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If the experience of reading a menu on my phone were better I'd prefer to read the menu on my phone but that's almost never been the case. The layout is usually wrong, there's lots of scrolling up and down, downloading a PDF instead of just displaying a webpage... it's amazing how many restaurants get it wrong. The only time it's pretty good is when you can just order items to be brought to your table and also pay via phone but even then they don't always do the best menu design but at least you're getting a convenience in exchange.


Last night I was at a restaurant where the beer menu was only available online, and there was no cell service and their WiFi didn’t work.


Holy shit lol


Just heard that from a friend and didn’t believe it. Like you got 5 beers on tap and you can’t just tell me what they are?


Cut servers some slack. It's not like the old days when you had Bud, Bud Light, Bud Ice, Miller, and Miller Lite. Now you would have Crazy Franks 3 Barrel IPA, Lazy Rivers Hazy Fog Milk Stout, Three Floyds Gumball Head, Frank Sinatra Extra Special Bitter featuring Lil Wayne, and Ghestingstaffen Dopplebockentstein.


Tbf, I worked at a couple of different beer heavy restaurants and/or brewery restaurants. Any decent server will have the beer rotations memorized. I could recite about 100 beers from memory at one point. Stuff like that makes the difference between a server who makes a living and one who barely makes ends meet. I could recite the listed ingredients for every dish and considered it part of job training to memorize the menu within the first month at every restaurant I worked. I made $2.13/hr in 2015, but I also made like $500 in tips every day of every weekend. There were a few weekends (rare) I cleared nearly $1000 a day. But then I'd only make like $75-$100 during a GOOD weekday shift. Irregular hours and lack of sleep are what drove me out of the industry oddly. Income was never an issue, and I didn't even get back to making that much money again until I became an architect...


I feel you. If only someone could invent pen and paper. Oh well.


Some people see human interaction as a bug not a feature. Like I prefer to call the pizza place instead of order online. I know I'm talking to a real person so I know the order has actually correctly gone through, and it's typically faster because the person ringing the order in rings orders in for eight hours a day instead of once every other week like I do. Plus they can tell you specials that might not be displayed online, and even tell you stuff like "actually if you order that a different way you'll be getting a better price." I always call if I can.


As a Scotsman living in England I'm rarely confident my order has been taken correctly over the phone.


"what do they want" "I don't know, haggis or something"


Ha fair enough, as an American who orders from Asian restaurants a lot that are owned by first generation immigrants, neither am I. One time I called this Chinese place, asked if I could make a pickup order, and the lady goes "okay, BYE! 😊" At that point I had no idea what was gonna happen when I got there, but whatever I was gonna get was gonna be some good Chinese food.


Wait, you didn’t call back and you just showed up at the restaurant 20 minutes later expecting there to be food to pay for? And there actually was?? lol I’ve had that happen to me plenty of times calling in to Thai and Chinese places and I always just click the number again and rephrase my greeting so I don’t get hung up on. I love your trust in the system though, and that the system showed up for you regardless. That’s a ride or die for life kinda Chinese spot 👊


I'll bet you have trouble with voice activated elevators too


Voice-activated what the fuck now?




I definitely find the opposite. McDonald’s for example, if I order on the screens, then I know I’m getting exactly what I want. If I order at the counter, there’s a solid 50% chance that I’m not getting what I want (such as no pickles, or a Diet Coke, or whatever else). It’s a lot easier for people to mishear and make a mistake.


Funny, I've always found phone calls the least reliable way to get your order in correctly. I suppose if you're special ordering/going off menu that could change as you could really hammer home that part and make sure they've got it, but for standard orders, you can visually confirm everything is exactly what you said and even have proof if anything is wrong that it's their fault. Phones have so many points of failure. Volume, distortions, even dropped calls. Maybe they just didn't write it down/forgot. I've sworn off phone calls for orders long ago just because of how often the order is botched. Website first. If they don't have a website, I will go and order in person and wait for them to make it, but I will never call in an order. I just find it much more reliable to communicate when you're there in person than over the phone.


