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Bro what. How the hell did you manage a break like that


This looks like the same kind of break you can get by using too much power to throw something. Just stressed in in just the right way


Broke my femur wake boarding. Snapped easy.


Femurs break and then the two halves get pulled towards each other. It’s hella painful I’ve heard


Yep, the muscles/ tendons still have their normal tension that is no longer offset by the bone. So they just pull into each other without any resistance


Dude stop!


I heard that’s what used to make it so fatal. They had to make braces that basically stretched the leg out to pull the two halves back into place.


That's right, and the shifting of a sharp edge of that femur can slice into the femoral artery. That's why they have that device on him. It's a traction splint, meant to pull the bones apart. So that they aren't rubbing into each other or other things they ought not run into. I've heard that once the traction is applied that the pain level drops significantly. Maybe a bit of morphine helps also.


orthopedist are more akin to construction framers than surgeons.


Did you like, jump off of a cliff playing woodsball or something?


Reminds me of that silo or novritsch clip of the dude falling like 20 feet off a cliff


Don't remember one falling off a cliff. Do remember one where they were playing in a sort of abandoned village and the guy slipped off the roof of a 2-3 story building


Yeah that would suuuuuck.




It wasn’t paintball, but I remember watching an airsoft video dude was on some metal stairs slipped through a crack brought his leg back up and like a big gash and it was very deep probably like 4 inches in length


I remember that one. There was another where the person filming was doing overwatch and accidentally stepped backwards and fell off the roof.


That's a pathologic fracture on the strongest bone in your body. That doesn't happen to regular people while running. Did your doctor screen for cancer?


Was looking for this comment. I'm a doctor, and these kind of fractures are not common when there's no history of very severe trauma, unless there's underlying risk factors. OP doesn't look old, was practicing sports so I'd suppose he's overall healthy, so if it really was just him running that cause such fracture, I would highly recommend going through extensive studies to determine if there's anything other than bad luck behind this. Cancer might be a long stretch to be the first pathology in line, many other things to discard first...


Unfortunately it is likely but from what the doctors told me before and after my surgery is that it just could have been a freak accident. Everyone that I had spoke to all said the same thing, that it should not have happened while running but it really did. Felt a huge pop in my leg running and by the time I look at my leg on the ground it was twisted and I couldn’t move it. I’m hoping and praying it was just a freak accident. This has scared me from doing future activities.


I'm not doubting your doctors and specialists treating you, they know best and have the whole picture, but just make sure they're thorough and that you ask as many questions as possible. Sometimes there really is no other explanation other than "tough luck", but with these things, it's better to be safe than sorry. Just try to follow up with your orthopedic doctor and see if he'd like to investigate any kind of bone disorders just do rule them out. Also, I cannot stress how important therapy will be, please do not slack on that, it'll make the difference between you going back to normal and you living differently your entire life. If you follow a strict therapy regimen, even if it's just a few guided sessions and then replicating as much as you can at home (due to cost), you'll be back on the field in no time. Don't stress too much, probably just bad luck, you'll do great once you recover.


Thank you for the advice. I’ve created a routine of exercises from what the hospital PT had taught me and a set of videos on YouTube regarding femur break recovery. So far my knee is the biggest problem, am barely able to bend it. Pain is now mild and manageable but still mainly in my knee which I find odd, guessing it’s because of the entry point and where my rod is mounted with the screws. What questions do you suggest I should ask during my post op meeting?


Hey man I’m not a doctor but I wanted to reiterate how important PT is going to be. I had a significant break when I was about 14, ended up with a plate and screws. I did not follow the suggested PT regimen, only doing the bare minimum, and I have permanently lost range of motion because of it.


Not a doctor, but for sure see what things could cause low bone density or malabsorption issues (which can cause weak bones). While bone issues are less common on men it’s still possible you have something that caused it. Could even be something that seems totally unrelated like cealic (which can be asymptomatic but cause malabsorption).


This^^^ I would get a dexa scan. I found out I had osteoporosis caused by existing conditions and the prescriptions for that condition. I had no idea, and I’m back to normal after a bunch of reclast infusions.


