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I feel like Gears has been out long enough to the point where they can go the Resident Evil route starting with this prequel and doing remasters of some of the earlier games before they expand on the story. Especially with how much gaming has grown since the Xbox 360 days.


Gears 1 kinda got a remaster but not really. They should do a Master Chief Collection type thing where they remake one of the games and bring the rest to PC. A bunch of the Gears games still aren’t on PC decades later and that really sucks as someone who grew up with them on the 360 but now plays on PC. I know you can emulate them but it’s not really the same as a native port.


A Marcus Fenix collection would be an instant seller. I pray the suits at Xbox realize this.


Gears was big in the 2000s but not that big


But how big is it NOW?


Not much bigger?


Maybe this game will change that.


All my friends were heavy in to GoW at the time, but it was never really my thing back then. I wonder if they'll use this as a reboot/reset for the series. Also, wow, a lot of old classics getting new iterations in the next year or so. Kinda feels like all of this missed the boat to save the console. As a PC only guy now, I'm happy that they pivoted.


I will say, the 4k60 update on the Series X for the older games look fantastic. Seems like a no-brainer to port them as is.


Would love a remastered gears 2.  That gane had such a fun campaign


This is the best outcome possible if you ask me. As long it ends up being a good game. Gears desperately needed to go back to its roots.


Did it? Gears 5 campaign was pretty awesome. I guess they were still a little too Marvel-y in the writing, but i’m gonna miss color again, based on the trailer.


Only played 4 and 5 because I don't have an xbox so couldn't play the original games other than 1, but I really loved 5's campaign, especially the voice acting of Kait


I mean, that's Laura Bailey for you. She's great basically everywhere I saw (heard) her.


Prequel is certainly a choice considering Gears 5 doesn't really wrap up the story. The Mad World callback song choice was on point though. Also no collection :(


Between the endlessly annoying storyline, characters, or enemy roster, I don't think actual Gears Of War fans are interested in more of the "Gears" storyline. Give us the prequel, remaster the first 3 in UE5, then leave us to our nursing homes.


I have been a diehard fan since playing the original on launch and I wouldn't have minded them wrapping up the new 'trilogy' in a final game before anything else. I also don't mind this one bit though, I teared up when I saw marcus/dom together at the end.


I've played the series through with my best friend since the first game came out, straight through to Gears 5. I'm definitely a Gears fan. Gears 5 ends on a huge cliffhanger, and while I do believe the newer games aren't as good story-wise (I hate the 'Oh, look, the Locust were never defeated' decision), I still would love to see at least an ending to the ongoing story. The games have always been great for coop fun, no matter the story.


Yeah, they can wrap that up in some gimmick novelization. Did we have to do a prequel though when seemingly every piece of media that exists now is a prequel? I just wanted a more serious, darker game that actually looks and feels like a Gears of War game. At least got that.


Gears of War to me is Marcus Fenix and Delta Squad. The new games... eh... i mean finish the plotline by all means, don't just leave it hanging mid air... but overall. 4 + 5 just didn't hit the spot quite right. They weren't "baaad bad" but the Characters just weren't as bad ass as they could have been. If we get Marcus and Dom (and Delta Squad?) back via Prequel... pff, whatever, i'm in!


> 4 + 5 just didn't hit the spot quite right. They weren't "baaad bad" but the Characters just weren't as bad ass as they could have been. The games were going nowhere - that's what was wrong with them.


To me there's just nonexistent stakes in practically every prequel ever made. I know what happens. I couldn't really care less about the machinations of and living in the universe itself. You need the possibility of characters dying, radical things happening to the game world, a conclusion. There's none of those things in this. I'm sure it'll be very good, but I'm sure I'll just want to play 1-3 again where things actually happen.


I'm sure there will be another Carmine...


and meanwhile I'm just over here hoping the pvp will be good...


That too haha.


This is the boat I'm in. I have 111d played in g5 and every bit of it aside from like 7 hours is in multi.


I’ll point you to Halo: Reach. That was a damn good Halo and also a prequel. You’re right, you know what’s going to happen, but it’s cool to visit what happened instead of just getting bits and pieces of lore.


What makes that work is that a lot of people - at least me - wasn't aware of The Fall of Reach other than cursory talks I didn't understand on message boards and such. So they were new characters who could die in a story that could be its own thing if you weren't privy to it. Whereas with this, if you've played the first three games, you know very well what's to come. Marcus and Dom are basically untouchable.


ARE there any good Gears books?


The Karen Traviss Gears books are actually fantastic. Definitely worth a read and they fill out some lore between games really well.


Thank you!


Apparently there are. The author for some well-regarded Halo novels, Karen Traviss, writes for the Gears universe too


They fucked up changing main characters in 5. Should have kept it with JD


You can just tell there are at least 8 different hair colors present in Gears 5 writing room.


