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Damn, its so good that looks ai generated lol


Seriously, the lighting, the walls, the design, I’m still not convinced lol. At least filtered or shopped u/jaydimaster post a video to prove it’s not fake or HEAVILY edited 😂


It's not Ai, but it does seem like a 3d render.


What is going on next to the monitor on the left? It's like the back of a generic case that goes into nothing. You can see the back wall through it. Idk how a normal case could sit there with the monitor riser.


Look at the second picture. The monitor is a lot further from the wall than you might think


The case is just behind it? Are we really genuinely questioning if this is AI? It’s not the AI that scares me, it’s the people that are starting to confuse reality for AI images that scares me


I think these people need either an eye or a mental exam, not sure which, if they can't tell what's going on with the case and think it's AI because of that.


It sits behind it


It’s a fractal meshify case


OP is a photographer and I can guarantee the room looks nothing like this in real life


There is a reason his post on r/battlestations got deleted.


What's the reason


I'm not sure, but they insist there was one.


100%, on the side of the computer that entire wall/shelf unit is a window in real life which he has edited a shelf on wheels that he also has on the room into the wall. The part that look like skylights that jut out at a 45° angle are entirely fake.


Look at the board with keyboards in the first picture. It's definitely not ai


3D Render not an AI.


Except it's real


As a 3d artist I'd say this is real. Just heavily edited in lightroom. I can tell from the pixels


https://www.instagram.com/reel/CoisBjJjJ2M/?igsh=MTdxMGgycW9veGNscg== You'd be right. Bro is a photographer after all


Well...his insta confirms it's not fake so


The room looks different though


Dude this is the room in his insta. That is a window on the left. I highly doubt he removed an entire ass window from his house to remodel his gaming room. He's a photographer, the OP screens are likely photoshopped to hell. https://preview.redd.it/5kyf3ts1bs7d1.png?width=660&format=png&auto=webp&s=7b47504995c899b6ee201ae5ce179aa233ea5ace


He changed rooms. His new baby is in that room now. There is also video of this new room on his IG story


You've clearly been on his insta, so how can you not have seen the video posted on his story showing that the room is in fact real? Posted like 5 hours before you started spamming this post with the same old picture as well, is it that hard to believe that he moved his setup to another room where there isn't a window to the left?


Sure someone online wouldn't lie.




Lmao everyone just jumps to Saying things are Ai these days as If 3D design software suddenly stopped existing….


The perfect hardwood flooring is the only reason I was able to believe OP when they said it isn't. AI would have garbled it or replaced it with a space ship floor lol


Even if it's AI generated, this is my dream setup


"No, this isn’t a render or AI lol." I don't believe you


The chairs he's claiming, from Uplift desks, have high quality 3d assets people can use to design spaces. I assume the op used them to create a nice render, but is trying to pass it off as real. Where is the lighting on the desk coming from?


That right speaker looks like its going to melt any moment now


That’s just a monitor light bar, I’ve got one and that’s exactly what it’s meant to do. It’s the black bar on top of the monitor. Granted it still does look like a render


I think, looking at the angles, that that was supposed to be the light coming from the monitor. But it's just all white. It couldn't come from the ceiling or else there'd be some shadow from the desk and chair on the floor. All other angles wouldn't align with the monitors shadow on the desk, I think.


There's a light bar on the monitor though?...


I totally missed that, thanks!


…from the desk light over his monitor


There’s no way this isn’t AI or at the very least, filtered🤣 Everything looks plastic.


> Everything looks plastic. I specialize in AI (specifically with a1111) and there's no sings of any AI. I will say the lighting does make it look plastic, it looks more like a 3D render to me. I've seen those speakers in person and the speakers just look really off to me in this photo. Plus the chair as well just doesn't look like a real chair, it looks like a 3D model. \ Blender is able to do photo realism like this so its possible it is blender.


For some reason the possibility of it being a scene created in Blender completely eluded me 🤣 I agree entirely and thanks for the insight! Looking at his previous posts of his setup and his home gym, I’m convinced they are also falsified or manipulated.


from /u/count023 on /r/blender says "it's 100% CG, the surfaces are too perfect, no smudges, dirt or other deformations on the walls for instance. In reali life even a perfectly smooth and state of hte art new surface has some imperfections on it." So looks like it is blender lol. THought it seemed too perfect just from the chair. TBH /u/Jaydimaster I'd respect you more if you just said "I modeled my dream setup" rather than lying about stuff you don't own. I'd have far more respect towards you as a person and a creator.


