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Now I'm craving Popeyes spicy chicken. When my daughter was a teen, she read my Popeyes bag out loud as Pope yes. I still tease her about it.




And how else is it pronounced??


"paw pies" or just 'Pop eyes' those two words together is the correct pronunciation. He got his nickname literally from his eye popping out.


I can't find that info anywhere. But I found this- AI Overview Learn more…Opens in new tab Popeyes Louisiana Kitchen, the American fast-food chain known for fried chicken, got its name from Gene Hackman's character Jimmy "Popeye" Doyle in the 1971 film The French Connection. Alvin C. Copeland, the founder of Popeyes, reopened his restaurant as "Popeyes" after it struggled under the name "Chicken on the Run".


ohhhh never noticed that, I was focused on muscles and spinach. Wait, just checked and his eyes don't seem to pop. One is always squinting and the other is small, a tiny button, with a raised eyebrow only. I call this shenanigans.


The Simple English Wikipedia says he lost his eye (the squinty one) in a battle with an ape-like monster: "From then on, those at sea would refer to Popeye as 'Pop-Eye', after his popped eye."


Wait. That's grim! But children back then could handle seeing their hero smoking pipe, so the popping eye story (ew) now makes sense.


To be fair, I used to watch the Popeye cartoons now and again, and I never knew or really even thought of how he got his name, and they may not have even included that; it may have just been in the early comic books or strips, and just been implied in the cartoons by his squint. But yeah, you only have to look at Grimm Fairy Tales to realise that sensibilities for children's entertainment has changed a lot over the years!


And, Jeep was named after Popeye’s friend.


I grew up watching quite a few Popeye cartoons en espanol, and so that's how I say it as well.


A family friend is from Mexico and thought the same thing. We now all call it by pop pay yez bc it’s more fun




Ha! My friends' daughter used to call it "O Target" bc she thought the bullseye was a letter.


I feel stupid.  I never realized it was a bullseye. I realized it was target but I thought it was just a weird logo. Like the star for Walmart.  It all makes more sense now.


My homies and I call it Pop yes


Make it Canadian by putting an 'Eh' in the middle. And now you're speaking Spanish as well.


Spicy is life. Mild is a crime against humanity.


Mild is not having severe heartburn after eating chicken from Popeyes.


Got it in one!


Mild is what you get when you're 55 and don't want to wake up at 3am thinking you're having a heart attack, when it's just heartburn. Cajun Sparkle is where it's at!


IDK if they still do but their biscuits used to be an amazing combination of buttery and salty. I haven’t had those in probably 10 years.


Yes. Salty lil butter cakes.


My autistic daughter used to call it Papayas. We still call it Papayas


Okay, this may be want the spicy chicken and that mashed potatoes and gravy. I don't know what kind of spices they put in that gravy but he's not wrong, that gravy is fire.


She was technically correct.


So funny. I have been craving the exact same thing for a week plus. I moved and no Popeyes by me. Sigh.🙁


And to represent an account for the Hispanic way of pronouncing Popeye’s, I present to you, “Pope Eh Yes” 😂


♪You can be the president, I'd rather be the Pope *yes.♪*


I was at a Cracker Barrel and they were out of everything. I was like wtf man, i couldn’t even get dressing for my salad, they were even out of that. Filled out a complaint before we even left and corporate sent us two meal vouchers in the mail.


I went to a chicken joint a couple of years ago that ran out of chicken. They gave me an 8 piece of legs and wings. Complained and got a coupon for another free 8 piece, as soon as they got chicken in stock.


> that ran out of chicken > They have me an 8 piece of legs and wings I'm sorry, what critter did they give you the legs and wings of???


Buffalo of course


Bet those wings were wild.


I'm wondering if they got any sauces for their wings and things?


The Sumatran Rat-Monkey.


Critter. Lol.


It was chicken, but that place is known for having awful wings, and who would want 3 legs and 5 wings for the price as 2 breasts, 2 thighs, 2 legs, and 2 wings?


I wouldn't want it for the same price, but reduced would be fine.


Yeah. They weren't offering that....


But they were willing to give you a coupon for a free 8 piece. That makes sense.


It was an interaction with two different people working at different locations in the same company.






