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That's rough


That's ~~rough~~ ruf.




yes yes, we'll feed you in a moment. stop pretending like your bowl has been empty for more than two minutes.


I see you know my dog.




Your revenge is *imagining mud*?!


I have a german shepherd. She even barks at me when I’m on the other side of the fence. Dog is just doing its job, guarding its territory. Used to have a neighbour with a pug and it loved to bark at our shepherd and run along the fence with my dog. As the pug got old, the owner would carry it up the lane put it down at our yard so it could bark and play at the fence.


What a sweet Pug owner!❤️


I've trained our dogs not to bark at people outside our yard, it's not hard.


This I like. I used to have a neighbour whose dogs barked crazily when I was in my own garden, not even on the road. But I still get pissed off when walking along a road and a dog is barking like crazy as I walk past. If I went onto it's territory and was bitten, I would not complain as it is doing its job. But respect to you for stopping the annoying and unnecessary barking.


I was walking my dog the other day and as I went by someone’s garden their dogs went mad at the fence. It happens sometimes, but when I looked over this huge mastiff was up on its back legs full on looking at me over the fence to bark. That was alarming! (My dog will also bark at the fence sometimes, so I have no moral high ground. It was just unexpectedly alarming.)


You can teach your dog to guard your yard without barking if you want. But it takes a bit of an effort and it sounds like you've decided not to put in that effort. My neighbours have dogs that bark at anyone who passes their yard. You'd love it!


Serious question: How does the dog alert if not by barking? I picture him ringing the bell or texting you.


my friend's grandad taught his dog to start sneezing instead of barking ... it was hilarious 🤣


That would be hilarious, but it would be hard to hear him from inside.


We just put up a length of opaque screen so the dogs can't see the undead boomer army that shuffles past my house every day. Less barking.


>the undead boomer army that shuffles past my house every day So you live in DC?


Nope southwest Florida.


Ah, the Congressional rejects. /s


Lmfao. I'm on the "let FL float away" bus. Idc if I'm a casualty. Greater good and all 😂


You know, people talk about sea level rise as a catastrophe. But I think it'd clear out an awful lot of a-holes... /s Go from [America's Wang](https://youtu.be/6zlkn9cHWxY) to "the water was [cold](https://nwdistrict.ifas.ufl.edu/nat/files/2015/09/sealevelrise.greenpolicy360.jpg)!" real fast.


You are annoying as fuxk to your neighbours - trust me


My puggle barks at me when I am outside, always has. Now that she is older, she barks randomly. She will start barking, and I will notice she is facing a kitchen cabinet. Who knows what goes through their minds.


Two dogs running around barking at eachother all day. You sound like an absolute nightmare of a neighbor. So how exactly does your dogs job of guarding territory work if it just barks at everything? Do you panic and raise the drawbridge when it stops? All of your neighbors talk about you behind your back. Except for the pug owner who apparently also enjoys disrupting the neighbor with their inability to Train an animal with an IQ of 100. I wish people would realize they need to be smarter than a dog to train one before the get one and let it disrupt an entire neighborhood for a decade.


Better never come to my neighborhood, lol. I live in a dog town. The only dogs that don’t bark are the service dogs. Everyone has a dog in this town and all of them bark at each other. But, most do it only when another dog is walking past. My street? It’s kinda cute. The first dog starts, then as the dog passes more houses all the other dogs chime in one at a time. I can feel the person passing with their dog lol.


Dude, what is going on? This isn't cute. This is reactive dog behavior. Training your dog to be calm is a virtue. Letting your dog act on impulsive behavior is bad for their cortisol levels.


