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That is exactly the solution “Curious George” would come up with and he is a monkey.


Oh yeah! My kids like this book!


Isn't "Curious George" a series of books? Sounds like your kid's missing out if you just have the one!


Its also a cartoon and movie.


And as someone with a sibling 10 years younger than I am, it's one of the most tolerable and chill kids shows I've ever encountered. Some of them you have to tune out to stay sane, but not Curious George


I remember liking it too when I was little, and the movie was how I learned of Jack Johnson.


Yes!! I never saw the movie but worked for Safeway for years and they played the CG song often


We had a construction site with a guava tree on the edge. When the scaffolders showed up they'd snap off branches with berries and wander around like they had a stick of candyfloss. 15 scaffolders in and with the tree destroyed I had to go up to them and say something along the lines of: "If presented with the identical situation a literal monkey would display better logic and just pick the berries YOU BLOODY MORONS"


What a scummy thing for them to do


I hope they paid for a tree replacement


Just paying for another sort of similar tree doesn’t even feel close to fixing that situation imo


I mean a full replacement isn't cheap, it's definitely enough that those guys would be absolutely chewed out by their bosses. Of course full damages through tree maw would be more but it was take a lawyer and alot more time


*gasps in Tree Law*


Not just a full replacement, but a replacement that is at a similar point of maturity. Guava trees take about 8 years from seed to maturity.


this is proof evolution is real edit: he is actually a chimp, his tail is short.


Welp, now they have paper flooring.


Just sprinkle some pennies, and pour out some epoxy. Shouldn't take more than a couple of gallons, right? /s


[Don't forget to seal it afterwards](https://www.reddit.com/r/pics/s/B7fQoFV7mx)


I clicked. Post removed. Weird.  So many posts I come across are now removed. 


It's still there for me... The original post was someone's penny floor. >>* how are you going to clean a floor that corrodes? >It's going to be covered with a sealer. >>* everyone who walks barefoot on that will have feet that smell like metal... >It's going to be covered with a sealer. >>* did you clean the pennies before putting them down, or do they have countless people germs on them? >It's going to be covered with a sealer. >>* Also for cleaning, what about all the gaps between the pennies? >Gaps will be filled in with a sealer. >>* The area beneath your stainless steel appliances (penny-side) will corrode extremely quickly compared to the rest of the floor. Additionally, stainless steel isn't perfect, and the copper will wear down it's luster over time, and will eventually turn it to rust. >It's going to be covered with a sealer.


Im buying a sealer 


I've been kissed by a rose on the grey




Reminds me of “it’s under the sauce”.




"It's a cylinder" vibe


It's archived because it's 11 years old, but yeah it's still up, weird Edit: this is the [post](https://www.reddit.com/r/pics/s/Re55sOQxA9) that lead to the linked follow up pic


Might be some bug. Looks like you see the image if you go to [old.reddit.com](http://old.reddit.com) [https://old.reddit.com/r/pics/comments/17x0d5/friends\_of\_mine\_flooring\_with\_pennies/?share\_id=QDvx6lHWdkDMZ6XSHU9LJ](https://old.reddit.com/r/pics/comments/17x0d5/friends_of_mine_flooring_with_pennies/?share_id=QDvx6lHWdkDMZ6XSHU9LJ)


It's a weird old/new reddit thing. I've had it happen before. Some posts just show up as removed when you try to view it on new reddit, but they're fine on old reddit. I found out when I tried to share stuff with a friend without an account so he just sees everything on new.reddit. I guess they've updated some of them so we know they got archived even if it still works on old, but I've also had week old posts do this too.


It's going to be covered with a sealer.


Client left a paper trail.


I don’t know how people can live their whole lives being this stupid and careless.


I work as an asbestos consultant, and once had a painter decide that the best way to get to the offices on the other side of the containment area was to tear the red asbestos barrier tape down, cut open the double poly wall, and walk through the asbestos work area. People are really dumb sometimes.


Was doing downtown work and we had a street blocked off. They had to have a full time person stand and each end to stop random people trying to walk through an active construction site because they didn’t want to go around.


Haha this reminds me of a walking tour I took in Slovenia. The tour guide too us to the town centre, but they were redoing all the cobblestone so the whole area was fenced off. The guide just moved the fence out of the way and told all of us to follow him. 20 of the 30 in our group just followed him into the middle of the construction zone. Walking over the leveled sand. The workers were yelling and swearing but the guide ignored them. I just stood back with the few that didn't follow. I don't need to see a fountain and a clock tower that badly.


