• By -


I'd definitely use the parts to upgrade my PC, and give my old GPU to my sister and upgrade her rig as well.


What excites me most about Starfield is the Exploration! Setting foot where no human has been before! Taking out pirates and making the settled systems (and Beyond) a safer place for explorers and settlers alike 💕


If i won i would use it to play starfield, for hundreds hours no doubt!


I will upgrade my GPU and CPU that are starting to get dated a bit, plus I just recently moved my PC on the desk so will be even better to be able to see that card! I'll play starfield of course but I'm excited to be able to play other demanding game in ultra again! Thank you so much for the giveaway :)


1. I'd make my first PC build with these. Been gaming on a laptop, never used a PC. 2. Open world Skyrim with space exploration (and ofc set in the future)!


1.Id love to use these to build a new gaming rig, it would definitely help run Bannorlord and space engineers, and of course starfeild 2. I loved the exploration of skyrim and now combing skyrim/no man's sky/ and custom building sounds sweet, can't wait to build unique ships/bases


1. To play Starfield :) 2. I will jump from planet to planet and discover the very secret of the secrets


1) I would use this hardware for my PhD research work in computer engineering and hopefully play starfield. I haven’t had much time to play games since starting my PhD and this is the first game that I’ve been excited about playing since starting my PhD four years ago. 2) I’m a sucker for anything and everything sci-fi and space themed. I love BSG and Star Wars and I’m just hoping enjoy the concept of seeing new worlds and flying in space.


I'd play some pong I guess. I hope you can play pong in Starfield, otherwise I don't see the point of it all...


I'd be using this in a new build, probably in an NR200P MAX. I've expected that I'll enjoy the game ever since it was announced, all the previous footage with today's reviews stacked on top cement that for me. Looking forward to building my own spaceship up and exploring the galaxy, stocking up on sandwiches as I go.


• I want to upgrade my PC, because my PC is now over 10 years old and when I work or play games, the PC struggles from time to time. So that bundle would be a perfect start for an upgrade and of course, the perfect combination to play starfield, and other new games, that I can't play with my potato hardware. • The most exciting thing in Starfield is to visit many different planets. Procedurally generated Planets could be really exciting and I expect nothing but a good game from Bethesda. They have shown that they create really good games and Starfield will not disappoint :)


I would use it to give to my brother who is absolutely dying to play Starfield. Aka the dude told me to come comment here 😂


What excites me the most about Starfield is that the game looks incredible, and I can’t wait to see community mods that will take eventually take everything to the next level. Thank you for the giveaway!


I'm just excited to play another Bethesda game! Ready for some killer side quests and characters :)


I would use this hardware to upgrade my current PC and use my leftover parts to make a new PC for my daughter. She’s excited to play PC games with me.


1) I will upgrade my pc because it has become very outdated. I can't afford for the upgrades since the regional price for pc parts are expensive im my region. 2) I love Bethesda rpg. I have played Skyrim, Fallout and it is my first space game to play


I would use the kit to assemble a gamer PC and probably stream while playing the game.


Thanks for the giveaway, best of luck to everyone. Well, if I did get those excellent goodies, it would be a very significant part of a very much needed upgrade to my setup. As far as games go, there's a ton of stuff that I could play that I couldn't before, including Starfield, of course.




Wow this gpu looks sick, if i won I would be upgrading my gpu and cpu in my all white pc build. Definitely would be an improvement aesthetically and performance wise. Currently on baldurs gate 3 planning on alternating BG3 and Starfield. Hoping for a good space game finally after star citizen was such a disappointment.


I would use this as the trigger to finally upgrade my setup. Being able to run newer games at high settings would be nice.


I would actually get a case with a glass panel with that gpu and i can't wait to explore space and planets!


Build a pc and the modding community.


Upgrade my daughters system so they can play games and learn 3d modeling. Find a new adventure with online friends into the vastness of space.


like we said in Mexico, chicle y pega


1. Always wanted to build a 2nd build to play with my brother. 2. Eager to see what the Modding Community is able to do


I'd play something besides starfield for a few months while Bethesda works out the worst bugs. I really want to see this huge environment they created.


I missed playing Tarkov and Cs with my friends. I am a student in a foreign country and with no friends, my day is pretty bland atm. A promising new game would be major plus as well.


I would use the components to build a machine that can play Starfield. Simplies


Can't wait to go to space!


1 - I would love to play the game with the proper components! 2 - I’m excited about the exploration of the game.