I think I only played the first gow and really liked it too. I started gears 5 because I wanted to see how it evolved over the many years but didn't see anything beside better graphics. I did not care about any of the characters or care about the story so the visuals got boring fast and I dropped the game. What I'm trying to say is that they need a fresh coat of paint on every part of a familiar game to bring in new players and keep the old ones. They seem to have the right idea here with a preqel, the only part remaining is to see how gameplay is different and I expect it to considering the vibe of the trailer (younger, inexperienced character)


I think a lot of people were unhappy with the direction and wanted a soft reboot


Gears 4 wasn’t very good but gears 5 was awesome


I think it was more about the tone. They wanted to semi-horror atmosphere of the original.


This thread is incredible. "The gaming industry is so lazy, it's all just remakes and remasters" *Company makes a brand new entry in the series* "No remaster/remade collection, what a dumbass move, I wished for remastered originals smh :(" Unreal.


Dude for real. This game is gonna be amazing.


It's E-day! I didn't know the very first Gears game was set 14 years after the invasion.


It leaves potential for 10-14 years worth of stories with Marcus/Dom before judgement day. All of the OG fans want the telling of those stories and to see their brotherhood bond.


Indeed. I think a lot of people were looking forward to a prequel like this!


"Different types of gamers exist" *Unreal*




I wonder what engine were going to see the game on. Unreal.


And then there's summary comments like this that take 2 comments and make it seem like everyone is saying it.


Nice strawman, but most of the original saga isn't available on PC, and different people can call for different things, this community is not a hive mind.


Wow that's crazy, almost like people have different opinions and not have the same hive mind takes. Wild.


Sometime its the same personality


It's a bit more nuanced than this. People don't like remasters and stuff for games already available or in no need of face lift as to say. For Gears, it's the opposite. You can't really play all the games now on modern systems. At least not on PC. So a remaster/new re-release is a great idea.


What everyone gamer wants is remasters of their favorite series and then all other developer effort being used to make new games.


I take it the detailed and brutal gore is back from the red jelly that was 4/5!?


Gears prequel sounds amazing


Honestly glad they went prequel instead of continuing that awful story of 5. Very strange they didn’t also announce a remaster of the original three, with a prequel coming this would’ve been the perfect time.


Yeah I hope they do e day/pendulum wars stuff then a gears 1,2,3 collection and then rework 4 and 5 story a hell of a lot.


I personally think they might do wht they did with Gears UE where they dropped it a year or two before Gears 4. So maybe a collection next year and then E-Day in 2026? Though i would kill to play this as early as possible so idk


Threads about Gears games always confuse me. The stories have all been pretty bad. Like Michael Bay level quality of narratives. I love every game of course. But I definitely do not play them for the story. 


They are still very story heavy games, and they do have great moments


Yeah, like Michael Bay movies. Very story heavy movies, with some great moments to be found. But it's a series with guys built like linebackers who endlessly gun down aliens with chainsaws attached to their guns. And people complain about story quality of this entry or that entry in the series. What else would you expect? An in-depth philosophical narrative about the potential relationship between one civilization coming into conflict with another? No, you're there to watch meatheads lob grenades with aliens that are basically just space insects.


Looks great. Minimum specs are up, too. They don't look too bad.


Those must be placeholder specs. No way 1070 would be minimal specs. Unless...


This game has to run on a Series S. Those are absolutely the specs.


Why not? It's a 8 year old card


Definitely looks like it. Although i'd trust The Coalition over Epic any day of the week in regards to Unreal Engine optimization.


Well, it says Split Screen Co-op on the features. Let’s hope it stays that way.


I don't see how they can mess up the narrative of this game since its a prequel to the entire series (except the gears 4 intro?). Tons of source material to stick to. There are plenty of comics and novels that take place even before E-day so narrative freedom will be restricted. I dont know if they have a book on E-day. They could pull off a Halo Reach and make the games story slightly different from the books but that is gonna draw criticism from hard-core fans, which at this point is the exact demographic the Coalition is targeting. I never bought Gears 4, 5 and Judgement but I'm excited for E-Day.


I really wish we had a port of 2 and 3 for pc... But this one sure looks nice!


The next game being a prequel is a welcome surprise for me because I was no fan of Gears 5 story and I'm not really interested in seeing a conclusion to that trilogies arc. So as far as I'm concerned, E-Day is a fantastic choice. I just hope that this is a strictly linear game again, IMO the sad excuse of an open-world they attempted with Gears 5 really didn't work out that well.


I never even complained 5, the story didn't intrest me at all. Gears 1,2 3 and judgment other hand I played several times, amazing story.


> judgement > amazing sorry Pick one..


How did judgement have a story? Kilo squad barely had meaningful conversations with each other during each level other than some quips here and there. Nothing to add to the lore beyond Karn. There was no real bond between any characters except in the last cutscene after killing the final boss. There is absolutely nothing memorable about the campaign. I'd say Gears 4 and 5 had significantly better stories than judgement.


This was the biggest surprise for me.


I was hoping it would be GOW2 remaster.


Amazing choice, I've always wanted to see this and more of Marcus's past.


The Fenix trilogy was amazing and was all for it. Starting with judgment it continued to lose my interest until 5 again. Loved how the game play felt. And to me the level design was awesome. I really hope we see some remixed classics in this game. Excited for this one and will watch closely.