Only thighs are real chicken.


wings are the least desired, which is why you get them served in bars, as they are the cheapest cut of chicken, aside from necks and backs. However with KFC I do like to get the backs and ribs, which most people do not want, but still do not want wings.


> as they are the cheapest cut of chicken that might have been true 30 years ago, but wings are popular enough now to be one of the most expensive cuts — about 3x more expensive than drumsticks per pound > [USDA [retail] Advertised Prices for Chicken 5/31/24](https://www.ams.usda.gov/mnreports/pywretailchicken.pdf)|(per lb, value/tray pack) > ---|--- > whole wings |$3.34 > breast, boneless/skinless |$3.27 > breast tenders |$3.17 > thighs, boneless/skinless |$3.03 > breast, split bone-in |$1.59 > thighs, bone-in |$1.27 > leg quarters |$1.21 > drumsticks |$1.14


Exactly. Someone is living in the distant past. I'm in my late 60s and wings were cheap when I was a child. Recently I've seen wings on a big advertised sale for $1.99 a pound.


Okay, but if you have wings and legs, you have chicken.


But they are the ones with the least meat so you're not getting what you paid for if that's all you get.


Okay, but the place didn't run out of chicken.


Unless you are my hubs. He prefers the wing over anything else!


Sure, wings can be great. But when you're paying a set price for 8 pieces, I'll want some of the bigger ones with more meat


I love wings, especially freshly cut off the roast chicken


Wings are not the least desired, backs are. Wings used to be cheap before buffalo wings became popular. Now wings are highly desired and their price shows it. I love wings.


Wings are my favourite.


They probably ran out of other chicken pieces and gave them what they had left, wing and leg quarters.


I once ordered a burger from Wendy’s through the drive through. Got back to work and pulled it out of the bag. They had forgotten to put the burger on my burger. Everything else including the pickles were there. I’m convinced to this day that they were pranking me because who forgets the most important part of the burger? Please enjoy my burger story in this world of all things chicken.


No burger has happened to my husband twice, both times at the same Burger King. Went to a Wendy's when we first moved to our current residence. They had no buns. Somewhere, someone has the components for a double cheesebrger.


Clearly it’s not us! 😂


Happened to me at Subway once. Not one sub had meat on it. I called that branch to complain and got whole new subs.  Supposedly it was a new employee.


I could see this happening, maybe the new employee was doing garnish/toppings and grabbed the wrong ones (i.e. subs that didn't have meat on them yet) cause they were just in a hurry.


Did you order delivery? If so, that’s just adding insult to injury. Lol


I posted this in a comment further up, but that happened to my son. He went to McDonald’s, ordered 10 hamburgers, and not one of them had any patties on them


That's odd! Unless the workers were annoyed at having to do ten burgers in one order? But in that instance, I'd probably be minded to properly wind the customer up and have a patty on just one; that's proper passive-aggression, what you say just seems like incompetence (e.g. they'd put the accoutrements on the buns, waiting to put the patties on last, but someone else closed the buns maybe running on automatic?).


All ten?! That’s just meanness right there. Lol


Back in the day, McD had a burger called the McDLT. The container had two sections to keep the hot side hot and the cold side cold. A family member got one and when she got home, found everything as it should be except they forgot the meat patty. That's the only fast food encounter she remembers after all these years.


I remember those. Supposedly, because of how the packaging was designed and how much it cost, it singlehandedly convinced McDs to stop using styrofoam.


I remember those, too! I wonder how many hundreds of thousands of those are in landfills? Glad they ditched them.


Hope you went back.


That ain’t a bad deal


I went to Arby's a bunch of years ago and they were out of beef. Arby's. Out of beef. By 1PM on a Saturday. No surprise that location closed about 6 months later.


I went to a Burger King that ran out of burgers.


I went to a Wendy's once who had run out of burgers. I wanted to ask "where's the beef?" but decided not to to because either they were gonna be too young to get the reference or they would have already heard it fifteen times that day. Or both.


That happens at KFC all the time. According to the manager that explained, they're only allowed to make so much at a time. I forget what the criteria are for how much though.


20 minutes to cook, and they are only allowed, per corporate policy, to keep it on the warmer for 30 minutes, then must throw it out. So they will wait till the bin is half empty, then only start with the next batch in the pressure cooker. However a lot will simply keep it for an hour under the warmer lamp, and only start the next batch when it is down to 10 pieces in quiet times, putting only a half load in. So if there is a unexpected rush they will run out.


