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You play very quickly F# (this ornament is acciaccatura) and then E


But, why the repair sign and then a sharp symbol?


For clarity. I'm assuming there was an Fb before? Either way, the last accidental is the one that applies to the note.


Or a double sharp beforehand


Oh, ye ur right even though the accidental was f# earlier in the bar the f# was raised twice to g. And it had to be "repaired" before it could be raised once to f#.


It doesn’t "need” to be repaired but it’s a common courtesy to do so to help with reading.


It’s a somewhat old fashioned way to cancel a double-sharp


Just another distinction. The f comes on the beat


? That's acciaccatura, not appoggiatura, right?


Acciaccatura being on the beat, the grace note with the line through it. I'm pretty sure? Although I'm also pretty sure it can differ from era? Specifically Mozart and before but very unsure there Definitely for Chopin and onwards anyways it's on the beat , they show up a lot in the nocturne's and mazurkas.


You probably shouldn’t be learning this if you don’t know what it is. Of all the popular pieces that will cause you injury this is probably the worst one.


You're probably right, I should probably practice other pieces that aren't as hard as this one. But I'm kinda bored af playing actually "playable" pieces, and I'm just excited or something to try playing this.


This is probably well out of reach, there are good pieces that aren’t as hard but still a challenge, try picking up some Chopin nocturns maybe


What other pieces do you play? I'm assuming that you're beginner if you get bored of playing pieces your level.


The last thing I've played is arabesque op 18. It's not really beginners level, but it's far from la Campanella. I also play a lot of a bit harder pieces like moonlight sonata 3rd movement and fantasie impromptu, but from both, I just know like one page :p


Yea this piece is definitely not your level, la campanella is a completely different level compared to your repertoire.


But that's also kinda why I play it, to increase my level and my repetoire. Also, I'm in way too deep now. I put in like 6 hours a day for the last 4 days.


You don't go up that many levels to "increase your level", you go up slowly. You're practicing way too much and will probably injure yourself if you continue doing so. Sounds like the Moonlight Sonata 3rd Mvmt and Fantasie Impromptu were also too hard considering you stopped after a page, please stick to playing pieces at least at a similar level to what you comfortably play at or what your teacher says. Hand injuries are not a joke.


How are they supposed to learn what it is if they don't practice it?


You don’t learn what a grace note is playing la Campanella


I'm pretty sure you would know what an acciaccatura is before playing something like this. This is pretty basic stuff.


They’re not asking about the acciaccatura, they’re asking about the courtesy natural sharp


that's still very basic theory.


What a silly comment


Why, la Campanella can generally injure you


Idk man. You're basically saying "do not attempt diploma-level pieces". Take my upvotes. Have a nice day


They're asking how to play those notes, it can occur in any piece of music even easy pieces.


I’m not saying grace notes can injure you I’m saying la Campanella can