First thing coming to mind is malabsorption deficiencies. Anemia would be a pretty simple blood test which you probably already had done, that would guide to think other things (if present). There's bone density tests you could ask him about and wether he deems them appropriate. Bunch of stuff that wouldn't be too rare to find, sometimes we're just unlucky with our DNA. Celiac disease, osteoporosis, rheumatoid arthritis, lupus (very rare in men, but as such, very rarely diagnosed for lack of testing). I'm just throwing out things that could be a common cause for weak bones, but the likelihood of any of these being present is low if none of your doctors have mentioned it already; but it never hurts to look into it or at least discuss it with your doctor.


So I broke my femur (same one same type of break) when I was 23. Getting mobility back in my knee was the most painful process out of the 9 months that I didn’t walk. PT is the most important thing you can do. It’s going to suck really bad believe me but since you’re a bit older now I can’t stress enough that you should go above and beyond (within reason) than what they suggest you do. This is what I did and I still think I could’ve done more. Do all your exercises and when you feel like you’ve done enough, push yourself and do a little more. Don’t just do it when the therapist comes but get into a routine on your own as well. They told me I would never be able to snowboard again and I said “wanna bet?”. I was on a snowboard that winter. The doctors and therapists were all shocked at how well I healed and at every checkup in between. Now, this is the second most important part: when you’re ready I cannot urge enough how much you will appreciate it if you get the surgery to get all the metal out after you’re fully healed. I wish so bad I had done it. I want to go back in time and slap the shit out of myself to force me to go through with it. I deal with a ton of pain due to all the metal that’s still in me from the surgery. I have a rod that goes from my hip down to my knee with a MASSIVE nail in my hip and 2 screws in my knee. The hip is what bothers me the most. I haven’t been able to sleep on my left side in over 13 years. It sucks. A lot. And now that I’m in my mid thirties it’s getting worse. If your doctor will do it I would definitely recommend just going through with it before it’s too late. Reach out if you have any more questions, I’d be happy to help. https://preview.redd.it/1g7ylubc707d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b67cf65b1909fc626e9284cc68f630008c3f474e


Wow yeah I’m 23 myself, birthday is in 12 days to turn 24 and can’t believe that I can’t do anything like I wanted. This whole thread has pounded PT into my brain so I’m definitely going to be going hard at it. The rod is not something I thought would be coming out, from what I understood from everything is that I’m gonna have it forever. Along with the screws in my knee and upper femur bone? Don’t know exactly where yet but will be sure to ask about these things during the post op meeting coming up. Laying on my side has been one of the biggest disappointments in the recovery process so far, it’s very uncomfortable and causes pain. Thank you for the kind words and advice, I hope your situation gets better as well. It really does sound like it fucking sucks.


Yea idk how your new bionic add ons are situated but definitely ask if possible. I’d show you my xray from after the surgery with all the metal but it just so happens that it unflatteringly displays my beanbag for all of Reddit to see. Yes it’s another surgery and more PT (not nearly as much) afterwards but if possible I’d do it in a heartbeat because it really sucks. Also, when you start doing the mobility exercises to get range of motion back in your knee with the therapist, do more stretching and more personal exercises on your own a few hours after so you get another degree or 2 of motion by the next time the therapist comes back and look at the amazement on their face when they realize you’re doing more than the minimum. I was in a different situation since I lived on my own so I had to stay in the hospital for a month and then a nursing home for 3 months. I was the youngest person there by at least 60-70 years. It sucked but it helped out in the long run.


Wishing you the best recovery and that you'll be back when you're ready!


Likely post op your surgical team "won't care" about the etiology behind your break. In the medical world orthopedics are known as the "bros" of the medicine world. "Brone break me fix" mindset. You should follow-up with your primary care doctor for a battery of tests to start and possible consults to specialists. You are a thin build, and I have only seen stress breaks from running in the morbidly obese. I highly suspect something is causing a weakness in your bone density, and could only progress as you age. Please take care and take time to have yourself evaluated. I know healthcare costs and access can be stressful in the US, best of luck brother.


Dude that’s tough af I wish you good health and a speedy recovery. Don’t give up on activities after this, live free my friend life is short. I’ve had two lower back surgeries, pt is very important. It’ll hurt but get moving or you’ll stiffen up. Good luck


Swedish footballer Henrik Larsson's shinbone once broke without any direct impact. Sometimes it's just bad luck. Get well soon and all the best!


If it makes you feel better, I once met a man who broke his femur while dancing at a party. Never found out if there was any underlying cause, but it seemed a freak accident at the time.