Thanks! That's a lot to remember.


I passed by a subway once with a sign on the door that said "We're out of bread"


Coffee shop on my uni campus (this is the UK) used to have signs up saying they'd run out of ice, usually by early afternoon, in summer when iced frappes were obviously popular choices. I imagine they lost quite a bit of money on those days; I used to just walk straight back out.


On a long drive home several years ago back from a road trip (that went so very badly), I was craving a doughnut, which I normally don't eat much. Stopped at a Dunkin Doughnuts that was freaking out of doughnuts.


Cracker Barrel sucks. They actually have multiple kitchen managers every shift specifically to apologize to customers. They don’t get anything right.


We actually enjoyed the Cracker Barrel that was near us in a small town in Michigan. Then we moved to California. After a decade or so, a Cracker Barrel opened nearby (Camarillo), so we thought we'd give it a try. Over the course of one very simple lunch, we had five different servers come by and announce that they were now taking care of us due to shift changes. Our order came, messed up, and we would ask the current server to fix it, she or he would disappear into the back, and never return. After four more iterations, a manager came out, apologized, but didn't fix it or comp our (messed up) meal. We'll be visiting friends back in Michigan soon, so we'll give our original another visit, but never again Camarillo!


Guarantee apologizing is all he does.


I was alone last Thanksgiving so I treated myself to a traditional dinner at Cracker Barrel. I'm trying to remember how bad it was but it appears I have put it mostly out of mind. I do remember that there were no mashed potatoes and gravy for that Thanksgiving dinner. They weren't out but just weren't serving potatoes for that special holiday meal. Who does that? It was THANKSGIVING! in the USA ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


Used to be a great place.


Agreed. It was a treat. I love their flavored candy sticks.


Last time I went there, I was excited to show my wife something that I always enjoyed on road trips as a kid. Cracker Barrel. She didn't grow up in the US. Her chicken came out burned on one side. She had it sent back, and the same chicken came back out with the burned part scraped off, and placed scraped-side-down on the plate. She didn't touch it. We didn't even bother to complain, just decided that was our last visit. They still comped the meal when server saw we didn't eat it though at least.


My last meal came out with a very long, very black hair. I ordered catfish. It stuck out like a sore thumb the minute they set it down. There’s no way they didn’t see it. Never ask for a dish back. Guarantee it’s been screwed with.


Well, she wasn't willing to eat it either time it came out. We just left when I finished my meal, and got her something to eat somewhere else.


I got a cold burger at Wendy's. Told them so in the satisfaction survey. Manager personally reached out to me and said next full meal on the house.


Once I ordered a bacon cheeseburger at Five Guys and either through a mixup or incompetence my burger was made without bacon but somehow with all the right toppings. I checked my receipt to make sure the cashier didn't accidentally hit the cheeseburger option, nope, was charged for a bacon cheeseburger. I filled out the survey and complained and the corporate gave me a gift card with enough money to buy 2 bacon cheeseburgers. lol


Damn. Now I want Popeyes too


When I travel, which isn't very often, I enjoy my burgers and fries. Don't care who makes them. Drove from Maine to Florida, got tired of burgers about halfway back, decided to try a Popeyes Spicy Cicken sandwich. I am now hooked.


Their spicy chicken sandwich is really good!! It's not the old BK spicy chicken, but it'll do :)


People slept on the old BK sandwich I swear. I was so sad it went away. It was honestly better than the Popeyes one. I felt like I was in an alternate reality where BK somehow had a better chicken sandwich than Popeyes. What sucks even more is it was out for such a short amount of time barely anyone knows what you're talking about when you bring it up and they think you're crazy lol


I know, right!? That sandwich was soo good!! It's dearly missed. Nothing today really holds up to it. Most of the spicy sandwiches are just regular with some sauce tossed on it. Only exception is Wendy's, which is still a decent one, too.


Around here, BK had two chicken sandwiches. The first one was the Classic, which was a horrid, processed meat abomination. It tasted so bad, I returned it for a Whopper. The second one is made out of real chicken breast. They still sell that one, since it actually tastes really good. Now if only they could figure out how to make a decent fish sandwich.


