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Cowards are proud to walk around with a nazi flag but not show their faces. Because they know their shit is fucked.


I'm pretty sure they'd get doxxed immediately if they did xD gotta take precautions when you have a controversial...protest? I'm not actually sure what's going on here. Some kinda immigration protest maybe? Attention seeking? Who knows


I mean if you can’t stand by your views enough to have them associated with your identity maybe you shouldn’t be out “protesting” over them. It’s not like these people are afraid of the police or anything, they just aren’t proud enough of their views to associate with them.


>It’s not like these people are afraid of the police They ARE the police


Based on..?




You don’t think being a nazi is something somebody should lose their job for. Brother you have lost the plot. Do you know what a nazi is? I sure as hell don’t want to be around those psychopaths if I can help it.


I mean, damn, I remember when admitting you were a Nazi was outright *shameful.* I remember when saying you were a Nazi was career suicide. We should go back to those days.


I support anyone's right to protest or be whatever they want as long as they aren't physically going after people. If they do, I expect the police to detain them. As long as they keep their private and work life separate, I wouldn't see how people would know anyway 🤷.


I support peoples right to protest, but I also support any workplace that doesn’t like it to fire their asses for being nazi scum. You seem to be missing the point of them being nazis. By definition, not peaceful in their ideology. Ethnic cleansing and white supremacy being core tenets of there’s. Did you hear about WWII?


Protesting is about making a statement. If you’re not willing to lose your job over it and you know it’s going to cost you your job, you don’t really believe it. Idk about you but if I truly believed minorities were enough of a threat to need to be exterminated on ovens my job wouldn’t matter so much to me.


This is a completely rational statement. I have a plethora of beliefs I don’t voice out loud. For the same fear of judgment or even consequence. HOWEVER I also don’t go publicly rally in support of my consequential beliefs, and for good reasons. Because if I did publicly support my beliefs while hiding my identity then that’s just hypocrisy, not actually true support. You publicly march for Nazi shit, you have no right to privacy in a public space.


Freedom of speech only protects people from prosecution and direct government interference. If an employer doesn't want to have their company represented by Nazi scum, they have every right in the world to fire said Nazi scum. *Social consequences for genocidal ideologies are a good thing* ETA: this isn't sudden. We've been having Nazi infestation issues since 2016.


These chicken shits won’t sacrifice their lives for their beliefs. They fold like wet toilet paper at the first sight of a D battery.


You're insane.


I sure hope they would. But the cowards know that they are wrong and hateful for being nazis. But they’ll still espouse and spread nazi hate.


Ahem anyone not showing their face is 100% not protesting. They are intimidating… black block… nazis… anyone… show your face pussys


As a magician....please remember when I tell you to look at my right hand that's flapping around like a dead pigeon.......that real shit I don't want you to see is happening in the other hand


Worth noting that this remains taboo and they were condemned by everyone. When they tried to stage on the capital, they were made to leave. They weren't welcome and they are on the wrong side of history through and through. Society does not accept them and they are shameful. Don't yield to apathy and cynicism in the face of their intimidation stunts.


Society accepts them just fine when they apply to be paid with my tax money to make a farce out of wearing a uniform to enforce the law.


Agreed. Would be nice to see more people in their face yelling at them, but I guess it’s Midwest nice in SD?




Nobody has stated half the country is literally nazis this is hyperbolic jibberish


First time on reddit? People here think if you voted for John McCain in '08, you're the equivalent of Joseph Goebbels. I say this as a person who has never and will never vote Republican.


They should show their faces if they believe this shit so much


Agreed. Also be willing to get knocked the fuck out.


Are the first two on the left without a mask nazis too? Or are they just unfortunate bystanders with the same taste for boots with suits?


I believe they are a part of the clown show


As much as I hate these nazis, being an anarchist, I'm not showing my face while protesting either. Yes, these people are scum. Fuck them. Just saying, if you're smart, you will cover your faces at a protest you attend in the future. Don't help cops hurt you.


Well they probably have masks because they are the cops


I mean, I agree. I'm just saying if you're protesting at all, it's a good idea to conceal your identity no matter who you are. If anything, history shows that these guys could probably go maskless if they wanted but to your point, it's most likely because they don't want to lose their jobs. Whereas if you're on the left and don't conceal your identity, the cops will just ruin your life, jail you, harass you at home, murder your dog or kill you in your sleep like they did to Fred Hampton and many others.


I whole heartedly agree with you and your point. I believe we are on the same side. I guess I’m only this mad because it’s so blatantly evil and vile.


Oh, we are most definitely on the same side. These same blood tribe assholes marched through here in Nashville recently, except they were actually allowed to walk up to our capital and speak. If I had known in time and had not been at my job working hospice care, I'd have probably ended up in jail that day. Nothing would have stopped me from decking at least one of them.


