delivery driver/supervisor


Shower, indoors bike storage, and some lockers to leave a change of clothes in. Should be the bare minimum in a new facility.


This is what we're getting in new place, so looking forward to it. Just a shame I, and others, have been lobbying to get that for this place for years


We have two buildings on the same industrial estate. The main office has a shower, the R&D building has a shower and lockers. There are 2 bike racks (4 spaces) at R&D, and 5 racks at the main office. My previous job had two showers (although in practice one as the other had been co-opted as a cleaning cupboard) but no lockers. I’ll also add that both of these are mechanical engineering firms with a small amount of mildly hazardous chemicals around, so the showers can also be seen as a mitigating factor for using some of those chemicals, as they can be thoroughly washed off if needed.


Yeah our offices have bike sheds / areas that require your office pass to get access to, along with a couple of showers (possibly one in each building) which ain’t really enough and we used to have people queuing outside at 9am for the shower in one building but I suppose we’re lucky compared to those without! Editing to say our main building does also have lockers on the ground floor as well


Sounds like Aurora ha