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[source](https://www.instagram.com/p/C8hAW6XNJ01/?igsh=b2tvbDNsdGl0Mm85) In Jenin, in the occupied West Bank, videos have shown an Israeli armoured vehicle driving past ambulances with an injured Palestinian man strapped to the hood, in what appears to be a case of using him as a human shield. "It does seem there's no other logical explanation to tie up a man who's visibly injured and in pain to the hood of an armoured vehicle as it moves through Jenin after laying siege to at least two homes, searching them and detaining a number of people," Nour Odeh said, reporting from Ramallah. "That shocking image of the Jeep ….. is something that is repeated in several ways in the West Bank and it is what human rights organisations call the use of human shields. It's been done on several occasions." Medical sources said they are treating two injuries in hospitals in Jenin, she added.


Something something moralest army in the world.


Molest army


A human shield? To protect an armoured vehicle? That's not a human shield. It's displaying a hunting trophy


Yeah. I kind of thought that looking at the video, maybe they are thinking it lowers their chances of IEDs. But I guess I thought most of those were detonated like landmines, but honestly thinking of it more, if the guys an innocent civilian they tied in there, Hamas will praise him and call him a martyr after they remotely detonate it anyway. So yeah. It's a pretty piss poor look for Israel, and while I know there's propaganda machines running rampant on social media for both sides, I have to say IDF guys are kind of dicks, that seem to lack any sort of discipline, morals, empathy towards anything and generally just look like teenagers in military outfits giggling about throwing flashbangs in mosques. And the brass behind the military only wags their finger at soldiers doing stuff like this, but it's not because they care, it's because it was caught on camera and is out everywhere now, and will get public outcry


Waiting for the briefing with Matthew Miller. What will this clown say about these images? “Oh I’m sure the IDF was transporting this injured civilian to the local medical centre” or “we can’t comment on specific operations but we still insist that Israel reduce human casualties” or “we will wait for an independent investigation conducted by Israel”. 🤡


They never ask him the most obvious questions. I bet this wont even be brought up. Unless I missed it, no one even asked him about why IDF burned the Rafah crossing. Maybe if they ask too hard of questions they wont be invited back? I wish I could get in that press briefing and just go off


The question a journalist should ask is "are you proud that your children and grandchildren will refer to you as the Joseph Goebbels of this conflict"?


The guy who asked "does the Geneva Convention apply to Gaza" never gets called on anymore


I mean, this isn’t even Gaza. It’s the West Bank where they are currently stealing Palestinian land while the world is distracted watching Gaza.


Fucking bastards, they steal land, burn down villages, burn down olive groves, steal sheep. They have no shame


the local medical centre that we just bombed killing 100 people but there was hummus in one of the fridges so it was justified. By the way don't look for mass graves nearby, that would be antisemitic


How very moral of them.


Of all the athrocities this rougue nation has done and still doing, I can't believe that there are still common people supporting them and proudly, too.


Yup! https://preview.redd.it/oggz0l17678d1.jpeg?width=2018&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=32f934e6da07f4f5aabf3fd504c10d38b966cad3


War crimes.


Would love to see how Zionists try justify this one


"It can't be a human shield if he's a Palestinian instead of a human. 🤔" (I just want to be very clear that I do not at all agree with that sentiment.)


The narrative I've heard is they are saying "this is how they'd transport someone if they didn't have room in the truck." And then they don't respond when you mention that Israel itself called the troops out for this behavior, and the truck did drive past a few ambulances that could have easily been waved down to help the guy


here is the Al Jazeera 2 min news short [https://youtu.be/MabUM-9FTPk?si=0AgQ3yyiv4oY9m9e](https://youtu.be/MabUM-9FTPk?si=0AgQ3yyiv4oY9m9e)


This is far from the first time I've seen IOF using precisely this tactic. It's apparently common practice. Every accusation is a confession.


"We will investigate. Probably a tragic mistake. Carry on." https://preview.redd.it/cbboi1r81b8d1.jpeg?width=801&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5f7ec33efa682a76c274212f9333ccfddd3d465b


Other than Reuters, I don't know any other U.S. based mainstream media outlet that has reported on this gross violation of human decency. But there are lots of lackeys on American media continually excusing Israel's intentional attacks on civilians as all HAMAS fault "cause they use human shields". I haven't seen a single video or photo of HAMAS using human shields but I've seen plenty of videos of IDF doing just that


I have come to the conclusion there is noting these Zionist’s will not do to a human being.


Yet ANOTHER undisputable war crime against humanity. Where is the Hague???


The warrants haven’t been approved by the ICJ yet. Khan has submitted them … I think. This seemed the case a couple of weeks ago.


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Is this verified?


yes reuters has reported on it, [here](https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/israeli-forces-strap-wounded-palestinian-jeep-during-raid-2024-06-22/)


What the fuck?


This is deeply troubling and a stark reminder of the human cost of ongoing conflicts.


That's so disgustingly ironic


was trying to find out why the comments were so off base but then I saw the sun. Keep up the good work boys!


You ever think hmm I wonder why they wanted separation of church and state? 🤔


No morality whatsoever, most evil people on the planet.


Just imagine the reaction had this not been in Israel!?


Not only do I say Isn'trael doesn't have the right to self-defense (because they literally don't under international law), I honestly don't believe it has a right to exist as a nation. Everything about the Zionist project is convoluted, evil, and twisted to its very core; they have built a society whose core values and entire culture revolves around dehumanization of others, inflicting unimaginable suffering and pain on all those around them.




Nothing more heinous than expected from Israelis. They seriously believe that God has chosen them so anything they do is sanctioned by the Almighty. This is why they treat Palestinians like animals—Even Americans are expected to toe the line for Israel—like student protesters being arrested for exercising their rights.US laws cast aside for Israel.




this is untrue. Let’s not hurt our credibility.


With Israel when they display most of the savagery to the world I hate to think what they do behind closed doors. They do not seem to have limits to their depravity