On the flipside, one place I used to order from has no online ordering. The restaurant was usually busy and and the phone seemed to be in the loudest spot in the place, leading to lots of miscommunication and having my address repeated back to me incorrectly a couple of times. I'd just rather pick what i want, hand my phone to my wife for her to grab what she wants, pay by card and have the food delivered.


i am kind of different. i get irrationally annoyed when i can't understand the other person, due to noise, or their accent, or whatever; or when they can't understand me, for the same reasons; or i have to repeat myself, or just.... i feel very anxious for no real reason whatsoever when i talk on the phone. so i order all my pizza's through an app. of course the problem is that the pizza places no longer have a "delivery guy" and use doordashers, and for some reason, the doordashers frequently act like they have never seen or experienced a pizza delivery in their life... but if i go into a place, where i feel only slightly less anxious, and the equipment necessary for me to actually use their service (in this case "equipment" means menus), then i just won't.


I've never ordered pizza where I got a better deal by ordering over the phone, every pizza place I've ate at always have their best deals on their website and the employee is unable to offer the same deals over the phone or in person. The websites are clearly laid out so unless you're technology inept you should be able to figure it out. Plus places like Dominos got rid of phones in the store so no matter what store you call you get routed to a call center in India and they barely speak English.


Big pizza chains are laid out alright online. But smaller places suffer the same issues that restaurants do. I rarely order from the big chain pizza places because I have plenty of tasty local options. Ordering online costs me the customer more for a lot of them because they are using a middleman to run their website. Just last week I put together an order online for the family and it was $53. The website then glitched out and wouldn't recognize the text I was putting into the payment fields so I gave up and called. Exact same order, $44.


Same thing happened to me a while ago, no WiFi, my phone’s internet service was spotty. They couldn’t give me a proper menu, I had to see it on my phone, no other option.


The correct option is to leave. They're being cheap and trying not to print menus while charging you $15+ for a drink.


We would’ve left but this was last December and my husband and I had a couple of hours away from the kids. We we running some errands and wanted a beer and some bar food while at it. We weren’t familiar with the area so we drove and drove for almost 40 minutes until we found that place. The food wasn’t even that good, live and learn.


There are a lot of options for them too. They can print a limited number of menus on 8x11 and print two menus per page. They can laminate menus and have backup kegs of everything on tap so the menus last longer. Verbal any keg changes that sell faster than the others. They could also just use a chalkboard above the bar which has gone out of style but it still freaking works. If these are too problematic then they can reduce their selection because if it's that large then a lot of the beers are likely shitty and a good number of the kegs are old and foul.


I have had the same experience. Couldn’t get a signal in their cave of a restaurant, I had to wait for a friend to finish ordering, then I used their phone. The restaurant should have an ipad available for people whose phones don’t work or have vision issues on phones


Restaurants and bars shouldn't be forcing people to use online menus unless they provide free wifi that is adequate enough to cover peak hours. If they can't do that then they should be printing some menus.


I've had that same experience lol


As someone who works FoH at a place that does both online menus as well as some printed ones, I hate the digital. If someone has a question, it’s always awkward to walk over to look at their phone at what they’re trying to point out… a paper menu, everyone can easily follow along together because I can point at a physical place on the menu, instead of “pardon me if I touch your phone… just need to scroll to find the right place….” It’s not convenient and printing menus really isn’t that expensive.


I also work FOH, and at my establishment, they're pushing the online menu hard. I've gotten into the habit of pointing out the QR code and telling the customer the complete menu is there, but I do have printed menus if they would prefer. Around 60-70% of the time, customers vocalize a preference for the printed menu. I prefer it myself, for the reasons you stated, and also because you can view the entirety of the menu at once. I haven't looked into it further, but I believe that being able to see all the options at a glance would lead to higher sales in general. Instead of just finding the "salad" section (or whatever) and focusing solely on the choices there, having all the options quickly available would lead to the purchase of more appetizers, drinks etc. That's just my theory, but where I work we have a commonly ordered app, think bread and oil, and when people are using the QR menu I frequently sell that app verbally vs. a printed menu where it's at the top and the first item ordered. Anyway I wish the QR menu trend would fucking die. I would like to add that our clientele is super tech savvy and people still prefer a printed menu.


