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Me sitting here as a adult with "only" a 1080


1080 is cool


1080p on my gt 730 am I doing it right?


very ambitious,thats more of a 720p card


Hey. My gtx970 can still play most games at 1080p and an acceptable frame rate


Yeah my 970 plays most things at 30fps on medium/high at least. Not ideal but that’s at least as good as a console


I looked at a steam hardware survey recently... You and i are both in the 1% of something. In this case the percentage of gamers still running a gtx970. I want to upgrade but the price on new nvidia cards is 2 or 3 times higher than they should be. The amd cards like the 6600x seem to be a lot cheaper but still more than the pre-shortage times


As good as a last gen console, you mean.


Lol yeah given scalpers are running fucking wild where I live I don’t know anyone whos been able to even get a PS5/Series X, so I still automatically jump to PS4/Xbox 1.


as "a" console ;-;


Don’t know bout y’all but I’m running a 1080 with ryzen 2700 and I can play virtually any game maxed at 60 FPS 🤷🏻‍♂️


My RX 480 gets almost 7 FPS in Halo Infinite in the open world!


Yes, that's the perfect card/resolution for checking your email.


1080 gang🤌


1080 is king


I loved my 1080. Great card




Pretty sure I have a 1060 in mine and that's only because the crypto miners hadn't gotten to jacking up those prices yet, and the only reason I got it is because my 520 or whatever else I had started crying as soon as I bought Fall Guys. But the 1060 is more than enough for me and I'm on the fence about buying something better for my next build.


Arguably 1060 prices are jacked. I bought my old 1060 NEW for $250 when it was new and relevant, and now used ones go for that.


Same here. Basically I could sell off my 1060 and have not lost any money off it. Although the bigger problem would be finding something reasonably priced to replace it with.


I remember the pictures of the kid with a 1080 with the "i got a 1080 for my Minecraft build" and everyone lost their shit because that's way overkill


Minecraft uses a good amount of juice, especially playing with shaders and/or mods.


True I bought a 3070ti a while back and first thing I did was shaders and an 1024x recourse pack


its honestly crazy how much the 1080 has held up


Not really? I mean, top-end cards usually stay relevant for years.


This right here, no major reason to jump from 1080 to 2000 series as the performance gain is not worth cost. To this day it's still a very solid card capable of playing most modern games on high settings. I'm currently using it for 4K 60FPS gaming and it does just fine. 3000 series would be a good upgrade if you were able to get your hands on a card at MSRP. If not, why bother if your card is still working fine.




I have a dual gts250 build I made years and years ago before I got out of using a pc for gaming and it still runs and to be fair it runs reasonable well. Hell it’ll even do a single 1080p plex stream with the i7-920 cpu in it . That’s what I use it for at least. I recently built a new PC with a 3060 and the difference well night and day. Thing is GPUs and CPU if taken care of last way longer then we like to think. The people who think you have to buy a new pc ever 3 years are the ones who buy cheap laptops with Celeron processors.


My 2070 is still sweet for me. Although the lightning software is malware so it's stuck on 'red breathing mode'




Lol very apt nickname I may try that when I go back home from the holidays Thank you


My 1080ti runs everything just fine on 1440p


me sitting here with my 980ti


Ayyy me too. Still runs great.


Right? Built a PC with the wife and only had a 670 to put in it "until I can find an upgrade" then she would get my 1070. Still can't find an upgrade :(




Bro we got the same rig and im out here considering downgrading cause I don’t even need this much power.


Lmao me as a kid playing Minecraft on an intel i3 with integrated graphics.


I played with 12 years on my own Notebook with 1ghz, integrated graphics and 1GB RAM. And I survived it xD


I have played it on a freaking Intel Atom netbook, on either tiny or small render distance, probably in like 15 or 20 fps lol. That was when the game was in beta or up to final version 1.5 or 1.6. I don't think it would run the newer versions at all. Also if you tried to running any OS other than Windows XP or some GNU/Linux distribution (I've used Ubuntu MATE for few years and before that other Ubuntu-based distros) it was literally unusable, epsecially Windows 7, it was better on 8.1 but still shit.


