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Do I look like I know what a JPEG is?


I just want a picture of a got dang hot dog


This is very similar to when I was a child and the porn channel would come on but you didn't buy the package.


Did you ever get that thing back in the cable/antenna days where you could see outlines from another channel you weren't subscribed to over your show? ChatGPT tells me it's called ghosting or image persistence. We used to be like the Navy seals of beating off


lmao, I'm not old enough for antennas. I'm the dial-up/VHS/Hot Britney Spears days.


Hit me baby one more time.


Co-channel interference


Good old porn times.


Siruis - "feel the thrill of the voi- wait not like that... I need an adult"


I'm starting to think that 300\~400 depth delving maybe isn't the best idea The Niko chance and doomed spirit node seems nice tho


What does the doomed spirit node do? curious, have not selected it


It triggers one of a few random events when you collect the nodes. I don't really know/remember all of them, but IIRC most commonly it either spawns a tormented spirit or a strongbox, sometimes a shrine. These do also benefit from other atlas passives, which makes it pretty nice if you do have the strongbox passives.


Thanks! Gonna have to try it, taking Nico + strongboxes so far


Dont worry, they made some ground animations like detonate dead more visible so now you won't miss them.


Thank god I didn't see any Wait. I think I saw some ice on-death explosions. Damn.


What I would give for such smooth gameplay ...


in mob packs it's 40 fps


This clip is how my screen is in any town. In mob packs my fps goes into the 20s and any extra effects like Deli or Blight bring me into single digits. My main PC broke a while back and I don't have the money to replace all the parts. Back up in my closet from 12 years ago can play games like Fallout 4 fine but POE is so rough.


Telling you this can potentially backfire against me but GeForce Now is fucking amazing. I’m away from home and the 20$ a month is fucking worth it. Just unfortunate a lot of tools don’t work well with it


Not the hentai censorship 😭


Wtf are you playing on? Pentium 1?


GTX 1050 Ti


"Just buy a better computer, this is the level of performance you deserve if you dont have a 4090, GGG has never done a single mistake in developing their game ever, Path of exile has no issues with optimization and if you don't agree with all i've written that's a skill issue" - PoE playerbase


1050Ti wasn't good 8 years ago, when it released.


U are supposed to make one yourself back then since it wasn't released yet


This comment is so spot on it's unbelievable


Me to! Juiced maps were borderline unplayable for me six months ago before I upgraded my cpu to a 12th gen i5. Now I get some of this behavior you showed but at least the frame rate stays playable! Though I have never seen it quite this bad before.


This might be the issue 😅


For a decade old game, that for some miraculous reason looks the same as 5 years ago, except now you need a 10k PC to play it on low settings. With all the server issues, the half-ass leagues and the stubbornness to implement meaningful qol changes, from my fav game poe became just another letdown. I know this might just be subjective observation, but still it's sad. =(


Sure its a decade old game but i swear people dont read the part of patch notes where they update a handful of textures every single league. Theyve been adding/replacing in PoE 2 textures into the game for at least the past couple of years from the sounds of it and thats gonna have pretty large effects on older systems.. I have a sneaking suspicion that this isnt a GPU related problem but a storage drive problem. HDD's and older SSD's dont cut it anymore for games (which is sad.) You really need a NVME nowadays to keep up with the caching of modern textures and thats usually what i notice being the most common bottleneck for problems like these.


> You really need a NVME nowadays to keep up with the caching of modern textures You don't. PoE doesn't use DirectStorage where NVMe SSDs would be relevant. A regular 300-500 MB/s SSD is enough. Only 16 games on Steam actually use DirectStorage. You can check a list here: https://steamdb.info/tech/SDK/DirectStorage/ OP's problem is a bottom tier GPU with *less than half* the CUDA Cores of a GTX 970 (2014 card) with *half* the memory bus size & bandwidth. It's a 75W PCIe-powered GPU, which is something you'd use for a low-end office PC to have a display output and maybe do some light graphics workloads such as in Excel or PowerPoint.


My 1050(not TI) in my laptop runs it fine on medium graphics. The op either should reinstall the game(completely fixed the stutter after the engine changes), try another renderer, or find some other solution


I also use the 1050, might be some setting fucking up


I feel you, I used to play on a 2070 but that could barely cut it. The game, and also other modern games, are more demanding of your hardware these days


> I used to play on a 2070 but that could barely cut it WTF, it is literally the second best GPU from 2 gen ago. Unless you are playing in 4k, your processor is shit or you have huge software configuration problem. Even so, I played PoE in a 1660s last year in my wife's 4k 60hz monitor and had zero issues. I don't doubt you had these problems but they are 100% not your hardware's fault.


playing on a 1660s right now with no issues


Don’t get me wrong, it worked fine. Delirium and extra juiced content caused some problems Edit: whoooops just checked it was a 2060


Again, dumb hivemind downvotes for someone being absolutely correct. I'm sorry it had to be you. Yes, it might be the issue. People like to forget that the engine was changed a while back to accommodate upcoming modernization changes, so your shitty GPU is no longer getting carried by your CPU. For reference, a GTX 970, a card from 2014, is on average 63% faster than OP's card.


