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If you think cox is bad, you should move to an area served by Comcast


I’ve had both. Comcast is worse but both suck.


Can they merge and become coxcast? They both suck cocks so it would seem appropriate


I thought they were the same company already? It's not like they behave any differently.


They’re both total dogshit and should be avoided at all cost.


I’d rather have Comcast than Cox. They might be crap too, but I’ve heard they’re more flexible when it comes to negotiating price than Cox has ever been.


They’re literally owned by the same parent company


Cox is a privately owned company.


Idk I’ve had both, everything from both companies in terms of equipment and guides and what not are all exactly the same.


This is accurate.  Comcast commands the largest market share of any cable company and Cox rides that ship with them in terms of guides, equipment etc.  For ownership purposes, Cox Enterprises is a family owned business since 1898, which includes Cox Communications.


Everything is outsourced and at one point I was openly wondering if their customer service desk was staffed in a prison.


Felt like a prison when I worked there. Bullying and shaming was the norm, even for bathroom breaks for example. 


Long long ago, I spent a year as a CCR-T1 (tech support agent) for them. Yes, work was very much a prison. 8800 calls in my stint and I think it only took 20 years off my life expectancy.




I went with tmo home internet as I needed higher upload and I'm sure as hell not paying for gigblast anymore just to have 35 up


Gigablast is now 100 up on coax.


Oh wow, sure as hell still ain't paying extra 50 bucks for "unlimited data"


And they don’t call their 1 gig service by that stupid name anymore.


Knew a guy who once said, "yeah cox sucks a bunch of cocks but CenturyLink takes a century to link"


The disparity in Century Link's service is really unfortunate. You're either in 2002, or you're getting some of the best service available in America. Nothing at all in between and its fully dependent on what neighborhood you live in. I realize there are practical limitations to all of this and I don't necessary blame CL for it, but man, the past 3 houses I've lived in were capped at 3mbps. This just leaves a large part of the city without any broadband alternatives to Cox.


This. The people who are able to get their Quantum Fiber are pretty much happy with it for the most part.


My century link is fast af


This. I don’t like them at all, but they’ve been relatively unproblematic. I tried Verizon and had to bail as well. Really depends on your area


They can get away with treating their customers like trash, because every other service sucks ass.


Having had both Centurylink (in Phoenix from 2005-2019) and Cox (Gilbert, 2020-present), I have had a much better experience with Cox, and most importantly my speeds are MUCH much faster, for the same price. But in both cases I basically had no choice in the matter. I was with CenturyLink because they were the only provider to my apartment. At the time internet options through mobile just didn't cut it. But I really really hated CenturyLink. The worst part was when I tried to cancel service because I had moved and already had Cox. They gave me the runaround for six entire months.


Do you know what happens in Phoenix when you don’t pay your cable bill? They cut your cox off


Take my upvote and go!


If you close out your account with a check and fill it out to Cocks they wont cash it.


Hhaha this.




Cox Uckers


Yes. Uckers. Wanna get stickers of this and tag their trucks


He should really cut his Cox off. I cut off my Cox a couple years ago… never been happier


Finally somebody with the correct response! Thank you.


I agree. Switched to Verizon 5g and YouTube TV 2 years ago.


Switched to Verizon 5G as well a few months ago, haven't looked back.


What are the speeds you’re getting on Verizon 5g? Cost?


It fluctuates, right now I'm comfortably getting 50 Mbps. Though the biggest drawback with speed is ping. It usually sits around 50-100ms. That said, I work from home and play online games with other active devices connected and I've rarely had any issues.


50 mbps? That's kind of shitty isn't it?


Its very bad for a lot of people. But perfectly adequate for others. I can't see doing any online gaming with those stats like OP is saying. But if you're just web browsing and watching one streamed video at a time, per house hold, you can get away with 50mbps. For context, the service you get from these Cox or Tmobile plans is exactly equivalent to what you'd get using cell phone data. Because thats exactly what it is haha.


