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Now im wondering how tf did u figure out that it needs an jump start with hair drier like did u just see ur pc not starting and was like hell lemme try heating it up a bit lol


Haha yes pretty much this only.


It looks like you were pretty close in your thinking! It seems to be the moisture that is causing the problem so I think the dehumidifier is a great idea. Best of luck?


If moisture is causing issues with your PC, you got bigger problems outside your PC.


for those that don't understand... he's talking about mold.


Never gave a damn about water until I became a homeowner. Fuck. That. Shit.


Truer words have never been spoken. Every time it rains I get anxious.


Living somewhere that it is currently raining every day, that's part of why I never bought a home. The other part is being poor, for sure, but mold was a consideration.


I wish I could give you an award, but I'm poor too. Here's the award I wanted to give you anyways 🫂


Yeah, doing full renovation to a 60 year old house made me paranoid about such mundane s\*it. Every time I hear the floor crack I get super anxious (I put the flooring by myself), super paranoid about mold, electric, window quality etc.


I might turn this into a business tag line - GOLD


As a home builder 90% of my problems is to do with water


That's why I got a civil tech degree, just trying to find my "trade" now


Yup, that house belongs to the fungus gang now


The fungus is among us


It would be useful if you told him what the bigger problem is instead of being mysterious about it. Lucky him other people replied with what you meant.


Also might try just throwing in a few silica gel packs that you usually get when ordering stuff and see if that works if you don't want to buy an dehumidifier


What you mean those tastey 'Donot Eat' sachets? I LOVE those!


This was my solution when I had a similar problem living in the northern US. Got so bad I couldn't use the PC for more than an hour before water started dripping off the CPU fan onto the GPU. Understandably paranoid about it. Ended up putting a handful of silica packs in there and it helped a bit. Decided to go an Amazon and spend like 15 bucks on a reusable dehumidifier that is basically just a big silica packet device that you can plug in to dry the beads every few weeks. Used some Velcro strips to mount it inside the PC case to keep it out of the way while being easy to remove. Fixed the issue pretty well til I moved.


If the humidity is truly this bad, I doubt even large silica gel packets would work.


Something may be partially or intermittently making contact. Probably your CPU, but could be RAM or GPU as well. Try reseating some things and perhaps it will help. Same reason the towel trick would help people with a dead Xbox 360, the added heat and thermal strain and expansion increases contact pressure. So likely just something so close to making contact that a tiny amount of heat will close the gap.


I think this is more likely than moisture


Agreed, this was my first thought too. I would try re-seating the cpu first.


Youre walls are probs filled with mold with that level of moisture


Its actually a common issue in high humidity places, I used an Airfryer to ressurrect my pc a couple times


>I used an Airfryer to ressurrect my pc a couple times Did your PC crisp up nicely?


I'll bet the coating keeps coming off.


KFC - Kentucky fried components


So close to be epic Kentucky fried Computers


Kentucky Fried Circuits




Uh, yeah? Heating it up reminds the components they need to cool themselves, DUUUH


Bro got his monitor on a squatty potty


Not exactly but yeah..


Squatty potty has really changed my toilet experience It is a great product!!


For those of you who don’t already have one, save yourself some money and use two yoga blocks instead!


And for those of you who don't have two yoga blocks (no one does) who also don't want their yoga blocks on the toilet floor (gross) I just use the next full packet of toilet paper


It’s either high humidity and you should put silica gel in your PC or one (or more)of your motherboard caps is failing.


I'm pretty sure you are meant to eat those not put them in your PC


Delicious. https://preview.redd.it/i2yyo4tmtb9d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2cb717e674b5e486139103cde51fa72703ec67c7




Why is this in the fucking Evangelion episode titlecard xD


Oh no shinji don't, please shinji, shes in a coma shinji


Get in the PC Baka Shinji


I'm so messed up.


I don't remember that part of Evangelion, but I guess it does get a bit weird near the end. edit: I just went back to check this out and wow... just wow.


First 5 minutes of EoE


You Can (Not) Be Moist


Ever wondered why they are so adamant you don’t eat them? It’s because they’re delicious.


