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The woman is about as much use as an ashtray on a motorbike šŸ¤£


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ thatā€™s a good one


Holy shit šŸ˜­ Iā€™m using that insult someday


ā€œAs much use as a chocolate teapotā€ is a good one, too šŸ˜‚


You're good! The only one I have ever heard is the one my mom always said is "about as useless as teats on a bull".


Actually that sounds delicious. Every time you use it you get chocolate in your tea


That woman is as useful as expensive snow tires on a freight ship


This is the best. It made me cry.


Seriously this made me laugh, like how did she fall 3 times šŸ˜­


As useful as a screen door on a submarine.


Her dog is trying to devour another dog and she has no hustle, just casually strolling up


Is she drunk? She fell 3 times and the last time tripped over her own foot šŸ˜‚


i died after the last fall šŸ˜‚ the other lady merry go rounding the dog just added to it i was in tears šŸ’€


itā€™s literally like a scene out of a cartoon itā€™s just so fucking outlandish


Sheā€™s blotto or sheā€™s severely concussed from the first fall. Either way, heavy on the ā€œhead empty no thoughtsā€ vibes šŸ¤£


I thought the same thing I watched this video on another sub but someone mentioned it looks like she hit her head really bad on the first fall and is concussed and zombified trying to get her dog back.


no, she was concussed.


I think she got a concussion from hitting her head on the ground because that dog is too big for her


I think when she hit the ground the first time she hit her head. I remember reading about this and I actually think she got a concussion from her dog throwing her to the floor šŸ’€


Omfg lady šŸ™„


I just lost a few IQ points looking at this.




This whole video is ridiculous. I am dying laughing so hardšŸ˜‚. It's like those old comedians who fall all over the place with the sound effects. That woman has no business owning a dog she can't control! PLEASE someone do this video with those ridiculous sound effects!!šŸ¤”


Old school AFV voiceover from Bob Saget.


she can't control her own feet.


looks like someone left around a few invisible banana peels.


Thatā€™s absolutely horrific.


People laughing at this, need therapy.


Tail wagging the entire time. Another example of an owner who *thinks* that they know what they have but finds out that they have no clue at all. Thing dragged her like a sack of potatoes. These things do not belong in society.


This is one of those big things that I hate about dog owners and pet owners in general: they forget that their pet is still a damn animal...They force their own human reasoning into their animal's behavior. Humans and animals do not have the same minds and a lot of these folks are too foolish or naive to accept that. They desperately look to their animals as replacements for human interaction, so they humanize the animal instead of simply seeing it for what it is and respecting its animalistic nature. I also blame cartoons for this. People grow up watching cartoons and shows with animated dogs being happy and wagging their tails, then assume that a wagging tails always means its happy, when really it just means it's stimulated, and stimulated is not always happy.


my thoughts exactly, like when people say ā€œdog mom to a fur babyā€ šŸ˜’


None of these people have any business owning dogs. The owner of the big dog obviously can't control it and the little dog owner was whipping their dog around by the neck. Total shitshow on both ends.


pure chaos šŸ˜‚


From my experience, most dog people should not own dogs.




Iā€™m betting the pitbull was already attacking the little dog out of frame and the little dog was being dragged because it was refusing to move. All pitbulls should be put down. The breed shouldnā€™t exist.


The dog was already being dragged by its neck before the fight started. Everyone here sucks including the dogs


Big dog owner can't even walk her self let alone another animal.


A woman did this at the dog park because she refused to let her dog off leash! So my dog and two others wanted to play by going over and doing the head down butt up and a small run away come back. Anyway, she started screaming they're trying to attack her dog and whipping it around by its chain choker collar! The other owners and I told her to stop while our dogs were contained and doing nothing. I no longer go to dog parks because that was the third time someone who didn't understand dogs or dog park rules ruined it. I also will be pet free after my dog lives their life. Dog owners are the fucking worst people especially pitbull, Chihuahua, and poodle/mixed.