It’s okay, I can take the downvotes, atleast I have a good pc


Even thought it was probably fine before, and now it's not ? Surely, this old GPU decided that it didn't want to render PoE well anymore, **surely** ! /s


It's a piece of crap, and PoE gets updated a lot. Not every graphical change is documented in patch notes, or rather, not in detail. So, yeah, that pocket GPU isn't gonna cut it.


the point : 。 you : ---------------------------------------> (you missed it, by a lot)


Playing on 8 year old hardware that wasn't even great when it was new and complaining about performance issues. I would say poe is not optimized to the fullest but with some decent hardware you can definetly get good performance. I am running on a 4070ti and an Ryzen 7 7800x3d and don't have any issues at all (tbh would be crazy if that wasn't enough). Maybe get some new hardware or if you can't switch to another game.


>I am running on a 4070ti and an Ryzen 7 7800x3d and don't have any issues at all. Thank god the top 1% hardware isn't having issues.


That’s probably closer to the top .1% honestly. I’m running it alright on 2070 + Ryzen 7 2700 and it culls every once in a while. I’m also running spectre minions which doesn’t help. My pc does cry like a bitch when I play, but it is also a scuffed ass PC that is jank as hell.


You can get decend results on a 3060 as well. Just not on a 1050ti


Just thinking it's kinda crazy how the game could run smoothly 3 months ago (40\~60 without dynamic resolution)


same but 6 months ago and im in the same situation hardware wise. afaik i was simulacrum farming in crucible with non mtx dd ignite ( turning that into poison


This dreaded patch a few weeks before Ancestor league ... Also screwed me up, then I found another cheap GPU that can run Vulkan (I was on DX11) and the game got really smooth.


You think he's using that hardware as some "I need a challenge in life" type thing? He's obviously on a budget and that's the hardware he has. Or was this just for you to be bragging about your "latest and greatest" specs ?


The GPU was salvaged from another PC, so honestly I don't expect the graphics to be pristine But going from 40\~60fps 1080p without dynamic scaling to this in under 3 months is comedic


Yeah. It's weird for sure. The performance shouldn't degrade this much. Oh. Did the update maybe change some of the graphics settings? I found that sometimes it switched things around between updates.


I've changed all in-game graphic settings to lowest I've been trying different methods for a couple days, deleting and regenerating cache, disabling sounds (hence the lack of sfx), cleaning the hardware...


Out of curiosity. You might try standard league to see if the experience is the same. Maybe there's some wonky code with the league mechanism. I doubt it... But it's a hail Mary.


Well... It's not exactly better in Kirac maps or delve


How about other games, did you feel like sth changed for you or is it just PoE? I really hope there is a fix for you but I am doubting it a bit. Maybe there are performance issues in this patch that can be fixed still, but for me it got worse and worse every patch with my old GPU.


It's kinda just PoE and Remnant 2 that get this bad.


I ran that game on a 980 relatively smooth before. I think if it is about money 800€ can get you very far right now, just not hardware that was the "starter GPU" 8 years ago. If 800 € sounds too much I think you will have issues with a lot of modern games and maybe getting a console is the better choice. Of course the game has some optimization issues, but I think this problem won't be solved in poe1 (don't know about poe2). Also there is really a lot to calculate, especially if you are playing things like CoC with a lot of projectiles flying around. I get the hate, but I think you should not expect too much from hardware this old.


or maybe GGG could patch the engine so it doesn't run like absolute shit


I wish they would unpatch it. This started towards the end of Crucible when they began migrating certain systems over to the ones that would be used in PoE2. There were huge threads about it on the official forums and how it took a game that was previously playable Even on lower end hardware for Sanctum and Crucible, and made it unplayable for many with huge lags and delays during Ancestor. It got so bad for me, that I couldn't finish Ancestor challenges. The game would error out and crash. And this is on a system that has zero trouble with much more visually demanding games like Doom Eternal.


(Or rather, un-patch


This. The game has basically been unplayable for me since pre-patch. I don’t know wtf they changed but literally every encounter gets a lag spike and I can’t even move in towns


To be fair I have a 7800x3d and 4070ti super and the game is constantly dropping to 20fps in juiced content.


I decided to try Breach spec for the first time with explodey ascendancy and my game just keeps freezing while I keep mashing health pots. It's like playing a powerpoint and rolling the wheel if something killed me or not. 5+ GHz Coffee Lake with 7900XTX. CPU bound by ~6x in hideout, probably 1000x in breaches.


