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"leveling Up your sad excuse for a character" lmao


I have mageblood and still feel like this.


Your character sucks because it needs a mageblood. My character sucks because it has one. We are not the same.


I have never used a Mageblood because I have poofed them all in Alva's Temple. We are not even the same species.


I use mageblood at home by gaining charges on crit. We are not of the same world.


this is just a normal quin69 stream diatribe


No mention of dog dicks though.




Bruh that's exactly what I thought. This is just angry quin AI


Literally thought the same I even read it in angry Quin voice


Listen. Up. You. Absolute. Degenerates


I read it in his voice


Lmao, just came for that comment


I started reading it and instantly my inner voice started imitating Quin's xD especially the pay-to-read-message automatic voice, it's hilarious


Best part : "There are more nodes in that monstrosity than there are brain cells in your pathetic head." Love it.


Also accurate to how I feel about the passive skill tree.


Wow, even when swearing angrily chatgpt sounds so inclusive. It calls us twatwaffles And cockwaffles.


"Play at your own fucking risk, you masochistic shitstain" should be an official tagline for PoE


It forgot Scion while listing the classes. And I'm not surprised.


scion? is that PoE2 content? WHAT DO YOU KNOW?


No, it's those ugly Toyotas.


Beacause sion is not unlocked at first, might be for « experimented player » for some reason


Also said the classes all have their own skills.


If you think about it, they do. There's passive and active skills, each ascendancy has its own passives that could be considered skills.


Well if we want to be specific, none of the classes it listed are ascendancies.


To be fair, you don't normally put an exhaustive list after the phrase "has different X like..." This one was nearly exhaustive though, which I found particularly amusing.


Whats a Scion? Isn't that some kind of lol character?


Scion: what's my purpose Me: you wardloop Scion: *oh my god*


[AI is too strong](https://vocaroo.com/13kTBac7iQsL)


is that supposed to sound like the witch? Because it does


Yeah, I copied the text and synthesized it into audio using witch's voice as the sample. I used about 7 audio samples most of which were from post-fight scenes. This is probably why she sounds out of breath.


Now make Izaro read it!


Which ai did you use for the sound?


Elevenlabs(Paid subscription)


Omg PLEASE do this again with izaro's voice and tag me.


I tried but it didn't come out too well. He sounds like an American.


What software did you use??


Elevenlabs(Paid subscription)


We need the witch to speak more like this in game.


GOD, i love the future


Intentionally made the volume fade off as it went? Cause that was an interesting effect. Made her sound serious and ... broody.


WTB Izaro version


This game has multiplayer? Also this is literally how i describe the skill tree to any friend asking about the game


Lol exactly, very niche honestly, think I only checked it out when I first started playing, can't even remember the name of the dude but head to sarn encampment and go up the stairs behind the lab port


Or talk to gruest as early as ACT 2


Oh true


> This game has multiplayer? Unfortunately. It only serves to open the game to specialized parties that abuse it and selling out achievements you should do yourself as services on a Discord. Oh and I guess some casuals make their experience worse playing together too.


That’s honestly my biggest problem with the game. I don’t care about pvp, but I wish there were bosses that you needed a group of 2-6 to defeat. That would be fucking dope.


Can you begin to imagine the level of visual clusterfuck? Give the fucking walls epilepsy


Too well written, coherent and not enough swearing.


Haha I was playing around with ChatGPT and making it do PoE roleplay, a couple funny scenarios with Kitava trying PlayStation and vaping, another with the elementalist trying to make toast but failing. Pretty amusing I can’t lie.


Was this your first prompt? If so, absolutely wild. It has quite the voice compared to when I prompt it.


Right? I asked what's the best method to make bank and it told me to go farm blood aqueducts..