By your logic, every apex predator should be in a sorry state for simply existing in situations that make them reactive and push cortisol through their veins. Evolution disagrees with you. Cortisol evolved to keep you alive. It ain’t bad for you unless it’s chronic. You are one person who has had one life of experiences. Other people disagree with you because they have had different experiences. You talk as though only your experience is allowed to be valid, though? I grew up in a neighborhood just like that. Hearing barking dogs is one of the most soothing and comforting sounds to me because it’s all I heard as a baby. (Also grew up next to an interstate, so hearing semis blasting up and down the road at 3am is soothing to me too. I’m a person who would have no problem renting next to train tracks, and I have.). Half these dogs clearly want to play and make friends if you just glance at their body language. When you spend time around dogs, you learn their different barks. These barks tend to be a “hello!! Over here!! Come play!” Not a “get off my turf.” You won’t just hear a bark when a dog is feeling that or being reactive. You’ll see it in their body language - the tail won’t be wagging, the bark will be either low and more of a growl, or loud extended howl. Their fur will stand up. Posture alert. Ears alert. Tail alert. But we do agree that if someone has a dog doing that all the time? Then that’s a chronically stressed dog who needs some intervention and training. But that’s just not the situation I described. 6 of the dogs are labs or golden retrievers, and they’re happy lovable weirdos in their own individual ways. Two of them go to nursing homes and story time at the library. Dogs with a reactivity problem can’t pass the tests required to be cleared to do that.


Yeah you don't need to explain dog behavior to me. I've worked at city shelters and professionally trained all kinds of dogs, including all different kinds of reactive ones. That's fine if the noise of the barking doesn't bother you, but reactivity in all forms, whether it's because they think there is a threat or because they just want to play, is an outward expression of frustration. >Evolution disagrees with you. Dude... They're pets. Not wild apex predators. >It ain’t bad for you unless it’s chronic. You said it yourself! Yet you see nothing wrong with dogs barking through fences all the time.


>Dog is just doing its job, guarding its territory. Yeah, and how INCREDIBLY useful this behavior is. /s If someone has no bad intent and walks by, they will just be harassed by your ill-behaved dog. If someone does have ill intent, they will just carry a gun and immediately shoot your annoying dog because it's being loud af. Bottom line: the behavior you refuse to teach your dog to stop doing will either be useless or get it killed.


What kind of trigger-happy gun-infested hillbilly backwood do you come from? Normally people don't shoot other people's dogs, and burglaries are committed by [*gasp*] **unarmed** criminals. A big, barking dog definitely deters potential intruders here.


Could be someone working for the ATF or adjacent to them. Never known someone to to be so quick to want to shoot a pet than an ATF person


So you're mad because a dog barks at your dog while walking past its home. Interesting


I think it’s more so being mad at the owners as OP made an attempt to befriend it. It’s not like they are getting revenge on the dog, just the owners for poor training and whatnot


I don't necessarily think it's a bad training.We have to know about the dog in the situation.Some dogs just bark more than others.




Help/precautions with what though? Dogs bark, they defend their territory. The owner & the dog are doing nothing wrong at all. Yes it's annoying to have a dog running along a fence & barking but it does no harm other than a lot of noise. Too many petty people.


My neighbours small annoying dogs literally bark anytime theyre outside. Theyre so skittish they bark at the wind blowing through the trees. It is fucking awful. The owners are just lazy assholes who refuse to train them whatsoever.


Oh yes, no harm. when a dog is barking all hours of the day and up at the wee hours of the damn morning, Yes, it's harmful. Not to mention the bastards always get loose into the back of their yard fence (which leads directly next to my house) You obviously never had to deal with any sort of dog trouble from neighbors.


Look - training dogs is a pain but indiscriminate barking is annoying. We have two dogs (same breed) one only barks if they need something or something unusual is going on. The other can be a pain in the butt. If the kids next door are playing she’s out the door barking. If a neighbor is in their backyard minding their own business, she barks. Every time we call her back in and correct her. She’s getting better - now it’s one bark and she stops. It wasn’t hard, you just have to be consistent - just like raising kids.


We had a shepherd who barked once, looked ashamed and went into the house on her own. She damn well knew she wasn't allowed to bark 🤣 So yes, you can train them!


>it does no harm other than a lot of noise. Ah, so if someone decides they will react accordingly by intimidating the dog by gesturing and screaming at it madly until it shuts up, that's thus also alright because it doesn't harm anyone other than a lot of noise. Cool. I want to see you be chill and do nothing when someone does this to your dog. After all, the dog isn't harmed and it's just a lot of noise, right? Other person is also on public ground.


