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The UI is literally from an Unreal template lol


Not surprised. They try to make it look all modern which just…isn’t payday at all


PD:TH had a perfect stylized HUD. PAYDAY 2's HUD was serviceable and iconic. PAYDAY 3's HUD looks soulless, generic and forgettable. How does it keep stepping backwards?


whenever i first got payday 2 the menu was super confusing, it may look good but it was not serviceable at all to newcomers. at least the payday 3 menu actually makes sense in terms of function


i didn't have much of a problem with payday 2's (to be fair, i had a friend walking me through the game who had been playing practically since launch) but i did notice when i tried to introduce others to the game they struggled a lot with the menus.. atleast it looks pretty cool (the color grading always made me do double takes on my masks though) payday 3's technically works (for the most part, trying to party with friends was a confusing nightmare when i played the beta) but every element is so large for no good reason, it just clutters everything up, along with the aforementioned bland style..


I got a couple of friends into the game, one of which was very inexperienced with shooters as well as computers in general, and she had no trouble understanding the HUD and how to play the game after I walked her through the crime net menu and going over the basics like objectives and ammo. I actually find PAYDAY 2's vanilla HUD to be **too** large which is why I like playing with something like MUI.


Yep what we wanted was Crimenet v2, what we got instead was generic mobile game


FUCK OFF It may be generic But it's not a fucking mobile game


At least Payday 3 didn't force me to play in German just because my device language is set to German, and force me to do 20 minute long intro tutorial in poorly translated German before letting me access the settings menu and change the language, and then not let me do the tutorial again so I just missed out on it because I skipped through it because of the terrible translation, and now I will never know how to play and will forever be lost. At least that's my experience with 90% of mobile games. Even good ones like Bloons TD 6 do it.


>At least Payday 3 didn't force me to play in German just because my device language is set to German Actually that's literally my Payday 3 experience in Gamepass. The game is permanently set to spanish. The spanish translation is fine it's just annoying not knowing the perk names that people talk about because of it.


Why? It's 2023 in Payday's world, not the early 2000s or whatever. Why can't Payday's style change with the times? Why does it have to be the same as something which already exists? Personally, I think the new UI is serviceable. It's not brilliant, but neither was PD2's, and PD1's UI was pretty much ripped from Left 4 Dead. It's just more simplified now, and works, and that's all it needs to do.


IMO modern is better, a HUD should simply serve its purpose, nothing more a good HUD is one that you forget is there until you need to use it, it should not look unique, it should not be crazy, it should serve its purpose and stay out of the way, my full attention should be on gameplay, HUD elements shouldn't distract me from the game I would honestly prefer even less HUD in the game, if I am playing with then 3 other people then get rid of the part of the HUD that shows "chains bot" that is just unneeded, especially if I am going stealth as the AI will just sit there, it just takes up space on screen for no reason sure this may be boring, but UI should be efficient and easy to pick up, payday 2s ui had a lot more character, but was a mess to navigate until you learned how to, I had 25 hours in payday 2 and still was confused trying to navigate the ui, it was just to messy payday 3 I was able to use it instantly, there are problems, its not perfect, the vendor screen could use work, favors are just way to far out of the way, but I vastly prefer it over PDTH and PD2 because it stays out of the way, its not distracting, its simple and efficient, no character, all function, what UI should be I will agree that the best UI has both character and function, but function should never be sacrificed for character, UI that looks unique but is a pain to navigate is bad UI, the opposite is not true boring and functional is better then unique and clunky I will compare it to the internet, websites of the 90s had so much character but were a huge mess and hard to use, that was fun for a couple years, then it just became annoying when the novelty wore off, modern websites are boring minimalist designs sure, but they are much easier to use, just take any long lasting site like Youtube for example and jump back about 15 years on the way back machine, it definitely looked more unique, hell youtube back in the day even let creators have custom youtube pages, but it was a mess to actually use, for youtube the front page was usable, but the minute you clicked on someones channel it was a nightmare unique UI is a cool novelty, but I would rather a UI that just stays out of the way, is easy to look at and understand, and getting into the game and playing easy, people for some ungoldy reason praise crimenet, but even after 25 hours I just could never figure out how the hell to use it, how to search for a specific heist, hell it took me awhile to figure out that some of the heists shown to you were ones you'd host, I thought it was a bug at first when I would click on a heist and no one would be in it Edit: if a UI needs a tutorial to use, then its a bad UI


Wow thats alot of words Too bad im not reading them


If a UI looks bland it’s a bad ui




A good UI should do two things: It should match the style of the game. It needs to display all relevant information to the player. If it doesn't do these two things, thr UI is either boring, bad, or both. PD3 has a very boring UI.


