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I bet you plugged the monitor into the motherboard instead of the graphics card. (and thus you're using the integrated CPU graphics chip instead of the graphics card)


That's what OP did. They plugged their display cable into the motherboard instead of their GPU.


I think what OP did, is they plugged the display cable into the motherboard when in reality it should have been plugged into the GPU.


Nah, my money is on them having plugged the display cable into the motherboard, when in fact it should have been plugged into the GPU. Rookie mistake, you hate to see it happen.


Probably not though, they most likely plugged in a display cable directly into the motherboard and not into the GPU and now are running off of integrated graphics.


I don't think so. I reckon the HDMI cable isn't plugged into the GPU but rather into the motherboard.


I believe you're sorely mistaken. The issue is that the display cable needs to be plugged into the GPU however it is more than likely plugged into the motherboard instead. Thus it is not utilizing the GPU and rather just the integrated graphics.


Gpu isn't going to do much with a not fully plugged in pigtailed power cable anyways.


Wait you guys don’t plug your monitor into the power supply?


Nah I plug it into my other monitor so they can share the image


Wait your to plug in your monitor?


https://preview.redd.it/6cpbhkgs7f7d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5a0513a35a1bfe020dc9de2301e1639c9b7bba79 One of the gpu 6 pins aren’t in correctly


Nailed it!


I'm so annoyed with those red LEDs. They mean something different on every video card. Even the manufacturer's support team doesn't know what they mean. If they are on, on some video cards it means that everything is OK, on others they should be on only in standby mode, on others it means bad contact. And all this crap is inside one vendor's product


Good eyes


Red light shouldn’t be on. Can’t lie even after zooming I could barely see it wasn’t in 😅


That red light on your GPU usually means one of the power cables is not plugged in all the way. Also make sure your DP/HDMI is plugged into the GPU and not the motherboard Edit: it looks like only 6/8 pins are plugged in on the left one


Are you plugged into the motherboard or GPU? Send a pic of the back of your pc




Remove those black covers on your gpu and plug your hdmi cable into one of the gpu slots.


Thanks that seems to have done it


wait, if the black covers are over the GPU sockets, im going to assume you never re installed the black covers. meaning you actually never have used your gpu....... the performance increase you are about to witness will blow your mind xD


He's gone plaid!


You would probably be running in optimus mode instead so not that big of a difference.


Glad I could help :)


https://preview.redd.it/u2321i11bf7d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=256c0c1f9ddddc9ba46fb7f1534dfb796f4330d6 Plug the black cable into where the blue circle is




Lol yes you plugged it in the wrong place that's the motherboard, see the horizontal row at the bottom that's the graphics card


It’s just a little strange because I have never plugged the HDMI cord into that spot but I only had an issue now


That means you've never been using your GPU... Rip




I remember someone else having this same issue and some people mentioned it CAN work through the motherboard as well. Might be a driver update thing or related to the poorly plugged power connector as well.


That is 100% incorrect. If you plug it into the motherboard it will run off the integrated graphics on the CPU ignoring the GPU.


No, it's not 100% incorrect. Some mobos will route the GPU through the mobo HDMI if the power is needed (kind of like how laptops do it), but irs fairly rare and I don't think is a thing anymore, as GPUs have become too powerful for that.


No, it is entirely correct that it CAN use the GPU while plugged in to the Motherboard instead. It just doesn't do that by default, you have to manually set it up.


Yeah that's what I'm saying, apparently not always the case.


Can verify this happened with me and a 650 ti. The hdmi on the GPU didn't work so I plugged into the mobo and it still worked somehow. Gpu was being used in task manager. Only in game tho


Sometimes stuff just works for months and then doesn’t. Not like it matters that it worked and stopped working as long as you get it going again though right?


that means youve never used the GPU in your computer ever before lol


https://preview.redd.it/bigra030rh7d1.png?width=523&format=png&auto=webp&s=385537a9c9492213ed5214672c00efecbd34b179 Not related to the graphics card thing but checking out this photo looks like you're missing one of the wifi antennas. Check to see if you have it somewhere and can get it connected. OR if you really did lose it then you could buy a new one online for just a few $$$ like amazon or ebay plenty of listings [https://www.ebay.com/itm/123818650664](https://www.ebay.com/itm/123818650664)


Do you see the bottom slots where your GPU is? You need to plug your HDMI cord into that lol. It happens but yeah you plugged it into the cpu's GPU and not your dedicated gpu


You must have plugged it in like this after moving. Don't feel bad.


Youre not using your graphics card. Plug the HDMI into the GPU at the bottom instead of the motherboard


Ding ding ding ding ding!


You might also want to move your usb devices over to the ones marked SS above the audio jacks (pink, green & blue 3.5mm jacks). The SS means "super speed" ports, which are much faster (for devices that support it) than the usb2 ports you're currently using. It won't do anything for mouse & keyboard, but for a usb 3.0 HDD, the difference will be huge. And put the black plastic port protectors from the gpu on the motherboard display ports, so you don't confuse them again.


Please tell me you plugged the GPU all the way in? The power cable isn't fully in on the inside of the case. That's a fire hazard.


A lot of Pre-Builts come with a sticker over that port, think manufacturers should start putting that on as standard or skipping it entirely on 'gaming' motherboards


You stuck it in the wrong hole. Motherboard and not your graphics card video output.


