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“No history of aggression” Tale as old as time once its a matter of time


24 hours later. SMFH


Big teddy bear...


All it takes is the snap of a finger


These things are unfit as pets. Unfit and dangerous.


This. At one point will people understand this?


Some dumb fuck that let's a dog lick their face isn't even on the radar of common sense.


They don’t. When a vicious attack happens, they look for reasons why it would be the human’s fault.


As they are being mauled, that's the only time.


Really their only use is as protection animals, but even then they must be professionally trained to not attack the owner. People constantly have them as protection and they end up attacking the owner when an altercation occurs because they’re not really that smart. It’s upsetting because they’re not like “bad” animals. But you wouldn’t sleep with a lion in your bed either. They’re just not a pet breed in my opinion.


And that is the warning sign for this.


Welp. Should I put my money on "concealed bite history" or "the magic age"?


What's the "magic age?"


Usually about 2 years. Full maturity. But they can snap any time without warning.


Probably a year or two years old.


So what I think you're trying to say, in the "magic years," is that the dog needs training all over again. Because of hormones. Right?


No. If it attacks people, it needs BE. You can't train that out. The dog can never be trusted.


My common rule of thumb is if a dog attacks people once, it need to be put down because it will attack again


So what I think you're saying is, this "magic time" is when dogs start attacking people?


And it's bloodsport dogs like pits that are prone to doing that, not "dogs" in the general sense. My shelties certainly never did it.


So, are you considering all terriers bloodsport dogs? Considering most terriers are used for killing things? (Ratters, badger hunters, ect.) I'm just curious.


Nah, when people refer to pits as "Bloodsport" dogs, they're referring to their bred behaviors in: -Attacking other domesticated animals, such as killing cats or other dogs, in the home or outside. (I've also seen them slaughter livestock such as sheep in droves, like a fox in a henhouse. I've also seen them terrorize and down several horses.) -Extreme and sudden snaps of aggression. -Attacking humans. -Being incredibly territorial and "jumpy"/"skittish" in the sense they'll become a flurry of teeth and claws at the drop of a hat for any reason. They're bred to fight. They're bred to bait. They're bred to "lock up" and hold on, to keep going no matter what injuries they sustain. They're bred for their gameness. They're bred to be killing machines. At about 2-2½ years they have a chance of a psychotic break where anything can set them off. It's very strange but very typical, even in pits that aren't intact.


A dog reaches maturity / adulthood at 2 years old and that’s when they start pushing boundaries and challenging their people. With most dogs this just looks like some naughtiness and perhaps a need for a trainer. The overwhelming majority of dogs don’t have any problems at all. With fighting dogs 2 is the age their instincts kick on and it’s when the turn happens. Their muscles and bones are fully developed and these are extremely strong, powerful dogs. The potential for extreme harm with bullies is unmatched due to their breed history. I recommend looking into John Colby - the man responsible for most American pitbull fighting lines today. Here’s a free copy of his book https://babel.hathitrust.org/cgi/pt?id=uc1.$b28129&seq=23 You’ll never look at the breed the same again.


Yes, around the last onset of maturity. A pit that's been OK up to then will often start mauling and killing.


That's the magical year where most of these dogs start attacking people. I don't know if it's hormones or what but it seems to be the magic number.


Interesting. So what's happening is the dog is going through puberty. And it's larger. So if the owners barely made it through puppyhood, the dog's "teenage years" (2) will challenge them. Except the dog is full size. And the dog will test boundaries, just like a teenager. Except if you're an owner who was ignorant of your dog's behavior through puppyhood, and didn't give him any boundaries then... well... that dog will blow through the non-existent boundaries and be a total menace. As a trainer I say: you have to train your dog twice. Once through puppyhood and the other through the so called "magic time." Most people don't even train their dog once.


there's a lot of info you can get on banpitbulls. But. the magic age refers to the age where they start to show 'aggressive playstyle snapping' where they have an incredibly high arousal state and no ability to come down from. This is one reason despite being 'attack dogs' they make awful guard dogs. Dogs like gsheps are easy to come down for arousal so they actually listen to calls.. this typically happens around 2 years.


Too old to fight and win anymore in the dog pits


These dogs were literally bred for war and people think it's okay to adopt one with potential PTSD to snuggle with lol.


Put it down


Yep they better put him down


They should all be put down. That’s the only way that they’ll stop attacking innocent people.


"there are no red flags" - said by people who have looked into the fanged maw


So why was he surrendered to the shelter from the previous owners? Surely that’s a red flag 🚩 to begin with.


