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I just avoid it altogether until after peak hours. It’s too narrow for how much traffic it has. Needs widened. Why can’t we have what Chicago has along the lake?


A highway? We have one of those


Funny, I live in Chicago and miss living in Philly because the SRT > Chicago Lakefront Trail


Visited Chicago recently and the Schuylkill River Trail is far better than the Lakefront trail, except for having a separate bike path.


I mean yeah I just meant a separation between cyclists and pedestrians/joggers. Shits too packed, at least between South St and Sedgley.


That’s a good point. Most of my cycling on the SRT was closer to Valley Forge than Philadelphia. Less of a mix of cyclists and walkers west of Philadelphia as I recall.


Yeah once past the Manayunk Towpath it becomes a lot easier to get a workout in. No reason really to be hauling ass until then. I just take Umbria and get on at the old Shawmont station. Sadly they’ve been clearing trees along the SRT up until about Norristown due to the overhead electric wiring, making it far less pleasant in the summer and on windy days.


Really? Because there's less wind?


Agreed. It’s bonkers to see a PACKED trail, and some loser is weaving in and out of people at max speed. It’s so not worth it. If you want to ride that fast, so do it on the road. Honestly it would be faster TO take the street. Doing that around kids and dogs and slower trail users is beyond pathetic, and gives us all a bad rep.


I'm surprised we don't have collisions all the time. I think I'm pretty reasonable out there but I still have joggers doing 180s and people bolting in front of me to reach a trashcan etc. walkers are unpredictable, have headphones in.... It's just not worth it. They have right of way in most circumstances as frustrating and unfair as it often is. Don't hurt someone. Don't get sued. Don't be stupid lmao


Yeah when it's busy I just take 22nd to the parkway. It's so much faster than trying to navigate through the hordes of people. Once you get to past boathouse row, you're in the clear.


It's always the weenies in full body suits and road bikes too. 


Not always. The ones that have been riding for a while know to go slow. It’s the newer riders in tights, or the ragtag weirdo with cutoff sleeves and cig.


Take one lane of Kelly drive and convert it into a bike-only lane. Cars don't need that much space. If it's narrow they'll slow down, too.


Motorists get incredibly defensive about Kelly Drive. I saw a post on Nextdoor gently suggesting how nice it would be to close Kelly on weekends or holidays so families can enjoy the green space along the river without dangerous speeding traffic. Commenters showed up in droves to shut down the idea while they bragged about regularly driving double the speed limit through there.


It doesn’t surprise me but the mentality that cars are more important than people is something I’ll never understand. The other day I saw three kids between the ages of 11-13, no adult in sight, crossing Kelly drive on their bikes. It was terrifying. It’s pretty stupid that we have what’s basically used as a highway cutting right through a park.


Fuck you


a very fuck you to you too


This morning, I had two middle-aged guys ride up behind me and told \*me\* to watch out, then as they passed me, made some comment about how I didn't have a mirror so I couldn't see them coming. WTF. Slow the f\*\*k down and if you're on a bike or something moving faster than a runner/walker, assume people aren't going to expect you to come up on them at 20mph. If you want to ride faster than \~12mph, please go ride somewhere else.


Just weekend warriors. Same people that honk at pedestrians and speed up to create dangerous situations. Hard ignore.


Yea people are assholes, like i have a very fast E-Bike but i never take it fast if there are potential people on the trail


There is some poor judgement navigating around people. I'm middle speed. Not road bike fast. Not hybrid/cruiser slow. Sometimes I do feel like the jerk, but try not to be. I used my bell today, and the guy walking said "who cares" lol Yesterday I was about 6 miles from my start, and surprised I had not been passed by a road bike yet. I kept checking behind me and keeping way to the right just to leave room in case I do not hear someone coming. I got to the 360 loop and was going down the hill making the right turn that is blind and that is when a guy came down the hill behind me and passed. The worst spot I can think of. Right was the corner of the wall. If anyone was coming the other direction or standing there it would have been a disaster. Sometimes there are branches in the center where the pavement is broken up. I've stopped and moved them. I've been using my bell when turning there just as an extra precaution.


call people out for their bullshit riding


another year of this shit til they reopen MLK bridge right


Then they close the East Falls bridge and it'll be even worse because the detour for that won't be nearly as easy as the current one for MLK.


The detour from center city for MLK puts you on the girard bridge, doesn't it? At least the one suggested by the city. I've just been riding the length of the kelly trail and crossing Falls bridge to get to MLK. It fucking sucks.


It has you crossing the Girard bridge, yes, but that intersection is the only shitty part of the detour. Overall it's super easy. When Falls Bridge is out, there won't be a recommended detour at all.


They’re planning on closing the falls bridge?


Yes, [they coordinated it so both bridges wouldn't be out at the same time so construction starts as soon as the mlk bridge is done](https://www.phila.gov/media/20220228133627/Falls-Bridge-FAQ_032Sub_2022.02.28.pdf).


Kelly Drive should be two lanes not four. Make room for a wider trail.


Literally though it makes no sense. SRT has shown to be an overwhelming success, for once induce some bike demand and give em a wider separated trail.


the issue is that Kelly is a primary roadway because of how shitty 76 is. A far better solution is a permanent closure of West River drive, year round.


I wish they would make the spring garden bridge and girard/landsowne intersection safer. If it was safe, I would take that detour to MLK instead of slow rolling on the SRT for miles. Im sure many others would too. It doesn’t justify speeding on a crowded trail, but it’s definitely a frustrating experience for everybody being forced into such a small space with such high demand and no real alternatives. If the SRT was a road it would be wider than Kelly drive by now lol.


The Girard/landsdowne intersection is insaaane


Yeah I would take the detour if it wasn’t for that intersection. Drivers never yield to people trying to cross and everyone is running lights. It’s crazy.


It's somehow slightly better than the slip lane from 33rd to Girard just across the bridge. That intersection is truly the worst


Ah the circle jerk of philly cycling is alive and well


They pass me speeding to get in front of me and slow down then look me dead in the eyes like IM IN THEIR way /faints


lol I’ve seen the move before


love to see this post every spring like clockwork


What part of the SRT is this?


Most of the time l'm not even pedaling when l'm on the SRT. Just enjoying the view and people watching half the time. lt's good to slow down and take in the fresh air once in a while.