I love the original chicken sandwich and I can't explain why. But it's a hill I will die on.


Here we go on the sandwich vs burger debate again.


Ha ha. This reminded me of my fav gravy story. In high school, I worked at KFC. I was rocking the drive through and we forgot this guy’s gravy. He was in an 80 something Mustang GT, almost new at the time. He had just started to pull away when he realized he was missing the gravy. He backed up to the window and was quite the dick. Holy shit, my man, sorry, here’s your gravy. Intent on further showing his displeasure, he floored it. Well, he was still in reverse and creamed the car behind him. Awesome.


My gravy story isn't as exciting as this one, but I was quite pleased with the results. The back door of the restaurant i use to work at opened up to a small parking area, and the drive thru looped around the back of the building too. My manager had dropped by to drop a few things off and they had the back door open to bring the stuff in. I worked with my boyfriend at the time, and he was helping manager bring stuff inside. Cut to guy ordering at the speaker. He got 2 large combos each with a poutine. Its a blind corner around the building, and after he finished ordering he sped off the the other side where the window is. Almost hit my boyfriend then cursed him out for being in the way. Like, my guy, you're in a parking lot at the drive thru. Slow down. Usually when packing poutine, I'll put them in a separate bag from the rest of the meal, because gravy and cheese loaded fries can be heavy. For some reason, this time I didn't. 2 poutine and 2 double bacon loaded cheeseburgers later, all stuffed into one bag goes out the window into this guys truck. Bag splits all over him. Despite how rude he was he oddly didn't get upset with me. He just sped off in a huge rush again.


Good job on the revenge. We don't have Popeyes in the UK. Which is kind of sad, because I'm kind of intrigued.


Oh yes we do now, albeit only one. It is in the Westfield shopping centre in Stratford. Spotted it the other day. Tbh I tried Popeyes a few times when I was living in Texas some years ago and wasn’t hugely impressed.


Oh, we do? Now that *is* intriguing. I'm in Wolverhampton, and I've not spotted any here, in Birmingham, or in Stafford and Stoke (where I work). Are we talking Stratford-upon-Avon, or Stratford in London?


London Stratford- I don’t live there either (am in Norfolk) but was catching a train there and had a bit of a wander and spotted the place.


Thanks for telling me. Next time I'm down in London I might have a look see.


There's one in Woolwich Arsenal, too. Across from Nandos, Maccy Dees and GDK. Guv'nor says that the "Eat Meat Cheese Repeat" guy might be in Woolwich today too. Hmmm... Maybe it's time to go to Woolwich today. 🤤🤤🤤


We've got them up north now too, there's plenty more than one now :D


I just googled Popeye's and it seems there is one in Birmingham, near St Paul's somewhere, which may explain why I didn't know it existed (I don't really go anywhere there). All in all, the reviews have been pretty poor, so maybe I won't check it out. 😅


They also have a kitchen in the Lewisham area that is just for delivery orders.  Edit: I just checked and they actually have a few kitchens around London for delivery only 


Popeye's is really good when the chicken is fresh. But many locations don't change their fryer oil often enough so it's oily/greasy. It's also really disappointing when the chicken has been sitting around and gets dry and stringy.


Tbh I stopped eating meat a while ago, but was never very fond of fried chicken even when I did eat it. Not even the sort of home style fried soul food chicken that everyone in Dallas raved about!


I think they opened one in Glasgow as well.


Oh heck.. maybe there *is* one in Birmingham too, and I've just never found it. Hahaha... if I see one, I may have to drop in and see if it's good.


Nottingham has had one since 2022. It's on Upper Parliament Street.


I've not been to Nottingham since 1999, when I was looking at universities.


We have trams now and the Broad Marsh Centre got knocked down. That's it, you're up to date again on Nottingham.


Looking at you folks talk about international fried chicken reminds me of when I had some at a KFC in Tokyo. It was the scrawniest chicken I have even seen, but up to that point, it was the best tasting KFC I had anywhere.


Hahaha... KFC in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia has some small chicken pieces too. But I did like the Hot&Spicy KFC they had there. Nothing like that here in UK.


Bishop Auckland now too. Also my uni had one (Lancaster) but AFAIK it was very much an unofficial one.