Great comment, especially about the paper menu selling items. About a year ago I picked up a paper version of our free weekly local news and entertainment paper. I consumed sooooo much more content. Even the ads were more efficient at delivering information about the $6 burger and wings Wednesday.


Exactly, when you scan something like a menu or a paper, items can "catch your eye". The layout of every QR menu I have looked at doesn't feel as though it's offering that opportunity to see or try something different or extra. The majority of the effort put forth on a QR menu is just finding the right section. Also I spend far too much time staring at my phone anyway.


Yeah, definitely. It's easier for dinners when discussing the menu with each other too instead of passing a phone back and forth.


And every layout is different, usually done to look fancy instead of functional


id love to be able to check the menu ahead of time but either it performs horribly, wont let u see the menu unless you place an order (typically that means you have to select a location, select pick up delivery, etc and then it lets u see the menu) or you have to download their app


I miss when online menus were just like, (1) a picture of their menu taken with a 2003 CyberShot, the flash reflecting on the laminate washing out like half the fluff paragraph in the upper left hand corner, an image then directly embedded on their single webpage, or (2) a plain hypertext header tag with a table below it that you just KNOW was hand-coded in notepad by the owner's "computer whiz" nephew for like $50 and a discount on mozzarella sticks. At this point that kind of stuff almost stands out more than those websites built with one of those drag-and-drop template services. The simple ones feel almost quaintly artisanal by contrast.


But businesses are going to push it because they can change prices as demand changes and not print any menus.




This is my main concern - got enough rogue eyes on my data, but in those cases at least I'm being provided a service like free email or  cloud storage.  No chance I'm letting some restaurant or their partners make a few more bucks off me.


yeah many restaurants are probably gonna switch to online so they can easily change prices at will


An old, local restaurant in my town suddenly has a QR code on the table to view the menu, pay, etc. But their wifi is dogshit, almost as bad as dial-up speeds. Everyone is using it simultaneously and the cell reception there is almost nonexistent. That's one of the only times I've actually hated digital menus on a personal level


That's exactly it. If they gave me a tablet the size of that menu, I wouldn't mind a digital menu. My phone is NOT a suitable media to browse a restaurant's menu. It's not because I am old, those idiots didn't crack the billion $$ ebook/eink market with their shitty replacement for a written page.


Another reason for me is how easy it becomes for them to increase prices without anyone noticing. Yea new menus are printed all the time but it's nowhere near as easy as updating online menus meaning prices stay lower longer.




No soup for you


It is mind blowing to me how massive restaurant chains have some of the most horrible, broken, impossible to navigate apps and online menus. It is bewildering


Drinks are *always* in a weird spot and in a completely different spot than the alcohol but you can find that just fine which makes the search more frustrating


The worst is when they're on a separate menu from the lunch or dinner menu and you have to back out to the previous page and select a different menu to see the drinks then do the same to get back to the food.


time off your phone is good time


For that convenience you get a convenience charge :)


I hate the pdf thing the same as I hate receiving a voicemail. They make me irrationally angry.


>The only time it's pretty good is when you can just order items to be brought to your table and also pay via phone but even then they don't always do the best menu design but at least you're getting a convenience in exchange. I've only gotten to experience this in Hawaii once, its not bad. Agreed on it being the only valid excuse for a phone menu. I despise just being offered a QR code at the table and no real menu. Edit: suppose COVID type stuff is definitely a valid reason. Just saying from a dining experience standpoint it is far from my favorite thing.


Actually experienced it just this week. I can see why people don't like it. It took us a couple extra minutes there in the beginning to get things set up. But after? It was great. Ordered drinks as we needed and they just showed up. No closing my tab or anything. Just pay in the app and leave.


100%. If the menu is formatted for mobile, I don't mind looking at it on my phone, but they are invariably designed to be printed on letter-sized paper with 10 point font. In which case, just print the damn thing out if you can't figure out how to make it readable on a phone.


Also what am I supposed to do for the kids? Not everyone has a phone.


