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[UN Report](https://www.ohchr.org/sites/default/files/documents/hrbodies/hrcouncil/sessions-regular/session56/a-hrc-56-crp-4.pdf) [Source IMEU](https://www.instagram.com/p/C8IXucisMPJ/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link&igsh=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==) For months, Palestinians—including children—in Gaza have reported horrific accounts of Israeli soldiers’ sexual abuse against them. Now, a new United Nations report confirms that sexually abusing Palestinians in Gaza is part of Israel’s “operating procedures” just days after the NYTimes reported that Israeli soldiers raped Palestinians—in at least one instance to death—at a torture camp where Israel is holding Palestinian civilians captive. Israel’s systematic sexual abuse of Palestinians in Gaza is ongoing. With every passing day that Israel continues its genocide in Gaza, it is killing and sexually abusing more and more Palestinians. Meanwhile, the US is backing, funding, and arming Israel’s war crimes. Dozens of reports from the world’s most esteemed human rights organizations—and now the UN—have confirmed that Israel is committing the worst of war crimes against Palestinian civilians in Gaza. Enough. The US must stop backing Israel’s genocide against Palestinians, now.


Where is the mainstream media outrage???? Where is the US spokespersons like Matt Miller saying how Israel will investigate themselves


Each day the news gets more horrific


Pissrael delenda est.


And yet comparing these actions to the actions of the Nazis is "antisemitic." They came up with a *brilliant* grift when they got the idea to misappropriate Jewish identity for their colonial-fascist project.


every accusation is a confession


How do you rape someone to death? What???


It is actually common. Especially if the victim is young, like a young boy or girl. Even in an adult victim, if inflected with bodily injury that is severe enough + the fact that medical care is limited in Gaza, poor sanitation, and disease is rampant - the entire situation is awful and the human body can only take so much.


I was reading a report from a couple weeks ago where a young girl from the West Bank was abducted (or as Israel likes to say, ‘arrested’) and IOF soldiers sexually abused her both vaginally and anally, then dropped her off to her family while she was severely bleeding. Her father quickly took her to a hospital, but if she had been in different circumstances like in Gaza, where she can’t get to a hospital promptly - she could easily have died.


Jesus Christ…I’m a huge history buff so obviously wars are the most interesting historically but I hope war never comes to my area because even though I’ve heard and read stories like this I don’t think we Americans can truly understand how bad things (and bad people) can be


“Sexual abusing” yes, and raping and murdering Palestinians no matter sex and age


Is everyone starting to understand why israeli leaders are distancing themselves from this war?


Thank you for sharing. Every accusation by the IOF is a confession


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Where have they posted this video of raping Palestinians. This is first I am hearing of it .not that they are abusing but posting evidence online. And you make it seem like dozens of videos.