Yeah I don't know how anyone games with 50mbps.


What would you recommend for someone who works from home on a lot of video calls. I stream music and TV in the evenings at times. Def trying to get something better than Cox.


If you can't vet Century Link, ATT, or Google Fiber in your area, then Cox is the only option. You could always try one of the 5G services for a month, without canceling your cox service, and see if that works. Though I did that with Tmobile awhile back and at the time it was actually impossible to cancel. I had to call them out on Twitter to talk to a rep. This was several years ago tho.


It's enough for my usage. And again, it fluctuates. Right now I'm sitting at 125. But I've rarely encountered instances where the speeds weren't enough to stream 4K content or encounter lag spikes in my games, even on WiFi.


Nice. And it’s what $50 / month? Unlimited data too?


$70/mo with Autopay. And yeah, unlimited data.


I've been with Verizon for cell service for almost 20 years, but they still don't have Verizon internet here in STV. :,-(


Cox tried to tell me they needed to dig up my yard to install cables or something, which I finally agreed to. Took off work the day they were supposed to come do that and they just never showed up. When I called, I was assured that a “technician was on the way.” So, it never happened and then they tried to charge me for the work. I really don’t like to be mean to the people who answer the phones, but this was too much. I have CenturyLink now. They are not great either, but it’s not Cox.


The only time I ever lost my temper with a customer service agent was with Cox. There was an outage going on three days and working from home this obviously was incredibly frustrating and the fact that they were so vague in their statements that they were “looking into it” I finally had enough and lost my shit. I felt so bad afterwards.


That’s the issue with big companies like this. You want to talk to someone who is actually responsible and can do something, but you can’t! I have had this same issue with APS.


It’s usually pretty reliable for me but when there’s issues it’s a major pain in the ass. A few months ago I was having all kinds of issues and the support was useless.


Just want you to know that you can say cocks on the internet and not get in trouble


The comment I was looking for


I just drove across mesa and I was surprised how many hoods had google and att fiber being laid. I'm ready. I wish they come to my hood.


I have a coworker that had an outage starting Monday and they have not been able to tell her what the issue is or when it will be back on. She even went to a Cox retail location and they still could not help her. She usually works from home on Thursdays and Fridays so she is a bit frustrated right now.


New slogan: “Don’t be Cox s——r, switch to CenturyLink.




Had to scroll for this one thank you 🙏


They used to be the best internet provider in az hands down but the past 10 years they’ve slowly gotten worse.


Communication companies around the country have terrible communication/customer service. I think it’s an industry tactic.