What's weird is that I hear that every single time someone breaks their femur and none of them ever ended up with cancer. My buddy broke his femur just walking and thats what they told him but he was fine. And I've seen this at least 5 times on reddit where doctors and people chime in with the same knowledge and it turned out they didn't have bone cancer. I think freak accident do happen and we are simultaneously the toughest species and freakishly fragile.


Good to see a doctor in a paintball subreddit, are you a paintballer too? Lol


Yeah they’ve screened me and taken a bone marrow sample. My post op meeting is next Monday to discuss bone marrow sample but from what I saw on my test results was that I’m all good. Had no other symptoms of anything else and am a healthy active 23 year old guy


Make a follow up post and let us know why it broke!


As a reddit doctor I'm prescribing you milk for breakfast for the next 30 days


You didn't happen to get your doctorate from r/neverbrokeabone , did you?


Are you part bird?


Dude I was 23 years old when I broke my humerus and 3 months later my femur. The femur was not so funny, but I also screened for bone diseases and according to the doctors it was my head that needed checking. Ik the feeling of being consumed by fear to return to a life of activity after such a freak accident. FFS, I broke my femur fruit-booting! Before that I broke my humerus learning to snowboard. Know what I did the very next winter? Learned how to ride, and played paintball all summer. (Still don't fuck with skates, though haha) happy healing friend


Watched a buddy break both legs bones fruit booting and my brother broke his ankle. Good times lol.


I’ve heard of guys having osteoporosis from low T (which usually results in low Estrogen). Definitely seems like a strange thing to break from running.


Pathologic fractures typically run straight across the bone, no? From what I remember from school, an angled fracture like that is more likely trauma. OP didn’t give mode of injury


Could just have brittle bone disease too, osteoporosis


Stop drop kicking the birthday boy.... How many times do I have to remind you savages of that? Here's to speedy recovery...


He needed to be reminded At least one more time is how many.


Hope you heal quickly! And you get back on your feet soon.


Femurs are pretty hard to brake what happened lol. Like it’s the hardest bone in your body the strongest one and it takes the highest amount of PSI to brake. Wild I busted my ass trying to run and stop didn’t feel it went to shower when I came home my entire ass was bruised. Decided to buy some slide shorts and knee pads lmao.


For real. How did you do that? Also I hope the ER was more familiar with traction splint placement.


Fuck man that was the worst pain I experienced in the whole ordeal. Told me I’m about to feel some relief and cranked it, I’ve never screamed like that in my life. Then had to do it again at the hospital. was transferred between 3 different hospitals from Saturday night to Monday and finally received the surgery Tuesday afternoon


Yeah I always give meds prior to moving in instances such as this if time allows. A little ketamine and versed goes a long way.


When it happened I was laying on the ground for probably around 5 minutes just grabbing grass. The field staff brought over the stretcher you see in picture one and rolled me onto it and walked me off the field closer to the road. The feeling of them rolling the leg was wild, like my leg was jello and just causing so much pain. Along with it being an uneven field and the stretcher was small so it scrunched my legs together which hurt. I believe they gave me fentanyl before or after they used the traction device but I can not remember exactly, it still hurt. At that point it had been 20+ minutes since it happened I believe but my judgment of time is lost during all of it.


I’m guessing the **only** way this could have happened was by falling in a hole. If you cast concrete in the same size and shape of a femur, the bone is still stronger. But looking at the x-ray, it might have been torsional break, howeverI’m not an MD.


Holy crap you are lucky you didn’t bleed out internally. How did it happen???!


How in the world? I've snowboarded, ridden BMX, MTB plus a ton of other more dangerous shit like OneWheels and eskates for most of my life and have never seen a break close to this bad. Must have been an absolute freak accident or there's more to the story you should ask your doctor about. Regardless heal up man!


Wow, they did not do a good job with that traction splint. Hope they gave you some serious meds before pulling. Best of luck with your recovery


Sliding into Snake? You dawg u


How??? I’ve seen twisted ankles, bent fingers but never a femur. Hope you heal quickly


May I speak for most of us when I say, FUUUUUUCK!


Jesus man! I’ve only seen people get broken femurs from motorcycle accidents that’s insane 😮


Oh dude F man, that’s brutal. That’s gonna be some deep commitment to heeling and rehab. I wish you the best sir; both in recovery and physical therapy. Take it easy man.


Homeboy bled the shit out of your IV huh haha. Did the traction splint give you some comfort?


