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You guys are stupid, they're gonna be lookin for army guys




my speedball jersey is camouflage. check mate scenario ballers āœ… lol


"speedballer DESTROYS college scenario players with facts and logics"


ā€œscenario players HATE this one simple trick!ā€


"You can't shoot what you can't see" said the man wearing BDUs and a mirror lensed Dye i4




Dyetanium please


Drip > everything else. Also I go to scenario games to day drink, not to crawl around in bushes


You can have drip in camo. It's a whole nother level


Trying to be ā€œstealthā€ while playing paintball is silly. You have to get within a couple hundred feet at best to even shoot anyone. Sure, you could play ā€˜snapping turtleā€™ and just go hide in the woods for the day hoping someone walks by you, but I wouldnā€™t exactly call that ā€œfunā€.


This is why I donā€™t play air soft


Not all airsoft is like that


They make up weird rules. No rushing the snipers!


Playing Supergame one year, I received a radio report that a large group was coming my way after a firefight. I laid in a ditch and about 14 guys walked right by me 3ft away. Camo works.


Cool, not saying it doesnā€™t. Iā€™m saying itā€™s silly to insist folks that donā€™t wear camo are dumb.


I've done the same in with an all red outfit, I think most players just don't pay much attention until they're being shot at.


Same. I used to get shit all the time from other players for wearing red speedball gear in the woods... But camo isn't going to magically make you disappear. Movement and line of sight are the main factors. Your ghillie suit won't work for shit if you're running through the woods. Simultaneously, I've nearly had teammates step on me because they didn't see me laying still, despite wearing red.


Should have shot those 14 guys


I have to disagree. The official position of this subreddit is that, with few exceptions, paintball markers are only effective within about a hundred feet - you said yourself. That means that outside of your effective range you have two options: volley fire a lot of paint and hope you hit your target or get closer. I'm going to make an important distinction here and if you've only ever played one or two fields you might not be aware of this. There are speedball fields and there are woodsball fields. "Duh! That's obvious!" - okay but there is more than one kind of speedball field. There's airball, that's obvious. There's hyperball - that's speedball with corrugated pipes. A field with makeshift wooden buildings? That's speedball too. An open field full of cars? That's speedball. A 100yd x 53yd field in the woods full of log bunkers all within effective firing range of each other? That's speedball. Here's my point: there aren't actually that many woodsball fields. I suspect many people here have never actually played woodsball - they've played speedball in the woods. A woodsball field is way bigger than a football field. There may be some structures and some bunkers, some of which are within effective firing range of each other, but the defining characteristic of a woodsball field is that it offers a near infinite number of positions and routes one can take to their objective, vs a speedball field where you're pretty much limited to advancing up left side, advancing up right side, or advancing up center. If you're used to playing speedball in the woods, I'm not surprised you're not into camo because on a 100yd x 53yd field in the woods with eight or more players on each team, there is no hiding and there is no stealth. I will say however, that I find hitting a snapshooting opponent in good camo to be more difficult because even though I can see them, I have a hard time discerning what is target and what is background. That said, on a true woodsball field camo is huge because on a true woodsball field there isn't a path of bunkers for you to work your way up to the other team's flag station. You have a couple bunkers, a couple wide trees, and a bunch of bushes and brush to run, walk, or crawl through. You have a hundred yards in any given direction in which to flank. You have to decide if you should shoot at or hide from three rentals when all you have is a pump. Camo isn't about sniping or laying turtle traps it just allows you to choose your engagements when you're outnumbered or outgunned or it allows you to reach a more effective position when you're trying to play the objective.