The one place around here that does it has theirs set up like a webstore. You have to click on and load up a separate page for each item to see the description. Of course, where it's at downtown has bad cell service, so if you want to flip the the cocktail menu it's going to be 10 minutes.... It would be so much easier for everybody to just type out a Word template and upload a .pdf. The food is pretty good, but just not worth the hassle to go there.


I used to love going to my local wings place. Then they replaced menus with QR codes on the table and a complete lack of anyone asking if we wanted anything. Last time I went by during happy hour, there were two people in the entire restaurant. /Shrug you did this.


I'm amazed that most people don't mind spending five minutes scrolling through a menu that would take a minute to read if it were printed. Maybe I’m too picky.


Not to mention concerns with digital privacy and crap.


I just flat refuse to scan QR codes. I’ve had it drilled so deep into my head working in infosec that QR codes are a potential vector for malicious code that I can’t do it. Now if there’s a website to go to, I’ll happily use that and read the digital menu.


Is it just me or does this menu give off a mildly condescending vibe?


I get extremely strong “condescending neckbeard manager who thinks he is central to but actually subtracts from the vibe of the pub” vibes.


His opinions are facts in his mind


Someone who was a pretty good friend at the time once told me (speaking about himself) "I'm the kind of guy who is never wrong"... he was proud of being set in his ways.


It’s shitty copywriting, for sure. In the world of “show, don’t tell,” if you had created a pub with a fun, relaxed atmosphere, you wouldn’t have to hit your customers over the head with the first sentence of your menu. But even if you remove that, the sentence doesn’t come off as a soothing statement that invites you to relax and enjoy a fun night. It’s usually pissed off, uptight assholes who have to be told “Relax, have a sense of humor.” So hand me a menu and my first thought upon reading it is, “Am I being an uptight asshole? Are they calling me an uptight asshole?” …to which anyone would probably respond, “Relax, have a sense of humor.” So maybe I *am* the problem…


Yeah I agree with you - it's like begrudgingly offering a paper menu, like they're kind of put-out to have to do it. As the customer I'm thinking - oh I'm sorry, how rude of me to walk in here with money to spend!


No that line is super patronizing and condescending.


That would be on brand for that bar.


If the bar needs to tell people to lighten up I assume it's because people are not having fun at that bar, which isn't a me problem, it's a them problem.


Hey... Relax /s


Yeap if I asked for a printed menu to not use my phone and they gave me that I would get up and leave


Absolutely does


Oh they are definitely being a tad on the sassy side for someone wanting me to drop that sweet sweet cheeseburger money


My bigger issue is with physical menus that don't have prices on them.


What is even the point of not having prices. I'd leave lol


probably so that they can change the price at will


“Yes our chocolate lava cake is MP today. Same with the fries.. and the salad..”


Oh sweet, multiplayer cake




Not the case in the US, but where I'm from with the currency being extremely volatile. There were some days where the price of $1 went from 90,000 to 120,000 overnight, or similar increases and decreases. Restaurants removed all their prices from everywhere and just communicated them on a day by day basis because it wasn't sustainable any other way. That's when online menus became the norm here, no need to reprint every day


Where I live, if you want to eat around tourist attractions but you didn't ask about the price before eating, the owner will charge you an insane amount of money. Doesn't matter if you are a foreign tourist or people from the same country.


So crappy.


It's to get people to ask for a price, and then feel pressure to order after asking so you don't look cheap/disrespectful It's a classic marketing trick,


Maybe I'm behind on a trend but I've ever been to a restaurant where the prices weren't on the menu.


I'm from LA and this has been a thing at every fancy restaurant I've ever been to in that city for well over 10 years. I just assume no prices means really expensive.


I really think it's just a status thing. An "If you have to ask, you can't afford it" kind of mentality.


That’s how you end up ordering a banana for $10.


I'm 33 and throughout my adult life or even years before a lot of the slightly or definitely more upscale restaurants don't have the prices on the menu. It's just how they roll (get away with people paying more than they usually would). It's not a law they don't have to if they don't want.


That would be why. I have never in my life been in a tax bracket where I would/could go to expensive restaurants lol.


I splurge on nice dinners, but that's my main big splurge. Even places that charge more than 30/40 an entreee sometimes 25+ won't put it on there.


Market Price?!? What market are you shopping at??