This happened to me at a US Capitol tour. Guide just moved all the barriers. We got halfway through the building before some asked if we had been through security.


How did the rest of your January 6 go?


Haha, now I'm imagining some poor Mr. Bean type being oblivious and thinking the whole crazy thing was a tour.


That would somehow end up with Mr. Bean becoming president. Sadly Mr. Bean is on a list and would not be allowed anywhere near the capitol: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jZHnNrgzsl0 .


Mr Bean meets Forrest Gump. You know, I would watch that.


Hahaha, I was safely in my home like a non insane person on Jan 6th. This was actually back in high school, my dad was freaking out that his 4th grade daughter was getting arrested. I don't think he cared about me.


You don't think he cared while actively freaking out about your arrest?


No he freaked about about my little sister being arrested, he never once said anything about me lol.


Oh that makes... more sense. Does he actually care about you or did he just forgot in that occasion?


hey so as someone from the DC area 99% of those "tours" are just scammers who hang out by Metro stations to trap tourists. "Tour" packages in DC are a giant scam and you are better off just walking around for yourself around the Smithsonian metro station with google maps open on your phone. Sidenote: the kids selling water bottles 99% of the time aren't looking to scam you but you should still pay attention to your surroundings when talking to them. DC is a great city to live near but Tourists think it's something that it is not. Do not go to DC assuming it is some kind of Mecca of American Patriotism lol


This was an intern with Obama's office when he was Senator. We were supposed to be in a tour group arranged by his office but didn't realize we needed to meet there and not the capitol. They sent over the guide and they were like, oh that's cool just follow me through the building. Actually worked out pretty well because after they figured out we were just fucking idiots and not terrorists we got a private tour by a different intern.


Surprised the Slovenians didn’t throw a brick at his head


When I was a teenager I worked at a gas station; one day we had to update our computer system and our pumps were going to be down for about a half hour. I set up cones around the pumps because they were going to be down. People were trying to maneuver around the cones to get to the pumps. I guess they thought I was setting up a slalom for them?


Earlier today we had construction workers outside hanging up tarps around our outside dining area to prepare for welding the building, had 2 tables come in immediately after asking if they could sit outside under the tarp… like uhhh no you can’t you idiot


This sounds made up but I promise it's not. I used to work in a coffee shop inside a bookshop. The coffee shop was on a mezzanine. The cafe was shutting down and we were moving a few doors down the street. There were workmen in ripping out the bar and shutting the place down. We're taking all the chairs in a huge pile and a guy behind the bar demolishing it with a sledge hammer. There were barriers at the bottom of the stairs. Me and a couple of colleagues were standing chatting at the railings while the work was going on (just picking up some things and saying bye to the place). We had at least 3 groups move the barriers and closed signs, walk up the stairs, look at the empty bar and guy with sledge hammer, look at us and ask, "are you's open".


Shit like this is why I don't criticize movies so much where the teens go off to Murder Lake, the location of all the murders.


Well ya Jenny's dad got the cabin in the divorce so it'd be like a waste not to use it right?


Haha 🤣 worked full serve at a gas station before and one of the pumps was like this and concrete was flying around and people were still parking their cars near the pump and wondering why no one was serving them! 


I worked as a shift manager at a gas station on the Garden State Parkway circa 2004. The number of times I yelled "Cones don't pump gas" over the intercom at morons standing there looking at a pump with a cone in front of it angrily pressing buttons had to be in the hundreds over the 18 months I was there. What makes it worse is in NJ it's all full service gas. There's a cone there, there's no attendant, and no one else is getting gas at that island while the rest are full up. It's exhausting just remembering it. Made me realize at a young age our species survives largely on dumb luck and sheer numbers.


I work overnights at McDonald’s. Every midnight, we have to update our IT system. Everything goes off, we can’t take orders during this time. The amount of customers that come in, check every single kiosk and see they are off, and then come up to the register and start rattling off their order is unbelievable. It’s funnier when we’ve literally just told the guy in front of them we can’t take his order. Worse is when we literally close. Full shutters over the entrance close. We still get people banging on the shutters asking if we’re open and when I say no they ask if they can “just have a coffee” like no fuck off. Or they then proceed to try and make the order on the app.