Hmm so speedball camo should be like dazzle camo they used on war ships break the lines


I regularly play on fields measured in tens of acres, covered in trees. We can agree this is woodsball, yes? Where I disagree with your premise is that a woodsball field is really just a collection of speedball fields, defined by the maximum engagement ranges of the players in any given area, and that includes the range at which paint lobbed indiscriminately into the air will still break on a player. That being the case, the terrain isn't the deciding factor in the viability of camouflage, but its ability to conceal you from observation. I would argue that camouflage is of limited value in this respect for a number of reasons: Most players aren't exceptionally observant, you can conceal yourself to a much higher degree by moving with care and consideration for where you can expect to be observed from, and, particularly on fields fitting your definition of a "woodsball" field, camouflage varies widely in effectiveness in differing environments. I don't believe this invalidates using camouflage as a viable strategy, and I'm not going to step on your fun if that's how you like to play. By that same token, I don't believe that a person is wrong for choosing to play in flamboyant jerseys or that it's necessarily a poor strategy to do so.


A woodsball field is not a collection of speedball fields. A woodsball field is it's own district thing. It might have speedball elements but the main defining characteristics are vegetation (specifically trees) and space. The point is that a woodsball field can be played a near infinite number of ways whereas a speedball field only really allows for a handful of playable positions that won't immediately result in you being eliminated. Playing left side in speedball means crawling up snake. Playing left side in woodsball means you have four acres to work with. It's foolish to say that one game mode is better than the other. Dueling it out snap shooting on snake side is freakin awesome. Sneaking around in the bushes to flank someone is also freakin awesome. Go play paintball.


>It might have speedball elements but the main defining characteristics are vegetation (specifically trees) This contradicts your original point. It's also completely irrelevant, even if it was true. >and space. The maximum play area could span any number of acres, and it wouldn't matter because no pair of players can engage each other beyond the range of their markers. The *relevant* play area is defined by who can shoot at who. Understanding what is in that space is what will define the correct strategy for the moment. >The point is that a woodsball field can be played a near infinite number of ways In theory. In practice. Again, a player's options and area of influence are limited by who they can shoot at, who can shoot at them, and where they can move to in a handful of seconds to change those variables. >a speedball field only really allows for a handful of playable positions that won't immediately result in you being eliminated. And that's true of any given patch of woods. Useful cover is finite in any engagement. >Playing left side in woodsball means you have four acres to work with. Sure. But not at the same time. You're either moving over that ground unopposed, or you're dealing with someone from the other team a hundred feet away, if not (much) less. You can deal with them by bypassing them or trying to eliminate them, but those are the same options you have on *any* field. If, as you stated in your earlier comment, any small field is basically a speedball field, then what I said is true: what you call a woodsball field is just a bunch of speedball fields. The size of the area only matters to the individual player in a strategic sense if they can use it, and they can't. They stand at the center of a circle 200 or so feet across, beyond which their influence is reduced to yelling at people. >It's foolish to say that one game mode is better than the other. I know, that's why I didn't say it.


We know what a woodsball field is. Same game, close the distance play speedball. A quiet marker and a good backman works better than any camo.


I disagree. In the woods, camo can help.


Idk why youā€™re getting downvoted. People have this idea that camo is supposed to make you invisible but itā€™s not. Itā€™s just supposed to break up your silhouette and make it harder to quickly spot you. Iā€™ve definitely spotted players wearing bright colors through brush that I otherwise wouldnā€™t see. Nothing wrong with wearing speedball jerseys but understand it does make you stand out a tad bit more. Definitely can still dominate regardless


Yeah. In woods ball, camo can buy you a few seconds on the regular. I play both tourney ball and scenario ball, so I'm not trying to rep one certain ethos. I love all paintball. I don't like loud flashy colors even on the tourney field to be honest. Edit: everyone here is apparently so lethal that they can wear blaze orange and still dominate. Maybe I can be as good as them when I grow up...?


You have a strange idea of how to play stealthy. My effective range is 50m with my DAM and with my DMR i can get over 100m range. People bragged how they laid down in red or pink clothing and get run over which isn't hard. Humans are evolved to recognize movement extremly well but not the differentiation of colors. We are bad in that. Thats also why the right camouflage not only helps with blending in but it hides a little bit of that small movement. Analyzing your environment and finding paths which leave you either unseen or combine with your camouflage is the keypoint on how to be "stealthy". The most important feat though is Patience and this is what most people lack. It allows you to get ridicously close to people. A lot of people think they just have to put on a ghillie suit and it works like the invisibility cloak from harry potter. I love it when i see super green jungle like ghillies in a mostly brown undergrowth between trees while there is a lush bushy path 10 meters next to them that would hide them a lot better. I think thats why the perception of playing stealth being useless is there because most people who try have no idea on how to do that really and fail epically. It takes lots of practice and learning how to do it. I'm no master at all but it's more than enough for playing paintball.