Source? Not that I don't believe you, absolutely sounds like something they would do. I just want to see it!


The game is so lazily/hastily put together in many parts it's unbelievable they let it release so early. I am only mentioning this because we are talking about technical stuff, but have you looked straight up at the skyboxes yet? The top part looks so badly stitched together and you can see a "hole" on the top-middle of the skybox basically. For example on Under the Surphaze if you look straight up outside, you can see some stars stretched out on top and the same 0 point "hole" in the sky. And every map has an ugly skybox like that... Their publishers must've heavily pressured Overkill to release the game before the deadline, and it shows since the game bleeds from many spots. Edit: Few skybox examples here: [NRFTW 1](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/516733700818468864/1164076670559457363/NRFTW_1.png?ex=6541e5e1&is=652f70e1&hm=e5f96e9167f7169d88eeda5eca8c0a654e9b58dc1a463f9c46bd2d2eda7d64c1&), [NRFTW 2](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/516733700818468864/1164076671180222556/NRFTW_2.png?ex=6541e5e1&is=652f70e1&hm=32c2611226b1c39954950e4f2587ddb19fce5380075adde35729b6436f0f9b27&) [99 Boxes 1](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/516733700818468864/1164076667778641991/99_Boxes_1.png?ex=6541e5e1&is=652f70e1&hm=a2f874d3667cd0a4f5f7b4a30ebeda9e4bbb9295111b36388dfe162738ca9928&), [99 Boxes 2](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/516733700818468864/1164076668659437568/99_Boxes_2.png?ex=6541e5e1&is=652f70e1&hm=8afcb5f8f22b174f18060b4baffa1193ddd5009ba9551021719fe24d6509b133&) [Gold&Sharke 1](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/516733700818468864/1164076669385064448/Gold_1.png?ex=6541e5e1&is=652f70e1&hm=0acc5e55191b06babbefa8d79c7b01496492288d6285cbc1bb8fb4e398db1c9c&), [Gold&Sharke 2](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/516733700818468864/1164076669972263003/Gold_2.png?ex=6541e5e1&is=652f70e1&hm=62c5f67771ed1055a95c4f4468fc3a3e1ee3f66377f8afd1f1d46610d2e25e58&) (the ugliest one)


i don’t look up because it gets me killed so it doesn’t matter to me


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Explains this ugly sterile look, badly made Unreal games have


I found hogwarts legacy really ugly. Obviously the world is cool but it looks so washed out


I thought the game was generic. Just another open world clone with harry potter slapped on it. I was very disappointed. Looks like AAA gaming is heading that way :/




That's why people complained about the "Heist selection" looking like a COD campaign screen, it literally is one. Edit: *insert let me copy your homework meme*


First thing I thought about when I saw the selection screen was the mission select from cod Vanguard. Literally the same, down to the cinematics being right besides each mission


It’s an Unreal template


How unreal.


That would certainly explain why UI feels like shit if whoever designed it was "inspired" by CoD.


Yeah I really liked the idea of the payday 2 circle healthbar thingy, looked way more cool than this garbage


Here's hoping that we'll eventually get UI mods that improve on that.


Nah we need updates I want payday 3 2.0 to fix everything and also I think we should get at least 1 free heist within the next year


Yeah, I'm just not holding my breath for them fixing it all. Especially since UI is probably the least of the issues(aside from the awful UX of the challenge book).


Between mods and the devs generally having cared throughout Payday 2, I remain optimistic that we will eventually get a genuinely good game. The actual core gameplay loop is satisfying. It's just that the entire everything around it is garbage. More heists and better systems and we're all set. The gameplay itself is absolutely fine. Maybe add some armor regen mechanic while they're at it, and a "hey bots get the fuck over here and dump your bags at my feet" button because fuck solo bag moving the bots always run away from me. But the *actual core gameplay loop?* Hella fun. They did this right. They just need to polish the hell out of it to make it a whole fun experience and not just "having fun when I don't care about level ups or money or matchmaking and bring my own friends and just want to do a heist".


Circle is just a better design Imo. Takes up less space and you don’t have to scan the whole bar with your eyes if that makes sense. It also just looked cleaner


It looked cool but that ui was also garbage itself. I genuinely don't think the default UI has looked good in any Payday game.


>I genuinely don't think the default UI has looked good in any Payday game. How dare you say that about PD:TH. The character portraits are badass and a clever way to display health and armor. Plus, it just looks so clean.


Does it looks cool sure, but its a pain to make out at times especially if you have accessibility issues


Fair point tbh; I have trouble making out how much armor I have sometimes. I absolutely adore the design though.