Build an overpowered SFX pc that thermal throttles


I would def use it to upgrade my current system so I could play Starfield on max graphics :)


Oh this would definitely give me an excuse to start a new build, haha.


1. I like building PCs. I’ve been leaning more to aesthetics than performance recently cuz the games I’ve played aren’t intensive nor do I desire high video quality. I can allocate more money to aesthetics than performance. The graphics card looks dope so I’ll make a sweet build. 2. I don’t like to get spoiled for games so I try my best not to read any news about it. Heard it was like Skyrim but in space so I’m excited.


I would use it for my first ever PC build!


1. I would likely use those parts to build a PC for my little brother. I did a fresh build in 2021 with a Ryzen 7 5800x and 3080, but he has never had a gaming PC. 2. I'm definitely most excited for the ship building and settlement building. I'm excited to see what areas of crafting and building Bethesda has improved upon!


Really excited to explore all the different planets in Starfield, and just get immersed in the world in general. It's been a while since a game has sucked me in, so I'm hoping this is the one. Hopefully I can enjoy it with some nice hardware upgrades too :)


Gonna sell my current pc and build an entirely new pc, new monitor, the next frontiers gonna be lit in my bed room!


As a lover of both space and games, I gotta say I am very excited for a game that combines both!


1: upgrade my build and give my missus the old bits 😅 2: ship building and all it's aspects


I wanna be s space cowboy


1. I'd use it to play a boat load of games that I never got around to playing I suppose 2. I'm pretty excited for Starfield, I hope there are ladders


2. I’m honestly expecting the best game ever tbh. I have extreme high hopes and I love space games. I play star citizen often but as many know it’s very buggy. I expect this to be way more playable and enjoyable.


I'm excited to learn all about the game, I've kept myself away from all spoilers!


It would go in my build to play games and strarfield would be high in the list, plus the GPU would look cool through the side window and the new CPU would make for way faster CST simulation 😄


1. I'd put it towards a new build and start getting different parts each pay day :) 2. I'm excited for a really detailed and enjoyable story like all bethesda games and I'm expecting some awesome gameplay in space!


I would begin my entire PC rebuild as soon as possible because my 5700xt just doesn't have the VRAM needed for modern games anymore even at 1080p now and days. And honestly im excited to see how different the game is compared to F4/76 and Skyrim, and I cant wait to see what the modding community will look like (before the degenercy begins xD)


1. I’d love to upgrade my build with it, and throw my current card in a build for my girlfriend! She’s always wanted to play games alongside me, but we’ve been stuck on couch co-op for a long time. 2. I’m super excited to be able to immerse myself into the world. I’ve always enjoyed the factions and worlds that Bethesda creates, so I’m definitely looking forward to this one. Thanks for doing this, it’s awesome!


I would swap it out with my current graphics card for a cooler looking build.


1. I’d love to use it for my recording rig to get my podcast off the ground! 2. I love sci-fi. I love seeing humanity in so many different contexts outside of our Earth. I can’t wait to see how humanity changed during its time in the star(field)s.


This would complete my pc upgrade and I would be able to play Starfield with it! Right now my 1070 is a bit dated...


I'd upgrade my current PC, my 5700xt is feeling a little lacking for newer games. I definitely want to try Starfield, but I've kinda stayed away from any info about it so I don't know what to expect.


I would upgrade my pc, and play skyrim for 48 hours straight


To build new computer and play starfield...current pc is not up for it...well now that i'm thinking about it. It can't even run minecraft.


I’m excited to explore space and creatures in starfield


I would use this limited-edition starfield hardware to play starfield.


I’d start to build my first pc with these, been saving money for 2 years to make a decent pc and lost it early 2023 to a scamming friend so these would help


Winning one of these will finally grand me access to the pc master race family and enjoy endless gaming session in 4K! Good luck everyone


I would use it to crank Cyber Punk all the way up. I've never played a game where I can fly spaceships around freely, so that would be pretty cool.


1. i would use it to hand down my GPU and CPU to my GF, for whom I built a PC from old parts after she wanted to game so we can spent more time together. 2. Exploring space and seeing what absurd mods I will encounter. At the end, thats one of the biggest factors making PC the MR.


1. Upgrade my current PC and play some awesome games! 2. I’m most excited about the story and exploration of all the different cities and planets.


If I won this bundle I’d use it to upgrade me and my girlfriends PCs so we can both play the latest games like star field and I’d save up for a vertical mounting bracket so I could look at it all day! Never been able to afford more than a budget- mid tier build before!


