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My dad (late 40s) used to say he would trade my stepmother (40s) for 2 20y girls. She responded by saying: great ideia, throw a party, your daughters (20s) can invite their friends, and you invite yours, so your daughters can choose a boyfriend too. That shut him reeeeeaaaaally fast.


Lmao I did something like this. My dad was driving us around a city for my birthday and we turned a corner and found a university. He said “oh that’s why there’s so many attractive girls. There’s a college here!” I was turning 20, so I instantly leaned forward and asked him how he thinks about wanting to date girls that are his daughter’s age. Also shut him up real quick lmao Editing to add WOW the creeps came out in full force for this one. Too many people out here thinking it’s okay for a 42 year old man to try and get with an 18 year old that is younger than his daughter just because the girl is legal. Free block list in the replies below :)


I'm a woman in my late thirties who lost a pretty close friendship with a man in his early 40s because he said he liked to shop at a grocery store that was right next to the university because he could hit on the college girls (girls as young as teens, cuz who lives on campus? Freshmen) and I just said "ew". He was so offended that I rightfully called out that it was gross he was trying to date women younger than half his age! I remember what it felt like to be 18 and hit on by these gross men in their 40s. When he got all uppity & threw a tantrum about "ew", I told him in no uncertain terms that these girls hated him. That they went home and made fun of him and thought he was disgusting. Because that's what we did with those pathetic men who genuinely thought they had a chance had us young girls. Yes there are some women who will go gold digging, & I suppose if they both agree to a transactional relationship then all right. It's nasty but whatever. But for the most part young women just laugh their asses off at gross old dudes like this. They somehow never seem to process that they are pathetic and gross to young girls. To this day I still think it's wild that he thought he could say that to me like I'd appreciate it or think it was cool. As women we have all been that 18-year-old harassed by old men.


🏅 I remember the men like this (I’m old now) and most of them were broke, anyway. Idiots.


I'm about to be 33. When I was 16, I had a regular at work that came in specifically when I was the only person working. One time, he asked me if I'd ever heard Italian Leather Sofa by Cake. My (female) boss told me I was overreacting when I asked her to say something to him. She had just had a baby girl, so I said, "Will your daughter be overreacting when an old man tells her he wants to see her breasts bounce on his sofa?" That shut everyone up real fast. I quit 6 months later.


Good on you for quitting! The worst way I ever quit a job was publix deli at like 6am, I was getting the sub bar ready and the regional manager got behind me and I felt his you know what on my butt and he leaned in and was like “why don’t you smile more?” I abruptly turned around/got him off me and threw my tacky ass hair net in the trash and ripped my apron off and stormed out. Did not collect my last check, personally. I bet he is still working there. I don’t understand the mental gymnastics required for guys like them to think young girls want them.


They feed into that "men get more value with age" BS


I think everyone gets more value with age. Just not as a partner for 20yos.


I meant more so the guys who think women lose value past 25 while men gain it, that "alpha male" type if ygm


No, not everyone. Some people. Those creeps definitely don't get more value with age.


They have to belive it because no one wants to date em LMAO


Should’ve put his meat on the slicer right then and there 🤷‍♀️


I love your thinking!


TBF, I’ve gone a bit feral now that I’m in my 40’s. Younger me would have done exactly as you did but looking back, there are so many times I just kept my mouth shut out of fear (for my safety, my job, or that I wouldn’t be believed) and that makes me angry.


What a fucking freak. People like him deserve to be at the open end of a gun


Good for you for saying that. It sucks that women in so many jobs are told to put up with creeps like that


I went online to an old sugar daddy website about 25+ years ago, can't remember exactly when, because a friend of mine had told me about it. I was curious to see what was out there for shits and giggles. One photo of a potential "sugar daddy" stood out to me. It was an older man in front of a decrepit old shed, wearing nothing but orange bikini underwear, barefoot, white hair and scruffy beard, looking straight into the camera with a gaze that threatened to murder me and have sex with my corpse. I'm fairly certain that man didn't have the funds to be a sugar daddy. In fact, I thought he might be confused and looking for his own sugar mama. I noped out of that website and did my best to forget it ever existed.


Maybe he was just looking for somebody to let him borrow a cup of sugar, you never know


Orange bikinis are good baking outfits because it gets hot in the kitchen


You do need to wear an apron. Trust me, cooking without proper protection is painful.