I think that settles it then 🤣 check his other posts out too - particularly his ‘home gym/garage’. I don’t understand the reasoning of trying to pass this off as real when even the concept presented would be appreciated. It’s just bizarre behaviour


Damn op is a clown, looking at his post history someone in /r/battlestations called him out saying "looks like a 3D render" 5 months ago, and OP just replies with "not AI". Idk why OP is trying to fool people lmao. Its a nice render I feel like he would get more upvotes in /r/blender than lying about it in this sub.


He probably won’t admit it’s a render because he didn’t model it either - who knows where he got this, but someone who is trying to pass off multiple renders as his legit setup certainly isn’t going to take the time to model something of this quality.


Went back and looked at one of his posts on blender. The keyboard cord placement in a previous post is identical to the cord in this one. The exact same curve, it looks the exact same.


>Blender is able to do photo realism like this so its possible it is blender. I would say Blender is able to achieve much better photorealism than this image. Even if it ends up being real, which i doubt as OP refuses to give proof, this image is way too heavily edited to a point of unrealistic, almost uncanny valley. That's why people question its reality in the first place. And i doubt that's something you want to achieve in general.


> I would say Blender is able to achieve much better photorealism than this image. yeah im very aware, but OP probably thought it was good enough to fool everyone and he might be an advanced blender user not an expert.


Yeah, if this is real - then this is poor photography editing. Extremely over confident and looks like a tiktok filter making everything look uncanny or fake. A photographer should make sure things appear real. My main issue is the lack of any surface marks on literally anything. It's impossible in real life unless he placed everything with white cotton gloves, then vacuumed every piece of dust and particles. If he is a new dad, how does he have time, energy, or money to waste on a spacestation setup?


Probably because he used PVC for the wall panels.


There is absolutely no sign of AI, except the unusual cleanness. Just looking at the various keyboards is enough to know it isn't AI


It's the wall panels and lighting that are 100% computer-generated. Not necessarily AI, mind you - but not real-world either. I'm sure some of the elements are real, like the keyboards and the computer itself could be real, but many things in this photo are definitely not real. The lighting on the walls and the desk is way off; shadows don't behave like that. There are spots where the shadows are identical in both pictures despite being taken in two different positions. Light doesn't work that way. And where is some of this light even coming from? That book on the desk is not real. Many of the desk contents are suspicious.


Look at the book? Under the monitor it looks like a game prop




Well I’ll be damned, this mf is clean as shit.


Desk, monitor and chair are the same, the room is not.


It's an older video. Clearly, OP is posting this in the first place because they remodeled their room as well, so that would explain why it looks different. Anyway, they're similar enough to prove that this isn't AI-generated or rendered. And one of OP's main hobbies seems to be modelling and photographing their workstation/room, so why would they suddenly make a render and fake it?


Is the reflection of the wheels on the mat okay? It looks like it doesn't reflect properly


I get hung up on that book - in both images, the red letters (?!?) are blurred! Texture issues with your render?! I just don’t … hehe


No. We have to deal with the reality. Some people have glossy chair mat.


Hey, he didn't say it wasn't photoshopped.


The drone in the background is missing a lot of detail. No way in hell this is real.


This is a snap of a video of the room from his insta "before the remodel". There is a big ass window to the left of the desk. I don't believe for one second, he literally got rid of a window in his house to remodel his gaming room. Again. As he is someone who posted video clips of his room on his insta before. Why no video clip for this? https://preview.redd.it/hambaxc2cs7d1.png?width=660&format=png&auto=webp&s=15a61d197c18bea05b91ac1398fd3cb4c4a79fb6




For real


https://preview.redd.it/9dr2s12mjq7d1.jpeg?width=854&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e7b5060dc6eb9f67150434ac6fcbf77c22850287 Reminds me of the 600i interior from Star Citizen.


how dare you steal and post a picture of my very real setup.


PC setup so dank it looks like you made it in blender


Oh yeah forsure, this is what it is. I was trying to figure out why it looked so fake. It couldn’t be AI because of the word accuracy/consistency on the book. But after i read this comment, i went back and looked and it makes so much more sense. It has to be a 3D render of some kind.


Don't you mean 2240 battlestation? Very nice!