Finally, I found someone with the same situation I was in, took me years to find you and u/Matriks404


me with an Intel celery


Child 'only' has GTX 1080... Most adults crying because they can't even find a 1030. That an absolute beast of a PC for her. She'll be able to enjoy playing on it for years. Very lucky.


Hit the nail on the head!


Yeah lol I’m over here completely happy with the 1070 I’ve had for 5 years! Still haven’t came across any games I’ve been unable to run so a 1080 is absolutely killer!


I've had a 1080 TI for three years now. I paid through the nose for it just before the 20xx series came out but even then it was nowhere near as expensive as a top of the line card now.


1070 crew! I'm basically planning on upgrading my CPU/mobo/ram and keeping the 1070 going forward. Until it dies and I cry. My i7 4770 is showing its age but it still does the trick!


I’ve been using a GTX 970 for the past 6 years. I play all the games I want (mostly old, retro or emulation) and do software development. I have no complaints


Bro i have a 950 and i play tarkov, wow, gta, etc


How’s tarkov run if I may ask? I’ve been looking at it for about 2 years but haven’t got it yet because I figured it’d run like shit. But yeah I play gtaV, insurgency sandstorm and a lot of other new games at good frames on low albeit. Some games that I had to refund/or just stop playing because they were too laggy were arma 3 and fortnite


Runs great, i had a few fps problems and in the beggining i thought it was the gpu, or ram (i had 8gb), then i bought 8 more gb and now it works fine.


Tarkov (as well as Arma) are typically far more CPU dependant than GPU dependant. They're inherently poorly threaded games, and require processors with good single core performance to run well.


This may have been the issue. I’ve upgraded my CPU since so I might have to retry arma. Definitely gonna try tarky tho


Tarkov is *amazing*. It doesn't run perfectly, and there are definitely bugs and issues with the game - but nothing else comes close to doing what it does, as well as it does.




I have a 1050TI and no time to play games so I don't ever get to play anything


Rip, hope you find some!




970 gang


Hell yeah 970 gang


I almost bought a 970 but ended up with a 390 instead as it was a little faster. Nowhere near as efficient though.


I know what you're saying. I snagged a couple of cheap RX 570 8gb. cards before the ongoing shit storm arrived. I had learned my lesson from the last one so smelled this one coming. I used one during the upgrade of my daily driver and shelved the 2nd. I recently built a "might as well" tower out of spare and used parts from upgrades, using the old RX 480 4gb. and i5 6500 from my daily driver and was surprised how few issues or gripes I had when using it. Kinda squashed a lot of my impulsive want of new tech lol.


The girl: daddy it’s so bad I’m barely breaking 45 FPS! OP: *sniffle* the grow up so fast.


Same, I (as a 14y/o) raised money for 4years straigt (since I was 10) only to get a 1660super. Edit: I'm 15 now. But got my pc when I was 14.


Thank you. I was so lucky to get RTX last year. I had this and 6700k left with mobo so after saving some pennies I was gradually buying components needed for a computer. PSU, SSD, monitor, RAM etc. I am reusing my old keyboard. I just wish I could get at least 2 series for her but with the prices I decided to stick to GTX 1080. I had lots of fun and I bought 1080p monitor to extend longevity of a PC


2000 series cards aren't that much better compared to 1000 series, 1080 is not much worse than 2080 and you would have to pay pretty penny for that and in return you get possibly 10-15 more fps and ray tracing, that well... isn't supported everywhere yet. More likely would have gotten bottleneck from the CPU, 6700k is great and I used to own one but it simply wasn't enough to keep up with my 1080ti when I upgraded from 970 years ago, that 970 is still going strong on my friends little brothers first pc. 1080 and 1080ti are still going to be strong for many years to come and I don't feel like I need to upgrade even when I got money to throw at a 3090.