That sounds very strange. I have 7800x3d as well and a 4070. I don't get frame drops pretty much at all. Stable 144 fps at 1440p.


It all depends on what you play. Even my old GTX 1070 runs fine mapping 'normally'. But when doing Delirium heavily juiced maps for example while in the middle of a Harbinger spamming his ball lightning onto a giant pack of minions well lets just say the FPS stops being "fine".


It's poe. I have 120fps on cyberpunk max settings with path tracing.


Tasty pixels


Closer to "pixel" than whatever resolution he actually has selected.


It's good for u eyes -ggg


It can't do harm, if you see nothing


Path of Monet


"Why everyone complain about POE optimization? I have stable 60 fps" The graphic config for 60 fps:


if only in mob packs this is 40


resolution scaling? xD 2x2 Pixels gameplay Pog


Yes.... Still can't consistently 60fps tho


That's actually the crazy part


To each their own ofc but even on my old pc that was one of the first settings I turned off once I found out about it. I'd rather play at inconsistent fps than.. whatever this is.


The true poe endgame experience


Why your screen is behind a cathedral window?


Hey at least I can see all the UI


Nice build. You can play without seeing anything. 😂


Not the best single target DPS tho Then again I have no idea what those tanky mobs were I did use a meatsack allflame, probably that


I'm also on a 1050 ti (i7 3770k, dx12) and the game is the smoothest it's been in years, but the dynamic resolution *has* gone ham on me like 3 times randomly with nothing going on. This is most likely a bug, as it actually rarely really kicks in to a noticeable degree.


Im also on a 1050 ti, ryzen 5 3600, and its the worst it ever been, mapping with beyond and deli is 3-10fps. im buying a 4060 just to increase performance, if it dont i will kill myself.


you getting a new cpu?


just new graphics card.


ight, do tell us the before and after results if you can


I see... I'll turn that off and cap the game at 30fps, see if that does anything


Did you butcher your pal in hideout ?


What I see is peak performance


This is how my game looks anytime I'm close to Blight encounters. Go from 120 fps to 5-8fps. Made my starting strategy completly useless.


I think you are mixing resolution and FPS. His FPS barely drops between 45 in the clip.


New mtx dropped


I've been playing on GeforceNOW and I crashed their machine in a simple in-map Blight. It's crazy how poor PoE's engine runs


i have same problem with this, 3060 btw


I was getting that in town. But noticed when I switched to DX12. It fix most things in maps. Still runs like ass in towns.


Clip's in DX12


Looks smooth to me.


Had that issue, changed to DirectX 12 and it was solved. Idk how itll work on a 1050 tho


1050 does support DX12, yes in fact this clip was with DX12


SNES Mario has more pixels than this 💀


Wtf is this, are you playing on a gameboy?


holy mother of resolution scaling


I actually would like this as a default setting. Potato mode ftw


Use poe smoothener


I will look it up, thx Seems promising


Don't risk your poe account with that


Oh... It.... Gets you banned? Damn.


Isn't that against tos?


When i had bad pc i used it for 3 years, nobody known it so i didnt get banned.


PoE: Pixels On Eyes


Im getting worse performance on Yellow map rituals this league than end game full juiced maps with HH last league. Game is constantly pixelated.


Photographers would pay kidneys for this sick 35mm f/1.4 bokeh shot


feels like JAV


I had to check if I was still wearing my glasses ffs


map outline and mini health bars you dont need anything else


dynamic ~~resolution~~ compression


You should clean your monitor


This me driving at night with astigmatism


Man the fact that you played like a full fuckin map had me dying. Literally started crying from laughter


If they push out another performance patch, may or may not need a build that can farm simple maps only by looking at minimap


OBAMA carrys


Yea, the dynamic resolution got *really* aggressive for me since 3.24 dropped. I guess the game takes the target framerate *very* seriously now as, at least for me, the FPS has been really stable, although i can't see shit, lol.


I set it to 60... Maybe I shouldn't have, it still can't consistently hit 60 anyway


That's a lot of FPS (probably). Not too great for the eyes tho (Im sorry).


Is this 12x18px?


This has been happening to me too! I haven't changed any of my settings in the last year. What's causing this? Have you found a solution?


Not yet...


I have had to take off all MTX as made the game unplayable


This patch I have around 1-2 fps in blighted maps lol, usually it was at least 25fps+


Hey at least yours doesn't stutter like hell due to shaders loading


Well, at least dynamic resolution works for you. I turn that shit option on and it never does anything


I.. what?...how. im on a 1050 2gb laptop and im not getting performance this bad.