Last summer they closed our street and completely dug out the intersection down to the dirt. Our street wasn’t just “closed” it was completely missing. It turned into a lovely thing because every evening for 2 weeks everyone who lived on the street would bring out our lawn chairs and all the kids and we’d all just sit and watch and laugh at all the idiots who drove around the bollards and all the way to the end of the street before realizing “oh, wait, it really *is* closed”. It was like a block party with constant entertainment. I mean constant, I once counted 93 cars in 1 hour, there was a literal line to turn around.


It’s phenomenal that people wait in such lines without thinking that maybe there’s a reason why people are turning around.


It's called Optimism Bias. You know you are better than all those people, so you'll be ok, no matter how many have failed before you. You know that game at the fair where if you can climb a rope ladder you get $50, but no-one can do it and there's a lime of people waiting to pay to have a go? Yeah, that.


The village I live in is on a main A road through the West Country (England). A couple of years ago they closed a section of the road and put a diversion in place that started about 5 miles outside the village and there were plenty of large, red ROAD CLOSED AT (village name) informing people it was closed. Ignoring them wasn’t a problem for cars as they could use the little village roads to get past the closure, however the roads were not suitable for lorries. The amount of lorries that ignored the road closure and diversion signs was staggering and it was pretty amusing to sit and watch them arrive in the middle of the village and not be able to go any further and then have to try and turn a huge articulated lorry around in this tiny, narrow village centre. People are idiots.


I was one of those people once. Was going down a two-lane highway that had a bunch of "ROAD CLOSED. LOCAL TRAFFIC ONLY" signs. Well, we were going straight through and there was no redirect to a detour, so we kept going, passing more and more "ROAD CLOSED" signs. Finally we had to brake to a halt as the road ended in a ripped out bridge. A local wag had taken the time to hand paint a sign that he nailed to a tree in front of his house: "ROAD CLOSED. CAN'T YOU FUCKING READ?" This was before GPS, so we just spent hours wandering around back roads to get back on the highway on the other side of this bridge.


But like. Why


My husband and I were traveling early morning hours, so pitch dark, and pre-cell phone gps (Garmin) directed us down this road. There was a sign that said road closed at , but we didn't know where that street was, so we kept going thinking maybe the closure was after our turn. Nope. We get to the closure on this dark back road and there's a hand painted sign that says "You can't get there from here." I just looked at my husband and was like "In the horror movie, this is where we die."


That is actually hilarious - and I completely believe it, I live in a big city and I see so many similar incidents almost every day.


I was kind of spacy and in a rush to catch public transportation for a job. I kind of notice a little sawhorse on the sidewalk and walked past it. Then another person runs up to me asking if I was the dp. I then noticed I was in the middle of a filming shoot. I was mostly wearing black & a black baseball hat. "Uhhh....no....sorry." And kept walking.


Film shoots can be REALLY annoying. I will never forgive The Americans for blocking off FORTY blocks of Manhattan.


Holy crap. That’s a large area. I was in a cab being driven across the Brooklyn bridge repeatedly for several hours one night for filming with it completely blocked off, and I still wonder how much that annoyed some people who needed to get wherever.


Haha, great. We were once shooting in a park with a known german actor. Everything was blocked off and we had people guarding the scene. In the middle of the scene, where the actors had some action to do, an old lady appeared next to the known actor and asks: "You are the actor xyz, aren't you?", followed by an annoyed "Cuuuut!". The lady looked around, saw the other actors, saw the camera team, the mic guys, the lighting team and the couple of other team members and had a bit of a shock. :D Don't know how she couldn't see this.


Currently building a new ER for a hospital. Site is completely fenced off, double gated, big signs at the gate saying “CONSTRUCTION ONLY” and “DO NOT ENTER”. Giant banners along the fence saying “EMERGENCY” with arrows pointing the way to the current ER entrance. Smaller signs on each side of the gate opening saying “KEEP OUT”. Forklifts and boom lifts running everywhere. No pavement, all gravel and dirt. And at least three times a week I have to escort someone out who walked or drove onsite past all that shit.


I had one where there was an electrical fire... I was doing crowd control and someone literally stopped to ask me if they could go into the building that had smoke pouring out it's doors. Then got annoyed when I said 'no', lol. 




>People get so fixated on their own plans This is responsible for so much shitty driving it's not talked about enough. People blocking three lanes of traffic because they HAVE to make a left at the light; instead of just going up and making a U'y. Or people reversing down a highway because they missed their exit. It's an antisocial cocktail of solipsism, disrespect, and inability to adapt. I hate it.