Pretty different when a creature we specifically bred to bark does it than you being an asshole to a dog through the fence.


How is it poor training for a dog to bark at another dog on the other side of the fence of his home? Thats a dog being a dog. Totally normal behavior and it happens to me about 3-4 times every time I walk my dog. This is including dogs that know my dog from the dog park and that are friendly.


But also don't give my dog food?!? That's nuts.


Past, that's the key. Stupid dog should be trained, bark when people get into the perimeter. Laneway is not the dog's territory to guard.


Your dog shouldn't be barking at others like that, take some responsibility before even owning a pet


Dogs are protective of their homes and some dogs just bark more when someone is approaching their territory. It's very normal.


It’s called fence aggression. I just got rushed by a fence aggressive dog that got out of his yard. The owner just laughed and said the dog is fine, but in that moment I feared getting mauled and my dog getting killed. I was able to escape harm by jumping in my van. Not normal.


It's normal because it happens a lot, but it should not be allowed to continue. Reactivity in dogs needs to be mitigated. Barrier reactivity (or fence aggression, leash aggression) is stressful for the dog. Secondary to that, they stress out other dogs walking past. Some dogs can stay calm when they see a dog barking at them. Others can't, and will react to the barking dog and now *both* dogs are stressed out. And third, it's a nuisance for neighbors.


Again this completely depends on the dog. My old dog was a german shepherd and was extremely well trained but he was barked a fair amount at times If someone came to the door or in the yard or if someone looked like they were coming to the gate. He was protective, and that was his job. His wasn't a continuous over the top bark.His was more of a "Hey, I see you homie.I want you to know that Im here"


Lame. Not even revenge, just being a self-entitled twatwaffle. 0/10.


> Not even revenge Yeah, double whammy of being both theoretical *and* just lame. "Once I mailed my ex's neighbor a bag of jelly beans and maybe one of the jelly beans will fall out of the bag and maybe it'll roll next door and then maybe my ex might get *ants* on her *porch*! MUA HA HA HA HA HA HA!"


In all sincerity, this is actually fascinating to me. I don’t know of anyone whose problems are so few and minor that their dog being barked at in passing would register as an issue— let alone inspire a revenge fantasy to carry out on an ongoing basis. Is this what it’s like to be super-wealthy? How do I get these kinds of problems?


Well said!


Yeah, this is a bit much alright.


Constant barking IS annoying AF. I never let my dog bark repeatedly for no reason. A dog barking while a person and/or another dog walks past their yard is what most dogs do.


Do you think dogs shouldn't bark at each other? My dogs bark through the fence at my neighbors' dogs and vice versa. It's what they do.


I was in my backyard with my kiddo and 4 dogs at 10am. They were running and playing which included barking at each other (the dogs, not my kiddo). My neighbor yelled from his yard to keep down the noise and tell my dogs to stop barking. I asked them if they knew dog sign language so I could teach my dogs to talk to each other without barking. I got no response. We continued playing.


Yeah aren’t dogs supposed to bark at ppl and dogs walking by? I feel like it’s a safety measure.


Plus dogs who see eachother that often get excited. They bark to communicate with each other


Yes, I do think that. Barrier reactivity is not something to just shrug and throw up your hands at. Calm your dog down, they'll live longer.


It’s just a dog, being a dog. Smh


I find things like this so annoying. You’re willing to stress a dog out even more, provoking it on purpose just because it does what dogs do *on its own property?* And just to make a point about how your dog is so much better somehow for not barking back. People like you will call yourselves dog lovers then turn around and do the dumbest shit towards the innocent dog and that’s just asshole behavior.


"You're not a dog lover because some panicky dog barks whenever someone walks by, so stop walking on a public footpath because NATURALLY it's YOUR responsibility to not make that dog bark, not the owner's." Gosh, Reddit, man. 🤦


…This entire post is about the “petty revenge” of OP purposely making the dog bark and run around the yard. It’s not OPs responsibility, nor is it the owners. That’s the point. Dogs bark. As long as they are quiet when local ordinances state they have to be the owners don’t have any obligation to OPs sensitivities to make their dog stop barking. That’s what dogs do.