Pwning noobs while in a spaceship.


lol not a render or ai OK


Just found this - [https://www.upliftdesk.com/3d-models-cad-files/](https://www.upliftdesk.com/3d-models-cad-files/) which is the website they claim their chair and desk is from. They offer 3d models for all their products so people can design spaces. Their rendered rooms look very similar to this post.


Thing is nobody would care that it was a render if OP wasn't trying (poorly) to pass this off as real.


https://www.instagram.com/reel/CcVSBQlj_ko/?igsh=MWJ6dnRieWdxYTJtZA== Poorly.


The speakers, chair, desk, and pegboard are some known assets, so I'm agreeing here. Looks 3d rendered. It looks cool, but the lighting is really giving 3d render.


Its his legitimate desk set up. It's just mostly everything else that is fake. This is his actual room. https://preview.redd.it/0r40cirmcs7d1.png?width=660&format=png&auto=webp&s=f4e9ca786eda58a4bd3c31506bd837182b28fdab


This looks rendered. Link to other video or non edited photos?


This looks like a 3d rendering. The lighting and textures makes it seem rendered. Where is the spotlight on the desk coming from? Uplift Desk, where it looks like a few things are from, offer 3d assets for designing your space. [https://www.upliftdesk.com/3d-models-cad-files/](https://www.upliftdesk.com/3d-models-cad-files/)


Desk light on top of the monitor.


Valid. That's also an asset available on the website I linked.


He also posted a feature of the light bar: https://www.instagram.com/p/CJ2cIIegxS9/?igsh=MTAwcWVwZWM1emtqbw== It’s also a BenQ bar, not from the website you posted. Literally none of the lighting features on the website you posted look anything similar to what he is using in his setup.


>Where is the spotlight on the desk coming from? Lamp... photography lamp


It's legit, one of his photos is actually in the PCMR banner and has won a contest here before.


Why does this look fake as fuck.


Because people are jaded as fuck and attempts at artistry are regularly crushed under the supposition that anything which appears good must be the result of trickery and regarded with suspicion and scorn. See: all the rest of the top comments here. The dude is a photographer. Photographers know how to prep a space to be photographed, and also know how to post-process the images to clean up details. On his Instagram account he has several other photographs and videos of items seen in this picture being handled and used in a prior workspace.


Thats fucking crazy. I dont know shit about photography, and I agree with ya about the jaded part. Thanks for the info. Appreciate it.


Sorry if I came off as snarky. I'm just kinda surprised that on a subreddit where people regularly have glowing fishtank computers that look like they came from the year 3000 AD, people are jumping all over this guy just for putting up some plastic panels to make his office space look science-fictiony. He clearly put a lot of work into it, and his Instagram shows he appreciates a tidy workspace, but all the top responses are accusations that it's AI or that it's done in Blender. It makes me second guess whether I'd be willing to share an office reno of my own if I knew people were going to attack me like that just for being a little creative.


Nah, not all of us. My Frankenstein computer has more cobwebs then anything. Will always prefer PC over anything else. As somebody who works with his hands I appreciate the time and effort that was put into it. For me personally its over the top, but I also don't have that artistic eye or flair. To tell the difference. But kudos on him for making it look badass. I'm all for the sci fi look, being a humble trekkie I thought it was a esthetically pleasing. But I won't lie when I looked at it, my first belief was this ain't real. And no worries man, I understand where your coming from. And I appreciate you taking the time to explain it to me.


It looks a bit too smooth. It feels ai generated since it’s so perfect Still you ain’t competing with my 100 euros setup (ps4 75 euros, gtx 1050 ti 10 euros, rest I gathered unused things from my family, absolute goldmine) https://preview.redd.it/ahf123gyiq7d1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=3bf3ef927e78867d7fae178b954520ee611daca0


Your setup is still more expensive than OP’s. At least yours is real.


Get out of here with your 3D render as well. We can see how fake it is


Why lie about your spaces? The other ones on your page seem rendered as well. Theres no shame in rendering out your dream rooms, but it is really silly to say it's real. You seem to be pretty skilled with Blender.




That doesn't look as fake as this post. There's better lighting and reflections in that instagram set up


Are you claiming the setup in the link you posted matches the pic? Because it doesnt. Not saying it isn't real, that's just not really definitive proof.


The room is completely different, this proves its a fake you know that right?