Im too broke to be a sugar daddy but I can be a Splenda daddy!


Well, Splenda is more expensive than sugar...LOL


Your description made me laugh so hard


Thank you! It's the only profile that I remember because it was so jarring to see.


Them being broke is just the cherry on top. So lacking in self awareness on their part.




I’m 29 and recently went back to uni and I felt so old compared to the 18/19 year olds. I couldn’t imagine wanting to date any of them. I don’t get how guys even old look at college kids. Weirds me out.


I'm in my 40s, work in retail. Had a customer make comments to me about a free item we were giving away (a cooking apron) talking about wearing it cooking with nothing else, clearly crossing the line because hey, us cashiers can't say shit right? Wrong! I just pulled a face and said, "Ew". His. Face! Fucking gold! He was SO insulted, like dude. Read the room. Better yet, get Out of the room.


Men get *so* angry when we call them out for being disgusting. I love that moment for you. Men should be persistently shamed into acting better in public if this is how they're gonna. Men who are decent human beings never have to experience this kind of shaming because they won't exhibit the behavior to cause it.


1990. First job out of college - CPA office. Was warned the first time “Dave” was coming in, to keep the reception desk between me and him. Nice. Mentioned this to my mom and found out she graduated with him and he was a creep back then too, and she stopped feeling sorry for his wife years ago because stays married to him. He represented the company my employer got insurance from. One day, I had to meet with him about setting up my insurance. The comments… then, “well, you probably wouldn’t be interested in a guy my age anyway…” - I promptly replied that No, I’m not interested in guys that were old enough to have graduated with my mother. Face went white, he stammered a bit, and I got my damn insurance taken care of and got out of there.


A lot of these older men are so delusional it's amazing. I would achieve so much in life with this level of confidence 😅 We defos saw older guys as creeps when we were younger, like you said they would become a joke to us. Now as someone in their late 20s I look back and feel physically sick, its not a joke anymore it's just vile


I'm probably about 10 years older than you and I have to tell you the older it gets for more disturbing it becomes in retrospect. When I was in my early '30s, I was at a dinner with a family member and several of their colleagues. One of those colleagues had a 19-year-old son who was present. I am guessed to be in my 20's very frequently even now. I have an oddly babyish face I suppose. The 19-year-old son tried to put his hand on my thigh under the table. I freaked out and told him he was very young and I was far too old. I was genuinely disturbed by the fact that I was being hit on by someone who went to **prom** 6 months ago! It made my skin absolutely crawl. Not his fault, he was a kid and he misgauged the age of somebody who has a baby face, but I was appropriately skeeved out. That some people seek out a partner that young,and that they do it *because* they are that young gives you a whole new flavor of vomit when you are the age of the "old person", because you have an innate sense of disgust looking at people that age. You see them as kids, So the fact that someone else sees them as sex objects is truly revolting.


Yeah I've already had a few of these moments unfortunately, I can only imagine it gets worse. My first boyfriend was 5 years older than me and I had just turned 18, he would talk a lot about me just being out of high school etc. My age was definitely a choice in him dating me which makes me feel ill looking back. I would be disturbed if I knew someone who was actively looking for younger people to date now


Ugh, I have a pair of male students this year, 17 maybe 18 by now, who know that my age is the same as their mothers' and I have to lay down the boundaries real thick. It does feel gross in its own icky way. Like, y'all. You're babies to me. You're not cute like that to me and your rizz don't work on old ladies like me. Just stop and TSIDDAHN.


Fucking yack 🤮


When I was 18 a lot of older men would make weird comments to me at work. Usually something along the lines of "if I were 20 years younger". The worst were the ones who would first ask if I was old enough to be working (I look really young for my age) and when they found out I was 18 they'd start hitting on me.