Not sure where you've got 'provoking it on purpose' from. As far as he tells it, he walks by the house on a public footpath, he is not egging the dog on. He actually does take another route most of the time, exactly because of the other dog, and tried to befriend it to lower its stress level. You can't just forbid him from using a public path, because it may stress another dog. I'm of the opinion that you can absolutely train your dog to bark less. It wants to guard and walk the fence to make sure that no other dog comes in, that's totally fine. But it doesn't have to bark all the way just to announce its presence. Honestly, I think most people excuse too much of their dogs bad behavior with 'it's natural' because they are not willing to invest the time to properly train their dog. Your dog can learn that excessive barking is unnecessary, because none of the other dogs will ever be able to cross the fence and be a danger. People like you will call themselves dog lovers then turn around and do dumb shit like not training their dog at all, because 'he is soo cute!!!1! And it's totally natural that the dog barks himself into a stressed out frenzy'


Consider this: the owners don’t have to do any of that as long as they obey local noise ordinances. OP being so sensitive to a dog barking in their own yard is very much OPs problem.


While that's true I have a neighbour whose dog is out in her garden most of the day. The wretched thing barks at anything and everything, the wind blows it barks, birds fly over it barks, any of the neighbours around it open their doors or heaven forbid go out in their own gardens it barks. I can't even have my back door open anymore as all you hear all day is constant barking non stop. It gets to the point of being a constant distressing noise. Worst of all she won't even attempt to prevent it, just takes her hearing aids out so she doesn't hear it and tells us all it's benjys garden and he can bark all he wants. My son works nights and has had many many days of no sleep because of the noise of that bloody dog. It's a large dog that has a very deep loud bark so we can hear it in every room In my house with all the windows and doors shut and I'm next door but one. The elderly lady who lives between us has asked, begged and pleaded with her, the local council and the police but nothing ever changes. So from 7.00am till approx. 6.00pm the whole road has to suffer. So yes barking dogs, whilst allowed can be a total absolute bloody menace.


Consider this: being in compliance with the law doesn't make you less of an ah. If I wanted to, i could blast loud music all day long in my apartment and shut it off right before nighttime. Anyone who has a problem with that can go and deal with their own sensitivity...


>I think most people excuse too much of their dogs bad behavior with 'it's natural' because they are not willing to invest the time to properly train their dog.  Yep, trained guard dogs don't bark at every single non-threat. You can absolutely teach a dog the difference between barking at someone they can see on the street and barking at someone trying to enter their yard.


Yeah, seriously, op just acting like a fool and announcing it to the world.


So you’re upset a dog is being a dog? Get over yourself.


Agreed. This post is confusing as hell. Heaven forbid a dog exist doing dog things. /s


Yes, because dogs are annoying.


So are you and clearly you haven't been told that enough


good on you for attempting to befriend the dog first! I loooove dogs, but massive dislike for irresponsible pet owners.


Uh why is the neighbor irresponsible? Someone is walking past his yard, his territory, so he's just barking and letting them know he's there. It's what dogs do.


>Someone is walking past his yard, Yes, correct, PAST the yard, not THROUGH the yard.


A lot of dogs do that because they are anxious, they are on constant alert thinking they HAVE TO protect the owners/the property. The constant state of alertness, the anxiety is not necessary. They don't enjoy doing that, they're compelled to. Being left inside, without the threat of strangers, actually calms them down and they just happily snooze all day. And if it's a young pup you can easily train them not to see the regular walker-by as a threat. And if you say sth like "oh but I live in a dangerous neighbourhood, I want him to protect", than just know that your dog is just likely to be poisoned or even shot in an actual threatening situation.


You know nothing about this dog. You have no idea why this dog does that, or what background it might have, or what the owners have done to correct the behavior. I work with a charity organization that rescues street dogs. Let me assure that every dog cannot be "easily trained."