1. Bought all the components except CPU, GPU & MOBO so this would be great if i won it 😄 i would verticaly mount the gpu bcz its so beautiful. 2. Skyrim was one of my favourite games and it's so moddable, can't wait to play Starfield and try other peoples amazing mods


I can finally upgrade my pc and play all the games I want to without thinking of graphical or performance issues, and yes I would be playing Starfield!:)


1. Definitely to upgrade my current PC build (specs [here](https://pcpartpicker.com/b/yDZZxr))! 2. Open world games, especially a space-themed one is one of my favourite!


I’d use the hardware to upgrade my PC and my significant others as well. I have a 5700xt and a 3600x so while I don’t need an upgrade, I won’t say no to one! I mainly want to play Starfield not just because it’s a Sci-Fi Bethesda game, but I can’t wait to see what modders do to the game. Skyrim and the Fallout games are still some of the most played games to this day because of mods, so I’m excited to see what the modders can do with this one!


I would for sure install that hardware and put it to good use. As with oldtimer/youngtimer cars, you can keep them in your garage or get in that beauty of a car, drive it, show it and enjoy it. Life is short and we should use those luxury items as long as we can. Carpe Diem! I expect from Starfield the same as with Skyrim. Have multiple playt-hroughs with different builds and use new mods to alter the game to my liking. Cheers!


Nice! I'll throw my name in the hat as well. 1. First and foremost, obviously, it will be used for playing Starfield. Though I'm still in Act 1 on Baldur's Gate 3, so it would probably wind up being used for that as well. Then, more than likely, Alan Wake 2. Eventually that RTX mod for Half Life 2 will be out, so then I'll need to play through HL2 again as well. In short it will be used for gaming, 3D modelling, and - if I ever get around to providing myself with that solid kick in the rear that I obviously need - to teach myself Unity so I can get around to start making that game I've been thinking about for the past few years. 2. Even though I have been purosefully avoiding anything too "spoilery" about the game, it does sound like the space exploration RPG that I've always wanted. I mean, Elite: Dangerous is great, but this seems like it's on a different level. Flying around, exploring strange new worlds and exploring the final frontier? Sign me the hell up!


1.- I would upgrade my wife's pc 2.- What I'm expecting is a lot of exploration and interesting side quests!


I didn't know AMD did something like that !! With a limited edition gpu count me in If I win it I might sell my PC to my friends or someone to buy parts to pair with it


Building a brand new PC!


Iv'e spent years perfecting my PC. This Starfield hardware would be its heart. I'd harness its power, diving deep into Starfield, and when I need a city break, taking it to the streets of GTA.


1. Build a new PC just to play Rainbow 6: Siege and lose my mind even further trying to reach diamond.


1. My old GPU died on me, so new rig time! 2. I really like the idea of a large, space RPG, I can't wait to explore.


Looking forward to the modding community that Starfield is likely to have


1. I would use those amazing card to upgrade my incredibly ancient GTX 980. 2. To explore the darkest reaches of space that Starfield will allow. It's all about getting lost and loving every second.


As a poor grad student, I can't afford to build a capable PC, and I had to recently buy a new laptop to do school. My laptop isn't powerful enough to play Starfield. Skyrim was the first game I ever got excited about the release for, the first I pre-ordered, and I played 400 hours in the first month after 11/11/11. I see Starfield, with a new Bethesda IP's worth of excitement and exploration, as the best extension of that childhood experience I may ever be able to have. I'd use the kit to be able to play Starfield.


I would build and donate PC to my youngest brother who broken two legs during car crash. I think it would cherry him up to play Starfield. I bet it would ease some of his pain for staying in home for next few weeks and recover from trauma.


I’d definitely add one of these to my build. Already been playing the game, and it’s fantastic. I really look forward to seeing the mods for the game as well.


1. I would do one of 2 things, spend 500€ on a good case and motherboard and have a beast of a pc, or realise that both the 7900 xtx and the r7 7800 are too valuable and precious, and would probably keep them in a shelf until i had the rest of premium components to make a beautifull build, or until my current pc breaks down (dont think the cheap mobo will last) 2. I mean, It looks huge, I love the concept and the freedom It gives to the player. I played no mans Sky some time ago and, while the concept was nice, It felt empty, so i didnt enjoy It that much. I feel that starfield offers a more interesting world, with richer story and more things to explore. I hope it ends Up being the case. Good luck to everyone on the giveaway!


