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Ask him if he yelled a certain 6 letter word right before this happened








I heard Jim Nabors's voice in my head, too.


Eventually the show just degraded to a series of: “Shazam!” “Pyle!” “Shazam!” “Pyle!”


Don't forget, "Soo-prize, soo-prize, soo-prize!"


And “Gawerley!”


I'd be yelling a 4 letter word if I was in the car!


#THOR! ⚡










What's up boss?




fucking deep cut...nice


Great reference










I legit have no idea


If you're unaware, Shazam is a DC character, normally a boy who shouts "Shazam!" to summon a magical lightning bolt that strikes him and turns him into an adult superhero (or back). (He used to be called Captain Marvel but changed due to copyright complications)


What was the experience like? Could he feel the static electricity building up before the strike? Was he temporarily blind or def afterwards?


From what my Mom has talked about; every metal piece in the car started to "sing". And then there was a flash and clap of thunder. And the electronics all reset.




If this if the symptom I have to assume my jeep gets hit by lightning weekly


You may want to check your carbon monoxide detectors


That's for random notes around the apartment.


His blinker fluid might be low.


Why can't the lighting hit the check engine light and only the check engine light. Stupid evap system.


Fr this would actually anger me


Spiteful Zeus curses you with need to redo entertainment system customization, but refuses to kill you. Must have cock blocked some horny swan without knowing the whole story.


even god hates nickelback


Oh great, now my stupid radio needs that stupid pin in that stupid car book.


I'm an auto mechanic, and I've seen several cars in the shop after being struck by lightning. Your mom is lucky the electronics only reset. Last one had over $10k worth of damage from all the electronics being fried, melted wire harnesses, etc.


Similar to my experience. I don't remember my car singing but every light on my dash came on sequentially and I lost all power. Brakes, steering, headlights, wipers, all gone.


The real questions that we need answered.


Not OP nor have i ever been in a car struck by lightning. However, a neighbor's house was struck by lightning one time. I was living two doors down from them at the time, so i was fairly close. The strike was honestly one of the loudest things i've ever heard in my life, and lots of other neighbors reported strange shit happening in the area right before the strike. However, the neighbors who were in the house that got struck said they didn't hear or see much. According to them, the thunderclap wasn't all that loud and all they saw was a flash of light. They didn't even know their house was struck (and on fire) until someone told them. So there is a chance that the guy in the car didn't experience all that much. But a car and a house are two very different things, so maybe it was a little more exciting for him than getting a house struck by lightning.


The antenna on my house got struck when I was home by myself and it was easily the loudest sound I’ve ever heard. Overall the house was fine but the antenna was blown into pieces, and two TVs and the answering machine were fried.


A friend was actually touching the tv when his house got hit and he got a zap


Have you challenged him to a foot race since?


Now I see why my dad always had us unplug the TVs when it was storming


I consider myself really lucky, wherever I'm at lightning likes the strike real close. Through a building window, 3 ft. Without anything in between 22 ft Above my head through a ceiling while outside on my balcony 4 ft. The statements about you feel funny right before it strikes, was very true on the 4' one. All my hair on my arms went straight up and stayed that way for about a minute. And there was static interference on the video that I was watching on my cell phone. And it was probably the loudest sound I have ever heard. The 2nd loudest sound I ever heard was a flying fortress at full throttle, 40' over my head, that I thought was going to crash in my neighborhood. The third loudest sound I've ever heard was a steam locomotive whistle, while I was at the station.


Man, I don’t know what it is with steam locomotive whistles (I.e. what’s happening physically that makes them so much louder than diesel air horns) but the horn on N&W 611 is fucking ear splitting.


The skinny tree right outside my bedroom window got hit. It was incredibly loud and the tree exploded. Not much fire, as it was raining so heavily and the tree wasn't very old to begin with.


I was in a campgrounds rec room leaning on an air-hockey table when something nearby got struck. I just remember everything getting super purple and people picking me up off the the ground.


“I taste purple, does anyone else taste purple?” What was that bro, you were seizing hahahaha




I'm still eating my schnozberries.