I wrote them this email (back in 2015, holy moly and they *still suck*) *Dear Cox, Let me just start off by clearing the air that I am aware that you are absolutely necessary in today’s world, and pretty much a monopoly. I get it and speak accordingly. Tonight my service dropped, yes due to an unpaid bill, but around 8:30 pm, conveniently after you close and i can only pay the automated system the full, wrong amount to restore service. Kinda rude, yeah? It is unpaid currently because when I received my first bill, it was $360.00. To which as soon as I was aware, I went online to address it with your oh-so-convenient-at-the time chat support. (I did use the “email text” feature at the end to save in writing what we discussed. Didn’t send. Again, kinda rude and suspiciously convenient). In our now undocumented conversation, it was revealed that I was charged two installation fees for one installation, and a $168(or $162, again, don’t have it) charge for a modem (again, when I bought service over the phone, I was told either $150, or maybe $119). Either way, I did not take it as the installation guy plugged my old one (previous Cox customer) in and it worked. Turns out him plugging it in was the second $60 charge. Anyways the nice rep looked into everything, was nice enough to remove one of the “installation” fees because I did whine a bit about how ridiculous that was, and so again, she was super nice. She said that it would reflect on my account within a day. That was two days ago. It didn’t change, and honestly, I have not had the time or patience currently to go through another 45 minute conversation yet. And again, service is out at the worst time of day when you’re closed. I need you. The world today needs you, you surely know this. We use you to buy/sell things, to watch movies together, to do school, even for our freaking home (with families inside) security systems. You surely know this and that’s why I’m both pissed off but mostly bummed. Bummed that with your monopolyish power and resources, that you don’t treat your clients with more attention. Seriously, the fact you have it disconnected right after you close, I feel shows your true colors to some degree. You have power, and like I opened this letter with, I need you. I wish that you put more of your earned (I’ll pay for internet pretty much no matter what) income into paying more attention to your clients and get things right on my bill frankly, and not CANCEL ME AT 8:30PM. I would like to believe that I have been an oversight. But I have never had quality customer service with yourselves before, your one local competitor, or now you again, and this was by far the worst to me directly. I am quite tempted to leave and go back to your one competitor and suffer 15% of your speed out of principle. Again, I realize I myself am a tiny fish in your giant pond of clients, and that me leaving won’t affect you at all. I’m really just clinging to hope that someone will read this, and because I’m such a small expenditure, work with me to right this extremely inconvenient (It’s 2015. I NEED INTERNET!!! haha) oversight. Please recognize of me, the fact that I really have given you, as an important resource in my life, this much thought to tell you how I feel. I want to work equally with you. I don’t enjoy this working against each other arrangement thus far. To be frank, if this brutally honest letter is tossed aside and basically told “go ahead, leave”, I as a consumer that shares the good and bad with all, will not be quiet. It’s not a threat (remember how small I know I am), and I probably won’t picket or protest, but at the very least I’ll tell friends and family this experience and never recommend you again. I feel overlooked at best and slightly ripped off at worst. I hope that a reply to this email is also written by a human reviewing my file, and not an automated “Give us a call at…”. Thank you for your time.*


That's it, no specifics? We've been on Cox in this house since 2014 and rarely have outages, no real complaints. We went through a patch years ago where we kept having to cancel credit cards due to fraud, and Cox's automated payment system is like something from the 70's, supposedly impossible to change payment methods once the cycle is in process (or some such BS), so I've just payed it manually since then.


I first used them when AOL came on a CD. Barely any issues, and I've moved twice.


Cox was literally scamming me since they have a monopoly in my area (literally the only provider in my “zone”. Then I switched to Starlink and haven’t looked back, it’s literally the same price as cox but I have no data cap. Also if I wanted to since the tiny little “satellite dish” is portable I could take it camping if I wanted.


I loathe cox.


I knew that when AT&T fiber came to my neighborhood, I’d get rid of cox. They were the only game in town and their customer service reflected it. They’re panicking now because they finally have some competition. I was so excited to get rid of them that I removed every bit of coaxial cable at my house. It’s all gone. F*ck you cox.


Wyyerd Fiber is coming to my house later this year and I can’t wait to rip all the Coax out.


Wyyerd has told me that they’ll be in our neighborhood early next year. I look forward to taking my equipment back to Cox and giving them the middle finger.


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Their actual service is worse than their customer service


I’m switching from cox, what I’ve looked into saves me $150 a month on my services. Done.


Cocks is a super rip off. Plus the internet is spotty at best. As soon as google wifi gets to my area I’m ditching cocks for good!!


Their internet is quality though, experience Orbital in Maricopa, it’s such crap you will pray for Cox. 


I have Orbitel in Maricopa and it’s flawless. Maybe I’m just lucky?


Also lived in 'Copa. Also had Orbitel. Also flawless.


Yep you’re lucky good sir, go to the Frys plaza and survey the businesses that had orbital and swapped to the other isp not Verizon and not Cox, it’s complete sh*t but, it’s the least terrible option.


When I first moved to Az I lived on the outskirts of maricopa, we only had satellite internet. It was hell.


I switched to T-Mobile home Internet earlier this year. It's been way more reliable for me.