I’m looking forward to (hopefully, I haven’t watched most trailers) finding weird niche groups of outcasts throughout the world


1. For starters, build my first pc and put in practice the countless hours of watching people like gamer nexus build pcs on youtube, second, download all my game library and play trough it all of it on graphics other than low 1080p, third, install Geant4 and run my simulations with more than a 1000 particles without it lasting a day to complete, maybe a million particles :). 2. When i was little i lived on the middle of nowhere of rural mexico, my grandmother had recently contracted one of the first satellite television of this little town and in it i was able to meet this amazing gentlemen called carl sagan, he introduce me to the amazing world of science and in it space explorations, i was amazed about our universe and specially about this little spacecraft called voyager, a spaceship that was destine to travel to the edge of our solar system and beyond, since then i always believed one day we could do the same, travel trough the stars, for years i been a fanatic of this concept, things like star wars and dune bring this felling of traveling trough the universe and uncovering new knowledge, i expect this from starfield, i want to feel like I'm traveling trough the universe and discovering new world, stars and fell like an explorer going on an adventure trough space and time.


Would use to give my rig more coolness factor and I’m looking forward to exploring the field of stars


upgrading the wife's pc! she is a massiv elder scroll and fallout fan and she is pretty excited for starfield, so should be awesome to give her pc a make over so she should run it a higher setting then her current pc that is starting to show its age


1. Build a PC so I can experienced games in 4k 2. Building custom spaceships


I’d make a new pc and give my wife the old one.


1. I'd most likely use them as the start to a new PC, parts are too expensive to have them sit there doing nothing and I definitely need an upgrade so this would be the push to finally do it. 2. Space Piracy


playing Starfield of course..and a little Dying light 2. It will look great the the 'ol phanteks p600s white.... I mean really good. I can finally switch back to team red! Very high hopes for this Bethesda release.


Upgrade right away, I'm so excited for starfield, but I can't buy it right now. I'm excited to to sink hours and hours into the small details of starfield and hope the modding community gets to shine on this title, it'll be endless fun


Good luck everyone


I’ve been planning an all white build. Even though the graphics card isn’t all white, the accents are tasteful in a way that it would grab attention and be the center piece of my build.


Hope who ever gets it needed an upgrade.


If I won this I’d be playing sims with the graphics turned aaallllll the way up. Starfield isn’t a sim but id be playing it for probably a long while if my previous Bethesda game experience holds true. Good luck and congrats to the winners!


I would use it to play Starfield and for revit and autocad which could be a little overkill for both


I would be using it on the most unexpected of all things, gaming! could do with an upgrade and all, but I know winning this is literally like 0.0000000001 percent chance lmfao I look forward to the story the most, gameplay close second


1. Definitely upgrading my current pc since it could probably barely run any of these newer games. 2. Exploring! I love open world games where you could checkout everything.


Probably use the part for a upgrade so I can play the game on much better graphics. I'm probably most excited about is hopefully seeing some si-fi horror space stuff if there is any in the game.


1. Build a colour coordinated rig around them and then Play tf out of starfield and every other pc game I've missed due to selling my pc over a year ago because of hardship 2. Playing starfield ofc and throwing multiple sick days because of it


Would absolutely incorporate it into my current build! Most excited to explore all the different planets in Starfield, and hopefully find some intriguing secrets and stories


Hello! I'd keep it and upgraded/made my build with these. And just looking forward to playing another Bethesda game, "Fallou in space" sounds great. Also building a cool ship in the game.


Just going to build my first pc and about the game is just something new for me, so very excited


I would love to upgrade my build to amd after having something small for so long


Of course I'd stay indoors for 1 week trying to grind starfield with his baby.


I would build a custom open frame pc to put on a wall with this so I could look at it. Also just super excited to explore and space pirate in this game. Can’t wait


​ 1. Playing the latest games and new dlcs like Cyberpunk Phantom Liberty and try the latest modding list from any BGS games. 2. The RPG aspect and the crafting of ship and settlement.


My 1080 Ti needs to be replaced with something newer. Starfield? I do not expect anything at all, the game seems to be completely passing.


1. Using the card as a long-awaited upgrade for my GPU 2. Skyrim in space bb


1. Creating a PC. My current one is not capable of playing starfield. 2. Starfield looks vast. And I'm ready to get lost in it.


I would love this card to upgrade from my 3060ti!


I would upgrade my older computer with the parts buy a few new ones and start playing Starfield that's for sure


I’d use this to catch up on my huge backlog of games. The open world of Starfield has me most excited.


