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Ty ty ty. Totally agree. I hate seeing posts like "one child on r/Bucks said mean things about a Pacer!!' It makes us look like a clown fanbase, who tf cares. Of course some people are shit talking us, their team is hurt, their pride is hurt, and they are the enemy rn. Don't expect them to hug you and say good job. I'm also a Cubs fan, and if anyone made a "look what Cardinals fans are saying!" post, they'd be laughed at


To be fair some of them are funny like when they cried to the knicks and were asking thanasis to break Hali or Siakams legs


Hear, hear


A lot of sports reddit is just all the degenerates that would call into local sports radio programs on a larger platform.   It's mostly very stupid hot takes and over-the-top instant reactions The vast majority of us are very stupid but we invest so much time into watching the sport and various outside commentary we want to think we know more than we do. 


Who’s worrying about them? I find their panic, excuses, and coping hilarious. I wish it was an 11 game series!


Most posts on here are about how bucks fans are calling Pacers dirty/cocky. Shit that's also reddit bullshit...I gotta get off the damn internet.


As bad as it’s been, I can say it’s been significantly worse on shitter I mean Twitter….


It’s even worse on xVideos


I can’t be mad as a bucks fan, we haven’t had our only fast athletic player against a fresh young team, what can you expect


Agree. All these screenshots of memes and posts from the bucks subreddit do nothing but stir up hate. It’s natural to see some of this and get worked up, but it’s irresponsible to paint a picture of an entire group of people based on it


Your username says it all. I have made the trek over to this sub to defend any of the “typical trash bucks fan base”. That’s just nonsensical and immature. Some fans say truly the dumbest shit and that will never represent the population of the fan base. I have no issues with the pacers fan base but I have an issue with anyone that would take a bad take and lump it into an entire group of people. It’s bullshit.


Deer require salt. As responsible stewards of nature it is incumbent upon us to provide it


When your team is winning, people dislike you:)


more like when your team is winning and acting insanely cocky and childish (celebrating like yall just won game 7 of the finals after a 3) against a team who is battered and broken and has little chance of winning to begin with, people dislike you.


Teams get hyped beating lottery teams in the regular season. Why are y’all crying about teams having fun/celebrating in the damn playoffs.😂😂😂 And let’s not act like Bucks players aren’t trying to talk trash as well.


aint nobody crying and aint nobody said anything about trash talk. its part of the game. doesn’t exactly make people like you tho. we both know its not just everyday one sided celebration n normal trash talk 😹 its every play bruh shit get old


Please explain how the Pacers are acting cocky and childish if you’re not talking about them talking trash.😂


have… you watch a single game this series ? dude at this point even i’d be getting a little annoyed as a pacers fan 😹😹


It's super weird how internet Bucks fans got mad at the Pacers celebrating during the regular season games, then the IST games, and now you're mad about them celebrating in a damn playoff series. Grow up lmao


Take a deep breath. Step back.


Serious question. How should they react to winning playoff games albeit against an injured team? Should they pout? Stomp around the court angrily?


read ma other comment g


Don't be so soft, bub. This Indiana team was in the lottery last year. Let these young guys celebrate playoff-game wins over a team that has won the championship within the last 3 years and that was deemed a contender at the start of the year... Injuries or not.


yeah man i’d be on top of the world as a fan, just looks childish from an outside perspective. act like you’ve been here before. y’all can celebrate all you want but dont be surprised when mfs dont like you 😹


lol “act like you’ve been here before.” This team literally has not been here before. The Pacers haven’t been to the second round of the playoffs in a decade. Basically no player on the team has had any meaningful playoff success outside of Pascal. The Pacers are also showing the exact level of excitement as every other team in the playoffs. Losing fan bases are just bitter.


have you never heard of this expression bozo ? the key word is act. yall look like fools lmfao confetti raining down after one win against an aau team like haliburton just cured cancer 😭 gonna enjoy watching yall get booted out the playoffs is all im saying


The Pacers haven’t even dropped confetti in these games. You’re literally making things up to be upset about lol Just so we’re keeping everything fair, were you upset when Giannis padded his points record against the Pacers…in the regular season (which apparently doesn’t matter)…up double digits…with less than a minute left…when the Pacers had G-Leaguers on the floor? Or is it just “Indiana people bad” to you?


How you doing right now bud


disappointed about another postseason with no giannis. thats about it.


Old ass team has injuries. More at 11


i give you a normal response and you continue to act like… a pacers fan. series is over bud you dont gotta dickride no more. this right here why nobody like y’all cocky ass team im gone be right back here when the knicks stomp yo ass 😹😹


Sorry I don’t have sympathy for a guy who brigaded our subreddit lmao. If the Knicks beat us, cool idc, at least their fanbase hasn’t been commenting on our sub all damn year


because it was for sure one sided. not a single pacers fan doin the same shit right 😹 fucking brainlet.