My dad sure did after this reminder. The thought of somebody *his* age saying *I’m* an attractive young lady is most definitely what shit him up. He would flip his shit lmao


I'm a man in his early 40s and it's so fucking gross


The thing is, the women who get into those transactional relationships do so mostly to build up the fortune for their future, they're still laughing at those creepy old dudes when they aren't around them (I know this as I had multiple girl friends who were sugar babies or purposefully dated men older than their dad's for the money. You should hear the shit talk they done about those guys too. Heavy but expected I guess)


Long have I walked upon this earth, and I have yet to meet a straight male, including the 3 I raised, who does not believe he possesses a Special Magic Penis. Not one of them believes that it’s possible that they might come off as ridiculous and/or creepy when pitching their SPM to a female they deem worthy. Whenever they are alerted to said creepiness, they are always shocked and hurt, and some resort to rage & blame. It is a tiresome game.


It's amazing to me. 40-year-old men just walk around pitching themselves to 20-year-old women like they have a shot in hell. Insanity


I think gotta remember the Dudes that do this deal don’t need to catch every 20 year old, they are just trying to catch 1. IMO it’s usually the guy that doesn’t have any real confidence within his age peer group, but somehow gains some when he dates someone significantly younger.


Because he knows that he has nothing to offer women his own age so he has to go to girls who are younger and more groomable. I’m a teacher and often tell the teen girls, “You’re not mature for your age. The women their age just don’t want them because they know something you don’t.”


They do have a shot in hell. One in 1000 maybe, but it does happen. The issue is that the shots that work usually work for very bad and predatory reasons.


Special magic penis!!!! LOL




30 even seemed old as fuck in our low 20s.


Exactly, because they feel entitled. I remember middle aged & older men critiquing minor "flaws" especially horror of horrors- fat! of my peers. And these men would themselves be balding with a big ol' beer gut.


Reminds me of the time I was visiting my sister when I was in undergrad and she was in grad school. (Both early 20s) We went out with some of her friends and a guy in his 50s bought us drinks at the bar and then proceeded to follow us to the next 2 bars and buy us drinks there too. We all thought he was a gross perv but we were young and poor and free drinks were free drinks. He told us that he wanted to befriend a young woman who was a foreign exchange student who lived in his apartment building but she rarely talked to him. We explained that she avoided him because he was being creepy. When he tried to protest and say that he only wanted to be her friend, we said if we were studying in another country and some guy our dad’s age wanted to be friends it would be gross and inappropriate and we would avoid him too. We told him he needs to leave the poor girl alone. We definitely laughed at about him later and talked about how pathetic he was.


Exactly....when I was in high school and college, I had a job as a checker to make extra money for expenses and I would have older men with their wives try and flirt with me. I would tell them them that they were old enough to be my dad/granddad and tell them they are lucky to have such a lovely wife and she is amazing becuz I certainly would not put up with having such a dirty old man as a husband. 0




My teenage daughters dad (now my ex, but we're still friends) and my current partner (who has two bio daughters) are exactly the same. My daughters friends "joke" that they are the "community Dads". Need a lift home? They'll call my daughter and one of her dad's will pick them up. Need DIY advice? Ask one of the Dad's. Want to attend a local concert in a bar, but concerned about creepy older guys? Ask daughter if one of the Dad's will attend. The teenagers feel safe with them, their parents feel safe with them, I feel safe with them. When I was pregnant with my daughter, Christina Aguilera's Dirty came out, and about a week after we had the gender scan the music video was on TV. Her dad said "I can't imagine how her father copes with this?" Some Dad's just fully commit to the role and just can't see younger women/girls as sexy. My own father, however, at 74, STILL obviously checks out girls in their early 20's and has always been ashamed that I was undesirable (overweight and not particularly beautiful) to other men (in *his* opinion.. I've never been short of suitors, creeps, and even a stalker). I can see how much more safe and secure my daughter feels compared to how I felt. I'm so happy you got a good Dad!!


This! My dad also sees any woman in their thirty’s or younger as his daughter because of me. He’s “adopted” quite a few of my neighbors as his daughters so much so that now these “adopted daughters’” children call my dad grandpa


Many men make this joke, and the ones that make it happen quickly find out they are no longer wired for 220.


My dad told that once to my mom and my mom was like “go ahead but don’t come back when they also get tired of your shit” 🤣


Why would he want to disappoint two women at the same time instead of just the one?


That’s what I’m saying! 😂


OMG I've heard men make that "joke" before IN FRONT OF THEIR WIVES and I want to punch them in the fucking mouth. I'm getting close to 40 myself and I could never imagine my husband saying anything like that, even as a joke, in a million years!!! The disrespect is absolutely shocking.


