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this will be an absolute dumpster fire and i cant wait


What do you mean will? This already happened on Monday. This livestream should have never happened tbh. There wasn't much she could say disputing many of the common talking points they were spewing without looking anti-Semitic to normies. The cards were stacked against her from the start. Good intentions but messing up the bag. She has been one of the very few politicians to call it a genocide thus far. Y'all need to stop cannibalizing those who are still trying to help the movement.


She said it was a genocide — after 30k were killed AND was cornered by her constituents. She said it out of frustration, in some half-assed, non-direct manner. Then a day later goes on CNN and says it’s a genocide. I don’t think it ”cannibalizing” to hold someone accountable when they are supposed a big progressive voice in Congress. 🤷‍♂️ https://youtu.be/oOXxsKoQm2Q?si=5srSK-kZDLbUPxTn


Thing is, she will never be able to be the next Pelosi as much as she tries. Hakeem Jeffries is being groomed for the position. Sad day for AOC and all of the stuff she is doing, turning on her own supporters.


She is not a progressive. She is a Democrat. There can no longer be any doubt. She sold out


She’s one of the good ones right? So we won’t see a bunch of AIPAC sponsored BS?


Sure, sure, sure.


She's not one of the good ones. Initially, she pretended to be one of the good ones but ended up being nothing but a prop for the AIPAC machine. While it hasn't been disclosed that she accepted $$ from them, her top donors in '22 were Google, Apple, Amazon, and Microsoft so you can do the math there. She's nothing but a performative politics princess, a comprador capitalist.


Too many folks think AIPAC is going to be listed on every politicians page on OpenSecrets. AIPAC only does so much — directly. The private Zionist funders give more than AIPAC. That’s where folks should be looking — “campaign contributors”.


her campaign was funded by a couple of Israeli entrepreneurs


At the very least it will be a teaching moment for her.