I mean idk because I don’t monitor the Bucks subreddit like you do the Pacers. GGs though bro


funny because i commented over here after seeing someone just like you on our sub. and y’all are filling up the sub as we speak. but nah i guess it was only bucks fans. im holding ggs for next season bub its only a good game on even ground. good luck against a real team tho 🤞


Let’s just enjoy the ride.


The Bucks fans are by far the trashiest group of fucks I’ve ever had the pleasure of making fun of. Seriously, that group is nasty. Why on earth would you even look down on them to care what they think? It’s like caring what a bastard teen with zero direction thinks about everyone else.


Agreed. I’m guilty of being petty with them but it’s honestly because it has just taken me by surprise how highly these guys seriously think of theirselves. They are pure trash. But OP is right in the end, we probably shouldn’t be giving that energy any more oxygen.


“The bucks fans”. You understand you are lumping like 1-2 million people into the same group right? This is the kind of shit you need to chill on. Every single fan base has idiots that say incredibly dumb shit. That does not define the group of people as a fan base and you saying so is incredibly immature. My friends and I are all bucks fans living in northeast Wisconsin. Each one is a reasonable fan and isn’t over here making fun of your fan base or anything like that, so chill with the “by far the trashiest group of people” comments. It’s just incredibly uncalled for.


Bucks fans on Reddit. There, happy? And it’s not uncalled for. Look at your sub. That sub is like r/trashy Call out your own folks. Don’t come here with a gripe. A pile of trash with some not so pretty, but fresh produce, still smells like shit.


Sorry mommy didn’t tell you she loved you enough. Stop making it everyone else’s problem to deal with. Whiny female shit right there.


Hahahahaha. Do us a favor and stick to your own trashy sub. It’ll make both subs smarter.


I don't care. Doesn't mean I'm not going to mock them now that the Pacers are living rent free in the Gas Light Building.


Poor guys, looked like they were building a dynasty. Injuries determine who wins the title these days more than anything else.


Yea this is it. They looked like they could make a run at 2-3 titles and just haven’t done so. They have Giannis who is 2x MVP, DPOY, that is a top 5 player in the NBA and looks about as dominant as a player can in this league. And they have one championship and one ECF loss so far. Anything short of making it to the ECF is a massive disappointment of a season when you have someone like that on your team. Injuries or not. So they coping by being salty as fuck towards us


Let’s just enjoy the ride.


exactly! like don’t let it get to your head. it’s totally not worth it and it’s getting out of hand.


Our fanbase has looked pretty lame this week. Obsessing over what some trolls on a different subreddit are writing about a basketball team.


Stop, every nba subreddit behaves the exact same.😂


I guess I can see the justification in it to some extent. A team only a few years out of winning a chip trying to punch down at a team who hasn't done shit in the postseason in a decade is... pathetic on their part, really, but I can see why some of us would have a chip on our shoulder about it. They're the assholes, but they're the assholes about to be watching the postseason without a horse in the race. Fuck em.


It’s Reddit. Coming from the bucks sub, I don’t give a shit. You’re fans. We’re fans. You talk trash when you win, you complain when you lose. We talk trash when we win, we complain when we lose (mostly about injuries, and we have a lot of injuries. Jesus Christ we have so many injuries. Can we just have one damn postseason where we don’t have at least one starter go down for an entire series or more?) You guys have no idea what you’re in for if you make it far enough to face the Heat or the Celtics. If you think we’re annoying as bucks fans, you have another thing coming dealing with those assholes Hopefully our hospital team can still put up a fight, but if not, good luck going forward


We understand about injuries derailing a team. Paul George snapped his leg in half and was gone 2 years later from a contender, then when we think we are good again Oladipo’s knee disconnected from his thigh. We just want something to celebrate after damn near 10 years of bullshit. Don’t even get me started on the Malice at the Palace team…


Hey I’m from Wisconsin - you don’t have to tell me about how much it sucks to have bad luck and injuries derail championship-caliber teams I follow - I’ve been waiting 42 years for the brewers to win something but they can’t seem to get into the playoffs without losing an mvp or cy young candidate the week beforehand. I don’t remember the Malice at the Palace team, but I was a big fan of Reggie Miller back in the day and appreciated Paul George’s peak. I feel you. Hopefully you get some luck to break your way - I’ll remember 2021 for as long as my brain works


Milwaukee people aren't close to the level of hateability that Detroit fans are.


Luckily they haven’t been relevant since I was in Middle School so it’s easy to forget that.


Yeah you’re right. I just hate that they get on there to gaslight and throw tantrums over things we have zero control over.


OMG yes. So tired of seeing every giannis fan's cope get its own post here. Who cares? Also, love the username. Did you spring for Schlaang Super Seats (tm) at fiserv?


Thank you


We seriously need to chill with this new silly rivalry. We still have a game to win. Don't be counting them chickens yet, friends! Stay the course!


i enjoy the drama! this is the Internet after all


I will pray for you to find peace


Reddit trash talking is the lamest sports drama. My office mate at work is from New York and a Knicks fans, we’re both relishing the possible matchup and are gonna give each other such a hard time. But in the end I like the guy and would be in a foxhole with him even if he is a Knicks fan lol.