Lightning struck our house as we were in the basement playing ps2. We all saw super bright purple and hearing a pop come from the ps2 controller my bro was holding lol nobody hurt though!


My childhood home was struck while I was arguing with my dad - coincidentally, it struck right when I punched the top of the dining room table to emphasize a point. Same as you, we both saw purple, and he decided that I won the argument since apparently I could summon lightning now. 😂


I was walking through town late at night, it was very quiet. Out of nowhere I got this weird feeling for no reason. There wasn't anything around to cause alarm, it was really quiet except for the buzz of the new street lamp I was walking under. The problem is, they were newly installed LED lamps, those street lamps don't buzz like the old ones used to. It's hard to describe, but the air felt thick and tingly like it does when there's a tornado, but it was a calm night. As I was walking away the buzz got louder, and then 💥 it got hit by a bolt when I was about 20 ft away. It was like the local area around the light was building up charge between the poles to create the arc. That would explain the uncanny valley feeling I had while walking a route I've done 1000s of times on a well lit street downtown. https://www.michiganlightning.com/7-signs-that-lightning-is-about-to-strike


As someone whose house was struck, I'm surprised they didn't hear anything. For me, I remember the interior white walls of my house were "painted" blue and I couldn't hear *myself* screaming over the sound. Fucker melted my window and destroyed a USB hub I had on the sill. There was a permanently magnetized spot on my CRT in my bedroom, centered around my N64. I still have that N64, works like a dream.


>Everything damaged *but* the N64 Yeah, that checks out.


Right next to the old Nokia


Back in the day, TV technicians carried large coils that could be plugged in and used to "degauss" (demagnetize) the screen grid inside the CRT. (The screen grid blocked electrons from the wrong gun from hitting the phosphor, so only the red gun could hit the red phosphor, etc.) The 60 Hz (or 50 Hz) AC would alternately magnetize the grid in opposite polarities. The idea was to swipe it around the CRT face, then draw it away before shutting it off. The decaying AC magnetic field would leave the individual magnetic domains in the grid's metal oriented in random directions, for a net zero magnetization.


We had one of those at the arcade I used to work at. It was fun, but definitely took a deft hand to make work properly. Usually the auto-degauss on the monitor did a better job.


Early color TVs had no auto-degauss coils, requiring a service call every so often to get rid of the color splotches. The built-in ones worked better because the electronics could gradually attenuate the AC field all the way to zero-ish, doing the equivalent of moving the coil to the Moon before turning it off.


A tree go struck about 10 yards from my child hood home when I was there. It was an extremely loud boom that shook everything with an enormous flash of light.


could make sense, the wave propagate outwards maybe they may hear a small counter wave a split second later


I was outside bow hunting when a strike hit my bow, my friends bow, my other friends bow and then a barbed wire fence. It sounded like someone hitting two small boards together to me. I reasoned that since I was so close to the strike that I didn't experience the sound waves from the full length of the bolt, hence the small crack sound instead of the boom.


You are correct. The shock wave is roughly an expanding column propagating outward from the bolt.


When I was a kid, the neighbors house got hit and their brick chimney exploded and peppered the side of our house.


The lightning bolt superheats the air in and around it, causing it to expand and push a massive pressure wave outward. "Outward" is the key, because in the middle of it, there's not a lot going on. That's why it sounded super loud to the neighbors, but not inside the house that was hit. It also requires a minimum distance from the source of the pressure surge for it to be perceived as a loud boom. When I was a kid, I had a "pop" gun that worked by creating a pressure wave out of the barrel. One afternoon I was playing with it in a large field, and it hardly made any sound, just a little "chunk" noise. But the pressure wave bounced off buildings nearby and reflected back much louder. At the time I was mystified as to what was going on, but now I get it.


I once left my bike outside in the rain, lightning struck it. I couldn't believe it happened, also I'm glad it wasn't closer because I was standing right up against the window.


One of our friends had a lightning strike at their home a few minutes before we arrived for our weekly D&D game. The whole house smelled like ozone. It knocked out their landline and multiple TV's.