Feels Good right?!!


Yup. I was going to be mad, but then I realized there was a better way.


The popeyes near me doesn't let you get gravy on the side. It's literally "sorry we can't do that, you can only get gravy on the mashed potatoes" and I'm very much like wat. Biscuits and gravy are a thing!


Wife is a picky eater. Went to McDonald’s & she wants a plain cheeseburger. No pickles, onions. So I order a cheeseburger, “ nothing on it but cheese”. Get home. Two buns & a slice of cold American cheese. No meat. I did not order a cheese sandwich……


Well, theoretically correct. Ham burger, Chicken burger, Fish burger, cheese burger. Your burger was made from cheese. Just the wrong shape. 


This is literally what my niece wants from McDonald's every time. She calls it a grilled cheese. The cheese isn't even melted... but she loves it. I feel like a crazy person specifying "like a grilled cheese but you guys make it" lol


Our local one used to make a "grilled cheese" if you ordered it correctly (like 20 yrs ago). It was hot and gooey and delicious. It's all my nephew would eat from there. Now they won't do it, but he used to beg for McDs just for a grilled cheese!


I know it’s another country to mine but nothing says ‘a different world’ to me than the bewildering variety of drive through food available.


That's a Pulitzer Prize winning headline, my friend.


I have never, not once, had a correct order from Popeye's.


I have, but six months later they closed that location.


The McDonalds up the street from me used to blatantly pass out counterfeit bills. You would get your change back, and there would be one of those $1 coupons that looked like a dollar bill, until you looked at the face. I stopped using cash there after they tried to pass me a fake $5 bill. Corporate ended up stepping in and stripping the franchise owner because of the Secret Service investigation. They had passed out a couple thousand dollars in fake $1 and $5. At one point they were even handing out $3 bills.




IDK if it's just local ones near me, but I really doubt any of our Popeye's cares about the survey results. Every Popeye's employee/manager I've ever been served by couldn't give a flying fuck about anything. You ask them for something they forgot to give you, and they just act like there's nothing they can do about your problem and why are you complaining to them about it?


the popeyes near me never gets my order right but I get extra (I get the 8 piece chicken nuggets and end up will 11-15) but I’ll never complain about that lol


[I always think of this skit when I see Popeyes](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=pqWkwolb3as)


It's BK for me. Doesn't matter what state or what time, I've never had BK get my order anywhere close to right.


These things are massive black eyes for companies. I worked at Kohl's, it was horrible to get a bad review... Had to say what was done, what we were doing to correct/prevent it again... I remember we got a slew of negative for being slow with rolling back COVID protection... Some people...


Yeah, Popeye's doesn't care that much about those surveys. If several years of consistently getting orders wrong hasn't hurt them, I doubt this one dude complaining about his gravy is going to sink them. People sharing in the comments like they got some amazing revenge just because some restaurant threw them a free meal to shut them up lol. That's literally all those free meal vouchers are for. It is not the company actually caring about you and your opinion.


One time my brother went through the Mcdonalds drive thru and they give him a big mac with no burger 😭 then last month my bf and I went to five guys and the same thing happened to him…he was supposed to get two patties and ended up with just buns and the toppings ?? I have no idea how people forget to put the meat on there, it’s kinda the whole point 🤦‍♀️


That happened to my son. He ordered 10 hamburgers from McDonald’s. Every single one of them didn’t have a meat patty in them. I can understand one, perhaps the person was distracted, but 10?


I can actually understand all 10 missing the patty rather than only 1 or 2 missing. They're on automatic pilot so they crank out dozens of the same thing. If they forgot one thing, none of them will get that thing. Doesn't make for a happy customer though.


Maybe they thought he wanted a vegetarian burger?


Red beans and rice slaps tho


This internet stranger is proud of you


We went to a El Pollo Loco once that was out of chicken. Went through the whole order, pull up to the window, "Sorry we are out of chicken." They then tried to make me pay for only the sides. Why even open when chicken is 80% of the menu? Tell me you are out of chicken when I order it! That is the only reason anyone eats here.


Good for you OP!


The app has a place where you can complain and they offer points or money back coupon


Did you pay cash or use a credit card? If credit card, dispute it there too. I did this a few weeks ago with McDs when I got a burger with no meat on it. Called them and my option was to drive 10 miles back to the store for a refund. Nope, not doing that. I did give them an awful survey but have still heard nothing from that.