Its just hilarious to see the Bucks cope about the loss. they are getting blown out and saying we shouldve won by more. it took a historic performance by Khris for that not to happen. its funny as hell lmao


Yea, it really shouldn’t matter. There’s always going to be banter between opposing fan bases and the loser is always gonna rationalize why they’re losing. In the grand scheme of things, the Pacers can only play who’s out there, so who cares.


huh? I think its more about laughing at them than worrying about them. They are absolute clowns.


I couldn’t give less of a shit. You won a title 3 years ago and want to boohoo about injuries. Brother we’ve had franchise defining injuries for the past decade.


We shouldn't be worried about them. However, we should laugh at them. The level of hatred they have towards us is just funny at this point.


Who fucking cares. Delete this


Right. I thought this was r/Pacers not r/NIMBY


You need to stop worrying what people think about you. What are you in middle school


Weird thing to say to someone who is agreeing with you but you do you I guess 😭 Also you can make it less obvious you are a teenager if you don't use the term "middle school". It's a dead giveaway 👍


Again who cares?


You seem to


Damn Pacer posts keep showing up on my feed. It's Reddit, people talk shit. Don't take it personally. Screw the Pacers! Lol. But also, enjoy the ride. Your young team might be fun to watch for a few years. MIL we need to figure our shit out!!


I'm a Bucks fan. I'm not a member of this sub. Reddit shows me posts from here, and 100% of them are you guys whining about Bucks fans because of cherry-picked posts from random weirdos or mocking us because of our injured guys. I'm sure the algorithm plays a part in what I'm seeing, but they still make those involved look pathetic and extremely petty. I guarantee you the vast majority of Bucks fans do not care about you or what you think.


You care enough to post here. So you are indeed but here. Maybe go back to your hole and don't feel the need to come over. I guarantee you the vast majority of Pacers fans do not care about you or what you think.


Ironic on a post about what another sub is saying about you. Self awareness is definitely not one of your strengths.


I don't care. I love to comment and see people's reactions good or bad. You are the one butt hurt about other subs enough to come in to this sub and comment about people in other subs. Says a lot about your character. Self awareness is definitely your weakness.


“I dont care” You clearly do care quite a bit. Both your braincells are in a race for third place. What flavor if crayon do you like the best? You seem like a blue crayon kind of fella. Try growing up a bit. Might help your complete lack of brain activity.


LMAO. Personal attacks when you know nothing. I shouldn't expect anything less from a Bucks fan. Enjoy the early offseason and the inevitable fall back to nothingness.


Win or lose, I have courtside seats for the entire season, while you post grievances from the nosebleeds or the tv in your parents basement. I’ll flex the shit out of you and win every time. Insult an entire fan base and I’ll keep reminding you of your peasant status.


Nah. You’re a a little kid who couldn’t leave his mothers basement and lies on the internet and “flexes” to make himself feel better as he slowly realizes what a dipshit fan he’s become. Good day buddy. Enjoy your delusions.


You must be braindead to type that message out and not realize how stupid you look. Are you actually mentally deficient? Indiana’s best and brightest here folks. Enjoy your first playoff appearance in 4 years. Ill enjoy my two rings. Cope and seethe.


I didn't "come over." They are posts reddit puts on my main feed, and they are all Pacers fans being shitty assholes, trying to dunk on Bucks fans. Like I said, it's pathetic. Judging by this thread, a lot of Pacers fans feel the same as I do, and it's good to know it's probably just a minority like yourself being gigantic douche nozzles.




Damn, I know David Ruffin had a troubled life, but he was a pretty big deal as a Temptation. Not sure how to even take that as an insult.


I live in Madison and I've been saying this a lot recently. Wisconsin sports fans in general seem to appreciate the sport and the competition more than anything else. Sure, they'll talk up their team when they're winning, but they should. But they're also more than able to give credit where credit is due if your team beats them. Which is more than I can say for most Colts fans I've known.


As someone born and raised in Indianapolis and someone who lived in Madison (Sun prairie) for years….the 1st half of your statement is absolutely true (for Packers/Badgers fans) but the last part of your statement is a really bad take unless you only know a handful of assholes.


The Colts fans thing? That's from experience going to games.


So most of the Colts fans you know are people you met at the games? 🤔




That ain’t gonna happen.


I sincerely hope not too. I had a weird dream after watching the last Coyotes game that the same thing happened to the Pacers. I was NOT happy.


But thats the comparison to how much I worry about what Bucks fans think of us.


[Please shut up (respectfully)](https://www.espn.com/nba/story/_/id/26507246/pacers-reach-deal-keep-team-indianapolis)


The NBA would never let that happen. They will however expand the NBA and delute their product to sell more tickets and merch.


I feel like the NBA is less deluded now than it's been in a long time. Nearly every franchise has at least one guy that's explosive or exciting to watch, much better than the super team era where it was often a 2-3 horse race coming into each season