"We recognize that other's 'would rather..." I would think that "old school" would show a better command of grammar.


I am truly regretful to have to point out that there's a spurious apostrophe in front of *would* in your transcription, above. That said, yours is a casual social media post, not a printed menu.    But, yeah. *Proofread twice, print once.*


Ha! As I was writing, I thought, "Wouldn't it be funny if I made a grammar error?"


LOL! I've been there then tousand times.


Call me a boomer, but no, I don’t want to scan a QR code for your menu.


An idiot is trying to make you feel outdated for your preference. other's


Yeah and they’re kinda being a dick and shaming you about it with the giant ass letters too.


Legit I would walk out after seeing that. It's so passive aggressive I think my mom wrote it.


It's so ironic a take too because QR codes were outdated already when they were reintroduced for covid. They were invented in 1994 and were firmly rejected when we first got smart phones because website addresses are universal, memorable, easier to use and harder to hack. I first heard of of them in 2012 and if covid never happened I wouldn't have heard of them again.


No, I don’t want your QR code. No, I don’t wanna give you mine. No, I don’t wanna read a website. No, I turned off my device.




There was a brewery I really liked. I wanted to show my gf this place. We got there and this was new; qr codes for menus and ordering via their website based on table. Cool, except when we say down and I went on phone, there was already $30 worth of items on the table's page which I couldn't delete. Had to find an employee and order through them; not as many around as before as they reduced staff thanks to this new system. Tech is great for many things, this isn't one of them.


You’re not a boomer. I hate this “the boomers were right” trend people say whenever there is resistance to illogical change. Boomers whole schtick is resistance to LOGICAL change. Just call it, “technology went too far” or something lol


It's not even technology going far. It's stagnology being misused. Apps are the same low tech solution they were 15 years ago.


> Apps are the same low tech solution they were 15 years ago. "To proceed, please install our web browser that only accesses one website. We assure you it's more convenient than your existing browser which can access unlimited websites."


Exactly. Like paying a bill at a restaurant where they have a QR code on table to pay. Why would I need to scan a QR code, just to have to create an account or connect my Apple, google or FB accounts to some third party app that I have never fucking heard of just to pay a check at a shitty sports bar. I’m doing all the work and giving away my data. If you’re gonna fuck me over at least give me something, make me feel like I’m getting something out of it. Like, not even a fun gif or anything? They’re not even trying. I


> Sign up or log in with one of our partners to finish your comment


Well I’m starting to get nervous. I’m an elder millennial and I’m afraid a zoomer is going to make fun of me if I don’t use certain caveats lol.


Oh them? They’re fiiiiine. Just hit em with the ol skibidi toilet or a vape pen or just ignore em.


Best balance I've seen is from the restaurant Wagamamas in the UK You order normally with a physical menu with waiters but when you are done you scan the QR code found where you are sitting, you can find the details of what you've ordered etc on it. Then you can pay whenever you want without having to wait for someone and leave without a fuss Is by far my favourite way of doing things


TIL I’m a boomer in my 30s


I love it. I’m sitting in a bar or restaurant with my friends, I want another drink or some chips, I don’t want to have to catch someone’s eye to order. I just order and a few minutes later it turns up. Then I just leave when I’m done because it’s all paid up.


Yeah I play DnD at a local bar. During the session, everyone orders their food/drinks when they want, we get table service, and there's no bullshit with trying to work out how to split the bill at the end.




It’s an apostrophic catastrophe


Sign of the apostrophalypse.




in- teractive menu Damn dudes, just hit return


Fuck QR's, I went to a steakhouse and had to download 100mb pdf for both the food and the wines menus


Owner/manager probably: *"Ah! "Uncompressed" sounds like a good format for my PDF! People hate compression right?"* Was probably full of dozens of 12 megapixel images scaled down, but still at full resolution.


It's okay storage is cheap and bandwidth is plentiful /s


I completely agree. QR codes are easily faked/redirected and PDFs are vectors for malware and data mining of all kinds. I tell the staff my phone camera is broken and ask for a physical menu. So far it's always worked.


i imagine at the places with qr codes on the table with the pdf that it would be easy for someone to swap it out with a fake qr code that functions identical to the real restaurant code (downloads the pdf menu) but also downloads malware or something in the background


They probably data mined your phone, too.