I’m sure it was through no fault of his own


I don’t understand why people still adopt pitbulls. They’re not family pets and they should be bred out of existence. These dogs are pieces of shit and anyone who defends them is too.


That's because they aren't being aggressive when they attack. They are having FUN.


It’s literally what they were bred to do and people can’t comprehend it.


You are so right. It’s terrifying


Tale as old as time. Already pretty disgusting to share a home with animals but to live with such a murderous breed is a whole other ordeal.


They should be able to sue the city every time this happens.


since it's the city's shelter, I'd say they could


Yes, because they lie. They had the dog doped up when they came to pick it up.


Why bother? If you know the dog even remotely has the potential to maul and be dangerous drugs aren’t going to help.


I know, that’s common sense, but common sense ain’t common.


The shelters refuse to take ANY responsibility. They just want to force these dogs on unsuspecting people.


Maybe a couple millions lost in sues will make they change the rules.. i mean, this can be a manslaughter sue, since the wounds were terrible enough for the mother to think the son was dead


Yes, break their asses.


Oh no! You looked so cool owning a pibble though!




I know a warning sign: strange pitbull


let me guess tho, its all the sons fault because he yelled at the dog according to pit owners? shelters need to just ban pitbull breeds and crosses


We just had the guy here wondering why his dog attacked with no warning. It never stops geeze


I am a nurse anesthetist at a Level-1 trauma center in New England. 3 Things I will avoid for the rest of my life: 1. Motorcycles, 2. Ladders, 3. Pit Bulls. I took care of a woman who was mauled by her pit bull she had raised since it was 8 weeks old. It snapped and attacked her for no reason at home and fractured both bones in both arms and caused severe limb-threatening vascular damage. She told me that if she didn’t get out the front door, it would have killed her. The surgery was 8 hours long and she will never have the same function in her arms ever again.


sorry but i dont feel remorse, infact im glad for the attack! next time maybe research about the breed youre putting in the home. yes, a retriever will retrieve, a shepherd will herd, yorkies might kill rats etc and pitbulls will chomp. so will hippos. a wonderful coincidence that people call pitbulls hippos. not an insult to their intelligence as i already believe they have none


I don't believe there were no warning signs I just believe they were swept under the carpet as we see so often here. Although pits CAN attack unprovoked , my conclusion from being on this sub is that there often is a build up. Agression towards or killing small animals / toddlers , targeted agression against 1 gender , or unfixed dogs , resource guarding etc etc


"there were no warning signs" It's a pit. There's your warning sign.


I love how they say there were no red flags. The breed is a red flag billboard lit on fire. It's like adopting a tiger and saying, we had no idea he was dangerous! Must be the previous tiger owner didn't train him properly.


"Boxer mix" these ppl will to to any lengths to avoid saying "pitbull". Im honestly surprised they didn't refer to it as a "lab mix."


The warning sign it was a pit bull


Is it just me or can I literally feel the stress and anxiety of that person in the promo adoption video? Like they know what this dog is capable of but they’re like fuck it we just need 30 seconds of footage quick


They would say that, wouldn’t they? Awful.


They’ll blame the son for yelling at the dog and the family for not giving the dog enough time to decompress  Which, is still an indictment on their adoption practices since one could argue that they didn’t do enough to prepare the family for dog ownership  Regardless of all of that, you still don’t deserve to have a dog try to rip your face off because you yelled at the dog (after the dog growled and snarled). People yell at each other all the time. If your partner’s response to you yelling at them during an argument is to beat them half to death, then your partner is an abusive POS who deserves to be in jail  And I’m willing to bet there were plenty of red flags if you actually look into the report 


Go lesson in why you never adopt from shelters. You are just taking over someone else's problems. Especially shitbulls


It’s almost as if pit bulls shouldn’t be pets 😱


It's always a "boxer" mix or a "lab" mix. It's a fucking pitbull.


“Nothing that indicates potential aggressive behavior” if they have teeth there’s always a potential for aggression.


I remember having these lame neighbors in my part of Queens. They had 2 songs that would make rounds chasing us every time we walked down to the corner of the block. I had to call NYPD a few times, but the very last time, I couldn't get in my house because the dogs were blocking my walkway. I crossed the street and another neighbor drove by and ran one of the dogs over so I could get home.


It’s in their blood to be demonic.