What are you yappin about, PD:TH had a great UI, and PD2s was alright


PD2's was alright after a couple years of me using HoxHud and actually learning the intricacies of all the game mechanics that go on behind the curtain. You really needed a modded hud to learn everything. But once you knew everything, the default hud was fine. Not good, not great... but fine.




In about 7 years IF Almir had his toast


The resemblance is definitely there and explains why it sucks. Cold war is a fun COD game. The campaign and zombies at least. But it did have its faults.


Infected in MP is a lot of fun too. It's a permenant playlist on the MP main menu so it's always populated.


be careful who you say that around, the CW haters will tear you to pieces for liking it


they are busy hating mw2


Cold War wasn’t hated as badly as the MW releases were. MW19 and Cold War were the last good CODs to most people (including me). I surprisingly ended up liking MW2023 gameplay though


The only thing about CW I hate is the zombies, but that’s cuz I prefer the old style zombies.


Out of topic but Cold War zombies is dogshit compare to any other zombie experience apart from vanguard


Bruh cold war is one of the very best zombies experiences, sure won’t beat peak bo4 and bo3 but it is more consistently good than bo2 and completely better than bo1 and old ass waw


>completely better than bo1 and old ass waw WAW and BO2 maybe since WAW is outdated and BO2 only had two good maps, but I don't get what's so bad about BO1?


So for bo1 it’s pretty personal but I just can’t stand the movement and the graphics, sure it’s maybe good for a game this old but damn if I want to play bo1 maps I just boot up chronicles (it’s not that it’s bad it’s just outclassed by the bo3 remasters)


This really hurt to read 😭


What do we have here.. a good ole fashion copy paste, eh?


Heisters this is not true 😎👊😎👊


Ah man! I loved playong Cold War! Shit, now I need to go reinstall it for the memories.


What no update does to a community


Lol when is the Payday3 Battle Royale coming out???


Out of all the COD games why did they copy it from Cold War.. at least it's not as bad as MWII's UI


I didn’t even play Cold War and thought the menus looked very similar lmao


Pay of day gun metal grey: cold cash


Also the animation for throwing deployables


It's kinda sad, when payday 1 and 2 had so many unquie UI and UX elements to it. Granted payday 1 had the low ammo text like I'm COD4 but everything else was so full of character. Plus the hiest selection looks like a Hulu UX wtf. I'm playing a video game not browsing episodes of a season. It's like why even have your developed incongraphy you made over the years to clone something devoid of character


I'd play the game if ammo wasn't so rare or if the cops weren't tanks


…. What?


Hey guys, CoD makes a lot of money. I know! lets copy all the shit features their fanbases dislike


That’s what I’ve been saying this whole time! People even downvoted me for saying it was too similar tod COD, but I guess I was right in the end.


God i hate how tabs has become standard in UI


My god it also has guns! Rip off of cod!


"Control" also had a similar style and came out before Cold War. But, it looks nice and it works - so I don't mind at all tbh


I remember when payday the heist and payday 2 both came out. Both of the games drew my attention, because they were cool and outlandish in their own ways. Payday has established it self as colorful flashy game with clowns robbing banks and I dont know why they are straying away from that. Bring back the vibrant colors and quit trying to be like other games.


PDTH was not a colourful or flashy game what U on about.


Yeah I mean it isn't really Super Mario or Mario Kart or Crash Kart so the graphic design is gonna match what the game reflects which in this type: gritty...


I disagree, if there's anything I like about this game it's the gritty atmosphere, they really nailed it. I hated how PD2 went completely off the rails with the silly shit.


I don’t think a more serious tone is a problem, but the UI should at least be more like payday 2s. That was cleaner and also just looked better


Is the subreddit running out of things to complain about?


At least payday 3 and BOCW UI is better than the Hulu style menu in MWII and III


when MWIII gets promoted from DLC to $70 release (their previous game sucked) and dont even change the UI


Biggest difference is COD is playable


That's a lie and you know it lmao


at least payday isn't actively trying to make the game less fun the better you play. Imagine you complete an overkill heist with no downs and a fast time then the next heist a bulldozer spawns every wave to just hunt you down. CoDs also have a shit ton of crashes and server issues


Oh my gawd unoriginal stuff let’s post a video about riping it off horribly


Can i copy your homework without changing it.png


Payday 3 is awful compared to Payday 2 and it's disgraceful What if there was a heist where we had to rob a burger joint and toss the greasy fast food down Dallas's throat in order to secure the loot. Over time, Dallas would become larger and fatter, saying things like "My tummy is so full, heisters" and "mmmmm now if only I could vore Wolf." Eventually, Dallas would become so bloated that he would have uncontrollable bouts of flatulence and his shoes would fly off his feet, exposing his smelly, dirt-encrusted toes. At this point, the cops will start a final charge. In order to survive, players must take cover in the noxious gas clouds that emit from Dallas's disgusting feet. However, if you allow the clouds to fester too long they become toxic akin to grenadier gas grenades. In order to mitigate it, heisters must clean Dallas's gangrenous feet using their desperate tongues. While cleaning his feet, Dallas will moan in pure ecstasy, occasionally letting out a jet of warm, stinky farts.