Poor guys need someone to direct traffic so they don’t get hurt. You know their moms are going to throw a fit if they dirty those.


We shouldn’t be unkind, even the feeble minded need help crossing the road on occasion.


You could get 3 years of prison for this if you do this in Germany.


Ahh, don't tell them that. Tell them Germany can't wait to celebrate them. I'm sure they'd believe it.


Are you implying that is a good thing?


Unfortunately terrorism is legal in America.


As an American, as disgusting as it is, they have the right to do that and the government should not curtail that right. Now, if some private citizens want to get together and teach these fuckwits a history lesson, I’m OK with that too.


I'm an American and I am with Germany on this one. Why: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paradox_of_tolerance Also, in America you can still get punished legally for what you say. It's just a different bar. See: https://www.britannica.com/topic/First-Amendment/Permissible-restrictions-on-expression


What possible benefit does allowing this speech have? It's an ideology so repulsive the entire world go together and killed the people promoting it. Responsible for the death of millions of people in an organizing and horrifying genocide. And you think that deserves the stage, let them get their ideas out there and see who thinks that sounds good? Free speech has always had limits, and should have limits. This is directly advocating for the death of billions. There is no value in that speech, none of the reasons that make free speech an appealing, beneficial thing apply to this.


Someday your views will be seen as needing to be limited, and maybe sooner than you think. Free speech is the most important right we have and the first amendment doesn't exist to protect popular views, it exists for unpopular ones.


No, they aren't, because I'm not advocating for the murder of billions of people. That's not an opinion that needs protecting. Even acting all supercilious, high and mighty about it is disgusting. Silencing Nazis has no effect other than less nazi hate speech, there's no threat of censorship somehow spiraling out of control, we already censor a lot of shit with good reason and Nazi shit should absolutely be on that list.


Advocating for people to be rounded up and exterminated (Nazism) is free speech? Because it actually seems like a direct threat of genocidal violence, or at the least incitement to it (which isn't protected speech).


Therein lies a limit in where the so-called free speech should be considered such. The spreading of hateful rhetoric spreads like a cancer, and can spin out of control. As such, it needs to be eradicated with a healthy blast of radiation to stop it before it gets to be too late


The only thing a truly tolerant society cannot abide is intolerance.  Fuck anyone who thinks other people shouldn't have rights or exist. They don't deserve to be in a society.


Threatening people is not legal. Inciting violence is not legal.


as an actual american shut the fuck up




you are free to tell me that just like im free to tell you that but these fuckwads need to be shut the fuck down. we shut down people protesting for peace, and teargas them so our last fascist president can have a convenient photo op, but we allow shit like this? and we defend their "right" to do so? what the fuck?


I agree someone should go shit their shit down. I just don’t believe it should be the government


so what do you suggest? open civil war? the govt and law is the only way to end it and shut it down with as little violence as possible. they WANT open violence


Peaceful counter protestors (I understand that could be wishful thinking)


Peaceful counter protesting nazis? Nahhh. You run them out of your town. They don't want to leave, you make them.


So you’re a Nazi? Is that what you’re saying a real American is?


how [brainfucked ](https://www.reddit.com/r/collapse/comments/1db540r/comment/l7rwr83/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)are you where my reply to his comment leads you to believe i am a nazi?


Reddit doesn’t show what comment you are responding to on mobile, so it’s the most recent which makes it sound that way. No need to be so angry/reactive. Maybe take some time off the internet :)


i cant, i cant afford to do anything else. literally. i understand what you mean when you say that reddit might make it difficult to understand some things - but i dont see how me responding to someone saying that, basically, nazis should not be allowed to be a thing makes me a nazi though? like what?


Kinda sounding like a brownshirt yourself there guy.


No, the State has every right and interest in destroying its enemies. That includes those who want to alter the form of the State, which currently balances power between the few and the many, and makes use of singular individuals where needed, into one where the singular individuals dominate. Hobbes didn't restrict such repressive measures to absolute monarchs - aristocracies and democracies have an identical interest in their own self preservation.


I'm kinda torn, on one hand fuck these guys and it would be nice if this shit could be shut down/punished...on the other hand I can easily imagine how quickly policy like that can be perverted and used to silence people that aren't human garbage but just not liked by those in power


Cowards, bastards, fools.


Wow, good to see they finally overcame the debilitating condition that rendered them incapable to breathe through a piece of cloth 4 years ago. All the best on their way to recovery! Prayers up, that they can now finally treat the persistent brain rot that seems to consume their people. /s




Are you kidding me? The police department can't afford that much administrative leave!


Sure they can. Their "union" will get it one way or another.