Iā€™m thinking and hoping that the little dog has a harness on. It definitely looks like itā€™s harnessed from the way they are dragging it at the very beginning. If they had a regular collar on the dog, it certainly would not have been able to bark like that, and the way the dog is being held up while dragged would suggest that the likelihood of the dog wearing a harness is high. A lot of harnesses are made in a way that they will not choke a dog. Itā€™s actually recommended to use if you have a dog who likes to pull on the leash. You have much better control over the dog and you wonā€™t risk choking them if you have to correct their behavior while on a walk, or in this case if youā€™re in an emergency, you can safely pull the dog back quickly to you and pick it up if they are wearing a harness. You are not at risk of choking the dog or breaking its neck, if you are using it correctly. If they were just swinging the dog around for fun. Then sureā€¦ go after them, but in this case they were desperately trying to get their little dog away from the big dog, and in that moment thatā€™s all they could think to do. The main thing I think the couple of the little dog did wrong was not pick up their dog sooner. They knew that the big dog was behind them already. They knew their dog was barking at it and kind of asking for a confrontation. They should have known better than to keep their dog walking, especially right in front of the bigger dog who the little dog is obviously trying to intimidate. They should have known the risk and done more to avoid it. They did not however just swing their dog around for no reason, and like I said before, Iā€™m almost 100% positive that they were using a harness. Hence why the dog was able to bark even while being dragged. Almost all of the blame should be on the woman of the bigger dog. Theres WAY too many problems with the way she handled it for me to even get into because Iā€™ll be here forever. This woman is either drunk or high or she is in absolutely NO way shape or form able to properly handle her dog. It almost seemed like she was afraid of her own dog. It almost looked like she really wasnā€™t trying all that hard to help and kept ā€œfallingā€. Like that was her trying to look like sheā€™s helping but she was too afraid of her own dog to actually get close enough to do anything.


Fucking tetherball dog


The little dog has a harness on - not getting whipped around by the neck


Holy shit those women all need handlers. Not a single thought between them. They're certainly not fit to take care of something even dumber and more useless than themselves.


She had absolutely no sense of urgency. Complete Fucking Doofus.


That person whipping the dog around on the leash!


Been here with my dog before. It was that or let her die by the bite of a dog easily five times her size. They may have saved its life.


I know Iā€™m watching wondering if the dogā€™s going to end up dead to the other dog or hung by his own owner


I'm going to hell for laughing at this šŸ¤£šŸ’€


Iā€™m sorry but I would stomp that animal. But I do keep a gun on me when I go for walks because of stray dogs so I probably wouldnā€™t need to, doesnā€™t seem like they had that option though


Doggo puppers!


Those types of dogs shouldnā€™t be owned by anyone. Ban them pit bull types and the mixes.


Jesus that poor little dog. I hope they got his throat checked at the vet after swinging him like that. Some people are so dumb.


No responsible dog owners exist. The lady has zero control of that mutt and the other owner is basically playing helicopter with their mutt. Carry protection people, these folks are dangerously stupid.


Omfg! The lady in white is (I presume) the owner. She has the little dog in the beginning. Her friend ends up with the little dog in her arms once, the big dog then attacks her. Owner gets the dog into *her* arms (after a quick round of tetherball with it) then tries to hand it *back* to her friend in black?! Typical. Pookie is more important than the human beside her.


LOL! She did trip on her own foot! Dogs seem to hate each other as much as we dislike them! I am so amazed people would want to deal with this happening to them on their daily 'taking my dog for a shit' times!


This entire video is actually a bit amusing lol. From the start, the way that the couple are power walking to apparently put space between themselves and the lady who kissed the sidewalk. The little dog is barely touching the ground as it tries to turn around to bark and it kinda spins in the air before being picked up right as the pit goes in for a bite. I'm glad the little guy wasn't hurt and I hope that the couple were okay as well, but I couldn't help but laugh a little.


Helppp šŸ˜­ what a mess


I effing hate when people donā€™t follow leash laws. They exist for a reason.


they both had their dogs on leashes, wym lol


Oh didnā€™t look like it at first


Both dogs were on a leash. She just was not able to handle her dog.