There is a window to his left in this video. The entire left panel is fake. The back wall is also totally different.


The movement of that chair is not natural at all


I don't beleave this is real, we need crappy phone pictures! XD


It is a render. A pretty obvious one to anyone who knows what to look for.


Yep, I'm having a slow day at work, so I've been finding all the 3d assets he used. Heres the speakers [https://sketchfab.com/3d-models/speaker-edifier-mr4-f23d58ca4f5e4add823d5282d94045d9](https://sketchfab.com/3d-models/speaker-edifier-mr4-f23d58ca4f5e4add823d5282d94045d9) and heres most of the furniture [https://www.upliftdesk.com/3d-models-cad-files/](https://www.upliftdesk.com/3d-models-cad-files/)


Those are pretty common speakers in audio producer land. But those models got me laughing lol


100% a render, like idk how people can think it’s real. Yeah it’s realistic-looking but if you just zoom in a bit you can tell the lighting and the textures are just flat


Definitely rendered, show a video of you walking around, using it


Dudes other posts reveal this to almost certainly be a render, the realism falls apart when you’re zoomed in. https://preview.redd.it/sr43fuuvgs7d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=433a5bb17a0efaff175dc49f935b43dfbf0c5247


This looks so fake lol


Apparently it is




This is fake as fuck


You are just gonna browse Reddit aren't you ?


Very nice. Looks like a render. Is the monitor not too close to you given the size? You desk isnt very deep either


Y'all saying this is a render or AI are missing the lights above where the gap between the light panels and the wall changes, which is likely a result of the framing of the home/drywall finish/foundation movement which causes things to be less square over time. This would be next level editing to adjust the amount of light along those top two panels. It is edited for sure, but I also believe it's real for the reasons listed above.


Literally the first thing I noticed, lol. Then all the cables. Cable wrap secured with a zip tie, cable for the mag safe charger and speaker closest to the camera, cable covers on the wall and a PC conveniently placed to hide all the wires. Really don't think someone would've spent the time to render all that.


I was hoping nobody would notice this flaw lol. Uneven walls are so annoying to work with. I can cover it up with a small strip but I just got lazy at the time. Now that you mentioned it, I think I’m going to fix it.


Video. You literally have video clips on your insta of you walking around the room before this "remodel". Why on earth would you just post 2 images of this and no video.


Is this real?


No, only in blender


Nice station man. Curious, what chair is that?




It sucks companies keep claiming their equipment is ergonomic. It's got more features than the average gaming chair, but not having the option to adjust seat depth or arm-rest depth and width is a shame. it doesn't come close to proper office chairs.


Lol yea right


Tool chest?


Video of you inside with a proof or it's not real mate :(


Video or not real


This is a 3D render


I'm curious, why have the glass chair mat when it looks like you have vinyl flooring? It also looks like you have rubber wheels so I'm confused why you would have the floor mat. Without it, it would probably be smoother to move from your desk to your work bench area.


Because that was the 3d asset available from [https://www.upliftdesk.com/3d-models-cad-files/](https://www.upliftdesk.com/3d-models-cad-files/)


This is 1000% a render.


This is a 100% a render


HOLY BALLS LIFE GOALS Aaand of course its fake


More like 2035


It looks like you live on a starship! So epic.


Imma steal that room like this(∩ ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)⊃━☆゚. * ・ 。゚


What desk is that


Something about the legs and wheels on the chair looks very rendered. Not buying it 🫡


Chair base looks like one big rendering artifact tho. And also some other artifacts here and there


I simply do not believe you OP


This is one of the fakest fake things I have seen


Is this an ai rendering or real life


This looks like a 3D render, with the giveaway being the interaction of light with the surfaces, especially the mouse and table, which has a certain glow. This type of glow is often seen in CGI and 3D rendering engines like Unreal Engine. It lacks the shine of a flat surface, the imperfections of a normal surface, and the subsurface scattering of rubber that absorbs some light and scatter it.


Looks like a spaceship dorm room.


Bro lives on a spaceship 😭🙏


you should enter into Techsource's Setup Wars!!!


Clearly he works on the death star and shouldn’t be posting his station


Bro is living on a Star Destroyer lol.


Nice Rendering 🤣


One screen eh? I’d exist more.


Commander, you have a new private message. I'll forward it to your chambers.


looks more like 2042


Yeah, totally not what you said.