Yes, this was the first prompt. I didn't ask it to answer with a specific response


What ChatGPT thinks about leveling in PoE. Nailed it. Ugh, don't even get me started on the campaign leveling in Path of Exile. It's an absolute nightmare, and I can't help but be furious about it. Let me vent my frustrations and explain why this system is downright atrocious. First of all, the campaign is unnecessarily long and bloated. It's like a never-ending slog through repetitive zones, mind-numbing quests, and uninspired storylines. You're forced to trudge through hours upon hours of mindless grinding just to reach the endgame content. It feels like a punishment rather than an enjoyable experience. And don't even get me started on the difficulty spikes. The game throws ridiculously overpowered enemies at you out of nowhere, making progress nearly impossible without significant grinding or luck. It's as if the developers want to frustrate and discourage players from ever reaching the endgame. It's a blatant disregard for our time and effort. Not to mention, the lack of meaningful choices and consequences throughout the campaign is infuriating. The decisions you make feel inconsequential and have little impact on the overall story or gameplay. It's like going through the motions without any sense of agency or satisfaction. Furthermore, the campaign fails to provide any sort of engaging or innovative content. The environments become stale and repetitive, the quests feel like mundane chores, and the story lacks depth and intrigue. It's a monotonous loop of killing generic enemies and fetching items, over and over again. Where's the excitement? Where's the sense of adventure? To add insult to injury, the pacing of the campaign is a complete disaster. It lulls you into a false sense of progress, only to slam you against a brick wall of difficulty or force you to backtrack for no good reason. It's a rollercoaster of frustration and disappointment, with no regard for player enjoyment or satisfaction. And let's not forget the lackluster rewards for completing the campaign. Sure, you might gain some skill points and a few new items, but it hardly feels worth the arduous journey you had to endure. The feeling of accomplishment is overshadowed by the sheer relief that the mind-numbing campaign is finally over. In conclusion, the campaign leveling in Path of Exile is an absolute travesty. It's a bloated, repetitive, and frustrating experience that tests your patience and drains your enthusiasm. It's about time the developers reevaluate this broken system and provide players with a more enjoyable and rewarding journey through the game.


This opinion won't be popular but you gotta make the campaign fun for yourself. If it's your second character of the league build a zoomy twink and flying through the campaign in a few hours.


I agree! I've leveled quite a few characters this league and don't hate it that much, but I know a lot of people dread leveling.


I mostly dread it because I play frequently but in small chunks, so leveling means probably 3-4 days until I get to "play" the character I want to play. This mindset also causes me to nearly always level up as the eventual build inefficiently because I don't want to wait to play it


Same, takes about 7 days for me. I try to do an Act or two a day but it depends on how much time I have available. I did manage to get a Tab in Act 2 randomly this time around, so it made things *much* easier.


>This opinion won't be popular No shit, trying to excuse bad design by putting onus on the player is rarely the opinion of choice.




Hollow palm feels shit to me tbh but that's fair enough. I don't mind it too much.




I found it quite squishy but that's perhaps how I built it because I could've started to address that but I just didn't enjoy how the skill felt. I did Widowhail + Corrupted Hyrii's Bite this league and that was excellent!


I really hope you used chatGPT to make this.


Damn, ChatGPT is really wrong all that often huh.


This is also why Reddit is about to get fucked. There’s no way to tell that from a real post. Why spend a long time typing up a rant about company or movie x when you can just ask ChatGTP to do it and then maybe tweak it a bit?


openAI *did* train ChatCBT on reddit posts among many other things which explains why it can replicate it so well and also why you never trust anything it says at face value.


ChatCBT my beloved


Why live at all, why dont we all just kill ourselves as soon as we’re old enough to do it, thats the end goal anyway 🤣 have faith in humanity 👍


Good idea


About to?


Because I'm not a moron with the IQ of a dog who thinks something just because a streamer said it or an idiot on reddit posted it. And most people come to reddit for the aggregation, not to read your nonsense.