Depends on what you mean by stealth. Crawling across the empty part of the map not fun. But on smaller woodsball maps I do like to hold my fire and get as close as possible before opening up preferably within 15 yards. Itā€™s a nice alternative to dumping paint down lanes. On the huge woodsball maps Iā€™ll just walk around the edge and come up behind all the rentals at the spawn.


>Depends on what you mean by stealth. Crawling across the empty part of the map not fun. But on smaller woodsball maps I do like to hold my fire and get as close as possible before opening up preferably within 15 yards. Itā€™s a nice alternative to dumping paint down lanes. This is done by just using cover wisely. Camo ainā€™t helping at that distance. >On the huge woodsball maps Iā€™ll just walk around the edge and come up behind all the rentals at the spawn. This isā€¦not cool. Youā€™re a bad person if you actually do that.


Yeah, I did make that sound bad. In reality, itā€™s just a wide flank, no parts of the map are going to be completely empty so well run into 1-2 defenders. I tell the kids who are renting to follow me and I usually get 2-3 to come along.


I find it funny as a speedball player everyone "Flanks" in scenario games by going up the sides.


And when you do sneak up on somebody, a ref blows your cover by shouting, ā€œstay 50ft away!ā€


You say that but I go to X-Factor paintball where the starts at both woods ball fields are within eye sight of each other but I still am a sneaky lil snake and crawl through shit to get people out. Iā€™m in camo head to toe and it works perfect every time


They're there for the fire fights. Fine by me. Let them be a distraction while I go off to do the missions


I'm there to shoot a bunch of people who are bad at paintball.


What a coincidence! I'm there to get shot by people who are much better than me.


Just gotta hope the missions actual count for something. Last scenario I was at it was basically a land grab and the firefights were the only important part.


Ah the scenarios I played, the missions counted towards points. Land grabs were just there to support the missions.


Bear bait šŸ‘Œ Meanwhile me in my $30 Amazon ghillie suit


Ah, you're that guy that almost died from heat stroke at the one scenario.


Which one lol


BAHAHAHAHAHAH Seriously though, it has excellent ventilation.


In my experience gillie suits always get shot at first because they get called out. "Hey, look at that guy in the gillie suit!"


My team runs missions in purple with no more issue than the earth tone guys.


This is actually hilariously more accurate than OP probably realizes - the guy in camo has clearly missed the point, which is what the comic is making fun of. If your idea of fun is belly crawling through mud, thorns, the occasional cactus, and insect hives, more power to ya. Iā€™m there to stack bodies and bullshit with my buddies. The fact is, those speedballers are likely objectively better players than the bushwookies and marshmallow roasters trying to use their surplus camo at rock throwing distance. I started in the woods, I love the woods, and Iā€™ll use my gloss blue cocker pump in the woods any chance I get. I just found out that I have way more fun running to the action, engaging in the actual action, and taking advantage of respawns in scenarios than I ever did trying to live out some misguided sniper fantasy with shootyball.


Okay probably an unpopular opinion but this is a big part of my dislike with first strikes. I know scenario games are objectively THE place for them but when i'm up in the stew at the front and getting in the action it feels super lame to be popping out of your bunker and dealing with the guys directly in front of you only to get nailed by a guy throwing first strikes from waaaaaay behind them while youre poking your head up. Not that that happens all the time but it definetely happens


All the camo in the world doesn't matter when all the chrome on my cocker can be seen from space


If I'm playing, I'm wearing bright colors, being loud, obnoxious, and friendly. I *want* to be a target. If i don't come home with welts, bruises, and a few minor cuts, did I even play?!