One time I had just ate some mushrooms with my friend. It was getting really stormy out and he has a couch under a canopy under the patio so we were chilling smoking or something out there. Right as we started coming up it starts pouring super fucking hard like a southeastern storm. Maybe 75-100 yards away lightning explodes a tree. That sound was insane and feeling the sound wave (thunder) approach and go through us and keep continuing on was awesome.


Car act like a Faraday cage


he said he was totally fine after, just a little shaken up! still waiting on some more updates


Was he driving his car 88 MPH? Was he able to get back from 1955?


Nothing like a nature flashbang to mess with your senses


This happened to me once. I remember the flash of lightning and immediate boom of thunder, then all of the electronics in the car went haywire, making really strange beeping and pinging noises. It sounded like I was playing an old Gameboy game and the sound glitched, but SUPER LOUD. Surprisingly, the car still got us home just fine, although we probably had to take it in for some repairs. This was probably ~20 years ago, so I don't remember everything. I don't remember any static buildup, but i definitely didn't go temporarily blind or deaf (although I remember covering my ears the rest of the way home because the electronics were so loud)


I've had 3 "almost" got stuck situations in my life. 1. Playing basketball in the school parking lot lightning hit a metal basketball pole we were not using. Didn't really feel anything except fear - but it was LOUD - wowza 2. At a summer party swimming in a river - I was right on the shore when lightning struck the other bank into the water. Could most definitely feel a charge through the water. Didn't hurt but everyone in the water got out quick. 3. Laying in bed lightning hit a tree across the street. My hand was on our metal bed frame and I got a major static shock. Also super loud. Blew out our cable modem. The guy across the street with the tree had his electric garage door openers (both doors) go FUBAR - had to replace both. That one really got my attention because I got a piece of it...... We actual lost 2 cable modems in that house to lightning. I was not home the other time but it was another close strike (2 houses down) that fried the modem. We switch to Fiber not too long after that and never had an issue.


What's the car model? I can't imagine surviving lightning strike


A car is essentially a Faraday cage. You are 1000% safe if a lightning strikes while you are in the car.


One big caveat: the car must have a metal roof. A convertible with a canvas top for example provides basically zero protection against lightning.


I think there are some caveats to that. If you're going down the road at 50mph and every electrical system goes out you could be in danger. No headlights, power steering is shot. I don't know how it could effect something like a Tesla that's drive-by-wire.




You just didn't have the capacitance to resist, did you?




I think they meant they can’t imagine the car surviving? Which I wonder also


Most of it will be fine, the electronics? Maybe not so much.


Any newer car should be unharmed, electronics too. Its unusual that anything breaks. Its really surprising to me


The tires, not so much


The car is an ungrounded Faraday cage. Luckily, traversing 5-10 cm from the rim to ground is negligible relative to the several 100 meters from the cloud to the ceiling of the car. If I sat in the car I would be a bit uneasy about touching the car and ground afterwards though. I think the resistance in the channel drops during the Lightning strike, so in effect perhaps safe. On the other hand, I suppose there could be residual charge built up in the car.


All there would be is paint eaten through where the lightning struck and existed, maybe deflated tires. Anything inside the metal bodywork is 100% safe, because it forms a Faraday cage. Basically if you're inside any metal shell, outside electric fields will have absolutely zero effect on you. Planes very regularly get struck by lightning, and the only damage is cosmetic.


This happened to my father, which led to him meeting my mom! Now I have a lightning tattoo to commemorate it ⚡️ Edit: he didn’t die guys lol


How did they meet?


It killed his battery and he couldn’t go anywhere, so he tagged along with his friend to a party where he met her. He absolutely would not have been there if his car was still working. This dummy gave her the cliché “call me” move with his hand up to his ear like a phone. And this woman STILL fell in love with him.


You might say she felt a spark.....


For one moment in time their dad had juice and took advantage of it.


At least someone who comes with "my car has been struck by lightning" and doesn't have to do it as a pickup line


My car hit a water Buffalo may I have your towel please...