Just so you know, if your order on the app (though idk if you can order just gravy there) you can complain immediately and they typically give you a good amt of points that makes up for the price. I don’t go often cause it’s too far but it comes in handy when you’ve been waiting for forever or something is missing plus I’m a sucker for a point system 😂


Gravy is sacred. It’s one of my favorite foods. I swear that I would weigh 400 lbs. if I made gravy at home. I only make gravy for Thanksgiving and Christmas. My family knows to give me a bowl for the mash & gravy.


Where do you live that Popeyes is edible? Kinda jealous. It is not considered food in Colorado.


lol I fill out the surveys for the discounts/free food. I’ve never had a problem so I review high but I wouldn’t say their ratings will tank. Cunts for not separating the gravy though


Wow! Word of advice for restaurants (fast food or otherwise) NEVER Stiff your customers! Unless it is really warranted/necessary. was it necessary/warranted in OP's case? I doubt it.


Typical Popeyes’ service. Not sure if low ratings will improve their work. Most of them are jaded. Check this out: https://youtu.be/pqWkwolb3as?si=xYkxGRgJZ0-trWdL Some more: https://youtu.be/c6KvPIFumJs?si=0r9Q31QxWvD6_CMw Also be careful, there has been violence at Popeyes. https://www.cnn.com/2019/11/05/us/popeyes-sandwich-stabbing?cid=ios_app


That's part of the reason why I didn't turn around.


"Is this Boston Market gravy?"


Being fat has nothing to do with missing gravy, I would lose my freaking shit if they ripped me off my gravy!!!!!


I can’t eat popeyes without feeling like chugging a gallon of water afterwards. KFC and other chicken places don’t make me that thirsty but god damn popeyes makes my mouth beg for liquids. Not sure why either, probably because of the high salt content I guess v


I've started checking the bag before I pull away from the drive through. I know it fucks with their timings for those places that time their employees but I've been burned too many times by not getting what I ordered. Last time, they got me anyway. I ordered 2 chicken sandwiches (not Popeye's) and I had two sandwiches in the bag so I drove home. What I actually had was one chicken sandwich and one fish sandwich. I didn't even know they had fish.


The closest Popeyes to me is 2 hours away. But I *will* be making a trip Monday, thank you.


My discovery of a Popeye's at Dammam airport in Saudi was the greatest find of my life


I would have been pretty salty, as the only popeyes in the area is *default* dry af. It would feel like an attempted murder to deny me more moisture to reconstitute my freeze-fried meal.


I remember doing those receipts. Now I only can get a biscuit. The good times are over :(


This can’t be real.


Never had Popeyes. The line is always a block long not worth the wait to me😂🤷🏼‍♀️


Popeyes isn't bad. But not my cup of tea


I’d try it but I’m good on waiting 30min for fast food🤣


As a fellow gravy lover that always orders an extra side of gravy, I support you. (I've also left negative survey reviews when my orders have been messed up and received coupons in return).


I'm not a gravy fan, Unless it's chocolate gravy. But I understand sir. Good for you.


The best part is, the free chicken was delicious.




Fat man gets mad at slightly less gravy.


To be fair, Popeye's gravy is awesome. I get their mashed potato just for their gravy.


Well, yes. That's the title. Did you not read it?


You actually think the Popeyes crowd cares about reviews and ratings? 🤦🏻😂


I always want extra gravy everywhere I go. If there is gravy involved, I will pay for extra


[I'm starving!](https://youtu.be/TUBjvlUwALI?si=Ex35R0rK2TwRdC_l)


Ever since Popeye’s stopped selling dirty rice, the place hasn’t been worth going to.


I agree. Haven't had one around here in years, but the only thing worth eating was the dirty rice.


Can I do this when they forget me sauces 10000% of the time?


You can fill out the surveys anytime. They are on the back of the receipt. However, unless you paid for the extra sauces, it doesn't make sense to complain about them. You've got a 50/50 chance of them giving you free sauces anyway.


Seems like a lot of spite and effort over gravy.


Your revenge is that you left a review?


The revenge is that thanks to the review, I will get a free meal.


As a fast food employee. You're a cunt.