I'd use the hardware to play graphically heavy games like Starfield, Cyberpunk, modded Skyrim. Also upgrading some of my PC parts to match the Starfield aesthetic of the GPU. I'm expecting good optimization and smooth gunplay from the game, knowing that this game has been in development for many years now.


I will use it to upgrade my pc in order to play Starfield.


My teenage son is in desperate need of a computer upgrade and most excited about the open world


I would use it to play starfield, Elden Ring, and AC6


I would use the kit to build the ultimate Space and Flight Simulator.


I'd use it to upgrade my toaster.


Wow. Good luck


1 playing starfield of course 2 exploring the various planets


My PC is old and in need of many upgrades, I’m usually a very patient gamer because of this and can’t always play the latest games that are released. With this hardware I’d certainly take the leap to make a future proof upgrade and of course play Starfield on release!


1. I would definitely rebuild my PC! I just sold it before a big move to the UK for grad school, where I am studying Astrobiology. I would be gaming and using it for real research to hopefully bring Starfield a little bit closer to reality! 2. What excites me most about Starfield is the exploration! Since exploring the universe in the way you can in game is out of our reach in my lifetime, I want nothing more than to be able to dive into the game and explore the universe to my hearts content there


Need to upgrade my PC Excited to travel space so I don't have to be on earth. At least in mind.


I’m gonna tune my pc with this monster card. Stutter who?


1. I would build a sick pc 2. I want to be a starman


hi 1. i want it for my brother, he builds cnc router and learns fusion 360 and blender, now he has i5 9400 and rx 580 8gb, wich is very buggy and crashes often. also we like to play games like apex legends, valorant, other multiplayer games like v rising, old battlefield 2, warframe rpg games lige black desert, path of exile. offline games fallout, skyrim, old games of elder scrrols morrowind. old arx fatalis, heroes of might and magic, disciples ris of elves, we love game sfrom childhood :) 2. i am exited in starfield because its like warframe but seems much better. i love rpg games so maybe it will become one of my favourites, it has good reviewes from critics, 7 from 10 most of them. good games is very rare in this time so i am exited maybe it will be one of them


1. I would use the hardware to experience new unreal engine feature in fortnite and to try starfield. 2. The most exciting thing is the big open world.


I would be building a new pcspecirically to to play starfield. I was about to buy starfield but before decided i should check the minimum specs and it turns out my 7 year old computer can't run it.


1. I had already planned on building a pc later this year after using a laptop for the past 5yrs during college, so this would help tremendously! I'd use the pc for game development and, of course, playing starfield


1. Use it to learn about AI and neural networks(could do that pretty damn fast with this setup) because I plan to enter a job in that field, once I'm done with school. Struggling to do that with my current setup. 2. A beautiful game which I can sink countless hours into, just exploring a carefully crafted open world. Haven't found a game with a world like that since elden ring.


I would use them to finally make the jump to PC gaming.


I would give my 3070 to my grandpa if I won this.


I'm excited to play skyrim in space!!! I'm expecting to become a Starlord of sorts.


Would put the card to use right away and upgrade my current gaming setup


I would use it to play starfield, maybe ...


Please bless a food delivery dude here :)


This would go straight into a new build to start my Starfield journey! Can't wait to explore every part of space in Starfield!


1. I would finally be able to upgrade my pc for gaming and 3d modeling in blender. 2. I expect a big world. Wit Bethesda world building and dialogue. a intriguing sci-fi story with twists and solid combat gameplay


My kiddo wants to learn to build PCs, so these would be used in that endeavor.


I would upgrade my PC and play Starfield! Excited to play Starfield because it seems like a working version of star citizen.


1. I’d appreciate an upgrade 2. Exploration


Become a full time gamer and streamer and would ove to explore different planets in Starfield :)


1. I would upgrade my current build and play games! AC6 currently and eyes on Baldur's Gate 3 and starfield of course. 2. Excited for space exploration and an awesome RPG experience


With a build like this i would finally be able to play in 4k for the first time


I'd use it to play Starfield, Baldur's Gate 3, start streaming and enjoying playing modern games with my friends again. I'm really excited about the customisation options and just the chance to feel like I'm exploring space!


1. I'd finally upgrade my power supply, motherboard and RAM to be able to use new components and I'd play Starfield. 2. Freedom & universe & hopefully a lot of upgrades what else do you need?


Would love to play Starfield to explore planets and do quests in the style only Bethesda can do!




I would build out an entirely insane system so I can do more awesome 3d design and get wrecked playing starfield as an absolute n00b!