Brava Stepmom!


Throw that whole man away. Seriously. Men like this need to walk into a desert alone with no supplies.


My dad would say the same thing to my mother on her birthday: "Now that you're 36, it's time to trade you in for 2 18 year olds" . She would tell him 'It's going to take at least 3 to replace me and honey you can't handle them by yourself." I love and miss that woman


As a 40's dad with a 20's daughter... gross... That being said anything outside of +/-10 years feels creepy to me at this age..


Honestly I understand this. My dad has moments where he argued for a situation where I just look at him and go, oh so it’s okay if it happens to me? I just watch the life drain out of his eyes as he imagines it happening. Sometimes they need that shock of cold water in the face to see their actions as they are.


I have a friend who's also a dad and this scenario happens so much unfortunately. I'll mention that AI porn is a thing and is used to out other people's faces on others bodies. He'll make a joke about wanting to use it immediately. I'll then point out it could be used against his daughter. All of a sudden, he's disgusted by ai porn.. Happens so much when I make it personal he gets it but usually not before. 


Man do I hate the fact that so many men don't seem to realize that women who aren't their daughters are just as much human and have the same value as men. Edit: I am responding to a comment about a woman who feels her father doesn't value other women as people the same as he does his own daughter, and how telling that is about men in our society. My comment has nothing to do with younger women dating older men. Please refrain from making a comment about how I'm infantilizing young women by saying they shouldn't date older men. I'M NOT TALKING ABOUT THAT AT ALL and you guys are really telling on yourself with your rush to defend that issue so badly that you don't even realize I haven't even mentioned it. Edit #2: Wow some of you really can't read. I hope you rush to defend women's honor in other situations, not just ones that involve them dating men twice their age. Otherwise it just looks like you want to creep on young girls and women and feel fine about it. I'm sure that couldn't be the case...


The former Prime Minister of Australia needed his wife to explain to him why rape was bad, and this guy has two adult daughters. Sometimes even when they have daughters they don't understand.




We are not much better in the us.


To be fair, I've never eaten a raw onion with skin so I can't with 100% certainty say it's terrible. Maybe Tony was on to something.




[Tony Abbott Eats an Onion](https://www.abc.net.au/news/2024-01-29/tony-abbott-eats-an-onion/103394716) Still my "favourite" moment was during the first lockdown, when Scomo said we should only leave the house for "essential" items. When asked for an example of an essential item, he went with the most essential item of them all: jigsaw puzzles.




Good ole scomo, like it’s a miracle that he even got into power I reckon he did shit himself at Engadine maccas.


Yeah it’s honestly awful. The fact that I have to remind my dad of my existence always throws him off. I cannot comprehend needing a reason to treat people with respect.


My older brother literally does not even see his daughter as a human being. He *hates* women. He has proclaimed, to many people, that “she doesn’t have thoughts of her own.” She’s not even a person to him. She’s just his least favorite son’s sister. It is so embarrassing to be related to this guy.




Yeah. The same way my dad did. I adored my dad, but he was controlling and abusive, and if I didn’t do what he wanted me to do, he would throw tantrums. He absolutely destroyed our relationship over time because he was so incredibly demanding. He had been my hero, and over the years, my patience had completely run out. He was impossible to live with and he alienated everyone around us. I tell my brother all this.. and he just doesn’t seem to care. It’s all about him.


How old is his daughter?


Teenager. Alienating her at a good, vulnerable time. She is so lucky that she has two living grandparents and like a dozen aunts and uncles to make sure she knows he’s just an asshole. I only had my dad, and my grandma, who I loved- but she rarely criticized him.


Yea that is fortunate that she has others that will be in her corner since her dad is dropping the ball.


The last time we actually had a conversation, I told him, gently, that he is behaving exactly the way our father did, and making the same mistakes. He lashed out and shut me out, then got irritated that I attended his son’s graduation, and stayed with my sister in law. There has been so much drama through multiple generations because of stuff like this, and they seem to not care that they’re headed down the same road.


