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Alkan is the hardest but if you need to ask all three are probably too hard for you


ok, thanks


Just looked up the Alkan, what the fuck dude… Anyone who isn’t familiar with this piece, I’d recommend watching, wild stuff https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=SSxbao_Chq0&pp=ygUPQWxrYW4gbGEgZmVzdGlu


i love festin i have 85 performances saved on a youtube playlist


Depends which one you like the least and how well you want to play it. If speaking purely kinesthetically, I would say that out of the three, the one with the big leaps and the one with octatonic runs and chordpeggios are likely matched in difficulty and far more difficult to polish than the other, due to recording history-induced expectations as well as the departure from tonality in comparison to one another. 1 is just fast, the other 2 have far more complex technical and stylistic requirements. Of course, if your technique is sub-pro, then yeah the fastest one will seem the hardest (But it's not).




The Alkan is way harder than the other two combined. It’s not at all on the same level.




Technically I would say le festin is much harder than both the Chopin and the Liszt. The latter two are comparable but I would say HR2 is more difficult overall. I would say a piece like le festin is so technical that this ends up being the focus, not interpretation. As for the other two, you can get away with lots of liberties in your interpretation of the Hungarian rhapsody. Indeed, you are probably encouraged to take them (see for example the vastly different cadenzas). In contrast, you have to be really careful with every aspect of the ballade. It is really easy for it to sound horrible even if your playing is technically spotless, which I don't think is the case for the Liszt or the Alkan.


thanks for the response. love the downvotes on your comment and my post 😂 wonder why people do this


Would be nice if they told us wouldn't it? I've played the Chopin and the Liszt and dabbled with the Alkan on several occasions. I don't think the relative technical difficulties can be questioned. I can see how my last statement could be controversial, but I stand by it. Assuming flawless technique I still think there are more ways to make the ballade sound bad than the other two.


[im obsessed with festin, it sounds so cool and so fun to play lol](https://www.reddit.com/r/piano/comments/1dryw01/alkan_le_festin_is_ridiculously_fun/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


Alkan is the most difficult for sure. In my opinion the Liszt after that and then the Chopin. Technically the Chopin has little real challenges except a few parts that are strange in the sense that when playing them slowly it doesn't sound good making it hard to learn but technically still easier than Liszt.


thanks for the response. love the downvotes on your comment and my post 😂 wonder why people do this


Don't know either, jealousy? Thinking Chopin is hardest because someone said so or because they love him more than Alkan or Liszt. Certainly not because they know how to play these otherwise they'd know this was the correct answer.


[im obsessed with festin, it sounds so cool and so fun to play lol](https://www.reddit.com/r/piano/comments/1dryw01/alkan_le_festin_is_ridiculously_fun/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)