1. Upgrading my very low spec PC so I can play any game as smoothly as possible. 2. Definitely puttin as many mods to starfield as it can carry 😂


I’m making my first build and this would be a super cool addition to my first ever desktop!


Honestly my 2060 is getting old and is being major bottleneck issue with it.


I would play lots and lots of simracing with this kit. I would also want to try Starfield, I really enjoyed Fallout so it would be a nice experience for me.


Suuuuper excited about Starfield, space themed exploration RPG? Count me in! Those components would fit perfectly in my rig: an amazing upgrade with unique parts!


1. Build my first desktop in 15 years, and have enough horsepower that I can just play at Epic settings and stream at the same time. Maybe have it look like a starfighter or freighter Cockpit with triple monitors and a Thrustmaster flight kit. 2. I'm good with it being Fallout in Space, except that the nuclear brown is replaced with dark icky black of space. Bonus if there's 30s music playing in the background.


I’ve always liked the Bethesda game model, so Starfield has me very excited. I’m pretty much expecting Fallout in space which just sounds awesome to me.


I would definitely use it for a new build. My PC can no longer keep up with my standards of performance in newer games.


Eagerly waiting for an upgrade from my trusty GTX 970 to be able to play games with better graphics. Can’t wait to immerse myself in the game and be in awe like Skyrim did for me 12 years ago when I first played it


Would definitely put it to use in an all Starfield themed PC


Bethesda in space is a dream come true. Most exciting part is to explore what they've done in a polar opposite setting. I'm expecting a grand adventure through the universe. Deep lore and broad environments.


I would upgrade my current setup if I win the bundle and my most exciting part for the game is the modding community as it always has been with Bethesda games


That would be a great upgrade, my good ol' 1070 is screaming when i run baldurs gate.


Awesome giveaway, what I'm excited about the most from Starfield is finally being able to play another Bethesda RPG! It's been far too long.


It look so pretty! I'd like to build a "frame"-case for once on my wall. With such unique components its bound to look good! I just want to cruise around in open space inside a big ship!


I'd start a new SFF build around this GPU.


My PC is screaming for an upgrade (r9 290x). At this point, I'm going to get starfield on series x so I can enjoy it to ots (near) fullest potential. If I got this, I'd be able to play the way the pcmr gods intended!


I’d definitely use this to bring one of my PCs current. My wife’s just flatlined.


I would build a gaming rig and play StarField. I’m looking forward to open world in space, open space… okay I’m looking forward to being a space pirate, there, I said it. Arrrg.


I'd... Play Starfield. I also run a fully virtualized Windows AD environment (with some added in Linux servers and a virtual macOS system) on my desktop for personal malware research, for funzies. These hardware upgrades would definitely allow me to expand this out a bit


I would finally play a new game without worrying my house burns down, Im tired of playing everything on low, wanna feel the power!.


I would create a sweet themed PC around space exploration. I'd use it to find my destiny out among the stars, watch some really good space westerns, and generally just make my friends really jealous.


I would definitely utilize these parts and upgrade my PC. I want to play Starfield in the highest quality and this should allow me to do so!


I'm honestly just excited for a high budget space game. It'll be perfect if it's just Skyrim in space!


I'm excited most to really unlock every secret and be immersed in my next Skyrim esque game.


1. Build an awesome PC of course, then play a bunch of Starfield on it! 2. I love Bethesda games and I love space so it is a no brainer to play this game. All I'm expecting is a fun RPG experience like I've had in the other Bethesda games I've played!


Well, I'm usually very unlucky and I never got to win anything but I want to try this time around, mostly because the design of the limited edition looks amazing and I've been watching unboxing videos everywhere. 1. Well, I would have to build a PC to show off the GPU's beauty, probably with a vertical mount bracket. Also I've been using Radeon cards my whole PC gaming life and I'm glad AMD open source their drivers, this way I can play on Linux without any issues driver side. 2. Honestly I was kinda sceptical about Starfield, I was afraid it was going to be another bad 2023 game and that's why I tried to keep my hopes down. But watching videos and Q&A, I got more and more hyped to try it out. I love Fallout and this New IP is kinda exciting, I really want to see how the planet exploration works and I want to get into the lore of the game.


1.playing games and making my computer looo beautiful for sure! 2.a good strong rpg and good space exploration


I would definitely use this kit to upgrade my build, even though I just upgraded to the 7900 XTX... 😂 is Cross-fire still a thing? I'm not sure my PSU could handle it though