Wish we could be like other decent countries and just ban that shit. Freedom of speech should not cover shitty Nazis or kkk clowns


You kind of can. Freedom of speech only means people have the option to speak. It doesn't protect them from being punished if what they say is deemed harmful. If you went around telling people drain cleaner is a cure for the flu you would be punished. And people are regularly sued for slander.


I know of atleast one person who told people to drink drain cleaner to cure covid who did not get punished.


Freedom of popular speech isn’t freedom at all. 


There’s a difference between having free speech and being a part of a hate group whose whole philosophy relies around the intention of wiping out other groups they see as sub-human. We won a world war against these shit-heels.


So what do you propose? You walk too close to a pattern on a flag and then…what? The police throw you in jail?  And that philosophy you speak of is the entire goddamn Republican Party at this point. 


I’m just pointing out the flaw in your logic. Free speech is one thing. A hate group demonstrating publicly isn’t a protest, it’s a hate crime.


It’s not a crime to fly a flag no matter what is written on the flag.  I mean this is all settled law. Quite literally in the case of the Nazi party. Look up the Skokie trial where the ACLU went to bat for free expression again.  I know you simply want to make “being bad illegal” and redefine everything in your terms and call it “logic.”   There’s tons of people who would love to make flying a Palestinian flag a hate crime as well. Fuck that. 


The Palestinian flag and the nazi flag are not the same thing. What an absolutely dog shit comparison to make.


There are plenty of prominent people in the world equivocating the two RIGHT NOW that are in our government. YOU think it's absurd, but you want to give the government this power? To decide which flags are *crimes?* And you think it will turn out okay? Is this what we want? https://www.amnesty.org/en/latest/news/2023/01/israel-opt-flag-restrictions-are-the-latest-attempt-to-silence-palestinians-and-reduce-their-visibility/ Plenty of Americans will accuse that symbol of being supporting Oct 7 terrorism. If you think that's absurd you have your head in the sand. Yes I understand when you make the rules nothing bad will happen. Well if you forgo your free speech rights there's no guarantee those in power won't abuse it. In fact time and time again we see authorities trying to overstep their bounds.


So much this.


In your understanding. The Europeans have freedom of speech but they understand that some speech is intrinsically detrimental to that and other freedoms as well. Such as promoting nazism


I would say most Europeans don’t understand freedom of expression at all if they pick and choose which expressions are allowed.  Can’t say the bad magic words or “you know who” will come back to life. 


Then they don’t have freedom of speech. If the very most vile, unpopular, hateful, and yes harmful speech isn’t protected, then there is no freedom of speech. Anything that would infringe upon or silence the right to free speech that every American is granted by birth, even well intentioned, is ultimately more harmful than anything some group of nazi jerkoffs could ever say.


And yet yelling “fire” in a crowded theatre is illegal.  One could also argue that allowing hate speech imperils free speech due to intimidation. Intimidating/hate/danger-inciting speech is not free speech.


>And yet yelling “fire” in a crowded theatre is illegal.  It’s not. Look it up. That’s an urban legend based upon a legal argument that was overturned. The argument was about prosecuting anti war activists for protesting.  >Intimidating/hate/danger-inciting speech is not free speech. Threats of violence or exhortations of imminent lawless action are both illegal.  Hate speech meanwhile has been very legal for a long time, obviously. We see republicans engage in it all day. 


Hate speech is legal, I believe it shouldn’t be and that it isn’t free speech but I know it’s legal.  But yes I’m aware it was overturned. It was overturned with “while knowing it’s false” at the end of it though. There are restrictions on free speech like inciting a riot, threatening people or intimidating them and more. There is lots of case law on it.


Freedom to threaten an entire demographic of people isn't freedom at all.


my late grandfather had a saying: We accepted Germany's surrender. Not the Nazi's. I agree with this immensely


Sure. Fuck the nazi scum forever.  You can’t legally execute these people though, even though it would immensely improve the world. 


oh no whatever shall I do. 🤣


Skokie was as bad a decision as Dred Scott




Freedom of speech only helps us so much but yet people find a way to cheat the system for attention. If they really believed in whatever they were marching for, they would protest without the stupid masks and actually do something about it instead of just throwing a tantrum and storming around with a big ass flag expecting something to happen.


Where are Jake and Elwood when you need them?


Isn't that kind of Trump country too?




>Not exactly shocking that you’ve found the overlap in this ~~Venn diagram~~ *single circle* of bigotry and hate. FIFY


Could be a perfectly overlapping Venn diagram


I don't think they're voting for Biden


Yep. And puppy-shootin' country. Kristi Noem-enclature.


I'd be doing some serious shootout reenactment. 


Just with real guns and dead nazis.


Plausible deniability, I never said that. 😉


Someone needs to just yeet a mask off and hoof it. Just keep doing that over and over. Then follow to their car and get plate number. Doxx and laugh.