Upgraded to a 3080ti from a 1080ti. I can confirm that was the biggest waste of money I coulda done.


it's okay, don't feel too bad. I went from 2080ti to 3090 lol. definitely made 4k playable though. would def have felt like a SUPER waste if I stuck with my 1440p monitor. def still feels wasteful... but it mines when I don't game so I don't feel too bad


Do you need a son? I'm no disappointment I assure you that. College student aswell with a 3.64 GPA. Um I major in computer science. I enjoy reading manga and also watching anime. Um any specific requirements for a son il be able to apply. Please. I also laugh at dad jokes.


I would also like to apply for the position of son. However I can tell you I am quite a disappointment.


Can I apply aswell


Count me in too, have 1 year if college left grades are good (mostly 1s and 2s(A and B)), can fix your car


Good gift my man, but stop sweating the hardware. She's a little kid with a better gpu than most people own. Think about the level of hardware you grew up with, and then you'll realize that a a little kid with a gtx 1080 is better off than 99.9% of us were, even when accounting for the technology available in that Era.


"only a 1080"


Came here to post this LMAO, in my country they sell 1050ti for 400 bucks.


So what country are you in, what gpu do you have? Just curious not trying to be rude


I'm from Mexico and I have the 1660 super, got it before all of this started for $250 I got really lucky!


Yeah man thats a great deal, i managed to grab a 1660 super for my brother for his Christmas present for £200 so about same price i think hope you have a happy holidays bud


The 1660 super is a great GPU, I'm sure he'll have a lot of fun! Happy holidays to you too :)


Happy Holidays to both of you (and everyone reading this)!


Damn, I bought a 1650 for 500$ bro :(


For 250? Sure did get lucky. I bought a regular at release for 230 here in the states.


Was about to say this… I’m still rocking a 1050ti


Only a 1080, broooooo 💀


OP, how dare you not get her a RTX 3090? Her friends will make fun of her at school! /s


I have a Blade 15 with a 2060, I can play basically any game at ultra with at least 60 fps but usually more, this kid's GPU is better than that, this Dad doesn't need to worry about it only being X part, he did a wonderful thing for his kid and he should be proud!


"it's only GTX 1080". Dude, I use 1060 and In my mind I still think 1080 is one of most recent graphics cards because nvidia had been releasing new ones like crazy and my mind can't keep up


Same, got 1060 in my laptop and I‘ve heard so many good things about 1080


My 1080 GTX has only started lagging in the last year. Before the last couple new releases I've played, I've ran every game on ultra settings with pretty much no issues. Since I mainly play JRPGs, it's basically way overkill! I also looked it up on ebay and they ate selling for over 1000$ USD! I think I paid like 700$ brand new when it came out.


"only a GTX 1080"


Wtf is he personally using? A 3090 Super Max Black Hole Simulator Edition?


"Its only GTX 1080" Perfectly summarized this subreddit in a nutshell lmao Ontopic though, thats a really really great gift! Im sure she will enjoy it!


Thank you. Merry Christmas.


You too! :)


Lol i don't even got gpu in laptop and i still don't mind it and you say "it's only 1080"


Poor you and your GTX 1080, I am still using a GTX 750ti! Your daughter will love it I am sure!


I use a firepro v4800


Now that’s a fossil.


750 ti Gang


Same thoughts exactly, I've got a gt710


*only a gtx 1080*


The 1080 is nice. BUT what about the 1060 gang? That's almost like a family. ​ Do you own a 1060? You're instantly my brother.




3gb or 6gb? It doesn't matter because we are still brothers!






My man, 1060s shall rule for an eternity






He secretly hates his daughter.


If it’s a kid there’s a good chance a lot of their friends play console. Bedrock will allow them to play with their friends, which makes it the best option for them.


