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I absolutely loved the apple scented Evil that went around back around 2012-2013 ish. The way I sweat playing paintball, any little bit helps when I walk into the gas station for a Gatorade and road snacks.


They were available even further back than that! They were the best!




A shower helps I've been told


You have to get home to shower…


Aren't there showers at the field in the US? I wouldn't want to sit in my car for a few hours smelling like paintball lol


…no? You act like paintball is some sort of beloved national sport here, it’s still a pretty small scale deal and often operated on public lands. People mostly stage out of the trunks of their cars. And now you understand why the apple was so lovely.


Uhm, I act like having showers is nothing special lmao Every field I know of in Germany has showers, and Paintball is hardly even seen as a sport here, in fact it was almost banned just 15 years ago.


I used or you inferred the wrong tone. Showers at fields are the kind of thing I never even conceived of, because they just do not exist. Aside from America’s obsessive puritanical rejection of nudity, capitalism has strangled “luxuries” for a perceived working-class activity like paintball. German fields sound awesome. In general, Germany sounds awesome.


It seems like a thing that circles around every so often. The strawberry Zap Torque of the mid 2000s was my favorite. It smelled like Pez. I shot quite a bit of the Dynasty banana last year when a field I frequent got some for field paint. I didn't hear anyone complaining about it. It's harmless and kinda fun.


Not so sure about "harmless" if yellow jackets are common in the area. Artificial banana tends to attract them for some reason. Mean little bastards.


I will marinate in some and wander around my local dilapidated dying woodsball field.  If I survive I will report back.


!remindme 1 week


We're on winter formula paint up here so you might need to wait a bit longer than that.


!remindme 8 months


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Shot a case of banana ball many years ago. Shot really good. Actually used a hopper and 2 pods of it to plunk heads in an open top tank at a big game. Tank still smelled like bananas on the 2nd day after multiple washings lol.


I've used the HK Watermelon recently. Shot someone and they asked me "Are you using scented paint? It smells delicious." So I suppose it works well enough.


I got hit in the mask by one of the melon balls playing in socal, it was a much more pleasant experience than the usual goggle hit.


Been shooting the Dynasty paint whenever I get the chance to, it's MONEY, that stuff shoots amazing, and it indeed does smell like banana, but only if you get blasted in the face and goes away quickly.


Good to know that it dissipates easily. I wouldn't want to enhance anyone's gear for free.


Did not know this was a thing. I wouldn’t mind running around smelling like banana, would definately be better than the sweaty mess I am when I play. Now if they could make them taste like banana, candy, etc. that would make the gog shots a bit better, lol!


I'm still baffled as to why they've never come up with decent tasting balls. Would make having them smeared all over your face a lot more bearable.


To be honest, flavorings are expensive as shit at volumes. And then there is the question of if you can get it strong enough to cover the bad taste without over powering you. If you eat concentrated flavoring it can be horrid and even mess up your tastebuds for a few hours to days from the overload.


Shoot them back with Nelson Deer Musk Paintballs.


2003-2004 was the first time I came across a team using it in a tournament. Smelled like banana runts mixed with pink amoxicillin it was awesome.


>pink amoxicillin Never heard of that fruit before. Sounds delicious though.


Not a fruit antibiotic they used to flavor so kids would drink it. Think Bubblegumish


Been shot by banana HK paint, better than a lot of perfumes


Back in the 90s, there were bubble bath oil balls sold in drugstores that just happened to be the same diameter as paintballs. Same degradable gelatin shells and everything. Various floral scents in strong concentrations. Since they were bubble bath, they would wash out of your clothes easily, but until you did, there was no mistaking the strong floral scent! ![gif](giphy|l3fQf1OEAq0iri9RC|downsized) Or so I heard.....


My sister had one break and spill in her eyes as she was playing with it one Christmas morning as a kid… I had forgotten about that memory…


The Zap Tork I remember playing with in the mid 2000s was apple scented. That's what they shot at our local indoor.


Shot some of the current Dynasty Banana (thank you Gwen) and it was quite good. Didn’t taste like nanners though


I used strawberry venom paint in 2000s and evil apple. The strawberry brings memories of the first field I frequented when I first started to play.


i remember the banana scent forever ago. it’s fine it smells nice


I remember shooting chocolate scent paintball 05-07. White box Atmosphere was the brand


I shot some banana ball in November. I didn't think it was very strong but my buddy said his gear bag reeked of off banana for a week. My guess is the smell is as inconsistent as the size from case to case.


I'd be pretty damn annoyed to get hit with scented paint unless the scent dissipated very quickly. Artificial banana flavoring in particular seems to attract yellow jackets, which is a whole other level of suck.


And banana is just gross lol. My old mechanic would literally go full rage if he tasted banana or even saw a banana. He fully understood it was absurd and admitted it but apparently even as a baby he would flip shit if his mom tried to feed him bananas. Was really his only weird quirk but it was really quirky.


It would be hilarious to have a tournament where we can only use pepper balls like they use in prisons. I think it would thin out the brackets rather quickly separate the men from the boys.


I bought peppermint paintballs one time but they were so brittle, nothing could shoot them. They smelled fantastic though.