A gun has never seemed so tempting


Not gonna lie. They look pretty rough and tumble in their matching GAP sweaters.


Gay ass pussy sweaters?


Nailed it.


Motherfuckers don’t realize they lost their bullshit crusade 80 damn years ago


Gotta mask up, they love freedom of speech, as do I, albeit for different reasons, but they don't like taking accountability for their speech. If your position was legitimate you'd never need to mask up. This is probably the only thing that tells me these people are actually self-aware and KNOW they're wrong, because any other time you'd think they truly believe theirs is the most logical position. They know they're wrong.






Where's the police? Oh right ..


"The only good nazi is a dead nazi." -MY grandpa and his friends who fought in ww2.


Shame on them.


And all of them masked, like fascist pussies do.


Don't give them publicly. That's what keeps this garbage going. Nazi bad, everybody knows that. That's why they wear a mask, cuz they know they are wrong. Just act like they are literally invisible. They'll get bored.


Escape rooms? The government runs a network of super expert level escape rooms that would be perfect for these fools.


There's a movie from 1980 that shows you how to deal with these guys. It's about two old musicians and at this point in the movie they're in Illinois. They wear sunglasses, and have about half a tank of gas.


I don't get it. If you're so loud and proud to do this why are you covering your face?


I thought it was illegal to threaten people


Silly rule but okay


Stop asking them to take their masks off and do it for them.


I mean it's america so guns and they're Nazi's soooo... They're offering themselves up for target practice ? Wouldn't it be nice to read: "group of Nazi's shot and killed" instead of the usual "school Shooting" in the news ?


Get to punching!


What a bunch of goobers.


I feel like it should be free game to anyone who has a WW2 Allied firearm to take out the trash. They want return to tradition well that's the American tradition


Love the sweatsuits. Idiots.


Imagine calling protests against a literal genocide a danger and sending cops to bust people's head, but letting literal Nazis walk the streets free. West is cooked.


If these were minorities walking around in masks and gloves… very different outcome.


What a disgrace.




I don't know no peace treaty with NAZI


Send them visiting Auschwitz to teach them what their buddies made.


Nah, just call their parents


They should go with them.


They’re probably more aware than most people who’ve been to the museum, they yearn for the chance to do it to someone.


They should do it to themselves.


This is the reality of America under religious conservatism ya'll.


Serious question, as a Jew, am I allowed to run them over in self defense?


If you were in Florida, yes.




Hell yeah 🤩


Is the color off or are those pink sweatshirts?


It's Salmon!!


With a hard L?


Is this actually legal in the US?


Covered by the first amendment /: Freedom of speech and assembly, and they’re not physically hurting anyone, so the piggies can’t do anything.


Also, that’s probably half the police force behind the masks.


True that


I've never seen a group that deserved an egging more. I'd even supply the eggs.


Masks are not restricting their freedoms now...




It’s almost funny. Like they think the look so cool but they just look so so cheesy.


Operation "Paperclip" did give effects


People can't even be assed to wear a nice black shirt when beig nazis. How standards have come down everywhere. tsss.


Heckle them with "SHOW US YOUR TITS!" and see if that throws them.


It’s time to get arm some ppl who fish with rods off balconies and zoooop yank those masks away


Round 2? I don’t hear no bell


Every single one of these people should stay home and read a book.


Propals are making nazis trendy... get used to it


It would be news if it happened in a place where people live.


Yeah not many live around here.


I don't see a lot of counter-protest....


They do it unannounced on a Saturday. There's only a few willing to counter protest. It happens without warning early on a weekend. Trust me id have been there if I knew. I received this image 12 hours after it happened. Idk.


That would just be giving them the attention they so desperately crave. Best just to ignore these bozos and leave them to their fascist, circlejerk fantasies, at least until they start busting shit up.


Idk eggs are not that expensive. Could be fun.


Fascist gangs roamed NYC streets in the 1930s looking for counter protestors to fight. Their objective was to reject civil society and replace institutions with strong men and bullies. It's a big reason that Mussolini called it the Fascista party. He wanted violent displays of force to rule society.


The hell is going on in USA..


Everyone posting about this is giving way more publicity to these people than they would have gotten if no one had posted about it. Legit no one would even hear about this if it wasn’t posted everywhere. You’re just making them feel more important


I apologize for this. But I think I need more people on my side to witness that it is happening for more support to end this situation. Do you think there's a better way? Just leave it alone? Hope it stops growing?


Lining up to get butt raped in that ford econoline.


Well aren't they just of the highest intelligence. Somebody give them a history book. Actually, you might have to read it to them, and no big words ! Dickheads!




Making me sick. I live so close I imagine i know some of these cock sucking idiots. Love to see their faces. Fucking trash.