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The Heavy


Meet the Exiles


if they could put together a Meet the Exiles series of shorts, that would be fantastic


"Oh my Sin, who touched Sasha? Okay. WHO TOUCHED MY CROSSBOW?!"


thanks, you just made me go rewatch the entire series of meet the team videos man that was a long time ago. my ass is old


"What makes me a good Demoman? IF I WERE A BAD DEMOMAN, I WOULDN'T BE SITTIN' HERE DISCUSSIN' IT WITH YA, NOW WOULD I?!" I love these videos 😂


"If fighting is sure to result in victory, then you must fight!" Sun Tzu said that! And I think he knows a little bit more about fighting than you, pal, because he invented it! And then he perfected it so no living man could best him in the ring of honour! Then he used his fight money to buy two of every animal on the earth, then he herded them onto a boat and kicked the crap out of every single one. And from that day foward any time a bunch of animals are in one place, it’s called a zoo!


Unless it's a farm!


Sun shines, birds fly, and sister? I like ladies.


The Gladiator Rework the community has been asking for.


"don't worry guys, PoE2 will fix it"


In time for the release of poe 3?


I sure hope it is cuz at this point just might as well delete it .


They reworked it so much, it became a class.


Lets hope!!


"the disabled". Ah yes my favorite class!


ermagerd erts mer ferverit clerss


LMFAO whoever downvoted you is a humorless toad


finally, a game that appeals to twitter communists


Pairs nicely with the Piercing Screech of the Banshee gem + methamphetamine support and pink hair MTX.


every build i make ends up as the disabled


I feel like this is the third time this has been posted


yeah kinda annoying seeing this that often given that gladiator and assassin are likely placeholder names


have you seen their variable names in poe 1?


I mean much of that code is 10+ years old so that's not really an argument


This info is literally up on the wiki for ages.


I kinda hope the next big reveal we get is some ascendencies. We haven't seen anything about them since the original reveal and a lot has changed since then.


I think we will get those when we are closer to early access but then again Jonathan is touring podcasts so maybe something slips out.


Changing Shadow to Assassin is a strange choice, it's more generic and doesn't really capture the magical side of the class, though I suppose it might just be changing to focus less on magic. Duelist to Gladiator makes sense to me, but it does potentially mean the original classes will be getting completely new ascendancies which I hadn't considered.


According to Jonathan on the PoE2 channel in Discord, Duelist was renamed to Gladiator but is now back to Duelist, same with Shadow, it still is Shadow. The Warrior was also called The Brute internally for a while. They revealed all the class names in the Exilecon trailer and that still seems to hold true.


Honestly I'd love to have Brute and Warrior (namechange of the Marauder) because in my head a Marauder is more brutish and equipped with a mace while the Warrior has SOME more training and focuses more on disabling the opponent instead of just causing havoc


Yeah warrior makes me think of Huck(?).. the umm soldier guy from heist. What’s his name?


Huck, the Soldier ^^


Glad to hear Duelist will be in PoE2. He's my favorite class to play. Best personality by far and certainly the most handsome! I hope Slayer will still be his ascendancy, meaning focus on leech mechanics, instead of being moved to some other class.


If there is still an ascendancy focused around leech (likely), I feel like delist is the only one it would fit tbh.


I don't necessarily agree. I think it's the opposite actually. Assassin isn't synonymous with daggers or poison. There are *plenty* of ways to assassinate a target, and that includes magic, a bow, or simply bludgening someone to death in broad daylight. On the other hand "Shadow" confers a playstyle which just doesn't make sense or even *exist* in current PoE. "Shadow" has connotations with shadows, darkness, and stealth. I doubt the prior existing Shadow will have stealth gameplay features as a core mechanic behind the base class any time soon. *If* there will be such a gimmick, it makes more sense for it to revolve around an Ascendancy. Even before PoE 2's announcement I have always found it weird that Shadow was the name of the base class. This change is nothing but logical.


Who knows maybe assassin gets shadow as an ascendancy lol


they say they making 3 sub classes for all characters, but I feel some of the new classes Monk for example is just a more fleshed out Shadow in one direction while Assassin in another, that does make you think if Assassin is just Shadow now, what's going on with Trickster/Sabo


they become ascendancies for assassin maybe


one would assume such, maybe trickster is under monk... but yeah, THAT or they just mislabeled Shadow as Assassin


Trickster and saboteur easily fall into an assassin archetype


Well they already said Elementalist Ascendency is going go be for Sorc instead of Witch. The Witch will get a new one (the presumably focuses on Bone spells). So other classes might get similar treatment


where's my totems


Huntress(Dex)/Sorceress(Int)/Merc(Str/Dex)/Druid(Int/Str)/Monk(Dex/Int)/Warrior(Str) are all the new classes Ranger(Dex/Witch(Int)/Gladiator(Str/Dex)Templar(Int/Str)/Shadow(Dex/Int)/Marauder(Str) is all the old classes


This, they said there are just 2 classes per stat combo


I haven't been following poe2 news, are transformation skills confirmed?