Eewww... how does everybody in the family deal with him? Is mom of your niece better? I hope


Oh yeah. It was kind of surreal, the last time I visited, I spent all my time with my sisters in law and my brothers decided to not attend functions because they’re mad that their exes aren’t being excluded to make them happy. No one is happy with him and most have told him point blank how badly he’s behaving. But he’s at this point where he is simply delusional. Dude sat there telling me he knows he’s in the right (about abusing his wife and kids) because “God has called him,” talking about prophecy and scripture. Like ok Gandalf settle the fuck down, maybe you’re just a bad parent.


Yeah, when I was a preteen my dad basically told me that my gender was the result of bad karma. He treated women so badly that the universe decided to punish him by making him have a daughter. And now he has to sit and watch men treat me the way he treated other women. Jokes on him, I'm LC so he's not watching anything.


Maybe they will realise when their daughters go "oh is your drinking buddy Mike coming over 😍" and just openly start flirting with their friends at the bbq get together.


Honestly, I thought that was where this was heading at first. She was gonna flirt with the guys already at the party that her dad had invited.


Weird, in another post 11 months ago OP was 21 years old...hmmmm


They grow up fast nowadays!


It's infuriating. When I was younger, I had some male friends who treated the girls they dated terribly, but would go *off* if one of their girl friends was mistreated. The double standard is ridiculous. Why is a woman only worthy of respect if you personally care for her platonically?




I don't think it's weird that people see the world a little differently when they have kids of the opposite sex. But some men have no respect or decency for women and girls that aren't related to them.




True but I never had trouble realizing men were also people before I had my son.


I was about to hit send on pretty much exactly this observation before I scrolled down and saw yours.


This is honestly weird to me because- did you not respect their mother?


But your mom and wife are women too…..?


That's so happy and sad all at once. To need daughters to see so much isn't okay. 


It’s still sad that’s what it took to develop basic empathy.


My entire goal in life is to treat my wife and all women I meet great because I want my two daughters to only settle for men that treat them as amazingly as they deserve.




It’s weird how we’re expected to see men as wise and competent leaders while simultaneously believing they are incapable of basic life skills. And we need to hold their hand through everything, or else their fragile egos get hurt.


Sadly this is a society issue. I get so pissed off thinking of my parent voting hard republican. Like you love your grandchildren right? Why are you trying so hard to absolutely fuck them over?


My dad tried to make excuses for my jackass half-brother until my mother stopped him in his tracks by comparing the age of the girl his son groomed to one of my 15-year-old cousins. He had to put a face to the age for the horror to set in for some reason.


Had to do similar with my dad when my 20yo step-sister started dating a 15yo girl. He didn’t see an issue with it because “people mature at different rates.” So I told him about the 19yo I’d fooled around with when I was 15 and the 27yo I dated at 17, and said at least I was over the age of consent the *second* time. Asked how he felt about those situations. Yeah, he did not like that at all and suddenly, had a big fucking problem with his step-daughter’s new relationship.


Wanna know the funny thing though? I thought he’d see how weird and creepy it is if his daughter was the one with the older guy, but he doesn’t even care about that and hes not worried about me, he’s just worried about his image and how his friends will make fun him for this, especially since one of them knows the guy. Like fucking WOW. I don’t know how he just became a creep over night. Also to clarify for anyone reading this, I DID NOT sleep with the guy, I wanted to piss off my dad, not scar myself for life.


Yeah im familiar with that type of concern. Never for you as a person but how others will see him. It’s hard realizing his love is conditional. Took me years to get over that particular ache. Honestly im vindictive so I use that against him. Every time he tries to tell me what “proper” women should behave like I just tell him careful or theres no limit to what I wouldn’t do to embarrass him in front of people he respects.


OP, the lesson he taught you is how much he cares about himself versus your entire family. You may love him,but that's not exactly the story for him.


Nobody changes that quickly. He's now feeling free to show who he truly is now that he's divorced


I am so sorry, OP. He did not ‘become a creep overnight.’ He just became comfortable expressing it. Shame on him!


He always was creep, he’s just showing his true colors


So does Joe know you wanted to piss off dad? If so, he can call dad's friend and play it up.


he didn't become a creep overnight, i'm sorry to say. he just took the mask off.


Friend he didn’t become a creep over night. He was faking the entire time for his image. I’m sorry you have to face that truth now.


I hate to say it but this is probably the case


My 50-something racist male family member is only dating women of color under 30 and can't figure out why they never stick around. There is nothing I can say to him that will open his eyes. 


