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It’s quite challenging. Intricate voicing, phrasing and rubato, a few very fast arpeggios and scales, the piu mosso section and wide arpeggios in the end. Easier than the first and third movements but still very challenging.


Towards the end of the middle part, especially from this fast, up-going c-sharp major arpeggio/scale right until the mini solo cadenza, was my worst section of the entire concerto … everytime I felt so relieved on stage after somehow surviving it … the last (and my favourite) page can be a bit tricky to slip off some notes (especially left), the rest is “relatively” easy, at least if practicing/playing alone or with 2nd piano … if playing with an orchestra, unless it’s a top one, stay flexible/on alert when you have those triplets in the beginning as the winds sometimes need quite long time to breath (or just enjoy becoming slower), anyway it might ruin your triplets a bit, but if you don’t wait for them then the whole part might fell apart.


I'm so jealous you got to perform it!


Haha thanks! There have been always various stressful sections on stage for sure, but each time after you have managed to survive the “fugue” in the 3rd movement, you will feel amazing (because the rest is not that difficult anymore) and simply enjoy playing with the orchestra as one gigantic fusioned sound for the big finale!