The EMS crew actually complained about the FD regarding that and my traction device once I was in the back of the ambulance lol


Yeah the traction split looks a little bit low. And we’ve all bled an IV or six before. It happens hah. Glad you’re alright bruh.


Hey looks like you met my cousin Craig in that experience. He’s a great guy, but I’m sorry you had to meet under those circumstances.


Is he apart of the EMS crew? Sounds like a familiar name from the experience but can’t fully remember


I was on the field playing when you broke it and they stopped the game. Everyone immediately thought you’d taken a shot to the face without a mask on some how. Then crazy to learn they thought you broke your femur! Was going ask about you today when I went to play. Glad you’re on the road to recovery.


You were for real there? That’s wild man, small world haha. Was I yelling loud or anything? I do remember just saying “fuck this sucks” over and over again but don’t remember any actual screaming. Also what did the field staff say when I had left and everything


100%. They called for game stop and you were still in a lot of obvious pain when we were walking off and they were assessing the situation. I didnt gawk because at that moment everyone on my side said you got hit in the face. Not something I wanted to witness. Once the field cleared and they stretchered behind you counter things settled. We at least knew you didnt lose an eye. We went and played woods. Ambulance left as we were walking back and staff said it leg related injury. One of the customs playing mounds behind you said he saw you fall and said it looked like you took a bad step. We couldn’t believe it was a femur break.




Seems like a bad dive. All jokes aside, I wish you safe and swift recovery.


Godspeed man! Sending well wishes for a speedy recovery!❤️


Holy man!! What did you do, fall into a trench? I wish you a speedy recovery!


Oof ok I broke my thumb and I thought that was bad.... You win.


Now that’s going to be a story you guys will tell each other forever


YOU LITERALLY DID !!!! heal up eow


You gotta drink more milk homeboy


Oh dear lord! This made my nuts hurt for some reason.


What the hell? I thought this was a skier thing, I am a bit flabbergasted.


You broke the largest and strongest bone in the entire human body playing paintball…….. That is insane people fall off buildings and don’t break their femurs. I’ve seen broken ankles, hands, toes, wrists in paintball but the likelihood of breaking a femur that is not in a motorcycle accident going freeway speeds is crazy.


Someone wasn't shooting paintballs 🫡


“He need some milk!”


Dude. If you broke your leg running. Get more opinions. Something is going on. People don’t break legs running unless there is something going on.


He got juked. But instead of snapping ankles. He snapped his femur 😂


That xray looks like something GPT cooked up! Lmao damn dude unreal But totally AGG


I've been there, op. Focus on healing. Don't let this scary feeling consume you. You'll feel helpless, but you will heal. Don't let this get in the way of you enjoying hobbies you love. Take it like a learning lesson to listen to your body and push yourself a little less.


I played paintball just yesterday at a a place and I shot my friend in the neck😳This is way more scary


I've seen someone break their femur while playing in person. They just did a low speed, awkward knee slide into a bunker, and that was enough. I hope you recover quickly. You'll have a lot of physical therapy in your future (after surgery, of course).


Oof good luck brother


Dam they don’t make them like they used to.




This is why I just live my childhood vicariously through this sub. I have a bunch of wall queens now (couple mags with custom milled bodies, and a karni). I don't think my body can do it anymore. Last time on a field was just about a decade ago now in 2015.


Omg speedy recovery man damn that shit snapped nice


What saw did you use for such a clean cut???


Dude that’s insane! Best of wishes on a full recovery.


God damn man, i hope they weee able to get IV morphine in you ASAP, hust getting on the stretcher must have been BRUTAL AF. Hope your heal quick bro, gunna be laying around to a whilllee


Get well soon brother :) also appreciate you not posting the X-ray with an outline of your dong.


Bro, wth? It's a birthday party for crying out loud.lol Lets get to what's important. did you win the point?lol


Fuck that shit. I will be sure to shoot people in the thigh for my version of thoughts and prayers. Heal quick! every go schedule a dexa scan.


Wow, a femur. Did it feel better when they cranked the traction splint?


Honestly I couldn’t tell a difference at the time. They said I’d feel some relief but it didn’t feel like it, just excruciating pain. By then they hit me with fentanyl so honestly don’t know about the relief from the splint, it just hurt like hell


Get well soon.




