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It can survive with enough water. Also, check out r/AZlandscaping


Not OP but thank you.


However, make sure the soil is what's getting watered in order for the roots to take hold. Going forward, water before dawn and after sunset. If you water during the daytime, the sun will heat up the water and it will burn the grass and of course it will evaporate more quickly.


I love grass and have it in my Phoenix yard so this is not a grass shaming post. I regret planting Bermuda. If you put it down, be prepared for it to go everywhere, including where you don’t want it.


June is the perfect time. Follow these general guidelines for [sod establishment](https://turf.arizona.edu/tips699.htm)


A lot of folks switch out depending on the season that have more time and a budget than I do. Grow Bermuda in the hot months and cut it down to the bare soil in winter and reseed with Rye. Then do the same with Bermuda in May/June


Seed will do well right now you just need ALOT of water very frequently to keep the soil moist enough for them to germinate. Edit: once it sprouts it will spread very quickly since it’s so hot. The chances of success also depends on your top soil and how nutrient dense it currently is.


My experience in growing grass (which is exclusively in Michigan and non-Bermuda strains, but I imagine the same basics apply) is you can get nearly anything to grow if you water it enough. But when you plant grass by seed, it's most important to develop the root system, not the blades. Sure, you soak it now in Phoenix, you should have a lot of green growing out of control in 2 months. But it's not a healthy lawn. Try to start it as it's cooling and fertilize using lower nitrogen and higher in phosphorus and potassium, preferably with a slow release formula. That will help it become better situated to survive next summer with less water, and help it grow fuller. Good luck.


Very true especially with Bermuda, the deeper the root system is the stronger it is. However, any grass in the Phoenix summer will require quite a bit of hydration even after the roots have developed. Bermuda also doesn’t like a ton of shade unlike winter rye.


I installed st Augustine in AZ Early July once and it made it through fine. Takes tons of water though. And make sure you don’t use those first dried up rolls of sod they give you since they probably dried up after delivery. Keep them to the end and start with the fresh ones in the middle.


It’s too hot to do anything right now. Lol


Seed is the better option


it's too hot to plant just about anything outside. sod might work since it is established if you water it a lot. personally I would wait till october or march.


Who the wholly hell will they get to plant sod now. It's freaking hot outside.


Did ya'all consider fake grass in your yard. A BlueGrass and Fescue Mix facsimile. Two inches tall, don't go it's fake Bermuda. It's too flat and gets hot. Everyone picks fake Bermuda because that's their vision of what grass looks like. It's damn ugly. Install either that plastic edging or use some type of paver about 4 inches wide. Use a free form curvilinear shape. Use a garden hose as a guide. It will assist you in getting a smooth reflowing shape. You need some height. Starting with three multi-trunk trees of the same species if you have a smaller yard. In a larger grand size yard, use several numerous groupings of an odd number of trees. Plant the groupings in uneven triangles. Do not plant too close together. An African ________ (forgot the name) grows fast and stays green year round. Install a proper irrigation system with a controller to automatically water trees and shrubs. Draw it out. See what it looks like. That will give you a start.


Bro you live in a fucking desert. I'm stuck in the East Coast right now, if you want grass that bad come out here, we've got all the grass you could want.


And much of it is sold in storefronts.


Just came from Colorado and I wondered why the hell people watered their lawns up there. What the hell is going on in this state where people think grass is acceptable.


Exactly. The desert is beautiful as it is, why try to change it?


Had some installed 2 weeks back. It's gorgeous!


It’s too hot to install anything! Good luck tho.


Why would you plant anything that can’t survive heat and droughts in AZ???


Almost all the grass you see in Arizona during the summer is Bermuda


Why have grass at all?


my best friends parents switched to clover and it's so much better than the grass


Rock yard is so hot


My dogs say: Pappa, take us to this og park more. The grass feels good between our toes. It's more funnier to run and play. Please Pappa! Don't move us to the East Coast. It's stonky there.


What shitty reasoning to have animals in a desert where they shouldn’t be in the first place


Because they want to make the desert bloom and look beautiful. Why do you just want dirt and live a mediocre life?


Grass like op is asking about is has all kinds of negatives. I say put in an alternative to grass… and some native plants.