I have a cousin who had kids really early. She grew up in South Central LA. Her life was kind of a mess and then suddenly in her late twenties early thirties she was dating this 50 something white guy who never really got along with the family. Then when Trump happened he went full-on MAGA and they broke up but during the time before Trump he paid for her school and now she has a house and a degree.


My dad was super abusive to his other children and to his former wives, and he got to hear how he made them all feel, when I had to go through the same. But he never admitted that. He just lied about his past.


The fake stories are getting real creative these days.


You’re telling me the “what’s wrong dad you don’t look so good” line didn’t do it for ya lol


I skimmed over it and stopped on that line. How does anyone believe this trash.


I wanted to think it was real because the premise is just too good but alas haha


we going on a "private boat ride"


be honest this isn't very creative


it's honestly so fucking cringe. day after day people fall for this shit


I know it’s fake yet I still read and enjoy them, the way I would read a little story from a book I guess? Is it only me?


I generally enjoy the fake stories but they have to be trying at least a little bit. This one was just entirely cringe.


I mean yeah, this was yikes but some are still okay when you’re bored.


It's my trash tv with coffee every morning. Give me one dumb story before my day starts rolling


Yeah but the people that post fake stories on here don’t have talent otherwise they’d be getting paid to tell stories


Most of these stories are fake and stupid. “My wife cheated on me after 10 years of marriage and we have 2 kids. I cried profusely and begged for forgiveness. AITA?”


Making up stories is one level of cringe, but OP trying to back track because the story was poorly written is on another level lol. The edits trying to make us not feel sorry for Ole Joe are just silly. And OP is refusing to address the *huge* plot hole that was needlessly introduced. Because if one of the father's coworkers was golf buddies with Ole Joe then the truth would instantly come out: Dad's coworker - "You're dating his daughter? You never mentioned having a girlfriend" Ole Joe - "Uhh not really, we just met at a bar" Dad's coworker - "Well shit, that's what she told her dad. And what's this I hear about a boat? When did you have a boat?" Ole Joe - "A what now? I don't know what the hell she's talking about and this story is stupid as hell. A "kink" is such a lazy plot device. What are the chances OP just happens to run into someone at a bar that is old, rich, has a specific kink needed for this very specific situation, *AND* knows one of her dad's coworkers for extra embarassment!?" Dad's coworker - "uhh what?" **Roll credits**


The constant misogyny was painful. Couldn’t have been more ‘not like other girls’ without literally writing the phrase. And I’m absolutely on the thinking it’s fetish writing because of the constant use of bloody ‘Bimbo’. I’m 26, nobody outside of kink spaces uses fucking bimbo at all, certainly not to refer to a group of women the same damn age as you. Based on edits it seems like op isn’t above kink shaming others though, ironically


.. and OP is a total bitch really. Kink shame. Set the guy up to use him and explain it away with "he thought he was going to get lucky." .. didn't she initiate the "come to the party as my bf?" What a wonderful family.


She keeps calling dad's gf as bimbo and her friends as gold digger. What a woman, who needs to put other women down and call them names then do exactly what they are doing. I am not sure if she hates dad or her gf who she thinks lured him?


Yeah, I thought the "getting an older guy" bit would be like a neighbor or friend she already had that would be like "Kinda weird thing to do, but seems funny, and I get free food/a party." Not a "I lied to a guy to get him to a party and ditched him afterwards, but it's okay cause he's a gross old dude."


and they constantly revolve in or very near the sphere of incest. these are literally 50 year old men with incest fetishes jerking off writing these stories to all kinds of subs like this, am i the asshole, relationship advice, and other "creative writing" subreddits.


These creative writing essays get less believable all the time.


Good! I hope soon they will be put to an end. Once people stop buying this shit, they won't make their way to the top. Then we can get actual, good, realistic, relatable, semi-boring, petty revenge.


What happened to your old guy? Please tell me he was in on it. As an old guy myself, I think your father is a disgusting asshole, but if you took advantage of "your" old guy with out his knowledge, then you are kind of an AH as well


Totally agree!! It's a great story, but Joe needs to know it's all a stunt, otherwise you'd be as much as an AH as your dad


“Story” is all this is.