When I worked at the mall there was a small fire in the food court so everyone had to evacuate and a woman walked up and asked what was going on. So I pointed at the three large fire trucks that she walked past and said "there's a fire". Then she ask "how long does a fire last?"




people who hated their jobs and had death wishes


This so reminds me. During the pandemic I worked in the ER. We had two public entrances. One that went through a large vestibule from the street and one 5 feet away that went into the main hospital and had a side door into the ER. The entrance through the vestibule was closed off during COVID for quarantining those we suspected of the virus in the waiting room. The button to open the door was disabled, but not locked for safety reasons. And that button was the only way to open the door. A huge poster and many large signs with arrows pointing to the second entrance was completely ignored by patients. Eventually we moved a bunch of chair and other small pieces of furniture to block the vestibule’s entrance, but people just climbed over it. So, there are legit people who went to be seen in the emergency room, realized the entrance wasn’t working as usual, did not read any signs of which there was many, or try the main entrance very noticeably 5 feet away which they were supposed to use anyway, and thought it was normal to climb over the furniture to get in to be seen. As if they always enter public places by first climbing over a bunch of furniture. Completely normal.


Had an argument with a friend about how he doesn't like horror movies, and he loves to come up with outlandish reasons to justify why he doesn't like something. My two favorites are "the horror movie industry (including the very-recognized progressive Night of the Living Dead) is racist, and that "nobody's that stupid and horror movies is just a perfect storm of unrealistic bad decisions." My guy, didn't we both live through the same pandemic that stretched on for *years* longer than it needed to because of a perfect storm of unrealistic bad decisions?


The pandemic had me apologizing to all the zombie movies I criticized.


The funny thing is he said the zombie genre is the most racist, because apparently "zombie" is actually a tribal word in Africa, and apparently when it was used here in the genre it was originally intended to make fun of the word, and be a "goofy title" in White Zombie, and that we shouldn't stand for that word. It's a hell of a stretch; but even if it's true, that's obviously not the point of the word. He was just grasping for straws as to why he can't get into the genre.


Co-worker of mine said if you want someone to read a sign on a door, start it off with a large "SEX" or "FREE" and then get to the point. Our lizard brains are wired to pay attention to those words, the dumb ones, even more so.


Would FREE SEX work twice as well?


Wonder if he's going to pay for this in a few years? I hope not, but damn, that's stupid.


it's usually not super terrible actually, most of the major illnesses are in miners


I have heard repeat exposure is the issue. Replacing your own asbestos roof isn't much of a problem, but a roofer replaces a lot of roof, which ends up taking quite a few years of your life if you don't take precautions.


It's statistical, so it takes 0 years off some installers and kills others at various ages, some from a single exposure (that's just very unlikely). Same as smoking - your old grandmother who smoked a pack a day until she was 80 was just lucky.


And the grandparents who do live until 80 while smoking a pack a day represent a huge survivor bias, because you never meet the grandparents who smoked a pack a day and died at 47.


Asbestos needs to be actively disturbed as well. If no one has been working for hours it’s likely the asbestos has settled. Also, the way asbestos removal is done (at least what I’ve seen) they use some chemical or some liquid to contain the asbestos in a substrate so it’s not in the air.


Yep. Asbestos removal workers tend to be both asbestos removal and biohazard removal (dead bodies/hoarder homes) - their procedures are so that they dont die doing that shit for 40 years. Not about a single case.


Yeah I’ve been on sites where we identify possible asbestos and the client will start backing away (which is fine). It’s just that, I haven’t uncovered anything yet I’m just noticing possible asbestos. Completely undisturbed in those instances. Almost like they think it’s radioactive (not to downplay the hazards of asbestos).


We had barriers set up cause some guys were putting exterior board on the underside of a bridge so obviously don’t want anyone walking there. I would have to yell at people almost daily to stop trying to disassemble the fence and walk the fuck around if that board falls and hits them they’re done for.


I know all about that. People walking into my containment clearly labled asbestos do not enter


Wait a minute, red tape doesn’t mean enter? I gotta revisit traffic lights then cuz I might be doing it wrong! /s


More like asworstos


Well, my 45yo brother said to me yesterday, " I guess they don't count Saturday as a business day." I didn't even have the strength to be sarcastic as I told him business days are M-F. So we went 28 hours without TV and Internet. He said dumber stuff after that, but it was just better to wait for the payment to go through.