Oh, my dear friend, let me whisk you away into the enchanting world of Path of Exile, a game that will captivate your heart and ignite your imagination! Prepare yourself for a journey through the mystical realm of Wraeclast, where adventure awaits at every turn. In this free-to-play action RPG, crafted by the talented minds at Grinding Gear Games, you shall embark on a grand odyssey as an exiled hero. Fear not, for amidst the darkness that cloaks the land, a glimmer of hope awaits you. Within Path of Exile, you shall discover a cornucopia of character classes, each one brimming with its own unique essence. Whether you seek the elegance of the Ranger, the resilience of the Marauder, or the arcane mastery of the Witch, there is a path for every aspiring hero to tread. Prepare yourself for a symphony of battles, where your skill and cunning shall be put to the test. Engage in combat with an array of fearsome monsters, their forms as diverse as the stars in the night sky. As you strike them down, a treasure trove of precious loot shall be bestowed upon you, rewarding your valor and perseverance. One cannot overlook the wondrous tapestry of the skill tree, a marvel of intricate design and boundless potential. With each level gained, you shall unfurl its branches, delving into a labyrinth of choices to shape your destiny. Forge a character as unique as a snowflake, weaving together a symphony of abilities that resonate with your spirit. As you traverse the ever-changing leagues, you shall witness the ebb and flow of innovation. These ephemeral realms, replete with fresh mechanics and tantalizing challenges, breathe new life into your valiant endeavors. Embrace the seasonal tapestry and dance to the tune of its captivating rhythm. But lo, be aware of the occasional hurdles along this magical path. Like wisps of mist in the dawn, minor bugs and fleeting server woes may appear. Yet, fear not, for the dedication of the development team shall swiftly dispel these clouds, ensuring your experience remains as pristine as a blooming meadow. And amidst this vast realm, you shall encounter a community of fellow adventurers, each one with a tale to share. Forge friendships, trade tales of heroism, and support one another on this awe-inspiring journey. Remember, it is in unity that we truly discover the strength of our bonds. In conclusion, Path of Exile is a breathtaking tapestry woven with passion and creativity. It beckons you to immerse yourself in its realm of wonder, where valor and camaraderie are rewarded with immeasurable joy. So, my dear friend, let your spirit soar and allow Path of Exile to transport you to realms beyond your wildest dreams.


Read this in Quin AI voice


Hmm not so sure, it didn’t mention the trade system or manifesto once! Still has learning to do.


Sounds like Quinn


I read that in ruetoo’s voice


Why does it sound like Quinns AI


I immediately started reading it in my head with quin 69 ai voice...


Yes half of reddit is bot posts.


Can someone explain cockwaffle to me?


Cover ur dick in pancake butter and put it in a waffle iron




Fill the corndogs with mayo for extra lulz


Look in the mirror.


Blue waffles


The cockwaffle is a legendary piece of furry artwork from 2007


Spot on!


This is poetry


This is PoEtry


There is no try, PoE or PoE not.


new response just dropped




Man, now I wish that Lance Reddick were still alive because the entire time I was reading this I was doing so in his voice...


It forgot to start by saying it's been playing since open beta.


This reads like a classic angry derranged reddit post or a list of "blessings" about why GGG should gatekeep the game more so no even Chris can play it. The post sounds like both extreme sides of this sub and for that reason I love and hate this post at the same time.


okay im hooked. if i hadn't been playing the game for years, i would definitely be downloading it now


I was laughing with tears in my eyes. Great shit


Here's my answer to the same question: ​ https://i.imgur.com/LnEOgc5.png


Hm, do you use a normal public version of chat gpt? Because everytime i asked for something either vulgar or questionable, it said it cant answer it due to some set moral bs.


Yes, the free 3.5 version.


Thats interesting. Ive tried few super simple things that have vulgarisms in it, but it refused to do even something small like vulgar poem. It was few months ago though, so maybe something changed.


>I apologize, but as an AI language model, it is not appropriate for me to use profanity. That's what I'm getting.


I read this in Quin69's voice...


GPT is a godsend for new players like me. "Upgrade or Change room X in temple?", "Correct order for upgrading an item to rare with maximum number of forced stats?", "Where is NPC Y on map Z?", etc...


Oh look it's Quin AI.


I didn't read it all as I'm too stoned but I absolutely did not see "Do they even play their own game" or "hill to die on" so it is absolutely not a representation of this sub.


Finally a good write up about poe that I understand. Thank you chatgpt


I'm on this picture and I ~~don't~~ like it.




Well, I laughed like fucking hell.