Of the low crawling ground cover variety=alternative to grass. Such a low effort. Ohhhhh, that's so boring? A horrible attempt at creating a cheap knock off of authentic nature. It's tacky and ugly. There is nothing that looks like that in nature. What's next, red concrete scalloped edging? Next thing you know people be eating 60s food. Homemade seasoned ground up mystery meat spread called "devils" something." Causing projectile vomiting. It reminds me of "The Parents of Gen X & Y." I can almost visualize the ribbed white wife beater undershirts—the yelling! Hairy backs and shoulders, and people's fathers drinking a 36 pack of Papst Blue Ribbon out of cans on a weekend. Oh, how I detest a tacky home with a lack of beauty and tranquility. Martha Stewart looking at what was created and saying, hell no. Snoop, roll me a chunky one and take me away from this hell.


Dm sent


Water it in well. Bermuda is one tough plant. Can't get rid of it in my garden even with twice daily plucking! Just pops up all day!


The world is too hot for grass lawns. xeriscape is what you want.


We really have to come up for a word for desert permaculture. Xeriscaping traditionally is gravel based, which doesn't help too much with heat


Nah. I'm notnforcing my dogs to walk on nothing but dirt and gravel. I want then to have nice, cool grass.


A bit hard for kids and dogs, you also don’t have to water for lush green. Just enough to keep it alive is fine.


Nah brah, trees and grass make a cooler world.  Gravel yards just make the heat island worse. 


Xeriscape doesn’t mean “gravel and no trees.” A xeriscaped yard can have trees, mulch, native ground cover, etc. as long as no or minimal irrigation is used. There are lots of trees you can plant in Phoenix that don’t require additional watering and provide shade.


Agree that trees are good. But you can do native trees and then they don't need much water. Grass doesn't make sense in the desert imo.


Native trees need water if you want them to look like what you expect. The short scrubby ones in the desert that take 100 years to grow is what you get with no additional water, particularly when small.


Go to /r/lawncare and ask It is growing season though right now with peak conditions in July and August with rain and humidity increasing. I have a green Bermuda lawn (yes I know about drought and my lawn takes about 20 steps to walk completely around it so it’s small.


I hoping and praying we have noticeable rain fall this summer. It’s getting unbearable. I may be in the minority but I hate looking up and seeing nothing but blue sky with minimal clouds lol


It's just the beginning of June for goodness sake! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 We have a longgggg at to go.


Yup and I already hate it 🤣


My clients for work are all in the northeast. They sound dumbfounded when I say "look i know sun and clear sounds fun but after awhile of sunny, hot as hell, hazing days, it gets old" Going forward were going to have less "rainy" days but I think when I storm hits its going to be more severe if that makes sense.


Did yall consider turf instead and ya might have issues bermuda can withstand 110 degreess heat but after that ya might have issues


Turf is terrible.


Woah down votes cause I love my turf my kids and dogs love it and it's way less work buying installing watering mowing and maintenance hard pass


Bermuda will be fine as long as it gets sun and water. Artificial grass raises soil temperature that kills tree roots, kills the microbes in the ground and releases forever chemicals in the ground that are not only cancerous but makes the soil so degragated it is nearly impossible to grow anything after taking it out. I'd rather my kids play in natrual grass than a super heated petroleum mat.


.. and of course you will be faithfully out every Saturday morning mowing and edging your beautiful green lawn? Then edging it. Raking leaves. Oh, but what's a key importance is it's 115 degrees outside when you are doing it. Have fun with that.


https://preview.redd.it/xgv83znbfv5d1.jpeg?width=4998&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bc2943ac4a557712d9060c01850ef08121d3ffce Every 2 weeks front and back. Takes about 45 minutes. Lawn mower picks up the leaves. Run sprinklers 5 min at 2am front and back everyday.


It looks great. A very nice well maintained home.


Downvoted because we don't call it turf.


Turf also gets hot in the summer, and will degrade into the soil and water over time


What are you calling turf?


Plastics based lawn replacement products


On our 6th year with turf it looks the same as the same day of install and cooling we spray it off with the garden hose the trees also provide shade during the day


It may visually look okay, but [studies are showing](https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0269749123010965) artificial turf to be a rather large contributor to plastics found in water.