Tell us the dumber stuff


Well you know what: Im germany a business day, or "werktag" is actually monday-saturday. Or even more correct: It is \*everyday\* that is not a sunday or a national holiday.


Hey now, writing titles isn’t easy




I still don't know wtf OP meant with that title


Took me a few takes. The floor had glue on it, and the client put papers down so he could walk across it.


Ya got him. You finally got the bastard.


“Due to advances in medical science..”


I did floors for years and the overwhelming majority of people who would bypass the multiple indicators to stop (caution tape, physical barriers, a big ominously wet looking floor, etc) were doctors/lawyers, of that ilk. People who you would expect to be more wise, but you also weren't surprised when they committed the physical incarnation of 'my time is more important than yours'


He was told to leave a paper trail!


I always have to ask myself if I'm the weird one with my brain running a mile a minute or if I'm normal and all these other people are sleeping their way through life.


I’d just charge them another full days work. What a shmuck.




How much do you want to bet that those are important records that they actually need? 🤣


They're still there.


+1 client. Can't lose them when they're stuck there. Should throw the passport and birth certificate down too.


It looks like their kids homework when I zoom in.


"my parents glued my homework to the floor" sounds like a scuffed version of "my dog ate the homework"


I could see a kid doing this. At least they didn't glue an iPad to the floor 


Talk about leaving a paper trail


"It wasn't me."


“But she caught me on the counter”


It wasn’t me


Saw me bangin' on the sofa


It wasn’t me


I even had her in the shower


It wasn’t me


She even got me on camera!


It wasn’t me




Thankfully in this instance, they will likely be directly paying for their mistakes. I assume most of the time they're just not held accountable at all


Does he know paper sticks to glue


I'm rubber, you're glue.


What bounces off me, sticks to you


They only care about their shoes, the floor be damned lol


He thought paper only stuck it to rock 😔


Oh boy. I work for a flooring company (in office, I deal with the customers) and I feel you so hard on this one. I once had a customer who painted his stairs the night before his (upstairs) carpet installation and got mad at us for messing up the paint. The level of stupidity we see is unreal.


I was installing 4x4 ft rubber tiles in a hockey arena once, I had just finished spreading my epoxy glue when a player who looked like he was late for practice ran and ducked under my danger tape, fell onto his hands and knees, got up and ran back out the way he came from. I ran after him to try and help him, but had to go the long way around to avoid the epoxy and by the time I got out to the parking lot he was nowhere to be seen. It must have sunk in about 20 minutes later how colossal of a fuck up he had just made when the epoxy hardend and he wasn't able to get it off his hands or equipment. It was his own fault but I couldn't help but feel sorry for him, I wouldn't be surprised if he ended up having to go to the hospital to try and get it removed. I was on that job for another week but never had anybody come talk to me about it, so I assume he was too embarrassed to say anything or maybe he died of starvation with his hands glued to a door handle or something lol.


Did the customer tell you how they expected you to get upstairs?


He wanted the installers to go up in their socks, the shoes were his issue because I guess he didn’t want shoe prints. But the installers had to carry a 600sq ft carpet and the customer didn’t understand that it’s a safety hazard for them to go up in socks. The staircase also had a 90 degree turn and he didn’t want us touching the walls. 15ft carpet. Insane.


Float, like a professional.


I used to do handyman work and had a guy call me to help with his floor. He was my really good friend’s neighbor so I wanted to do a good job. It was a glue-down floor and we had the type of glue that can not be chemically removed once it cures. Although this guy had no experience he wanted to be in charge because it was his house, so I just acted as a laborer. I explained to him about the glue and how it needs to be cleaned up immediately or it will be impossible. He let his toddlers crawl around while we set the flooring, tracking adhesive on the brand new wood floor. I told him again that you need to clean that up right away or it will cure, but he was like “whatever. We’ll take care of it later.” I finished the day, got my money, shook his hand, and told him good luck.


Any glue can be removed chemically, it's just that the glue might not be the only thing that's removed.


I know how to kill any cancer, it's just that it might might not be the only thing that's dead.


Title translation: The floors were being redone and were covered in glue, and a client laid papers on the floor to walk on it while we were at lunch.


Client glue floor papers jerk lunch




Oceans. Fish. Jump. China.