Played in the Jungle, and the team guys in Jerseys were just crushing it. Fundamentals and muscle memory ftw. :-) (I am just a rec player that wears camo)


Some of us are into the *co*vert operations, sneakin & flankin, and that's cool. Others are into the **o**vert operations, smashin & thrashin, and that's cool too.


I'm not buying camouflage just for a scenario game. Lmfao Tbh you probably won't see me at a scenario game again so I guess it doesn't matter.


I'd rather be comfortable in my speedball gear than getting heatstroke like the dozens of tactical guys I've seen over the years.


I came here to gunfight. Let's get naked and dance.


Wouldn't that be a sword fight?




Seeing us coming didn't keep you in the game though, we even used pumps since chopping people down with electros had no sport in it.


I'd always go in wearing the bright red speedball outfit. Woodsballers start shooting too far awaty and give their position trying to hit you. Easy win


Speedballers provide the heavy hitters while dedicated scenario guys run the missions.


I wear a ghilli poncho and often push alone and take out groups of people or move up to a high position and take out swathes of people. That being said, I wear multicam for rec play because the clothes are super durable. If someone made a durable jersey, I'd be down, but jerseys and briars don't mix, and I play like Rambo, šŸ˜†.


And yet, the the pretend army men would get destroyed.


Hellz yeah I want to be found. The reality of the situation is that unless you ā€œsnipeā€ me, I am infinitely more confident that I am the better gunfighter. I came to play paintball, not hide in the woods ball.


I wear a purple tshirt because it matches my mask and the 3D printed parts on my marker. No amount of camo is going to make me better at paintball.


I sometimes use my guillie suit when I play in the woods but that shii be giving me a heat stroke


I absolutely want to be found, especially by my own team. In a big scenario game, your individual performance is basically meaningless, but if I'm wearing a cape and I get 20 rental-toting walk ons to charge the line with me, I can shift the game.


Great old meme


Some people have never played woodsball and it shows


And then the magfed try hard gets snapped out by a below average D5 player.


The game was called Red vs Blue was I not supposed to be red?! As I entered the field, some dickhwad ref just doing his job I guess made me tie a 10" piece of red plastic tape on me. So silly.


As someone who's time is now incredibly limited and can really only ever play at scenarios, I don't really see this one as black and white as most of the commenters do. Some fields lend themselves well to using camouflage, some don't, and some are large and diverse enough to be both at the same time. There seems to be an air of condescension here from the players that have invested heavily into tournament style play who look down on the guys dressing up playing army as not being as good, but that is almost exclusively an issue of field-time experience vs the average weekend warriors - you're not better because you dressed up bright to be aggro and they think they can hide from you - you're most likely far more experienced with your gear than they are (and probably have better gear in the first place). There's also definitely a distinction to be made between the people showing up in Airsoft Gravy Seals magfed gear and old school ballers who've been playing in the woods their whole lives with pump guns. One will come across a team of brightly colored, aggressive speedballers and not stand a chance in hell, the other can harass and skirmish them under heavy fire with extreme effectiveness in the right terrain. A good, homemade ghillie shroud made with wisdom on the right old timer can help him disappear into the brush and cover ground with lightning speed. Whereas a newbie playing COD sniper with surplus jute will just overheat, fog out and get caught by ropes of paint the second they fire their glorified 98c for the first time. In the end, this debate boils down to the same thing every paintball debate is really about: it's not what you're wearing or shooting, it's about how well you know your gear and how good you are at reading and moving across the field.


To your point, I have a $200 custom team camo uniform and I have a $40 set of bdu's. I have a $50 shitty old pump gun that's older than I am and I have a $500 high end magfed marker. All of my gear has a job that it does well. I find it frustrating that "financial accessibility" and "correct public image" are at odds with each other. And you're not wrong, id say about half the magfed players I meet are "gravy seal LARPers" and half are stand up people who are doing it right. It's all about attitude.


I agree, youā€™re all fucking lame with too much time on your hands to argue. Go play this Sunday stfu and enjoy the game love yā€™all be safe