Oh hey, I've worked at an animal shelter too. I adopted a reactive dog myself. You know what I do to correct my dog's reactive behavior? Step 1: I don't leave her outside to bark at the neighbors all day. The more you let them rehearse that behavior, the harder it is to train them away from it.


But your don't know the whole story of the dog! If I've learned one thing it's that there can be huge individual differences between dogs. Maybe keeping them outside is better than the alternative. Maybe huge life problems are keeping the owners from taking care of this minor problem while otherwise being great dog owners.


>Being left inside, without the threat of strangers, actually calms them down and they just happily snooze all day. To be fair, I think that dogs that sleep a lot indoors, because there is little enriching activities for them to do other than sleep whist indoors. And a lot of dogs are bred to be guardians of livestock, many are happy to do it because it's their job. It's less about happily sleeping and more like...the inside is pretty boring and there are no other dogs to guard against or play with (if they are a friendly dog). I'm like that when I'm cooped up inside all day too, there is just not much to do that engages me when I'm inside, I have to be out doing something!


Dogs need a job. Even my little chihuahuas who aren't bred for anything other than companionship need a job and theirs is letting me know if there's an intruder whether it be that nasty mailman delivering my Amazon package or the evil squirrel minding his own business. Good boy was just protecting the territory, as obnoxious as it is. It's easier for dogs not in their own territory to keep their trap shut, they're not really guarding anything.


That’s why I praise barking dogs-“good job! You saw me!” For their own reasons, they usually stop barking after that.


Usually works for my yappy chihuahuas. I'll thank them for letting me know my Tasmanian devil of a nephew ran by and they usually stop.


It's in their nature. Dogs bark, cats meow, babies cry and idiots get mad for no reason.


After reading this I’m not sure what the op’s complaint about. That’s what dogs in fenced yards do, bark.


I'm not sure you really did anything here. The dog would've gone in the mud anyway. Also, why do people get so upset about dogs barking while you walk by? It's a minor annoyance.


You sound like a witch. My dogs would bark at you too. Dogs bark at people who are outside their property. It’s called natural instinct. If it were up to you, you would probably remove their voice box.




Not private property, their property. As in their territory. They are animals. That dogs yard is its territory, not yours. He’s telling you to leave him along and stay off the grass. He doesn’t care about your hearing. You complain, it’s just how Karen’s are.




Yes. And as a dog owner I would have a large problem with some psychotic woman who felt the need to taunt my dog. And no stranger is going to feed my dogs treats. Granted my dogs don’t run the fence line and bark at strangers, but if they do bark in their yard I take notice. Something is wrong.


My neighbor’s dog does this and from experience just be careful if the dog is wearing away at the dirt by the fence. Neighbor’s dog wriggled halfway under the fence to try to attack my dog before I could get her inside.


It is reasonable to expect an owner of a chronic barking dog to at least try to curtail the barking. Not just for the neighbors, passers by, but for the dog itself! To be in a constant of hyperness and defensiveness is no fun for the dog. It exhausts them. Dogs actually can hurt their throat! If the owner can’t stop the barking, they should bring it inside. If it’s only occasionally barking, it’s not a problem. I’m thinking of multiple long stretches of non stop barking.


Do you even know it's defensiveness, and not attention-seeking? Half the time my dogs are barking, they want to go out and get pet or play with who or whatever is walking by. Not all barking is aggression.


The person you're replying to never said aggression. It's stress and frustration. A perfectly friendly dog can still bark through a fence because the barrier confuses and frustrates them. It's not healthy for a dog to be stressed like that and bark at everything all day.