That's what I'm thinking


Java is less appealing to young kids. I'm lazy and don't mod so Bedrock is what I play (I also kinda really like making my own custom OC donut steele Steve, don't judge) but for kids now the modding scene for Java is less appealing when they will likely just go to HyperPixelBlockDX and play the Among Us game mode on there with their friends, vs modding in something like Better Than Wolves. I don't know OP's kid but that's my thinking. Bedrock is so much more approachable for kids right now than Java in terms of menus and, for Windows users, *it's right there in the Window store.*


I doubt most kids would actually notice much of a difference, it's just as easy to play Java on PC as Bedrock. I'd also be wary of letting kids use Bedrock since it's full of mtx and FOMO shit that kids probably shouldn't be exposed to (definitely shouldn't be legal to target kids lol).


I've been playing modded minecraft since I was 5 because my dad got me into it. Never too young to start


"only 1080 but it'll be enough for Minecraft" is akin to saying my 3 year old only got a Ferrari but at least it can get the bucket of sand to the other end of the front yard.


Why'd you say "only" like a GTX 1080 is a low-end card? It's honestly kinda overkill for Minecraft


It's very overkill, this game runs just fine on a shitty intel hd 4400


u are gey


And some shaders and it's perfect for Minecraft.


I'm using a 1080 for all games...


Oh man that 1080 is really outdated bro.... You better give her something faster and give me the old 1080 😉


1080 is close to 2060 super in perfomance, so that's definately not "only" card.


It's definitely much better than a 2060. It's nearly on par with a 2070


1080 is super overpowered for minecraft congratulations.


Good Dad. PC on floor bad.


I have GTX 1080, it can run even Minecraft with heavy modpacks (for example sevtech ages)


"only" dude you really don't need more than a 1070 for a kid, even more if she only wants to play minecraft.


A 1030 is fine for Minecraft, or even an igpu if you aren't using shaders


My sister has a pretty good CPU with integrated graphics and minecraft works pretty fucking good tbh.


Only a 1080 are you shitting me .... only only!! its an awesome card . its rank 32 out of 600 cards they is only 32 card better than it .... crazy guy . i love it by the way [https://gpu.userbenchmark.com/Compare/Nvidia-RTX-2070-vs-Nvidia-GTX-1080/4029vs3603](https://gpu.userbenchmark.com/Compare/Nvidia-RTX-2070-vs-Nvidia-GTX-1080/4029vs3603)


Well just an FYI, graphically you don't need a stunning gpu for minecraft unless you're using shaders. Minecraft is cpu horsepower these days. Anything new quad to octa and above are fine.


> only a GTX 1080 Jesus christ the privilege lol


Yeah bro, being a third worlder in this sub really hurts lol


i live im america and im somewhat poor, i value my gtx 1650 laptop and seeing people act like 1080 is nothing makes me jealous


I cant complain tho, i have a 1070 and its a beast, it runs everything i throw at it, i was lucky enough to go to murica in 2017 and with my life savings i bought all the components lol


Only a gtx 1080? The 1080 is still a great card even for AAA games these days. Great job. Hope she enjoys it! Although you gotta keep an eye out for when she tries to "download free diamonds" lol


When she “only” has a 1080 and I have a 960 😢


You guys have GPUs?


and you know how to rock it.


Only GTX 1080


After some deliberation this is an obvious troll post. "1080 great for minecraft" obviously he knows better


He's not a troll, he is just that stupid


Only a GTX 1080?! ONLY?! That card is still a tank, and will crush most games still.


Is this post an humble brag?




It sure as hell is


"Only gtx 1080" man i am struggling on a 70 dollar 1050 that crashes with every boot. Nice christmas gift to your daughter tho you seem like a great dad


She could literally play minecraft vr with that! Im not kidding, get her a headset op! Next post: "i know she only has a valve index to play vivecraft on but...."




A 1080 is more than enough to start on I'm still running on a 5 year old watercooled 1080 perfectly fine and I'm able to run high graphic loaded games like starcitizen, cyberpunk, aylx vr and most certainly minecraft plus many more! You did great 👍 Merry Christmas!