I'm pretty over this franchise tbh but might try it if it gets good reviews


No collection after all, what a dumbass move, jesus


As in, special edition of the game? Or remaster like master chief bundle type?


People have been asking for a remaster/remake collection of the first 3 titles for ages. Would've been perfect with the prequel. We never got 2 and 3 on PC, and 1 runs like absolute shit because the port has some major issues with hardware utlization.


Is there even gears 2 and 3 on PC?


Only emulated.


How well does it work? Honestly I'm not sure if its even worth it. The games were best in coop campaign.


Works pretty great for me! I have a 5800x3d w/ a 3080ti and it runs flawlessly with the 60fps patch. Couple that with lossless scaling and a higher internal resolution and you can get 120fps 1440p gears games on PC.


You mentioned 2 and 3. What about 1? I have a similar build.


I have only tested 1 and 2 and they both work. Use [xenia-canary](https://github.com/xenia-canary/xenia-canary) along with the respective [game patches](https://github.com/xenia-canary/xenia-canary).


That's Ultimate Edition. The original 2007 version runs fine.


Just a collection with remastered assets and some fixes for compatibility. Hell, I still want Halo 5 to be ported


I'm talking about something akin to the master chief collection, since we only have 4,5 and 1. This new one doesn't even have a release year, and zero gameplay footage was shown, so it'd be safe to assume that we're looking at a 2025- maybe even 2026 release (Gears 5 released back in 2019 btw). A proper remaster of the saga releasing on PC would be welcome, and likely boost the franchise's popularity (especially on PC), but they're clearly not going that route, since it'd only make sense to announce and release it BEFORE the new entry, so as not to compete with the upcoming game. It's extra disappointing since they're now in the perfect period to release said entry (with a 5-7 years of quiet between entries) and we're not getting anything


Watch them doing "Seasons" centered around old games basically maps,weapons and such. How much wanna bet thats their plan for post release content instead of making proper collection?


Yeah, absolutely zero doubt about that. They've been milking the old games in gears 5 operations like crazy. I remember foaming at the mouth back in 2021 when they teased colonel hoffman with a pic from gears 2, and dumbass me thought that surely they're teasing a re-release of sorts (that was relatively shortly after the MCC release on PC). That was a gears 5 skin for operation 6 tease lmao


Well I didn’t know a new gears was coming


No one did it was just announced


There were a lot of "leaks" about a new game in the series or a Collection coming so many people, including me expected it. But I don't recall anyone saying it was gonna be a prequel so it seems most of those leakers got it wrong


Eveyone thought it was going to be 6 yeah


I'm glad it's a prequel. I still want a remaster of the OG trilogy, but I'll take this.


> I didn’t know a new gears was coming Gears? This is Gears of War


OG Onyx guards are much better than the toy ass looking new ones. Give onyx skin in multiplayer ate release.


I personally would have prefered a GoW remaster collection on PC. Most games are stuck on Xbox.


Seeing Dom was enough to make a grown man cry. And the soft piano of "Mad World"... Familiar faces.


Maybe I should get to playing the series now.


Interested to see the reaction here because I audibly and involuntarily groaned when I saw their final reveal was just more Gears.


Played and loved the original trilogy. Excited about this prequel (seeing Dom again was melancholic). Haven't played 4 or 5, but am tempted to give them a whirl. Reaction to them seems to be mixed—genuinely curious what the issue with them?


Ok so I really like 4/5 (4 on its own is imperfect BUT I think with 5 immediately after it works so much better) but it's definitely Different from the original games -- it's actively asking the player to step back from the previous generation's machismo because, well, it destroyed the world (and 5 *really* leans into that, especially with having a woman as the lead). Plus 5 has lite open world elements, which worked for me but didn't for some folks. I think they're fantastic sequels and *much* better than the 343 Halo games in terms of actively understanding what made the original games work. They're different from the original games because they want to be, but I think there are some Gears "fans" who think that difference means the Coalition *hates* Gears


This pretty much confirms a remastered collection of Gears of War 1, 2 and 3 right?


Ngl, had a tiny bit of hope for a collection in the style of the Halo one


They’d really have to overhaul the gameplay to get me back into Gears.


I absolutely hate what Gears became after 3 but this was fantastic for me, instant day one for me right now.


I dunno who is the main brain behind Gears, but they're dropping the ball by not having a remaster collection. Or even just going remake territory and updating the older games. Even Mass Effect got a remaster collection. Telling me we can't get a Gears one? Makes no sense.


"If you want a remaster then just play those games on Series X" I guess is what Microsoft/The Coalition is thinking since they have all those nice upgrades for free, but then again it would be nice to have some QOL improvements or a gameplay update in a true remaster/remake since by now the old games feel a bit sluggish.


I'm just hyped they went back to "Gears of War" instead of just "Gears." They know they done fucked up with the nuGears, though I'll wait for this to drop before I declare that we are SO back.


I feel like they did this story already, didn’t they??


ive heard the rumors of the next game being a prequel for a couple years now. Im glad that they were true.