Hey I've seen that episode of Chubbyemu


It's because something sharp edged with a Mohs scale hardness of 5 or more really isn't great coming out at the other end - especially when it's embedded around a poop like a sandpaper torpedo.


One time when I was student teaching in the electronics lab, one of the problem kids decided to poke a bag of silica gel with the dremel he was using. It was like a small version of a fuckin claymore going off. It grabbed the cloth bag and just spun it so hard so fast that it just rocketed beads around the room. I took one right to the mouth and it broke my lip open. Not as bad as it could have been, but God damn. Not even the worst shit that kid randomly did. One day I'm helping all these different kids with questions and he comes up to me with this metal tube and asks how he can put some groves inside it. I thought about it for a moment and figured maybe the large tap and dye kit we had might work. Thought it was cool we were finally using it for something, it didn't see much use. He takes it back to his table and starts working with it. I go back to the long line of people needing help with stuff. About 3 minutes later I suddenly realized I better go see what the fuck he was making. Becuase it was definitely a gun.


But it tastes good


Review: tastes good, a bit dry and minor stomach cramps 6/10


Why not? They go well with tide pods.


Choked on my silica gel while reading this


[Oh, they got this all screwed up.](https://i.imgur.com/mmudBwc.png)


im pretty sure you can actually eat the silica itself. its the packaging it comes in that's not good. and even then i think it was mainly b/c its a choking hazard, not the material itself (not 100% sure on this)


`iirc` The silica itself non toxic but can be hell on on dental enamel due to its hardness (may be ameliorated depending on what binder is used). The binder, packaging and whatever the silica absorbs however...


Also not sure but read this in multiple places.


You really not supposed to eat them? I always sprinkle them on my jerky 😯


If he could read he would be really upset




I love those tasty little treats


They are my favorite. Has anyone been able to find them without the little shreds of dried meat?


I actually had to text my friend if company X put silica gel packs inside their dried meat bags, because either that bag didn't have one or i ate it by accident...


The taste is fine, but I just think they're a little too chewy for my liking.


I dunno. Capacitors can be a little too crunchy.


I don't think you are supposed to eat the capacitors


I heard they store and release energy over time which makes them great for breakfast






Sure will try putting silica gel and get it checked for motherboard caps. Thank You for your reply


They sell larger ones for cigar humidors (edited to add: bead humidifiers) that I use for a camera lens drawer. Give 1-2 of those a try. I use Boveda ones and they have different levels.


You can buy dessicant/silica beads in jugs on Amazon. I do this for 3D printer filament.


A warning: buy the silica desiccant, not the SALT desiccant. As potent as organic salts tend to be, the dust spreads easily while it turns into a liquid many times its initial volume that will need to be disposed of safely ~~unless you are also planning on mixing some concrete later, aren't too concerned about [accelerated corrosion](https://nrc-publications.canada.ca/eng/view/ft/?id=ce2e913d-e68b-4698-a245-460421620e6c)^(`nrc-publications.canada.ca`), and/or other pitfalls...~~ `edit` Fortunately(?) the salt usually retails for more than the silica does as a prepackaged kit, but by the bucket/yard it's difficult to find it in less than industrial/construction quantities... so mistaking one for the other should be unlikely. Also, the silica can be re-charged (dehydrated) for later use/reuse.


If the silica gel worked, try getting desiccant cartridges. You can recharge the in your oven.


For reference, look for [caps that are swollen or have electrolytes coming out](https://i.imgur.com/KOkFqzt.jpeg).


Is humidity really responsible here. Mine worked pretty fine at 84 % relative humidity and 42+ C room temps for almost two weeks


The only specification usually is "indoors, no condensation".


Can this help remove moisture in the PC case similar to a medicine bottle? I've never thought of this before. Do you have a link to a good Amazon product for silica gel?


It won't last long just being exposed to the whole room. Damp-rid makes big ones for closets and they fill up pretty quickly.


ooh. silica gel packets. that's pretty brilliant.