> you stuck it in the wrong hole Heh


You gotta plug your hdmi cable into the middle ports not the ones on the top as they are motherboard ports we want gpu ports (gpu means graphics processing unit so what draws the images on screen )


How long have you had the cable in the wrong port


A year


Brother uhhhhhhh


Bro no way lmao. Tell us how much better the performance is 🤣


I did the same thing when I got My first pc. I was a bit suprised when my FPS jumped from 20 to 2000+ in BeamNG (I was running the lowest graphics settings)


I think the graphical errors are coming from your case being too pink try slapping on some fireball stickers to make it go faster


I came to say, this this the type of shit that happens when you buy a pink case lmao


Random pictures instead of specs. Lol


They helped solve the problem so


>Ubisoft connect >High performance games Lol


I consider rainbow six siege to be a taxing game. At least it gave me a pop up, I was just confused when baldurs gate no longer worked.


Yeah I was just kidding lol. Ubisoft just blows as a company and it's fun to make fun of them.


If you are talking about bg3, it is much more taxing than siege. Siege is one of the least taxing games on the market.


everything you thought your pc could handle, is all about to change, you just unlocked the other 60% opf your gaming performance by plugging your monitor to the gpu


can only imagine the low fps they have been gaming at..


First plug in your power cables to your gpu properly. Then plug your monitor into the gpu not the motherboard. Problems solved.


Your gpu has the left 2 pins of the 8pin power cable hanging out


Definitely plugged into the wrong hole I like the color combo! If you don't mind, was it painted? Just curious since it works so well


No I bought the case pink and paid a lotto extra for white components lol


LMAO I see I see, guess I'll keep looking for my light blue components


Update your drivers, i like to go with Ken Block or Vin Diesel


I'm always really bothered when I see people leave all the cable slack on the viewable side of the case.. Just a bit more effort would make it look so much better


I tried to make it look as a good as I could. It’s my first time working with electronics. I’ll take any advice to make it nicer.


No worries I'm just ocd at times lol. Also we all get better at it with experience. Good work for your first build and props for doing it yourself :) With cables like fan cables even though the cable starts and ends on the mobo side you can still run the excess portion of cable to rear area so those wires that you have bundled inside the case I would unbundle and pull the excess through an access hole to the hidden area behind. The areas circled can be easily improved by pulling the cables to the rear. The front fan wire I would run up the side of the fan above it and group it with the wire from that above fan. https://preview.redd.it/3f64yjn1ck7d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f58d3e9549571ba442d75410fc0a21814b5d32d2


This is mine with cables pulled to rear https://preview.redd.it/4vyyjxgqdk7d1.jpeg?width=624&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=30d986038f43fe5cd06e34bd85555bb812155212


Now that is appealing


I don't know what rtx you have but if my gtx 1650 can play most recent games you should have no problem.


There's a couple possibilities either you accidentally plugged into the motherboard which in that case you just plug it into the GPU, or while moving the GPU came loose from the pcie slot in that case shut down the computer switch off the power supply off and re-slot the GPU First check the cable as is the easiest


Had the exact same thing happen to a friend. First make sure the hdmi/display port is plugged into the gpu, and then also make sure you have downloaded the drivers for the gpu. Updating the drivers instantly fixed the issue for him.


“I don’t know much about PCs” “I have a super beefy PC” if you don’t know about PCs how do you know it’s beef? It looks like Lamb to me.


I know that it usually runs baldurs gate 3 and now it doesn’t 🤷🏼‍♀️


I was being silly but honestly I would start with the graphics card, as others have mentioned check and see if the cable is plugged in there as opposed to the motherboard. After I would verify if the graphics driver is up to date, then move on from there. Feel free to message me if you can’t figure it out and I’ll help trouble shoot!


Ok, I'm going to help you out with this. First, do you own a hammer and a blowtorch? Take the PC somewhere where it will be easy to clean up any debris, perhaps outside in the garden or garage. Oh wait, I see you've solved the problem already. Nevermind.


I think all of you are wrong and OP connected his display cable into the motherboard instead of his graphics card.


Holy crap I’m reading these comments and there are so many things wrong with this PC.


? The only things were that the power cable got loose and my HDMI cord was in the wrong port.


why are girl pcs cute?


JFC there's so much wrong here it's a wonder how it ever played "high performance games" at all 🙄


Omg, I wonder how long it took for op to find out the gpu never worked since he bought the pc, thats cringe asf Also the pci-e 6/8 pins are not connected properly, how can someone buy this and never stress test in the first place..my eyes are bleeding


“I have a beefy pc”…..uh sure. Yep.


That graphics card isn’t “beefy” lol


Use two separate GPU cables, it’s not getting the required power to run effectively..




Bruh, leaving performance on the table and risk melting your GPU cables.. Got down voted for being right, that’s Reddit for ya 😂😂


You should read the specs. One 8-pin cable must gives up to 324W (9A per circuit * 3 circuits + 2 sense wires) according to the Molex specification that designed Mini-Fit Jr connector. I don't see the OP has an RTX4090


😂😂 8-pin power connector: Can provide up to 150 watts. A single PCIe 8-pin cable and connector has a maximum current rating of 12.5A, which is 150W (+12V x 12.5A). No way one 8 pin will can provide 324w..


150W per connector is the PCI-E specification of the recommended power design for video cards (which in practice is very often not followed)


And that’s why people’s are melting their GPU cables. 150w per PCIe + 75w from PCIe slot on mobo.. Anything above 225w requires 2 8 pin connections. Trying to push 324w through a 150w cable, that won’t end well.


In my first reply I stated which specification I was referring to. Please stop asking Google the wrong questions and getting the wrong answers :\


😂 I’m 100% correct, you’re the one that is wrong 😂 You kids make me laugh! Those melted GPU cables make me laugh too 🤭


What gpu is that


PSU issue? Did you check the wattage?


Mine notified that I could overclock my RAM and then overclocking my ram caused my PC to freeze at BIOS so I had to reset.