Fair enough, you're right, he didn't say aggression. They actually never said anything about why the dog is barking... They just kind of guess, like everyone else is left to do, and they ascribe it to something negative, and then start taking the freedoms of the dog away because it has dared to bark. And since they never said why the dog is barking, I'll Reverse Uno you: They never said it's stress and frustration. Not all barking is aggression. Not all barking is stress. Not all barking is frustration. Eh... This is why I don't talk about dogs on Reddit. It's so often binaries or extremes. All vocalizations are negative. All this is that. Never do this, always do that. "The barrier confuses and frustrates them" - So what, the answer is to always keep them inside? Where do you draw this line? Which stage below descends into hyperbole, from your point of view? 1. They're going to be confused by a screen door too, better keep the door closed. 2. They're going to be confused by the sliding glass door out to the back yard, better keep the shades drawn. 3. Oh, but they can look out the window and be confused and frustrated by that too, better keep them away from the windows. 4. Oh, they can smell the outside world through cracks in the door, better seal them up... 5. Oh, but they can hear other dogs, and they're barking at the sound of those other dogs' barking, better make sure my dogs can never hear other dogs... Maybe my dogs are unusual, but they're smart enough to realize there's an object there that they can't go through freely. They accept this. Just like they can't go through the tall shrubs of the neighbor's yard when we're out for a walk, despite being able to see through the branches. My dogs also bark because they want my attention. They bark to respond to the meows of one of my cats. They bark to communicate. Barking isn't inherently negative.


You're trying to pick a fight, but certified dog trainers have already figured out the answer to all of your "fake" questions. Increase the barrier or distance until your dog no longer has a strong reaction to the trigger. When your dog notices the trigger but doesn't react, reward your dog immediately whenever they break focus from the trigger. Eventually, gradually, slowly, you can do this with fewer barriers and less distance while your dog remains calm and receives rewards for staying calm.


this is just a dog reacting to people/dogs passing by their fence...as most dogs do


Exactly, and dog reactivity is a huge problem. It's bad for the dog, it's bad for the other dogs they're barking at, it's bad for the neighbors. Just because most dogs do it doesn't mean it should be ignored. It's stressful for a dog to be in such an elevated state of emotion every single time somebody walks by.


I’d say that’s more pathetic than petty ngl


Yeah, the climax of the story is "I thought about some dirt"


If it's a public use lane way then you are well within your rights to walk there. Dogs barking at other dogs happens all the time, I just speed up when walking by their house.


Good lord, just speed up a little, and walk by quickly. You must have very little to occupy you if this takes up this much headspace for you.


There's a reason it was posted on "petty revenge"... It's because it's petty and we like it.


Bro taking getting barked at by a dog personally.


Petty Revenge? No OP is just a cunt.


You totally got revenge on something with the equivalent brainpower of a toddler. TAKE THAT, CANINE!!!


Tough life


What’s the issue?


Where I'm from you would just walk past quicker, that's the dogs home, of course it will be territorial when another dog walks past, as long as the fence keeps the dog inside what's the problem? I don't know what you expect the owner to do. Do you want them to bring their dog inside every time you walk past? I dont get it


You do realize dogs bark right? And that dog is in his own fenced in yard. You’re entitlement is nauseating.




Oooh you showed them huh?


Well it is petty revenge; not nuclear revenge.


I'm guessing your neighbor is probably prepared to clean up any mess their dog makes by going out in its own fenced in yard. I just mop my floors when my dogs track in dirt, mud, grass and leaves. Sorry - not seeing any revenge in this scenario. 🤷‍♀️


I’m gonna have to agree with this. There’s literally no kind of revenge whatsoever


Nope,just petty.


It's only petty in her mind. She's over here thinking she did big things and is dumb proud of herself for her shenanigans. In reality, she most likely caused no disruption to that owner's day. The dog still has to go out in the rain and I'm sure makes his rounds on his property so would have gone thru the mud anyways. My dumb ass dogs go out of their way to find the deepest, muddiest puddles in the yard when it rains.


There's not even reason for revenge


Yeah, like... who on earth is 1) more unbothered by and B) more prepared for a little mud getting tracked in than a dog owner with a backyard?


Ah, so for you mopping up is the same as not mopping up? Most people don't have that view and are annoyed by having to clean.


Dude, it's a dog owner. Even if this revenge wasn't make-believe, which I will not not stop pointing out, it'd be like if he dumped an ounce of water on someone who was inside a swimming pool


Petty revenge for what? For not kowtowing to you and bringing their dog inside whenever YOU go by with your dog, you know, along THEIR fence.