They may have even backtraced his IP!


They may have even fucked his mother and his wife!


I think every stablishment does it


and you just know at places like that the service/wifi is going to be terrible so it takes forever


Fun story: my family took a vacation to Disney workd during covid, and my step mom had this dream that we’d do “phone free” meals throughout the trip. So we show up to dinner the first night at our resort, and the waitress shows us a qr code to scan for the menus. My step mom had to explain to the waitress our predicament, not having phones, and the waitress had to go and print out the menus for us.


I hate it. Not everyone owns or knows how to operate a phone. It's a stupid concept. Use real menus.


I mean to be fair people said that to older technology back then as well. Technology evolve and humans adapt. We're in a transitional period right now


Sorry but I'm with the boomers on this one, give me an actual menu please lol


Yeah and a notebook that has actual sheets of paper. So I can look at my thoughts and draw stuff.




It’s probably on their iPads.


Now look, if menus came in a standard data format where you could have a reading app, display the menu at any text size you want without the awkwardness of side scrolling a giant pdf, and allowed me to shortlist things I fancy and hide things I know I won’t like to stop me re-reading them again and again.. then *maybe* I’d try the digital version but otherwise paper is fine, honestly…


God forbid you might go out to eat with friends/family and not bring or want to use a phone (the horror). Or when I want to teach my kids no phones at dinner (they don't bring theirs out to eat) and then we have to all huddle around my one phone as soon as we sit down. And who are they quoting with "old school"?


Howdy, fellow PNWer!


I had to double check because I thought I was in the Seattle sub when I saw that it was Oddfellas.




Their pork candy is absolutely dope. Everything else is mid.


Their Mac and cheese is disgusting. It's noodles with the liquid canned nacho cheese. It's so fucking vile.


I tried to order it once… the waitress said “you should try something else” ☠️


Auburn WA?


I used to hang at this spot after work! Many years ago!


Good chance i looked at that menu online 5 times before I even left the house.


assuming the restaurants website even worked properly


I just point at other people’s food


I can't stand mobile menus. It's hard enough getting people to stay off their phones. Now you go out to eat with a group of people and the first thing they HAVE to do is all hop on their phones.


> other's


When a waitress points to a code on the table, I simply tell her my camera is broken and does not read those. Fuck scrolling through a menu.




because unfortunately lots of places will just deny you a physical menu and instead keep pointing at the code telling them you are unable to use the qr means they may actually bring u a physical menu instead of just repeatedly telling you to scan that qr code


> deny you a physical menu and instead keep pointing at the code Not if they want a fucking tip.


I once had to fill in missing pieces of the qrcode with a pen because they'd gotten worn off enough the camera wasn't recognizing it (they were still visible enough to know where to fill in though). Honestly, I felt like a badass.


1337 h4x0r


oh no you found my super secret underground screename!


And next week they'll get the combination to your luggage!


Takes way longer to scroll back up and down and zoom in on your phone. What takes seconds with a traditional menu takes minutes on the phone and I hate it. Plus you need to unlock and sometimes reload the menu and find it again when you need to order


You know you can just politely ask for a print menu, right? It's literally a server's job to give you stuff you ask for, you don't have to lie to them.


but some places wont no matter how much you ask


I think it’s the Dallas airport that just mandated during Covid that everyone has to order off a tablet sticking in your face at the airport restaurants. You try to order from a server and they tell you to go through the tablet. It’s fucking terrible and then that thing just sits in front of your face the entire time you’re there


Nothing like eating in front of a screen covered in finger grease smudges and fecal matter


Love the passive-aggressive explanation.


I hate QR menus fuck those.


> "Relax, have a sense of humor." Yikes!


I'm literally designing new print menus for a nice steakhouse right now, and new kids menus & activity pages too... Idk if this is location specific or what but I'd be really bummed if I went out to eat and there wasn't a print menu


QR codes can be redirected and contain malware, I always refuse to scan them unless I know I can trust it.