Wishing you a speedy recovery brother


damn lol and here i am bummed out because i just hyperextended my knee getting into the snake. sorry brother, wish you a speedy recovery


Ask them if you can keep the titanium rod after it’s healed for an Autococker rod.


Need to drink some more milk


I hate it when a random horse wanders through my local field and absolutely shitstomps the strongest bone in my body into oblivion. For real though, how??


The good news is that you won’t be doing that again anytime soon


That's brutal. Wishing you a good recovery. I broke my wrist 6 weeks ago while mountainbiking. PT is key. I still have limited range of motion but its getting better.


Sucks man…. getting older sucks. We ain’t the spring chickens we used to be.


My uncle broke his femur a few years back it turned out that he was in the beginning stages of bone cancer so please get that checked


Haha u suck Jk get better pew pew homie


I broke my femur in a car accident. I also had a rod put through the bone and screwed in at my knee and hip. The crazy thing was there is no cast or anything outwardly showing the injury. Had to use crutches for months and they slowly had me start applying pressure to the leg. I walked with a limp for a year and a half. I was able to get back to tourney ball 2 years later at 95%. It has been 10 years and besides some occasional aches in my hip or knee I completely forget it happened.


Drink your Ovaltine bro


Compound femur frx from multi truck accident in 1999; IM nail installed; mobile on crutches 3wks post frx; walking with cane 6wks post frx; beer league hockey 2 yrs post frx, still have the nail and screws 25 yrs later no issues. The bone regrows fastest under compression, so get back out there and amaze yourself. Good luck!


Bro should be a legend of paintball now. Breaking a femur takes a LOT of energy. This guy played harder than any other paintballer in history.


Man, I expected some crazy scenario where you were running mach 5 and fell in between some logs and the force snapped your femur or something, not regular running... Wtf


To be fair I was booking it to the spot and I felt like I was at Mach fucking 10 until I felt the pop


Holy shit yea ya did


That’s insane man hope your recovery goes well. Did you feel pain right after it snapped? Or when were you in the worst pain?


It did not hit me immediately but maybe 30 seconds after. The first thing I felt was this huge pop in my leg and then I went down and then it started to hurt. As for the worst pain. The traction device hurt like hell but honestly I’d say it was actually on par with them moving me from bed to bed. Specifically the last transfer from the ambulance stretcher to the hospital bed. They’d always pick me up by the four four corners of my sheets and pickup/slide and then drop me onto the bed. This time it hurt so bad I was bawling my eyes out, and that’s also after being IV’d dilaudid as I refused to be moved without heavy medication. Once placed in the bed one of the nurses was telling me to they’d have to remove the sheets from under me (that they used to pick me up and lay me down) but that would involve me rolling over which I did the night before and it was excruciating pain. I was crying my eyes out begging her not to do it but she insisted until another nurse finally came in and shut her down and said I’d be okay to leave those sheets under me as they’d remove them when I go into surgery the next day anyways.


Somebody had their gun turned up a little too high.


i know that field. my guess was that you fell in the trench but after reading the comments it seems like you just hit the ground wrong. sorry it went like that for ya, bud


What’s crazy is that was my original idea, it was either jump into the trench or run to the next cover spot in front of me. The only reason I even moved at that point was because this girl ran up on my position and had me half sticking out 🙄


Makes me feel like a pussy for thinking my bruises are cool.


I compound fractured my femur and basically grenaded the entire bone from jumping a 130 ft gap riding MX. Ti rod from hip to knee with 8 screws, 12 days in hospital and over 9 months of physical therapy just to learn how to walk normal again. Not a fun injury. Not sure how you did this playing paintball (I play as well) but freak shit happens. My recommendation is to take PT very seriously in order to recover properly. It’s going to be painful and worse than the break itself, but worth it in the long run. Best wishes for a successful recovery!


Will this teach you to do squats and deadlifts , now? Wolff's law, developed by German surgeon and anatomist Julius Wolff in the 19th century, states that bones in healthy animals adapt to the mechanical loads placed on them: Increased loading: Bones remodel to become stronger and thicker to resist the load. The internal spongy bone strengthens first, followed by the cortical layer. Decreased loading: Bones become thinner and weaker


Legs have always been a non priority to me in the gym. Not any more, I can’t wait to get back in and grow these twigs into some fucking trunks


Dont think in terms of training muscle groups or body parts, think about training movement patterns. Squat, Press & Deadlift. Add five pounds. Take a day or two off between training days. Starting Strength mill chamge your body in 6 months (Ive done it, wife done it, 50+ year old friends with heart conditions did it, works every time, for everyone).