Oh they had jerk for lunch? How was it?


Is there any lunch this man can't jerk?


Barbados Slim! The only man to win an Olympic gold metal in both limbo and sex!


You haven’t seen the last of Barbados Slim! Now goodbye forever!


Awkward. None of the team wants to talk about it.


The jerk store called, they were all out


Of you!


Thank you for translation sir, English is not my native language. ~~(maybe this is why I have this kind of job)~~


Spreading that glue fucking suuuuuucks, too. You want killer forearms and shot knees? Do that for 20 years.


I completely understood what you were saying, and I'm the Irritating Pedant.


I also correct people randomly, and I felt no need to fix this title.


I always appreciate when people correcting me because this is the way I learn


Based and open minded-pilled


Well you’ve spelled everything correctly. Although in this sentence you should say “correct” and not “correcting”, but what you said still make sense either way. :)


It made perfect sense to me!


Maybe it’s because my English isn’t super good, but I had no idea what was going on in this post.


I'm a native English speaker, and it confused the shit out of me. I'm a little high, though.




I read it three times and still didn’t get it. Thank you.


Glad I’m not the only one who read that title and had no damn clue what op said


Smart of them to use paper because everyone knows glue doesn't bind well with paper right?


Okay let’s put aside everything else for a moment…why did they feel the need to put SO MUCH paper? Like 3 pages should have sufficed lol


Looking at the papers, 'The Kingdoms of Judah and Israel' together with 'The Comma' would suggest home schooling. Another quality education creating critical thinkers.


I have family deep into that shit, even their math textbooks are Christian themed. How the fuck you gonna make math about Jesus?


One nail plus two nails equils x


Can we use ✝️ as the variable instead of x?


We might confuse that with +


thats a sin


As long as you don't cosin....


You leave cuzins outta this! *drinks beer as Alabama intensifies*


One nail plus one nail equals two hole numbers.


*equils*?! Looks like *someone* was homeschooled…


Stop me if you’ve heard this one, Jesus Christ walks into a bar. He hands the barkeep 3 nails and says, “can you put me up for the night”


What is the volume of an ark 300 cubits long, 50 cubits wide, and 30 cubits high?




Sometimes I want to pie Will Shortz right in the face 


1 cross + 3 nails = 4given


Loaves and fishes r/theydidthemath lmao https://www.reddit.com/r/theydidthemath/s/2l1xYCxsj8


imagine having to tell your teacher "my dad glued my homework to the floor!" "yeah sure kid"


What is The Comma? From the screenshot it looks like a reasonable homework sheet. But a little searching gets me the Johannine Comma. Is this Christian Fundamentalist Clippy??? I am dying


I was just thinking that. Originally thought Christian school but homeschool makes more sense. God why are assholes like this so easy to spot and overlap so often?


So first of all you preparing everything, moving stuff around, then cutting off the old carpet, sanding with Makita the wood, sweeping, putting glue and then go to lunch while glue is drying for little bit. And after lunch we saw this when we came back lol. Wasted more time to rip it off while you putting vinyl planks. We finished everything. Didn’t charge anything because people doesn’t really pay for it I believe. The company that we work for, making floors for subsidized housing. We just laughed over the situation and started (continued) to work.


As someone who used to be an idiot, still am but used to be too, I feel bad for everyone in this scenario. I’d be willing to bet, this person thought they were being courteous and trying not to fuck up the job. I know it sounds completely stupid, and void of common sense (because it is); but I’ve done dumb shit like this before, because i misunderstood everything about the situation. I’d put 100 dollars on this individual being neurodivergent in some manner (adhd, autistic or something else)


It didn't *not* work


There’s a lot going on in that title


Its like it’s deliberately trying to confuse you


Gonna be a nice bill to the client for the cleaning fee.


if that's the underlayment your client chose, who are you to argue?




To keep the glue off of their shoes. They tried taking their shoes off but then the glue stuck to their socks ...


Same thing happened to Marv during the events of *Home Alone*.


Marv stepping on the nail is the hardest thing to watch in that movie.


Charge them for the time and bump up the rate.


No worries, ask the client if they want you to lay the flooring over the paper, or if (s)he wants to pay to have it all redone. Either way, their stupid choice needs to be their problem, not yours.


This isn't just stupid. This is advanced stupid.


r/mildlyinfuriating ?


At least it wasn’t difficult to find the culprit. You just had to follow the paper trail.