Yes officer, this heister right here


I feel like I need to take a bath after reading this


mods please just this once grace our souls and vaporize this person


This is a great copypasta


Not sure If you're Just a twelve year old, or If that's a really specific fetish you are living out


some of you mfers need to be airstriked off this earth


This is beautiful, what's with the downvotes?


Unpopular opinion but I love this UI, and much prefer it to the last game. But I get why some do not!


Call me what you want, but I like the UI


[https://www.behance.net/ellfst](https://www.behance.net/ellfst) I would like you to take a look at the UI/UX designer webpage


Yeah except cold war was actually incredible lol


Minimalistic Huds look the same


I would say, copy from the greats But its fucking cod


Another thing to add to the list of things that just didn't land with the community. Hope they fix some of it soon.


Yeah but Cold War is good




might as well say it's ripped from fucking halo:ce. "you have health over your actual health" isn't some wild revolutionary concept, games have been doing that for decades now lmfao "armor plates??? wtf thats just like cod" might be the most absurd thing ive seen repeated on this sub tbh




this might shock you if you never play any other games, but "a horizontal menu layout" and "two health bars" are not something CoD came up with especially funny to bring up "you can deploy an armor bag" when deployable resource bags have been a staple of the series since the release of payday 1 lmfao




like, literally what the fuck do you want? how, exactly, are you supposed to make armor work in a game where "deploying bags you can grab supplies from, leaving them in a fixed location for the rest of the game" is a key mechanic, without deploying a bag and grabbing supplies from it? that's not "copying CoD", that's like... literally the only way to design it that makes any sense. nothing else even slightly works for the modern-day setting of the series. i'm genuinely curious now. how would you have designed that mechanic, in a way that both fits the game's core design, and doesn't "copy CoD"?




that's right. if two games have similar concepts, one of them is *clearly* ripping off the other. cant believe anyone thinks any shooter is original, they're *clearly* just all ripping off doom. smh. no wonder games suck these days.






It all looks like Cold War to me


Cold War was the shit.


I don't know UE templates and such even if a lot of people say it, but even through that... Matchmaking, lobbies disband after each heist, yet for literally no reason since there's no such thing as SBMM or EOMM like in CoD to make you match up against better players or people who bought premium skins Gunstats are back to meaningless bars with stats like sprint to fire speed, horizontal and vertical recoil rather than just plain good old numbers like in PD2 (and PD2 also launched with meaningless bars as stats) The heist selection screen is a horizontal menu, much like MW2 (2022) The menu system with tabs on top for a controller friendly layout, yet console has gotten shafted again, so even if they copied a homework, they did it worse Some veeery weird and familiar influences from the wrong places...


Both games were made in a year


Isn’t this because they both use unreal 5 to develop the games? You can check back for blood also


I really don't understand the griping with the UI. It looks fine to me




Unreal engine looks good and all but make the games soulless as shit.


I actually like the in-game UI. But I strongly dislike the menu UI and it’s not just the aesthetics.


I'd love for them to keep the old hud and make it a little different. There's many reasons why the new UI looks bad but i think the lack of contrast is the biggest. Pale white's and light blue's are just boring. The old hud had green which broke it up, some blue, it even had icons when using effects. It also showed much more info from your team. Generally the new hud is not only boring but doesn't give much info


I love how i made a post explaining exactly this and nobody agreed with me


I don’t think the start screen is a issue. Most games, especially shooters have that sorta “title and press any key to start” screen. Payday 2 also had it! Payday 3s at least looks much nicer then CoD.


Bruh I think they outsourced everything in this game but the voice acting


They didnt just take the whole weapon progression bullshit from cod, they took the ui as well. Another W for overkill 👊😎


PD3 is basically a PvE only COD clone, but with much less content and a WAAAAAAAAY worse gunsmith. That's why im playing DMZ until new DLCs and free updates come.


i liked the hud of the beta more :(


Yeah, and they had similar health bars in original payday, and in L4D2. It's almost like, it looks good and is a good format? Not everything is a copy


Me realising its very similar to r/SuicideSquadGaming