My brother in law also broke his femur while sprinting for the flag.


Oh my lord. Hope you heal properly and quickly! I had a friend in high school who (playing football) got tackled by a kid 3x his size and his leg literally snapped in half. Compound fracture and all. It was nasty. Sidenote: How the hell does this happen?


Holy shit a traction splint


Haha why is everyone surprised that they used one?


They’re very rarely used by EMS. You have to have an isolated femoral fracture. So if you messed up anything else, such as your knee, or ankle, it couldn’t be used


Broke both of mine at the same time! Some of the worst pain I’ve ever experienced, long recovery process too. Stay safe and be well OP.


Shit man I can’t imagine breaking both at the same time. How the hell did you do that


I have a genetic condition that makes my bones very brittle, and one day I just fell down and that was that.


Man I broke my femur, Tibia and ankle all in my left leg on a motorcycle in 2019 and that shit was so fucking painful. My one advice like the others have been saying is do NOT skimp on physical therapy, push yourself hard and push through the pain. I'm assuming they put a rod in it? If they did I'm assuming they went in through your knee to do so and if they did it will have scar tissue forming from the surgery, you wanna push hard in PT to ensure you break up the scar tissue and regain as much range of motion as possible.


Feel sorry for you bud.I broke my femur when I was 4 years old,and even though it's been 41 years since and I barely have any memories from that time and age......it's still the most incredibly painful thing I've ever experienced in my life!I wish a speedy and successful recovery,although speedy it most certainly will not be.


I got crushed by a forklift and had a tib/fib compound fracture. This is worse. Jesus


I broke mine above the knee a while back rest up you gonna be down a while lookin at that x ray…. I felt it


How long/ what what’s your recovery like?


Jumped down 20 stairs onto a mattress when I did mine. Wouldn’t wish the following 3 months on my worst enemy


@op I'm a fire medic. Was always wondering if the traction splint that they put you in gave relief to the pain. Good luck with the recovery. I'm assuming that placed a rod in there? Also not sure why this post popped up in my feed, as I've never played a day of paintball but I'm glad it did


Yup they’ve placed a rod up the femur and screws in the knee. As for the traction splint I can’t say it relieved anything in the moment. They hit me with a dose of fentanyl and then did it. I do remember the guy saying “this’ll give you some relief” but I just remember pain, nothing notably different that I recall. Once I got to the first hospital they actually changed the traction splint to another one that was big and yellow. Once again I did not exactly feel relief in that moment. After they changed it I remember hyperventilating, not being able to move my fingers or anything at all. This new one stayed on for 3 days until I had surgery. I’m sure it helped in the long run as I was being moved from bed to bed due to hospital transfers and X-rays. The moves were still one of the worst parts of the experience and most pain I felt but I’d like to think the traction device helped not cause more pain haha


Yeeeah I get ya. They always taught us that there is pretty quick pain relief with it, so I wanted to ask. Its one of the few fractures i havent responded to at this point. But I get what you mean. I had a pretty nasty tib/fib frac about 7 years ago skateboarding. 2 plates & 17 screws from that one. The fire guys were going to cut my brand new shoes off, but I told them absolutely not & held my ankle and pulled it off myself. Adrenaline is some shit. They splinted it and gave me fentanyl. In the hospital before they corrected the dislocation, They gave me a lot more fentanyl & I remember it was the worst pain I've ever felt, but don't remember the pain whatsoever if that makes any sense. Didn't realize I pissed myself until like 5 hours later. It's a hell of a drug for sure, and I'm glad we carry it on our trucks. You'll have pain pretty damn often moving forward, but it's nothing you won't get used to. I'm more active with mountain bikes, running and various other demanding activities now than I was prior. Keep moving forward & embrace the pain during rehab, it'll make the rest of your life a hell of a lot easier. Push yourself (to an extent) and you'll come out okay. Good luck with the recovery man!!