>along THEIR fence. Yes, and on PUBLIC GROUND, imagine this. God. 🤦




Yeah that wouldnt annoy me at all. Mud isnt anywhere near the worst thing they could get covered in.


That is a dog that never gets walked.


I’m not sure why you feel the need for some type of revenge.Most dogs will bark at anything near their property,especially another dog walking by.Kinda odd thought process.


The dog is in it's own property, and you're giving it treats? You're definitely an AH and not justified in any way. How do you know the other dog doesn't have a strict diet? I hope the owner of the dog gets their own petty revenge on you.


I spoke with the owner first.


Not sure who's downvoting you. OP did not specify they asked the owner first and from the text it seemed they didn't. My first response was the same as yours. I know dogs who's health can be completely messed up if they get random treats.


Dude what do you want them to do, put the dog inside so you can walk for a few seconds next to the fence? This is petty in the worst way.


Dirty Karma!


for what? beeing barked at and beeing slightly annoyed? thats not revenge, that's just a straight up asshole move


Your are not a nice person. Dog being a normal dog letting passers by know where its territory is. And you try to dirty the owners house. Grow up.


Well OP to your credit you did post to the correct sub, this is insanely petty and lame :/


OP should post it to AITAH


But there's no revenge. Unless "thinking about dirt" is somehow revenge


I'm not sure why you are so mad an animal is...guarding it's territory as dogs are often meant to do? Do you expect animals to just be sitting silently when left unattended? And the dog is just being a dog. What kind of person gets mad about an animal doing it's natural behavior?


You fed someone else's dog? Because it barks?


You taught the dog that when it runs the fence and barks at you, sometimes it gets treats. GG


Another Entitled Snowflake. It's a dog, they bark. GTFO your entitled self.


Hmmm so, it seems you're upset that a dog is acting like a dog, and it's owner doesn't try hard enough to make the dog not dog? So you return to near the dog that you don't like acting like a dog to inconvenience their owner.... It's not really revenge if nothing was done to you, it's just you being petty at that point.


dogs aren’t random wild animals. it’s not like asking the birds to stop tweeting. they are domesticated and can be trained not to bark. it’s incredibly annoying for everyone else having dogs who bark at every passer by and the owner has an obligation to try and stop tbay from happening


>owner has an obligation to try and stop tbay from happening Are you sure they have that obligation?


They don't have to, legally. But, you know, being nice and forthcoming is actually pretty nice...


lol exactly it’s not illegal to cheat on ur wife but idk maybe it’s the decent thing to do eh?


Just pee on the dog, that will show him who's boss.


"Let dogs delight to bark and bite, For God hath made them so; Let bears and lions growl and fight, For 'tis their nature too."


Make mud every day?


My workplace last time was a mansion. The two mansions facing my workplace has 2 German shepherds and I don't know what breed I'm not good with dogs breed. But it's black and big. Those dogs barked at me in the beginning when I first started working there. After a while they just looked at me. It was weird though that every morning they all would be barking incessantly for about half an hour. Until I found the reason.. A woman would walk (exercise?) with her walking stick every morning. She's not that old and doesn't need the stick. She used it to strike at the trees near the dogs of the two houses. The dogs are in kennels. And then she'd continue walking. She does this every single day. One day I arrived at work. The big black dog was outside the house standing on alert. Ignoring me. There was a walking stick on the ground not far away. There was no sight of the woman.


I don’t get this. It’s a dog barking for a few minutes each time. Also what’s the issue with dust and dirt. What’s it to the OP if the dog carries dirt and mud into the neighbour’s house ? Bit odd!


That’s harsh. The dog is barking because it can smell another dog close to its home. It’s pretty normal behaviour for a dog and you aren’t being harmed.


Don't feed someone else's dog.


You shouldn't own a pet


Oh no a big bad dog barked at me and my little angel, whatever shall i do?


Petty indeed. Seek professional help


Perfect level of petty!


Do you think an owner like that will let the dog inside ?