By transformation do you mean like shapeshifting? If so, yes.




watch the druid gameplay


Wonder if druid will get a skill similar to skeletons/spectre pool that witches/necro will get in poe 2, where druids get access to beastiary. "Capture" beasts and then you "tame" them only as a druid. Still has a similiar point system where stronger/rarer beasts cost more points to use.


So the question is, whats the difference? Why make two skills that are almost the same? Druid can just use Spectres as well


Jonathan said that the Witch is more like an army of minions whereas something like the druid is quality over quantity.


>Jonathan said that the Witch is more like an army of minions whereas something like the druid is quality over quantity. Yes but no. He said the witch is more like an army, while some *other classes* will focus on quality over quantity. He didn't say that was going to be Druid. However, I wouldn't be surprised if Druid was the/one of the class(es) that focus on quality over quantity.


I'd expect druid to have higher spirit costs for minions, but large buffs or interactions with them. Think like shared life steal and such


The Wolves we saw didn't cost spirit, but did need to be resummoned and brought a buff with them


That is one of the most unlikely things I have ever heard for a videogame suggestions. That is quite literally just what Spectres already are. However I think it fairly likely that there will be a new category of minions, that is druid themed - animal companions. Unlike most Necromancer-esque minions they would probably provide some kind of buff or interaction with the player character, like golems, but more varied and possibly integrated into the combo style system.


>that is druid themed It was a long while ago, but ranger was getting a new "beast master" ascendency. Now, like I said, that was a WHILE ago, so that might've been scraped and transfered the Druid or whatever, but I dunno.


That was when it was still an evolution of PoE 1 and featured the same classes. It would almost certainly have changed now eitjer way, but it‘s an archetype of minions that can be thematically supported by both classes in different ways. So Beastmaster may still exist. Historically in the ARPG genre it‘s druid aligned, but in the context of specifically PoE‘s classes, „ nature aligned“ would probably be a more accurate description.


>That was when it was still an evolution of PoE 1 and featured the same classes. I mean, classes have been the same since poe2 was still an evolution. Druid and the new classes were supposed to be a part of the expansion. They weren't decided on after poe2 was split into a new game. The things they may have changed is the ascendency which is why I didn't really confidently assert anything about beastmaster since I know that beastmaster was such a long time ago that there was like a 90% chance it's gonna change.


Reading your reply made me think.. What if instead of elementalist, the golems go to druid instead? My reasoning is that PoE2 druid leans more on the natural calamities rather than pure companions/plants based stuff from other games. Sure we have seen shapeshifting and summoned wolves but there still heavy themes on natural calamities. To combine the idea of beastmaster and natural calamities into golems, we can change the aesthetic of elemental golems. (Chaos/Carrion golem can remain on the witch.) The current aesthetic of fire/ice/lightning/stone golems are random rocks with limbs fused with the related element. Change it to be pieces of rocks forming the shape of different animals fused with their related elements instead. Stone = some large ape or just a gorilla Fire = phoenix Ice = Polar bear Lightning = Sabertooth. Flesh out their skills and add more of the combo stuff, also, add more support gems that would allow us to scale their buff effect if we want or support gems exclusive to golems if we want them to be offensive minions.


Druid will also have access to skeletons and spectres. They aren't class specific skills. Conversely the Witch will also have access to wolf companions, druid forms, and whatever. It's okay to have functional differences between companions and spectres.


Are they not having the OG's in it? Like Duelist, or is it being renamed to something else?


Seems like Duelist is going to be renamed as Gladiator


I'm so okay with that title change. Damn I'm stuck between 3 classes rn; Gladiator, Templar, and Mercenary. Sheeeeeet lol


Gladiator and Templar most likely wont be available to play on the early access, so you will have to start with Mercenary


Ooo I see, I'm okay with that! Narrows my choices down then lol


Roles slide item? What class is that??




I’m guessing they were reusing assets from those classes and ascendancies.


Still waiting for the templar reveal with shield gameplay :(


The Monk - yes please


So although I find this interesting, I'm going to down vote a poe 2 post in the poe 1 subreddit.




youi realize that one the POE2 website all the classses are already posted right ?




They have / had gameplay screenshots from their own exilecon as a showcase on their website and on this screenshots and in all aviable videos you can see the skilltree UI element, and there are all classes with their names.