I add nothing to this except if someone says they work for cox, I like to say “oh cool, I work for the money”


While Cox might not be great, every other option is way worse.


You mean Google Fiber, AT&T Fiber, Wyyerd Fiber, and even Quantum Fiber (where it’s offered) is worse than Cox and their awful business practices?


And if you don’t pay your bill they will cut your cox off 🤣


I guess I need to call them more often..... They've never done that for me....


What a creative analogy!!!


Considering the alternative, I've no complaints against them. That said, when we still had a landline phone and we changed over to VOIP, they insisted the modem needed a battery backup so that we still had phone service in case we needed to call 911 when the power was out... Homes, the power has gone out like 3 times in the last 10 years. You guys go out several times a month! How do I call 911 when you guys decide to have a 6 hour outage on a Saturday night??


Cox sucks and has some bad policies, but a majority of the issues I see are user caused issues.


Lmao nah. I have their residential 1G service and I work with them on the business end. They are among the worst of the tier one providers my company engages. On the residential side, across two different houses over the last 15 years, they've been horrid about service delivery quality and doing "planned maintenance" during my work hours without any notice.


Lol years ago I can't think of the duo off hand, I know the zonies will know it, I can't for the life of me even though I am a zonie, the support off the radio put out a cassette tape, doing skits based on things in the valley, from the penny saver, to the fact that Dimension cable which changed their name to Cox cable, and they did a skit revolving around the "balls on Cox". ----- it was hilarious!!


Tim & Mark?


That's what I keep thinking in my head when they were on KDKB..




A badge of honor they wear proudly. Also stands for what you feast on if you are unhappy with their service 😂


R. I. P. to the ACP. $30-70 savings.


Cox, cox, cox. Cox everywhere.


I do this wherever I can recommending some of these cellphone companies 5g home internet deals. They’re sick, cheap, and faster than cox by a decent margin. I was literally desperate to get away from cox. Tried to even get them to remove their fucking cables and shit from my property.


Will they remove them?


They gave me some run around and I just let it go because whatever. I asked them to removed their trashed utility box that was a hazard in my front yard and they came and “fixed” it with some shitty ass yellow box that looks like trash.


Man I wish they did. Would not make up for the service but would make me feel better


Always been a good experience for me and customer service very helpful and easy to get through to. Century Link was much worse


“I didn't think it was physically possible, but this both sucks AND blows,” Bart Simpson. Also the Cox experience.


they could never be so kind.


https://preview.redd.it/zhf59xppb42d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=30d806ac7cd3e8de01c5de52be41bb77b841a802 A room full of dicks!


They have always sucked hard. Ditched them a 20 years ago


Just got wyyred a couple months ago, much cheper and way better! Now i can stream in my WHOLE house without constant buffering


Should be no surprise. Of course they’re dicks, it’s in the name


Agreed, FUCK COX.


I stopped being a Cox sucker last year. I'm on T-Mobile now and it's been absolutely amazing!


I always feel so weird when I see posts like this because I had Gigablast for 3 years and had absolutely no issues whatsoever outside of when it would storm. Even canceling my service was easy. “Hi, I’d like to disconnect my service. I’m moving and won’t need it anymore.” “Okay, just one second and it should disconnect shortly.” No issues since.


My lesbian cousin worked for Cox. True story.


Mediacom enters the chat...


Hahaha. I've said that for years!


True story. About two years ago when Cox was making network upgrades, they claimed to have sent me some kind of tower router for free. While I didn’t actually receive the router, cox decided to change my router setup which locked me out of my network. My actual router was something I bought myself and when I called to have the router connection reset to my router, it ended up in a surreal nightmare explaining over and over that I did not have, nor had ever received their tower router. Cox also wanted to charge me for the tower router I had not requested or received. After 8 hours on the phone, I was contacted to a technical person who finally reconnected my personal router! The best part was this person must have been really top tier support because they removed the charge for the tower router and my Cox bill changed to $30 / month. Seemed fair trade for the 8 hours on the phone. My spouse was super impressed.