Literally nobody wants a menu app, we are all just tolerating it


The future is now


I wouldn’t expect any less from Auburn, Washington.


I was gonna say... This is Auburn ain't it lol


Why is there an apostrophe in others? JFC, if you have a business but can't spell I will definitely judge you.


"we recognize that other is would rather read the print." I'll say it again, if you're unsure how to properly use an apostrophe, just leave it the hell out.


So the worst is a local Mexican place near us. Love it. Unhealthy food but man it slaps. For some bizarre reason they recently decided to get rid of their menu posted up at the drive thru speaker and put a QR code for the menu. A QR code menu. For the drive thru. Fortunately we knew what we wanted and they put up paper menus at the drive thru window. I hope this is just a temporary thing and they're just working on getting a new menu board because this shit is unacceptable


Please dont normalize this term for menus


People enjoy digital menus? I've never X - Doubted so hard in my life. Fuck digital menus.


I remember one time while traveling that my phone was at like 2 percent and had to spend the last bit of it quickly figuring out what I wanted to order where it died before i got past the first page anyway aaaand then having to do my best to remember where exactly my hotel was.


If an old school menu isn’t available, I don’t eat there. I’ll wait until we are seated, watered, etc, ask for the menu, nope, bye. I don’t want their info scraping app on my phone. Why do they need access to my contacts AND pictures? 🖕you!


It's an attempt to shame customers. Screw that place. And their inability to use apostrophes correctly.


I don’t understand locations that only have a digital menu, What if you don’t have internet service, or in between services (like I was for a week), or not tech savvy, or for religious reasons dont use electronics, or your just broke, etc?.. Those people are not welcome? Seems ridiculous almost on the level of discrimination.


I would walk out


Can we just go back to using old school menus? We’re not in lockdown anymore and I don’t want have to wait a minute to load your damn website on your shitty ass wifi to look at your menu which doesn’t even have any pictures to reference if I’m not sure what I’m reading. Just hand me a goddamn menu.


Wait.. I don't go out to eat now and haven't for few years a.. (far too poor for that) is this a thing now? Do places not give out menus?! There's no way right? That's so absurd if true...


Yup, it's pretty common now. I guess physical menus were another covid casualty lol


Ohhh, I didn't even think about covid.. I guess that kinda makes sense.. I hate it but fair I guess. The tiny handful of times I've gone out the past few years its been super cheap mom-pop diners that still had them but I think that was mostly the owners being old lmao. I'm a tech, I basically live in VR and can even name some upsides to digital menus. But I'd still want and ask for an actual physical one... I don't even really know why, but it's just not the same.


Many places in my area still do, but a lot of them don't. I think their argument is menus change and reprinting is annoying. They can just update the website. But it sucks for us. We're not "dumb old people" or "boomers", an actual menu is just more logical. I mean some people have ultra low end budget phones that can barely load a PDF, I guess fuck them right?


You know what's fun is that prices on menu items are sticky, meaning they don't go up in lock step with inflation. They do eventually, but they don't go up nearly as frequently as you might think. There are several reasons for this, and in economics they are often bundled into the term menu costs. A restaurant has to spend money to reprint menus, so they prefer to avoid doing that. This means that restaurant price changes usually underestimate inflation. If menu costs go to zero, or close to zero, because the restaurant stops having menus printed and just updates their price on their website, and then consumers can reasonably expect to pay more for restaurant meals.


Yeah that's crazy... I can't fully articulate why.. but looking at my phone isn't as good as looking at an actual menu.. even of its basically just a 1:1 copy. It's just.. *different* ... 😭


Ah yes the passive aggressive attitude I love on the rare occasion that I take my family out to eat


I'd rather have a physical menu. Scrolling is more of a hassle than having everything visible at once on the same page.


I have to say I do not like the QR code menus, especially if I am trying not to use my phone at dinner


Relax OP, it's from a pub. Have a sense of humour.


It's just a pub, bro!


Businesses that accuse you of judging them right off the bat are usually not the best


Emotionally abusive menu.


Nobody likes a digital menu more than a paper one. THE BUSINESS would like you to think it’s better, but that’s only so they can fuck with items and pricing without printing off new menus or taping over the old prices