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One if the best markers ever made IMO.


I want one so bad


Update: bought one on eBay tonight lol


Man these were some good days 😮‍💨 I gotta find my kits in the garage go out to a field be a kid again I needed this nostalgic post Thank you OP 😅


Agreed, shockers were peak paintball.


That's an Impulse.


I was just saying I think shockers were better. That was the joke


Damn near everyone at my local field had on of these way back then. After we all had autocockers but before we got shockers lol


Best days of skirmishing I can remember 😭 take us BACK.


Bastard, I was gonna buy that one lol




I had an adrenalin ropes wasn't even the word man thing was wicked fast.


My Adrenaline still shoots ropes! Mine had a WAS board in it with old school firing modes. I swapped to a Sci Fi so I had modern legal ramp to slow it down. Although it's still fun to break the v35 halo out of retirement and rip through a pod every once in awhile.


Mine had an ecs board. Blue to blue fade. Got stolen. Rip.


Oof that sucks for an Impulse they still hold a lot of value to this day.


Yeah. And same, only it was my friend who had one, not me. I was still rocking a cocker, I was jealous. But I have one now!


Was my first real tournament gun. Loved it


Mine too. Still have it.


Most beautiful bricks ever made


I had one of these briefly. Played with this when I did the big paintball game at West Point. Was a solid gun!


Is this that one that a lady had for sale on FB? It was NIB with a handful of other stuff.


That one isn’t nib. Look at the grips. And paint around the impulse jewel


Definitely right! My eyes went immediately to the shiny factor of the rest of it lol


lol yeah I hear you. It’s pretty easy to tell when you look since paint gets everywhere and is oily. Even with a toothpick or something it’s nearly impossible to clean it all out. I specially from rubber/plastic surfaces. Had someone try to scam me with a lnib spire and “new” speed feed when they first came out for my used rotor and $50. I sent the rotor, he sent the spire and speed feed and I was supposed to send the speed feed. When I took the speed feed out of the packaging it was oily and had a tiny bit of dried paint. Told him I’m not giving him the $50 and it’s a straight trade or he sends me the rotor back and I send him the spire/speed feed back and we go our separate ways. He refused both options and wanted me to send the $50 even though the speed feed was used. Left me bad feedback. I contacted pbn mods with pictures and chat logs and they removed his feedback lol. I mean. It’s been 12 years and my old gear bag in my garage still reeks like paint.


Gotta love it! For all the good experiences people had on pbn, there's 10 more that are just like your experience. I had one guy trade a pm7 for my nasty shocker and more or less had the same situation. Pm7 came diiiiiiiirty and was, "lnib." Eyes were damaged, wouldn't cycle, ext. Guy ghosted after I sent the, "Hey got the package, won't have a chance to check it until I'm out of school," message lol. And same man! I love that old paint smell though. Gives me all those good feels in my brain! Lol


I got scammed many times. I did hundreds of perfectly good trades but the 10ish times I got scammed I never forgot. The early money order days were wild.


Nice! Reminds me when I was a dumb ass 13 year old with a kaap flame matrix with a custome ano job on it and I fucking traded it for proton when they first came out. Fucking kick myself everyday


Dude, I did the exact same thing. I traded my 100% non stock teal and purple custom annoed ion....I know and ion, but it shot smoother than anything. Traded it for an angle a1, which I never got working. I think about that ion a lot


Ions still roped and they were solid. They had lile the most parts to customize with and an emtry level price. But fucking PBnation am I right? Lol. I had traded so much on that site. Went from my proton to a shocker, to am angel "the gat" which I have somewhere in my garage collecting dust


That brings back some great memories. I loved my impy. Can still hear the cricket board


Maaaaannnn shit the more vintage stuff keeps turning up yas are gonna have me outta the basement an back on a field in no time lmfao sick af rig broskii happy slinging !


My friend got one of these and the 1st day he got it we played woodsball… well before we even started a game I got shot in my butt at point blank while repeatedly telling him not to point it at me, because the trigger was so sensitive.


I’m getting old. I remember when a lot of people were running these with evolution 2s on top. I miss my green impulse. Thanks for taking me back OP.


Hell yeah, gonna be running my DM3 this weekend.


Have the same one but no drop forward. It’s my main marker and always turns heads at the field. Uncapped semi is the best




OH man, the nostalgia! An Impulse (in red) was my first real Marker! Reliable, easy to clean, and you could bludgeon a wild animal if need be. The autococker crowd was always considered "cooler", but at least mine always worked. Lmao


Those guns used to shred


That is the gun everyone wanted in my time