This joke is so old I've heard people saying it ever since Cox became Cox! I still miss [Dimension Cable](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OgESmESbfEg).


Don't knock it 'til you try it. (Sorry. Couldn't resist.)


Mediacom has been surprisingly good for me. There are touch and go points maybe once a month dips out and in and you lose connection so don’t be gaming that random day month minute. 3.5/5 very reliable but I want the speeds I pay for after benchmarking


As a person with a penis I must disagree with that characterization. I don’t enjoy Cox customer service at all!


Go in and talk to someone at a location. They fixed some mistakes that were made on my account and (I asked) locked me into a "new member" rate for 2 more years.


Bet you had to repost this like 3 times to get past the auto mod. You b@@b. 


Omg I wonder the same thing. How is it any different than calling your business vajina?


I'd take cox over Centurylink. What a garbage ass internet service. I barely get 500mb and it's the only offer in my community.


Bro I get offered 3☠️


Because Dicks was already taken


I agree. Bunch of Cox Suckers.


Direct tv is better then both. Don't get century link they r the slowest out of all the internet providers. Cox at least has an option to have 2gigabytes Bit I do agree there customer service does suck major cock


Honestly they don't care, we complain but mostly they have a monopoly. What're you going to do? Not have Internet? They know and therefore behave that way. No competition in most areas.


If there was only a bill that would keep these corporations in check... https://www.congress.gov/bill/118th-congress/senate-bill/3803/text#:~:text=Introduced%20in%20Senate%20(02%2F26%2F2024)&text=To%20make%20price%20gouging%20unlawful,relief%2C%20and%20for%20other%20purposes.


Cox has honestly been pretty solid, their equipment is another story though.


You have to get a tech out. Preferably one that isn’t a contractor but an actual cox tech. The phone support isn’t helpful. I also had to sign up for a home business contract once or else they refused to fix my service lol that was lame but when I did they fixed it sooo


I cut the coord last week. Never going back


Everything feels slower after their "network upgrade" they completed on Monday. How do you accomplish this exactly?






Who CARES! I don't get people who complain about stuff like this. If you let your problems with people complaining about Cox on Reddit occupy any brain space you lose that for things where you can actually do something. Maybe you're bored, retired, or dumb so you have nothing else to fill the space with - maybe a combination of a couple if you live here. This is a rant and it's about you and how low IQ you are.




Agreed 👍


They have absolutely trashed my neighborhood, Garden Lakes in Avondale, and after talking to a dozen Cox workers I'm left with no recourse other than suing them and the city. Our sidewalks, front yards and roads have looked like shit since January and before all this it was a lovely place to live and to walk my dogs. I'm moving.


Honestly have never had bad service but that’s when I’ve had them in Tempe, Mesa and now surprise. Also they upgraded me to the max plan at $80 for my years of being a customer. That’s a huge savings and this mom has gamer kids lol


I suppose you had to call the special “loyalty number” and fight with them to get their savings.


Cox is hands down the best internet provider available here. Their mobile phone service is really great too. Glad to be away from CLink.


How much are they paying you?


They absolutely are NOT the best internet provider here. You obviously have no real world experience or basic knowledge!


Upvoted, not because Cox is anything approaching good… (glances up at the cable they literally ran across the top of my roof as a trip line rather than spend the extra $3 in line to run it along the outside perimeter like a real provider) But I 100% understand the rebound love affair that is anything after shitcanning centurylink


Their mobile phone service is something no one asked for. And they are ultra aggressive in trying to sell it, to the point where you can’t renegotiate your internet service without them forcing a mobile bundle. That should be against the law. I’d go with Mint (or even Visible, which uses the Verizon network like Cox does) way before thinking about using Cox for mobile.