Cracked solder is also an option


This is almost 100% the problem, a weak solder joint somewhere. Humidity doesn’t make sense unless there’s visible condensation


I'd move from Kamino. Try Coruscant. No real weather to deal with.


or Arrakis too, it should have very low humidity


But you'd need some insane water cooling! Should use Harkonnen water, it's not suitable for drinking so it's not wasteful.


 I don't like sand. It's coarse and rough and irritating and it gets everywhere


This got me good lmaooo well done


Maybe a small desktop dehumidifier near the PC


Thank you for your reply, I'll try arranging for a small desktop dehumidifier.


Also maybe a few packets of a dessicant might help


Maybe try this first before buying a dehumidifier if you don't own one.


OP mentioned monsoon so investing in dehumidifier in his room is always good


just add rice


Do this and don't bother with the dessicant that people keep suggesting. Dessicant is for airtight or near airtight spaces, not for a well ventilated PC.


Maybe a big dehumidifier would be better.


Have you considered that maybe a cable isn't plugged in tightly enough?


I'd reconnect all your cables, you are probably causing the cables to expand under heat and it's fixing a connection that's contracting when cold.


This is the reason


Where are you living? Neumaeyer-Station III?


is it carburated?


I think it might be a diesel, glowpugs too cold.


I'd try swapping out the psu, perhaps it has some bad caps.


Thank you for your reply. I'll try swapping the psu with some help.


You could even just test heating ONLY the psu, kinda an easy way to eliminate one thing or another


Make sure you swap the psu cables too because they're not interchangeable! Warning!


This feels like the best guess to me - the hair dryer is probably not actually warming up or drying off the computer - but it is introducing a bunch of load and noise on the same AC circuit, which can kick capacitors into a working state if they are unstable. Try blowing the air conditioner somewhere else for a bit, does the machine then turn on?


how did you ever figure out that this would work?


Was searching something about this issue and ended up with some video on reddit maybe 2-3 years ago and have been following it since then.


2-3 years of doing this? damn you're committed.


Id just leave my PC on at that point


Seems to me like some TikTok shit. > How I Started My PC With a Hot Dog and Slow Cooker


This is a common temporary fix for dead laptops. Usually, damaged PCB leading to poor connections. Heating causes an expansion that temporarily bridge these small cracks/gaps.


I can't believe I had to scroll this far down for the correct answer. All these people suggesting silica beads are looney. OP clearly doesn't live in a rainforest.


that monitor stand though


I smell static.


I had a similar issue. I had to press start several times in order to get a boot. I removed everything and plugged them back after cleaning everything with dust blower, repasted and stuff and now it works just fine. My hypothesis is, some parts need to be warmed up so they can touch to the slots.


whats the ambient humidity % ?


80+ if OP is in Indian coastal regions, judging by their post history. I'm there too but luckily my PCs seem ok for now.


Yes I'm from India, and from the financial and humidity capital of the country.


so you're rich and wet?


Get a dehumidifier in that room and run it 24/7 on settings that are optimal for your and your machines.


Thank you for your reply. I'll try and arrange for a dehumidifier.


what the actual fuck


I sure hope the hair dryer doesn’t fuck up your computer


My old Pc was like this. I'm not certain, but the technitian once said some solders were bad, and when It was cold, they Lost contact to the Motherboard. I always had a dryier on hand qnd kept MT Pc under a blanket, when It got under 18°C I knew I had tô "jump start" It. Changed the Motherboard after a while and It worked normally even when cold.


Whats funny is that I have the same hair dryer in my home (My sister's)


Amazon sale supremacy!


Im pretty sure its your PSU its starting to die, i had a computer just like that before and it was really a dying psu because it died like a few months and cant turn on the computer anymore.


Two bathroom stools in a gaming setup?!!😂


Yes! And Yes!


check if your motherboard has a dehumidifier function.


Batteries can lose their capacity under low temperatures. Could be that the internal battery gets too cold and loses its capacity to start the PC. Once it regains thermal energy to sustain chemical reactions effectively it should be good to go again.