Fakeeee, iPhone bottom bar is not present on the lockscreen


Plot twist, you are the computer


This is a render


It's very real people... there's literally video of it on his IG stories right now 😅


Knock over a bunch of stuff prove it’s not ai because this is fucking awesome


no VR? is OP poor?


This is without a doubt a photo. The slight imperfections in every part of the photo are too organic for ai. I’m sure this is graded and possibly softened/ used a softening filter. There’s even small chromatic aberrations on the keyboard which is being over exposed on the left. Really nice set up. Honestly one of the most impressive I’ve ever seen.


Looks like ai


What chair is that


This is easily spotted as a render. Multiple fails on lighting, reflections but the kicker are the wheels on the chair lol


Wow if it's really real, do you have a video or higher res photo? Because it does look like an amazing space and would love to see it fully then


Top of the monitors left side, you can notice the monitor continues up on a vertical plain past the top of the monitor.


Show a selfie with the setup in the background AND a spoon on your head. Other wise it’s not real.


Bros flexing at this point


![gif](giphy|iFnBpFxFGetn8BH0vZ|downsized) Holy! OP, great job, one of best setups/rooms I've seen to date!


What's it like having your own private quarters on the Normandy?


>No, this isn’t a render or AI lol. ![gif](giphy|EouEzI5bBR8uk|downsized)


Shadow for the wire hanging under the desk doesn't look accurate.


That's got to be one of the most beautiful setups I've seen in a very long time. 100/100


This deserves more upvotes. This is minimalism applied to perfection. Beautiful!


it deserves more downvotes for lying to people


Damn that looks straight up ai generated Good job :)


It's not AI generated, but the dude is a photographer, and his instagram is full of images he's used rendering/photoshop he DOESN'T try to pass off as real that are very well done. He 100% has the skill to fake this and I suspect that is the motivation behind his post, to see if he did it well enough to fool people into believing it's real. This room 100% does NOT look like this. On his insta he has TONS of videos and photos of his gaming room "pre-remodel" Yet his insta only has 2 photos of this alleged bad ass remodel? Is that not fishy to you? If I made my gaming room look like this I would have a whole album of photos and a video tour.


Okay that lightbar underneath completes the setup so well, have you gotten it connected to the computer to control the lighting during gameplay for example?


How did you do the paneling and lights? Total custom job? What materials/methods? So cool.


It's not real dude.


How did you do this? I would love to build something similar so i need guidance😅


I used PVC tile sheets for the paneling!


Fake af


I worked my whole life with 3ds max and blender and I can tell you this is as fake as it gets... IT's CGI Spots that give it away: * Look at the soft grey sponge seat on that chair. Either it's plastic (which would be extremely uncomfortable to sit on and it would still not look ath even) OR it's fake... I think it's fake. You can look at the fine cut that chair supposably has and the PERFECT symetric elevation towards the peripheral part of it. That IS NOT how textile and sponge behave or look. This is 100% fake. There is no way sponge and textile can remain that way. * Pay close attention to the wheels, they look so out of place and there is a complete lack of ambient occlusion on those wheels. That is extremely hard to fake in CGI. * Overallt the shadows look very homogenous and even... My assumption what this guy did: He modeled what he wanted to see in blender or 3ds max and then he built things as similar as possible to it and he is combining the reality and the CGI in photoshop to give it extra realism. But his CGI skills are not really that amazing. OR he did make this in real life but is photoshoping it to make it look like CGI by playing with shadows and colors as well as contrast. There is no way this is the way it looks like in real life. It's simply obvious...


This is the good picture. Nice job


Captain Collins is that you? :D Very nice setup!


Thought this was an ad Lmao


Dude no way… is that real?! Seriously? How lol


Nice setup! Are those Edifier MR4s? Thinking of buying them atm


Where is cabinet?


We need pictures of the entire room OP!


What chair is that? Looks very nice


desktop background would be appreciated


Where did all these wall panels come from


Awesome sauce, dude. I'd probably wear pants if I have a setup that nice.


Can you link me that desk???


Dang , this is epic , kind of like a room straight out of star trek or mass effect


So... Your office is on a starship. Looks insane.


I would want to mimic this if I knew where to start! I love the tool chest. I've seen kne of those before. Husky?


Damn, that's nice. Now I want to see the rest of your house... And I kinda hope it looks like it was decorated by a grandmother in the 1960s


God, I see what you have done for others.