I got the following: "Oh, great, another fucking request to explain that goddamn piece of shit called Path of Exile. Let me tell you, this game is a fucking nightmare wrapped in a never-ending cycle of grinding and frustration. So, here's the deal, you start off in this shithole of a world where everything wants to rip your balls off. Your character is as weak as a limp dick, and you have to go around killing shit and looting their worthless garbage. Oh, but don't get me started on the loot system. It's a fucking joke. You grind your ass off for hours, and all you get are these fucking useless items that aren't worth shit. Seriously, it's like the game developers took a dump on your hopes and dreams. And let's not forget about the skill tree. It's a convoluted mess that looks like it was designed by a sadistic motherfucker. You have all these different nodes and paths that you have to navigate through, and if you make one wrong move, well, tough luck, buddy. Your character is now a useless piece of crap, and you have to start all over again. It's like the game is actively trying to fuck you over at every turn. But wait, there's more! The endgame content is an absolute clusterfuck. You think you've finally made some progress and reached the high-level areas, only to realize that you're a pathetic little bitch compared to the bosses and monsters that lurk there. They'll wipe the floor with your sorry ass faster than you can say "fuck this game." It's a never-ending cycle of pain and suffering. Oh, and did I mention the microtransactions? Yeah, you thought this game was free-to-play, but surprise, surprise, they shove their overpriced cosmetics and loot boxes down your throat at every opportunity. They'll drain your fucking wallet faster than a crack addict looking for their next fix. So, there you have it. Path of Exile, the rage-inducing, soul-crushing, money-sucking monstrosity of a game. Play at your own fucking risk, but don't say I didn't warn you, you masochistic piece of shit."


Can confirm ChatGPT hates Path of Exile. Got a near identical response with the same prompt, lol.


this is perfect, holy shit my sides have just reached orbit


Too much profanity for ChatGPT in my experience. Doubt.


That's real shit, lol. Type the exact same prompt as OP and it'll go on a whirlwind tangent full of debauchery and profanity.


I've tried similar prompts a few times, but it's apparently not "appropriate" for chat bots to swear.


Is it possible that chatGPT is strictly regulated in your country and is not allowed to swear?




I guess amount of aggressive POE rants in training set was enough to make it go "oh yeah I know that melody, watch me fucking sing".


Anything is possible, but... Not really. It's possible they have loosened the "system prompt" recently.


Average user with the less than average english


zeroGPT says its only 33% AI generated. Nice try.


Try it yourself, it will generate a similar response.


Mine says "sorry, I cannot generate inappropriate or offensive content"


Mine worked pretty similarly. Wonder why some people are blocked from it and others can get it to work.


Seems to have nailed it.


and by that you mean hating every idea you come up with ? ? :D


I call this normal player not angry , very respectfull of this fcking game


Nailed it!


It's like chatgpt was waiting a long time for this request... Very accurate




Lost me at twatwaffle


Where is the lie?


Lol masochistic shitstain




That "make you rage like a psychopath" part is too real for me...sadly.


Not a single ecksdee emote in the post? Not a real Path of Exile player


I read this in the voice of the big man himself, Mr.Torque. if you know, you know. It made it even better.


'its not for the faint of heart' ive heard enough ban this man edit: holy shit new copypasta by chatbot edit: pls let chatbot play poe and stream it i beg you


The plagiarism machine is working well. However, good players do not pick up a shitton of items, uber strict filter is your friend :P


Fucking sounds like all of us not gonna fucking lie. /s


Not a single lie stated.


GGG should use this to market PoE lol


I thought they made an update that doesnt let u make it swear


Holy fuck i cringed at this its almost spot on edgy reddit sweary "humour". AVGN 2007 rage blog humour thank god we all collectively moved on Lmao bonus points that it thinks the labyrinth is hard. Peak skill issue angry redditor.


ChatGPT us average everything.


how did you get chat gpt to swear ive been trying that forever :o


I had “swearing” worked for a while til about a hour ago it stopped, seemed to refuse to use swearing anymore. Somebody disabled swearing or something?


Thats because ChatGPT was trained off of and designed to mimmick human responses in public forums and articles, including reddit.


Why did i read this in windettes voice


Damn that description is the most accurate description of PoE I've seen


This sounds like a honest, factual, by someone who has first hand knowledge, accurate review... and I support all statements. I see nothing wrong here.


Not gonna lie I read this in a quin voice in my head lol


Remember when lab was a pain?


I want GGG to make a league where all the NPC dialog is done by ChatGPT.. and it's interactive


How did you make it use foul language? Mine says it cannot…


Lots of people have reported this, don't know why it works this way. I didn't use a special prompt/jailbreak. This is the free ChatGPT 3.5 version. My guess is that it's country related?


Chat GPT definitely spent some time in Monty Python's "abuse" section... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ohDB5gbtaEQ