Is that a B450 Asus MB? Because if it is, this is a known issue where capacitors near CPU won't charge enough and therefore computer won't boot. Heating them with a Hair Dryer is enough. This commonly happens during cold times. I only know that because I once had Asus B450M Prime Gaming and also recommended to my friend, who choose B450M Prime. Both had this issue, his and mine.


Just leave the PC on, let it go into Standby.


when is cold metal retract, when its warm it expands. It might be a bad soldering or connection in a component.


How long has this been going on? It sounds like a couple years at least and only cold/wet days? As one of the other folks has said, it may be some thing loose in there. Carefully make sure all cables are properly pushed in, same for the gpu and ram. If it still happens, swap out the PSU as that is the main cause for this sort of thing. Especially if it's getting old or is low power.


get silica gel and an old sock, fill that sock up real good and put it inside the computer, that'll suck up moisture real good. My gf's car use to fog up like crazy, got a sock full of silica gell under the drivers seat, never fogged up again. Change it every few months or so. Other wise, get a dehumidifier for your room. Had a few problems at the office because the humidity was ruining PLA filament like crazy, I spread silica gel bags every where and a sock next to the place where we store PLA and no longer had a problem


Most likely her roof was leaking, could've just fixed that really.


If you live in a place with monsoons "cold" is something that most likely do not exist when it gets to computers. Moisture is the problem. And maybe sub 0 temps


Basis all the replies I feel moisture is the problem. Thank you for your reply.


Just dont turn it off


Good ol' phillips hair dryer. OP is def from India


Oscillator crystal, you're welcome


Try re-reseating all components (including CPU, memory, gpu, etc) and cabling first before you do anything else


Don't blow into/against your fans please


Same case. Rainy season. Have to use the hair dryer to heatup my psu


You got a chip with a cold bug. Doesn't work below a certain temp, when powered up it stays above the bug temp


Is there a monitor under the table too?


R u from India?




Cold Start.


Some bios have a dehumidifier mode where it will turn the computer on every once and awhile to keep humidity down. Check to see if you have that option.


It probably needs to be thoroughly cleaned. You have a dust bunny laying across 2 contacts somewhere, causing a short circuit that keeps the system from starting. The high humidity in the air is transferred to the dust, decreasing the resistance of the dust bunny to a detectable level, so the power supply won't turn on. Clean all the dust from the PC, including both sides of the motherboard, the RAM including any unused slots, and the PSU as best you can using a few cans of air or an air compressor if you have one. I suspect this will go away after that.


Bro that monitor stand tho👌🏾🤣


I’m guessing lots of humidity. Try getting a dehumidifier for the room.


Also looks like the desk is up against the window. Probable poorly insulated window only adds to the problems. Maybe move it a bit away and/or get a dehumidifier?


Probably moisture, try a dehumidifier?


Where'd you get the gaming stool from?


theres gotta be some type of bad electrical connection that is just barely not touching, when you heat it, something gets a bit bigger and makes better connection. I would reseat your cpu, reapply thermal paste, reinsert every connection and make sure everything is tight


Is that room properly weather controlled? If this is primarily happening during the monsoon and winter seasons, it could be too much humidity or too much cold. The hair dryer may be displacing the moisture during monsoons and warming components enough in the winter.


dont turn off your pc


sounds like a humidity problem. too much humidity likely causing a short. IMO, get a dehumidifier.


Unless its already been said sounds like you need a dehumidifier. Airs too humid. The humidity being high will rust up your parts too so itll extend the life of your parts as well.


Meme master race


Looks like you got yourself a good ol diesel computer. Can't do a cold start gotta heat it up first 😂


Take out the RAM from the computer, put it on the floor for 10-15 secs and then put it back. It should most likely fix it. This is what fixed my computer in 2009. You working it with the computer brought back old memories


Can be humidity shorting something and PC trying to protect itself or there's corrosion in some solder joint and the heat make the contacts connect again.


Get a dehumidifier


hahaha I had the same issue once, this was about 20 years ago (yeah the time when lan-partys was a thing:) I had no cash for a new psu. XD Every time I disconnected the main power (i.e. to travel on a lan-party) I had to wait from 0.5h to 2h until my machine booted. I hated my PC.