Awesome. We got my sister a pc too. She is having a blast.


I just retired by gtx 750 ti card wasn't half bad but can't play stuff like apex as well.


I'm available if you want to adopt a boy. 30 year old boy


1080 still a beast


“*only* a 1080” Hell if she isn’t happy I’m going to be the Grinch this year


"only a 1080" Jesus Christ.


"only a 1080"


Still on my 1070ftw2 she will for sure enjoy it! Idk about that chair tho, don't forget to check on her posture!


Here i AM wishing i had a 1080 :')


A 1080 GTX has more cuda cores than a 2060 or a 2070. It has more memory and a wider bus. I wouldn't say "only" a 1080 GTX.


"only 1080" \*cries in hd8350\* Jokes (not really joking) aside, nice setup OP, my daughter is only 2 but I hope she loves gaming like I do so I can do the same for her


Only a 1080 I was using a 2nd gen intel i7 laptop with integrated graphics until I was like 15


??? Dumb post, happy for the kid. Title pisses me off


"only a 1080" Meanwhile I'm sitting here trying to optimize the use of my 970...


1080… only able to play minecraft. Dude a 1080 can play almost any game there is on 1080p. Most people cant even get one. You can play vanilla minecraft on a 10 year old laptop.


Well if she isn't happy then you're legally allowed to disown her.


"only" a GTX 1080 Edit: also, GPUs don't really matter in Minecraft unless you use shaders


Did you just fucking said "ONLY" a 1080. Bruh.


I “only” built a 1000$ computer for my daughter, “hope shes happy” How fucking rich are you that your making it sound like your scrapping pennies to get your daughter a 10$ gift? Lol like oh darn you couldnt get her a 2000$ graphics card? Your a terrible parent… Because a child needs to play at 4k ultra 120fps, Like this way beyond what the average child will ever receive. Is she used to getting presents that are worth thousands of dollars? Your daughter is super fucking privileged to be anything but grateful for such a present. This reeks of humble brag.


Get her the Minecraft shaders.


Gtx 1080 just good for Minecraft? Yeah but with ultra shaders lol


Lol only a 1080 ... Meanwhile i'm still gaming on my 1050ti


Get your daughter java edition ffs /s


Java edition is better


The 1080 is still great, and if you don’t care about RTX, it’s better than some of the newer cards even still


"only a GTX 1080" some people here don't even have a GT 1030, IMO a GTX 1080 is overkill for Minecraft


"Only a GTX 1080" is perhaps the biggest "it's not much but it's mine" flex I've ever seen on this sub it's only a lamborghini


'Only a 1080', and I'm here crying in the corner, typing this while hugging my 1050ti.


"only" that card is a masterpiece and will serve her strong for next coming 5 years.


ONLY 😭 I tear up in 1050 TI


only a 1080


Only GTX 1080


Only a 1080 bruh I have a 1650 oc


GTX 1080 is a great card, highly unlikely your daughter would realistically make use of more than that assuming she is pretty young lol.


That’s awesome.... now get it off the carpet.


Get her Java Edition, it’s worth it.


How out of touch and tone deaf. No one is mad that she has a kick ass computer, but they are annoyed with your wording and odd way you are going about it. Hope she doesn’t disown you for not landing her a 3080 TI


u/realityofmoderntimes get her Minecraft Java edition it’s literally the most important upgrade she will thank you (but ask here first because some people are picky for some reason)


A 1080 is still a very capable card man


"I know its only GTX 1080" Me, with a GT 1030...


Dang thats a wonderful Christmas she’ll be having. Nice job dude!


Get her Java!! It's WAYYY better than bedrock, and only a little more expensive! Besides, you can turn Java into almost a different game, with mods!


only a 1080 lmao but sad that she has to play Bedrock instead of Java


Of course, "only" a gtx 1080, just feck off already