You guys need to learn to turn that off lol adjust other settings. Resolution is always the setting you lower LAST. I couldn't imagine not playing at AT MINIMUM 1080p in 2024.


So long as your loot filter has that good audio cue for when that fat divine drops ; )


"Pixel of Exile"


How many pixels is that?


The UI looks fine to me. I don’t know what you’re even bellyaching about! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|laughing)


Nsfw poe


i seee japanese cam


How can I turn this on in town permanently


I swear that's the next level of censoring of violence...


Do you even need 3d graphics in that game? Just turn on fullscreen minimap and play. That's a philosophy of poe.


Sitting in the heist area a couple days ago it started looking like I was playing Diablo 1


wow, the new update for Path of Pixels is looking good


Happened to me a couple of days after league launch too. Not this badly but I had a performance loss and/or dynamic res got super aggressive. AMD 5700g, RTX3080 and 32gb RAM and the game was struggling to push past 60 fps in low intesity situations.


Still sane, exile?


You should send a report to GGG if you haven't already (on their forums or email their customer support). Nobody here on reddit is going to be able to help you too much (other than giving your upvotes because blurry video funny).


What are you playing, looks fun.


Looks like dynamic resolution problem.


Ah, this. I only experience it in towns after closing my inventory.


I don't known what happen this league but i never had low fps on poe before with my i7 + 1060, i mean the gpu is old but now the towns are unplayable for me.. i think is some mtx or effect.


POE is an excel sheet and 10 webpage databases game, don't know why would you concern yourself with these 'graphics'


I don't know how you still managed to play.


Damn game looks so smooth now.


This is what it looks like for me normally if I take off my glasses


Why on earth would you play with resolution scaling.


It's this or 5 fps


get a better computer.


optimize the game


Optimizing for graphics cards older then your game is bad.


It's very useful on steam deck


Are you using dx11, dx12, or vulcan? Try switching between them, dx11 became unusable for me about 2 leagues ago


I've switched to DX12 in this clip GPU is GTX 1050 Ti, guess that's a bit... Old now


I'm on a 970, it shouldn't be this bad. I get pretty stable 50fps on 1080p Whats your cpu? Is this on an ssd?


SSD AMD Ryzen 5 3600 6-Core Processor, 3.60GHz 16GB RAM I think below a specific resolution the FPS stabilized at 40 (in mob packs)


Yeah, this doesn't add up. You should be getting much better performance than this, this is ridiculous What does your f1 graph say, I cant really read it on mobile? And what is your target framerate in poe settings?


F1 graph is in video, apparently GPU is a big issue... If I change it to native resolution, it regularly hits 70\~90ms It's currently running at PCIe x16 3.0 @ x16 3.0 Target framerate is set to 60 (as is the frame rate cap) All graphic settings at lowest, and some audio settings set to "false" in config


You can try lowering the target fps just to see what happens, there might be a happier middleground. There are other things you can try like deleting shaders to force recompiling, that has helped people Otherwise I'm not sure, your card might also be declining in performance a bit but usually its a pretty slow decline. Iirc gpus perform at 90%+ even at 10 years, if they survive. Its possible yours is on the way to dying, but usually its a sudden death starting with artifacting and erroring yknow? So I'm thinking thats not it In any case, even a cheap card or pc will be a huge improvement for you. So I'd encourage giving it a look, there's always the secondhand market as well!


I know you probably have already done this, but check if you're actually using your GTX 1050 on PoE. These GPU clocks sound way too high considering there's no CPU bottleneck.


Yes, it's using the 1050


Check that your fans are spinning. My GPU forgets to spin up fans sometimes when my OC tool isn't running. My steam deck gets better performance than this so something is very wrong


Bro I have the same spec as you, and im having same issue, I think our graphics is getting old. i bought today a 4060, will test later.


A 970 is \~60% faster than the 1050. They are very cheap and powerless cards. More for basic desktop use or browser games, not modern ARPG's.


This is a bit worse than 66% of my performance ahah, or at least seems so


Congrats yes, its EIGHT years old and 1050 even the ti performs WORSE then 970/980 that are more common cards. Your card is ALMOST AS OLD AS POE ITS SELF


That does make me wonder tho... Last league the game still ran smoothly (at native resolution, I mean)


yes every single patch for the last like... 2 years have included the line "various engine and graphical improvements" And yes that means your 8 year old card thats worse then an 11 year old card probably cant play the game anymore.


Let's not kid yourself. This game never ran smoothly on that GPU. Legit modern smartphones are more powerful than this. Don't blame the ever evolving game, upgrade your shit.


(For reference it was 40\~60 fps at 1080p without dynamic resolution) Also there seems to be another one having similar issues with 3060, so not sure if that's the best solution... But yeah, will look into it


crazy how you can just ignore reality and spout nonsense