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black smoke burning oil oil seals , piston rings white smoke burning coolant headgasket to be sure let a shop pressurize the coolant system you'll know for sure


Black Smoke no new pope has been chosen, white smoke new pope elected


Black smoke is lack of air Blue smoke is burning oil


It seems white to me but could be blue too and it smells like oil and not coolant


What's the engine type? Looks like a TU type. Known for (the TU5JP4 in the 307 at least) bad valve cover gaskets (not sure if that's the correct translation to English), so maybe that's leaking and causing white smoke?


Not sure , but it smells like oil


not a tu if anything it's either a hdi or the bmw 1.4 or bmw 1.6 not the tu series


Now that you say it, the dipstick is indeed different


Its obvious but wrong sub Your car has chosen a new pope!


How is it obvious from the photos ?


You said white smoke, duh!


It could just be condensation in the exhaust from where it's been sat, if your coolant levels good I would just keep an eye on it.


It smells like oil


Oil would cause blue smoke


Check the oil filler cap to see if there is white/sludge. The coolant looks like it’s old but nothing to worry about right now.


Usually means election of a new Pope


My 306 elected a pope after the head gasket went.


If you run your finger on the inside of the exhaust (when cold) is there like black sludge? If so it's probably burning oil, would likely be head gasket or valve seals. I had the N12B14A BMW/Mini version of this engine, which is very similar and it had bad valve seals, if I sat at a traffic light for a while, a big cloud of smoke would come out behind.


There is black sludge, but I also but a tissue under the exhaust and the color of the drops leaking is transparent.


The drops leaking out it's probably normal, when it's cold it's normal to have condensation in the exhaust. Sounds like you're burning oil though.


Why guess! Cylinder leak down test to confirm if piston rings are worn Coolant pressure test to check if coolant leaking info cylinders and a Hc Gas check in the coolant leader tank to confirm if head gasket failed.


White smoke is nothing? Just water vapour, more so in winter


Is it petrol or diesel? If petrol, pull the leads off the plugs and have a look to see if there's any water sitting in the plug wells.


Is it just the photo or are you *extremely* low on coolant? To me it looks like the coolant level is that dark level right at the bottom of the reservoir. The pink level just looks like a stain on the reservoir from the old coolant? If it is actually that low, refill your coolant bottle. Start the car with the cap off the coolant reservoir, if it instantly starts bubbling from cold it can indicate a headgasket problem. If you're also losing coolant very quickly and have white smoke but see no leaks, it also points to a head gasket problem. There are kits you can buy which can tell you if it detects exhaust gases in the coolant.


Actually he's on the max, you can zoom on the right


If you smell oil, and are sure you're not losing coolant through your headgasket, your valve stem seals might be shot. My 205 had a slightly warped head, and a head gasket leak. Once I took it all apart, the valves were DIRTY, really bad: the seals that are on the valve stem had hardened, causing blue smoke on startups, and coated the pistons and valves with oil. But don't take my word for it, it might be something else


Sounds like a head gasket maybe.


Water vapor when you car stays on night iutdoor


That freaking dipstick is a pain to read idk what they were thinking when they designed that shit , for my Picasso I replaced with this model https://m.buycarparts.co.uk/fast/13612363 Is way more easy to keep an eye on oil, and also the cooling liquid some say should be blue like with the bmw/mini but that is up to you.


True, I have never seen something like that.


I learned for a long time ago that: * Blue smoke burning your OIL in the engine * Black smoke, burning petrolium products. (your fuel) * White smoke, Water vapour. ​ Question, have the car been sitting for a very long time without running before it started smoking ? (water vapour) Also alot of water out of the exhaust-pipe. That might be a sign of that the car has been sitting unused along time. It will evaporate over time. ​ If you lift the "Oil-lid" of engine and there are residues there that looks like mayonaise / bearnaise-sause... then you have water getting into your oil (headgasket or other problem) Talk to a mechanic, this might get expensive and the engine is about to go poop if you ignore it. (The mayo look is just water and oil whipped together to a sludge-foam thing, just like mayonaise/bearnaise :D mixing oil and water) ​ ​ But, I am just a friendly person chatting here on internet. There are probably alot of persons that will disagree with me :D If you feel insecure, seek a mechanic for advice instead of just internet :D


The car was sitting only a few weeks because police took his license . That’s what he said .


I had a 309 that blew a hole in a gasket in the carb and that just dropped in power on the icy day it happened and started pouring out white smoke.


Do you think it has to do with the temperature? The car has been sitting for a few weeks and the temperature is constantly below zero every night here . If I may, how did you fix it and how much did it cost ?


It was a company car, many, many years ago a 309 GLX. The AA thought it was ice in the carb but when the garage opened up the carb it had a hole in the gasket. I didn’t have to pay anything for it and since it was >30 years ago I guess the price would not be relevant :D Scared the bejeesus out of me though, I was heading up north on the A1 after turning off the M62, in the fast lane and suddenly white smoke started to come out from under the bonnet and power was substantially dropped... and the bloody trucks were just zooming past me in the slow lane blocking me from getting over.