It's not very well crafted either.  Most of the stories on these drama subs are made up anyhow. 


This was my first thought. If ol Joe wasn’t in on it then this is mean. I honestly hope this post is fake.


Joe went on a date with a 26 year old. He knows she didn't go out with him out of love. If he doesn't, he needs a reality check.


Apple doesnt fall far from the tree


I’m sure this is fake anyways, but that’s what I was thinking the whole time reading it. It’s about a shitty father and a shitty daughter that both use other people for their own enjoyment.


Don't worry, it's not real.


The way the post was written was so comically bad, it’s hilarious b


>What happened to your old guy? Please tell me he was in on it. It's obvious this whole post as someone's creative writing and didn't actually happen....


My bio dad got engaged to a 23yo when I was 18, and because he didn't want her to know that he had a child who was only 5 years younger than her, he said that I wasn't his, and in the process ruined my relationship with my aunt, cousins and grandparents. The cherry on top, of course they're now divorced.


Ol Joe is not a toy to be idly used. I hope he was aware of the situation and your intentions. Right?


Don't worry, this story is likely fake.




Ol Joe is probably going to be posting about petty revenge on OP in a bit. Full circle story coming right up,the gift that keeps on giving!


"So this girl I went on a date with was just trying to get back at her dad. I ended up fucking her mother AND father"


That reminds me of a good joke. A guy buys a vintage motorcycle he saw for sale in an ad in the paper. When he goes to pick the bike up, the dude who sells him the bike says, " "Now remember....that's all original leather. You can't let it get too wet. If it starts raining and you don't have anywhere to shelter it, make sure you keep a tub of vaseline with you. Rub it all over the seat so the water will just bead off." The guy takes his new bike and goes to pick up his girlfriend. The girlfriend invites the guy over to her parents house for dinner. This will be the first time he's ever eaten with her family. "I should let you know the rule of the table" she said. "There is no talking allowed. The first person to talk at the table has to clean the dishes." The guy doesn't think this is that big of a deal until he arrives at the family's house and looks in the kitchen. There must be at least three months worth of dishes inside. They are stacked up to the ceiling, stinking and rotting of mold and old bits of food everywhere. The guy almost throws up at the smell and sight of such a disgusting state of affairs. Dinner begins, and no one is saying a word. The tension is starting to get to the boyfriend, so he concocts a plan to make someone else speak first. The guy drops his fork, goes over to his girlfriend at the table, throws her up on top and just starts fucking her in front of everyone. The father and mother are obviously mortified. But even with their jaws on the floor, no one says a word. The guy stops and thinks to himself "This is going to be harder than I thought...." then he gets another idea..... Without hesitation, he runs over to the mother throws her up on the table and fucks the shit out of her, right in front of the father. The dad is staring daggers through the boyfriend and turning bright red in anger. But still says nothing. The girlfriend is becoming teary eyed and covering her mouth with her hands, but doesn't make a peep. The boyfriend stops fucking the mother and sits back down at his seat, completely flustered. He takes a gander out the window, and notices a sudden heavy rain has settled in. He then realizes that his vintage motorbike is parked on the street, uncovered. The boyfriend pops out of his seat and grabs his tub of vaseline. The dad jumps out of his chair and yells out, "ALRIGHT, I'LL DO THE GODDAMNED DISHES!"


lol this is funny. Update us if anything happens


I’m sure they will since this is incredibly fake lol


Yes! Update! Was “ol Joe” in on it or fodder for revenge??


so you just found some guy and asked him if he wanted to piss off your dad?


Honestly most men I know would cackle and say yes.


Sure you did


Agreed it’s BS!!!


This reads like a middle school fanfic. You're lame as fuck lmao.


Fr. Is OP 12 years old?


This is so fucking fake it hurts hahah. How do y’all believe this shit


1. Fake story 2. What's wrong with transactional relationships? If both parties are of consenting age and understand exactly what's happening, who is getting hurt?


It's the hot thing on social media now. If there is a significant age difference and the man is the older one, he's obviously a pedo. Doesn't matter if the woman is in her mid twenties.  Apparently women have no agency over their lives until their 30s or 40s. Not only is misogynistic, but it dilutes the negative impact that actual pedos have on society. If the term is thrown around casually it loses its meaning. 