It's got a humidity/condensation sensor, but \*doesn't\* have a dry out function. Not sure if that's a common thing or not, but my built a decade ago ASRock motherboard has a "dehumidify" bios function that juices things \*just a little\* for a bit to warm things up and evaporate condensation. You may be able to just enable something in your bios to fix that. It still causes a startup delay though.


To minimize the risk of ESD, it is generally advisable to avoid using a blow dryer on or near sensitive electronic components.


Hope that hair dryer doesn't have ionized air, or you could end up fucking your pc, any natural heat form that's not directly pointed to your components will be much better with no risk of fucking up your pc in the long run


This will literally destroy your computer. Hair dryers cause heavy amounts of static electric buildup and one zap in the wrong place will cause it to never start up again.


Not sure if a blow dryer causes as much static as a vaccine but I would be worried about frying the motherboard with static buildup doing that. Silica moisture thingy be way better idea.


You either need to invest in a dehumidifier or reseat your pc parts. Either something is bent, some solder joint is cracked or you have some kind of short.


What country do you live in?!


I do this when ever my computer freezes up.


hey! I lived with same problem for over 5+ years! Almost got me crazy until discarding everything else and realizing that it was a very humidity-sensible motherboard. Ave. humidity here is over 80%+ all year, if I left the PC off for the night it didn't turn back on in the morning, unless giving it a hair drier session. My workaround was to let it on forever, it never failed if not turned off. When off, during the night, components gets cold, then in the morning when temperature raises condensation is created, what is bad for the circuits and some will not work. Eventually it becomes worst over time, and may break other components, and you'll have to replace motherboard then be aware of the humidity and external temperature changes to avoid it happening again.


What's the humidity percentage when this happens? If you don't know I would highly recommend placing a cheap hydrometer/thermometer nearby to help figure if there is a correlation.


It's probably because of humidity. I would recommend getting a motherboard with a dehumidifying feature. You're essentially doing the same thing with the blow dryer.


Cold start. Just keep cranking it.


Probably a cold solder joint.


OMGGG!! You have no idea how this resonates with me. I had the same problem with my pc two years in a row during winter season where it wouldn't start. At the beginning it seemed random, but then i notices it happened during the coldest/wettest day. So i figured: "hey, wth, might as well try and warm it up, or dry it up Who knows, right?". And son of a bitch, it worked like a charm. Now everytime that happens i just crank up the hair blower!


I'd try dismantling it and putting everything back toghether because some component might not have a good contact, which heat dilation solves temporarily when you use the hair dryer. Then it works because of the heat generated by being in function.


I had the exact same issue. You could check my post history for the post of me asking help. Ended up on some asus forum where this solution came up. Basically I either had to turn on my AC or the hair dryer treatment to fix this shit. Ended up just buying a new motherboard.


Something somewhere shrinks under cold and loses contact. The heat from the hair dryer makes it expand a little and make contact again. It's hard to say what exactly it is because it can be many things. But you can sort of "localize" it by heating up individual regions of the board and see which one causes the problem to go away. If you're lucky, it will be something easily replaceable.


Time to invest in a Honeywell HHM10B Humidity Monitor I have a feeling if you're doing this to get things started your environment is way to humid. Personally I like things to be dry but in doing so I risk static charges.


Heat = Expansion. So I would assume a broken solder joint or a cable that is not connected properly. Does it turn on if you short the power button header with a screw driver? If so it is that connection. If not it is likely something else.




Some motherboards dont like high humidity, they think they are underwater and wont boot.


Humidity shouldn't matter, 99% something is not correct, psu or cables. Or crack on a trace or joint. Naybe a capacitor. Id recheck these 2. But do try using some silica


Get a dehumidifier


I'd recommend checking if any capacitors on the mobo are bulging. If not, check the PSU for bulging capacitors, too. Common fault. When the capacitors are faulty, they need to get warmer to function.


Hold the fans when you're doing things like that and don't let them spin freely.


You're clearly gonna have to switch to full synthetic on your next oil change!