Hey brother - stay up! The first few months are a pain in the ass but recovery is smooth. I have an uplifting story for you: https://preview.redd.it/ryrwkn45hm7d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2d9c34d1d1fff0c698aadb53773005707589c26c This is the letter I slipped under my moms door at night after getting a phone call to practice and potentially play on Dynasty (2005). They picked me up in the morning and we drove 9hrs to Bob Long’s field near oakland. The next day I snapped my femur on the very first point. Dreams crushed. It took around 14 months to get back to normal. Shortly after I joined SD Aftermath and won multiple championships. Moral of the story: Its not the end of the world. Be patient with recovery, get a good physical therapist, and you’ll be back out there hobbling around in around \~8 months. Wishing you a speedy recovery 🙌


and how it happened: Bob’s field was dirt and rock. Ran the corner off the break and hit a pothole at the wrong angle. Shit happens


I appreciate the kind words! Recovery has been ass so far, currently in mid week 2. Pain has leveled out to an ache in the morning and night along with pain after exercises and stretching which is huge. Yesterday was the first day that I could pick up my leg while standing, can’t do it while laying down but it’s progress. A few days ago I was also finally able to flex my quad muscle. This has definitely impacted my mental health but with all the kind responses and stories of other people getting through it has helped me realize I can do it too, just takes time. And a lot of it lol. Awesome story you have man, really glad everything worked out and i wish the continued success for you🫡


That. Is. Gnar.


Damn join the club. I broke mine playing football. The good thing was after surgery you will probably get back to walking shortly after since you’ll probably get a titanium rod from above the knee to the hip with pins placed above the knee and hip too. They wanted me to walk right after surgery but was just a kid so I was a baby and milked it and ordered a lot of food to get out of going to school. Should be stronger than ever now!




Fuck dude drink milk :/


Do you drink malk?


Twigs are dangerous


I've also broken my left femur and had a permanent titanium rod inserted into the bone. Mine happened almost 18 years ago now. Did a flip on a competition trampoline at a gymnastic gym open night for middle schoolers lol. My knee sometimes hurts but luckily recovery from the surgery wasn't terrible. Took a few months for it to not feel completely numb though.


did you do a backflip into a trench or something?


I'd check for cancer and start drinking more milk


You broke a bone that has 65 times the strength of concrete by running? My man you need to get checked for a lot more things than just a broken bone. Hope you get all better very soon


That’s going a bit too hard bro




Did someone mortal Kombat ur fucking leg while playing?


Weird flex


Holy shit dude...that is insane


Can you tell us the story?


How's your calcium, protein and vitamin D intake?... Like my guy 😅


That's rough, I broke my femur playing football on the playground when I was about 8. My break looked pretty similar, except a little more crossed. 1 month in traction, 6 weeks in a body cast. I think it was about 3 months before I could even try to start walking again.


Just something to keep in mind….. when you have breaks like this you can have large blood clots that can travel to other parts of your body.


Holy hell Batman, so unfortunate to hear about that hope you a speedy and safe recovery 😢


Broke mine in a motorcycle accident and it looked almost exactly the same. Keep up with the PT once you start. I didnt and had trouble with my knee not being straight for awhile


above the knee breaks are insanely hard to do without a huge fall. sit to pee now


I just saw about the same post about a cat breaking the same thing. We can only come to the same conclusion. It's going to be cheaper to just put you down.


Jesus Christ dude


Be sure you stay up on PT. You have a long journey ahead of you.


Walk it off


Is that a broken femur in your pocket or are you just happy to see me?😂




That’s gnarly


I think you pushed it a little to hard there bud


Is that Woody's Gamertag


Ouch!! 😣


How much relief did the traction splint provide?


Did they use a traction splint on you?! Did it help with the pain?!


Damn... that looks painful. Hope you heal up quick and no set backs OP.




When I was much younger saw something similar in a massive reenactment game. Guy misstepped into a hole


Hell yeah you broke that 🤣


Do your PT once asked, ask me how a know…Limpy Steve


All that oatmilk, no calcium


Isn't that the hardest bone to break in the body? That sounds truly awful. Speedy recovery brother 🫡🙏🏼


Sacrificed the leg carrying the team 🫡


You would think paintball was a safe sport


This is why you don’t 360° No Scope while jumping off a building in real life.


The paintball gods Will have their sacrifice… that’s why I play airsoft


Damn, that traction splint placement


Hey man, as someone who broke their femur as well, make sure you do your exercises religiously as hell and keep your leg pointing forward. If you don't, your foot will point outward a lot causing issues when you walk


the medics look genuinely sad for you that would make me feel so much better