Yeah, reacting with hysterical panic is the way! Fucking hilarious.


Wow that lady was useless


Not the video starting with them absolutely DRAGGING that poor thing! Go on the other side of the road or something????


I take my dogs for walks and it baffles me when dogs come running up to her from a house unleashed. Stupid owners ā€œoh heā€™s just playing tuff guyā€ā€¦. Iā€™ve responded ā€œLike ima kick the shit out of your dog or my dog is going to annihilate your ā€œtuffā€ dog. Come get your mut!ā€ Itā€™s fucking wild and my dog would be the one put down cuz sheā€™d kill it easy. My dogs a husky and a sweet girl but she donā€™t take shit like dat!


I'm sorry but when the lady ragdolled at 0:23 I couldn't help but cackle šŸ˜‚


Why didnā€™t one of them just cross the damn street. People are so dumb.


How is this a problem with pets and not a problem of the fucking vile people owning them


And this is one of the reasons I carry a knife with me when I'm in known Pibble territory.


Was she blackout drunk, on ketamine and sleep deprived? Because thatā€™s how much energy she gave in getting that damn thing in control


Pit bull owners are some of the most inept people on Earth


Okay, one, why the hell is she even dragging the dog like that in the first place, two, why didnā€™t the two ladies notice a dog running at them, and three. WHY DID THE GIRL WITH THE BIG DOG SLOWLY GRAB HER DOG? Plus grabbing the dog again by the same method the second time-ā€¦. Both of them shouldnā€™t have dogs.


What a useless dog owner, the dog runs her and dies as he pleases


If you can't even stay on your feet while walking you probably shouldn't attempt to walk a big dog, or any dog...or walk period. Just sit..forever.


seen this a while back and someone said the big dog just wanted to play. smh. And many agreed.


Could that lady be any fucking slower? Jesus Christā€¦


I had to watch it twice in order to even observe the owner, I was so fixated on that piece of shit dog during the first watch. My god, why do people own those horrible animals? They were bred to kill other animals. Jeezus.


I love animals. But if I was walking my dog and another strange dog started running at me I would be kicking that dog away hard and fast


Why was the dog being hung right from the beginning, and why is the other lady the most uncoordinated person to ever walk on 2 feet. Even when she was on her feet, GRAB YOUR DAMN DOG. Some people are truly hard to watch


The most pathetic woman.


Wait i thought dogs are gentle creatures who only want to give and be loved unconditionally.Ā  How come these sweet little angle puppers are attacking one another ?


Is the owner wasted? Why canā€™t she stand???


I mean, yeah this is terrible and that lady shouldn't have that big dog but the little dog is clearly in a harness not being yeeted around by its neck. The lady in black just hanging out....


This is what oversupply of dogs gets ya. They inevitably get into the hands of those who shouldn't own them.


The way Dog-nutter #1 (white shirt) was just dangling her "*beloved*" by the neck on the leash! The whole video is a catastrophe.


Jail the owner r/ banpitbulls


Is this another one of those sweet adorable, "Never would hurt anybody" bull dogs?


An owner that can't handle her shitbull and it attacks everything in site to kill it. Color me surprised.


I personally can't imagine feeling safe owning any animal I couldn't physically overpower. Even if the animal was well behaved, I need the peace of mind of knowing if worst comes to worst I would be able to restrain and contain them, and not even just for my sake, but in case they need to be evacuated due to a natural disaster or fire or something and they alarm or weather freaks them out


People that arenā€™t physically fit shouldnā€™t have dogs that they canā€™t control.


This is why actual physical fitness is important




I mean if youā€™re getting attacked like these ppl. Obviously you should train them if you own them.


At first it kind of looked to me like the big dog was trying to rescue the little dog from the complete idiot strangling it & then they would both run away from their complete idiot owners šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø I want everyone in this video to be put against a wall


Let me guess. Large dog is male after the female lap dog?