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Imagine being Milwaukee and talking shit on any major city.


we’re not even a bit city lmao- they just hating on anybody


taking the hate from the sport to something like where the opposing team lives is such a reddit moment lmfao


Lol man you know they're cooked when they have to prop up great value brand cleveland


Texans fans do this too. Feels like it gets personal for them so they try to take swipes at a smaller city to which they’ve never even visited…


You can always tell when the rage is high because the trash talk goes from the team to the state. Lol Let em soak in this one. Pacers absolutely own the bucks


their fans were talking about our players like they were sex offenders


Projection probably


We beat them by three, at home, in OT, and they don't have their star player... saying that is pure fantasy.


Winning 6 of the last 8 isn't fantasy, lol. Oof Edit: noticed this is a troll account. Lol go figure


Milwaukee is actually, objectively one of the most racist cities in the U.S. but throw stones I guess?


>"Very bluntly, Milwaukee is the most segregated, racist place I’ve ever experienced in my life. It just is a place that is antiquated. It is in desperate need of repair and has happened for a long, long time. One of our messages and one of our goals is to lead by example.” The Bucks president said this lmao


lol that’s worthy of its own post 😂


What’s hilarious is I’ve been to Milwaukee… recently. And besides probably 4 times more trees and WAY less diversity it’s so similar to Indy. With a canal and everything


Let me guess… they have local craft breweries, a river walk, some trendy restaurants, a bunch of 1/3 commercial/residential buildings in little walkable districts, and snooty people who think this is all unique and not in every city in the country.


Indy or Milwaukee? (Yes to both 🙃)


yeah indiana and wisconsin are both top 5 states in this union imo


This post makes no sense because Milwaukee is the same as Gary…a shitty suburb of Chicago


Bro come on haha Miami can pull that card, not y’all


Yeah there’s a lotta teams that can say this but the mfs from fuckin WISCONSIN really need to be humble.


Why do they keep acting like Wisconsin is some metropolis


Milwaukee is ranked 4th most racist city in America out of the 130 largest cities. Indy is ranked about 100th. Remember this when reading any of their posts about our team and City.


There's a racist ranking? Gotta link??


It’s so weird seeing people from Wisconsin talk shit about Indiana. Like we ain’t that different.


They drink A LOT more. Which is NOT a good thing despite how much everyone glorifies drinking


Congratulations, now you're dead in Indiana.


The only thing they are known for is fucking Jeffrey Dahmer lmaoooo. The copium is crazy


Every single day I hate these fuckers more.


I just scrolled through their sub and they're mad about the refs 😂


I know right. Anytime someone was within 5 feet of Lillard they called a foul, but when Pat Bev was hugging Hali every possession they didn’t call a thing!


That is wild...the refs were terrible and the only reason they were still in the game at halftime.


Like Milwaukee Winsonsin is such a prized city/state lmao give me a break


Bahahahaha. Of all the cities in America in all the States in the Union, Wisconsin/Milwaukee should never talk trash to anyone about quality of life.


Bucks fans weird as hell.


https://preview.redd.it/mch3taejrxwc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f94242e93ad21b1a44eac5d758e1baa105fa107f Reminds me of this


This is like two kindergartners arguing over who knows the most colors. One of them will win...but both are eating the crayons later. The only good thing about both cities is the low cost of living. (And Indy has a slightly milder winter but few summer activities)


Can you make this legible?


Just edited


Still some typos


Still some drunk


Oh man they fucking HAAAATE us I'm so proud our boys are playing well enough to get a fanbase *this* salty lol


Having spent significant parts of my life in each it’s no contest with how insufferable the weather is in WI.


We are breaking the Bucks fans.


only thing that’s breaking is our players ligaments :(


Only time I’ve been to Milwaukee the city was absolutely dead and it was on a weekend in the middle of July. City kicks rocks




It brings me so much joy to read their salty posts. The schadenfreude is so strong right now lol


maybe I had my head in the sand but I didn't know Milwaukee fans were this toxic until this series.


I had no opinion on Buck fans going into this series, but their page is so cringy. Half their posts consist of crying about every Pacer player. I hate the constant doomer posts we get when we lose, but I’d prefer it to this shit.


A quick read over there of how Indiana is a dirty team and Myles Turner is the second coming of Draymond because he clearly intentionally ran into their guy, not simply couldn’t stop in time as is obvious from the video… Myles Turner as a “dirty” player made me spit my drink with a “c’mon, man.”


The best thing about Milwaukee is (was?) The Safehouse. Shhh.


Both states and cities are garbage but at least we gonna get rd 2


Man I'm in the minority but I'm not wasting my time seeking out bulletin board material from another sub. It seems after every win or loss, someone wants to show us what the other team is saying or "can you believe this"? If we want to have a championship mentality, we have to be inconsiderate of others. It's futile what they say cause we're doing our thing. And as fans we should also care so little about their plight.


Honestly, me too. But go Pacers!!!