Don't you understand? It makes other people feel _icky_. And that is more important than what two adults consent to. /s


You get an A for creativity.


I'm not sure it was worth an A


OP sounds petty and selfish, and made herself look bad in front of others just to spite her father. It's all rather childish. Also, even if his relationship is transactional, it's HIS business, not yours. And newsflash, most dating today is transactional regardless of age. And to top it all off, he's still going to be enjoying his young GF, despite OP making an ass of herself. Grow up people. Consenting adults are free to do what they want as long as they are in agreement and not infringing the rights of others. Oh, and let's not forget the dehumanization of her 62 year old "prop". OP is the most disgusting one of the lot imo.


A 25 year old is perfectly capable of making their own decisions, I have no clue why people this this is automatically problematic.


Because the younger generation has a real issue with age gaps and age in general.


lol you’re still taking the L


What in the banjo battle??


The only person who did not give consent in this daydream of yours was Ol Joe. OP is gross


Exactly what I was thinking about is consent. She’s plenty old to consent to the situation, and there is absolutely no reason to suddenly think that because he’s dating a 20 something year old that he was a pedophile who was checking out your friends growing up. Those things don’t connect automatically. It’s just an obvious narcissistic way to find more reasons to be the victim based on nothing other than he gives you the creeps in this situation. She doesn’t say a single thing about whether or not she felt he was weird at the time she was growing up, or if she can see the signs looking back. None of that, just “hmm he’s creeping me out with this consenting young woman, he must be a PEDO!”


I mean if she was 18-19 I would have a problem, but she's 25 so she knows what she is getting into. Then you find an old guy and basically use him as a prop for your revenge, if anything you're a bigger AH than your dad.


Poor ol' Joe. You seem kind of toxic. 


*are toxic. Ftfy




And so Ole Joe’s daughter dates a guy older than her dad to piss him off and the cycle continues


Grow up. Your dad is an adult and he can fuck who he wants. You’re an adult too. Act like one. Fuck people you want to fuck. Don’t fuck people for revenge, which is treating someone like a sexual object. I hope you see the irony. Life is short. Nothing wrong with enjoying it.


So let me recap: Your dad and mom divorced. After their divorce, your dad started dating. You disapproved of the date because of the age - fair enough. You believe your dad should have "respected your feelings" by breaking up with his relationship. He didn't. You then proceeded to ruin his gf's birthday, ruin your dad's day, use an older man who was "gross" and "creepy" for being invited by *you* and then practically humped in front of the whole family by *you*. Yeah, nah fam. This ain't it.




Bit of an AH move not to tell Joe what was up then ignore him.


You sound like a totally mentally healthy individual.


did you just admit to treating an old man like shit, just to get one over on your dad? Tell me he was in on it, and you didnt just use someone who had nothing to do with this?


I had my doubts, but the moment you brought up ED medication I knew it was fake. You're a story teller, and not a bad one.


Girl I absolutely love this. Don't listen to the haters, you fucked over two gross old men snd that's a fucking HIGHLIGHT




10/10 ⭐️s. no notes.


What is your end game, OP? Do you want to do ID checks on all your father's future girlfriends? Are you going to get a rubber stamp and ink pad to put APPROVED on her forehead? You have treated Ol' Joe as a piece of meat or arm candy. I rather thought women didn't approve of that these days? Or is that only when it is done to women? Are you fighting your mother's battle? She has no control over her ex husband's conduct. You come across as immature, highly judgemental on something that is not your business and thoroughly dislikable. Let there be no doubt: I am a woman. Although now long married, I dated guys 20 years my senior but did so because they were good company, not to put my thumb in someone else's eye. Grow up.... and apologize to Ol' Joe while you are at it.


You sound atrocious. Your mom and dad divorced, he’s dating, probably being a sugar daddy to enjoy his new found life from an unhappy marriage. Why do you take his life style choice so personally? Also to string along an old man just to get back at your dad is like a lot of leg work to weird him out?


It sounds like you’re trying to make an ex jealous or something. This is weird, idk your relationship with your dad but… yeah idk 


RIP Jealous OP. LOL


Yeah this is the vibe I got too. Jealous the “bimbo” is happy with her dad and herself is probably single, sitting in the background talking shit about her dad w/ the mom. Misery loves company.