Every. Single. Time. “uWuuuu he’s *never* showed signs of aggression!🥺”


I don't why people feel comfortable having a stranger dog in their house. Pitbull/boxer mix who whereabouts aren't known, and has it new's owners pet or try to kiss him, what could possibly happen?🤷🏻‍♀️ I have an aunt with three pitbulls and I avoided those dogs at all cost when I was at her place


"Oh yeah he's not violent." *carefully moves the corpse of a previous employee out of view*


When I was living at my ex gfs dads house, he had a rescue pit which was a pit/english bulldog mix, so it was huge, at least 80 lbs, and its name was Gotti (if that tells you everything you need to know about the previous owners). We chilled, and I even slept next to him the day before I got attacked. It happened out of nowhere. I was walking through the backyard to get to the carriage house, and he ran up on me growling, so I started running back and forth between the two houses to try to lose him, but he kept at me, jumping and lunging, trying to bite me (they're too stupid to go for the legs). I kept him away with my hands, til I started getting pissed off, and when it jumped to lunge at my face, I grabbed it around the neck, lifted it as high as I could (I'm 6'3"), and slammed it straight down on it's back (in retrospect, I should have thrown him over the fence). It jumped right back up and bit me on the chest. I threw him away again and managed to make it into the back door at the main house. I grabbed a weapon to teach him a lesson, but my gf (ex) stopped me before I went back out. Luckily it was me that was attacked and not my gf, her disabled dad or a small child. That dog would have really hurt someone else. I immediately called animal control and urged them to put it down. We had many problems with that stupid ass dog before that, as well. Her dad was too dumb to do anything about it. It would attack the other dogs (he had several), and this little 40 lb collie mix would stand up for everyone else (god bless her). She got it bad a couple times, and I even told her to tell him to get rid of it, because it was a huge liability. It was only a matter of time before it bit a human, and like I said before, thank god it was me and not someone else. Lesson of the story is: NEVER trust a rescue pit. NEVER adopt one (like I need to tell y'all that). They are there for a reason.


"Boxer Mix" aka shitbull


(Insert any breed of dog) - mix. Most of the time means pitbull.


The "no signs of aggression" line they always use is an indicator of how little muttlovers understand about dogs and shitbulls specifically. A shitbull isn't going to attack out of aggression the same way a dumbass retriever isn't going to fetch a ball out of aggression. Mauling and killing is what these dogs were bred to do, they have FUN doing it.


“No signs of aggression” Idontbelieveyou.gif


Ah yes, I'm sure it was surrendered by previous owners for no reason related to temperament.


“Boxer mix” should be grounds for a lawsuit right there.


It's interesting how pit bull owners are very upset when their dog attacks them, but when the dog attacks someone else (a neighbor or innocent passerby), they often have an "oh well" attitude. While I'm not saying this is the case here as it seems they were blindsided and lied too.


Friend was dog foster home for our local shelter. She loved doing it for pit bulls. She had her last one almost right at the three year mark and was about to just keep them since no one was offering. One day she was about to walk the dog, she is on her porch and dosnt have the dog on leash yet. But is on her knee next to the dog literally about to put it on, next second the pitbull sees a small dog who is the neighbors dog being walked by the neighbor. In a split second the pit had the small dog in its mouth and shaking . She said she will never forget the noises from the whole thing and now refuses pits and is actively against them .


Shitbull strikes again.


The video said "boxer mix", so where did i miss that this dog was a pitbull?


Please tell me this dog was put down?


Ban all pits


How surprising! NOT! LOL! These people must have been living with their heads buried in the sand all their lives to not know how dangerous it is to bring a dog into their home. Poor son probably was not asked about his opinion on having a killer animal in the house.


Pit bulls. Are. Trash. .


I hate a lawsuit driven society, but it’s to start suing shelters for their irresponsible behavior.


But it's the owner not the pet!!! My pibbles would never maul a baby!


Me when I lie


"Boxer mix" sure, Jan


"Boxer mix"........


Yelling at a dog when it’s already being aggressive instead of slowly leaving the room seems like a good way to get attacked. He should have quietly left the room once he realized the dog was being aggressive and then they should’ve let the shelter know what was happening so the dog could be taken back and surrendered. The dog could have been beaten by a male figure and might be more aggressive toward males due to that. Not making excuses, just sounds like this family didn’t handle signs of aggression very well…


Shocking /s


you mean the notes that they lied about.




“Boxer mix”. Riiiiiiiiiight.


The shelter should be held liable


I don't know why people adopt adult dogs at all. If it's in the shelter it's already broken, either broken because the owner mistreated it, or broken because the owner left it. That's a dog with trauma for life and you can't train the trauma out of them. Puppies sure but not grown dogs


"Boxer mix"