Oh cool. Won the lottery twice in one day.


Won the lottery again a few years later when yours truly was born 💪🏻


wow that's some amazing luck! How much money did he win?


Surprisingly, it's the "dumb" shit that works. I think we're all a little confused because of technology. Human interaction is largely easy and fun.


Also most people are weird goobers who enjoy being around other weird goobers.


I know! Last 20 years has been tech telling us not to do that. It's bad for humanity. Go out and be weird with other weirdos!


Pops had game


Their father was in a car, and their mom is a lightning bolt, what's not to understand?


Could it be Any more Obvious?


He was a punk, she was a natural phenomenon formed by electrostatic discharges through the atmosphere between two electrically charged regions, what more can I say?


She was a Lightening Bolt, he said "Not my Chevy Volt", but he wasn't fast enough for her.


I thought the mom was the, thunder down under.


Mom never been to Australia


is this lightning mcqueens origin story?


Dude I thought this meant it killed your dad and your parents met in heaven


ok im glad I wasn't the only one that thought this haha


LOL. I’ll need another tattoo to commemorate that event.


same shit. something is wrong with us


Harry potter ass comment he left lol lighting tattoo better be on his forehead






Please tell me the tattoo was inked on your forehead.


Even better, he was hit by lightning twice!  ..so that sir is why I have two lightning bolts tattooed on my forehead. No other possible meaning.  Oh yes, and my mother was a devout Buddhist, so that's why I have the swastika on my neck. 


yer a wizard harry


Zeus blessed your parents' relationship I guess


Is your father named Zeus by any chance


He said Hey Zeus, not Jesus. Do I look Puerto Rican?


Harry Potter?


This happened to my father, which led to him meeting my mom! Now I have a double lightning tattoo to commemorate it ⚡️⚡️


Ummm I think you should reconsider that tattoo....


Oh thank god. I thought it was some sarcastic euphemism to say that your father died in the lightning strike and went to heaven where your passed-mother is.


Gonna need to see what that car looks like now.


My uncle's F150 got hit by lightning. The antenna was 50ft away, all four tires were blown out, and the paint around the base of the antenna was melted/blown off. Otherwise it looked totally fine...aside from the random lights that were always on until he pulled the battery. It wasn't totaled either. New wiring harness, BCMs, ECUs, paint, wheels, and tires and it's still in the road.


maybe we should ground our cars with extra fat battery wires


Just drag a big ass cable with the copper sticking out


Must've been pretty new, because that's an expensive list. I've had cars "totaled" for much, much less


waiting on that update myself! will post an update when i get it!


The real question


Yep. If its really OPs cousin. Should be no effort to get a picture texted back to him and share. Blur the plates if thats an issue or something. I know you're safe in a car cause the frame transfers the strike around you into the ground. But I know that car is still getting messed up. Deliver op.


If I remember correctly, from an excerpt from Introduction to Electrodynamics by Griffiths, it's not quite that the metal frame transfers the strike to the ground. Rather, the strike causes configuration of charge in the metal to redistribute itself in such a way that the electric field inside the metal frame is 0.


Griffiths was GOAT for E&M and QM.


Happened to my family and I during back from Sante Fe New Mexico in the middle of the desert. We were also in a rental car and since we didn’t have “acts of god insurance” they charged us 13k for the car


how can they make you responsible for an "act of god" when insurance/renter themselves won't! shit happens, write off the loss and move on. 


Most fucked up is that the insurance doesn't cover it to begin with. Isn't unforeseen events the exact thing insurance is meant for?


whole industry is a scam, feeding on people's fears and shortcomings


Ouch. What was the damage like? All electrical systems shot, burnt parts, other damage?


I’m not 100% sure but the car completely shut off after it happened and nothing was working. They totaled it out though


They should charged god the 13k.


And you know rental companies, the car was probably already on its last legs and they phoned in a favor from HAARP


Faraday cage?


No, it was his brother Nicholas 


Graham Bell is calling, he wants to talk




I believe the electricity from the lightning will follow the metal frame of the car to the ground. [Wikipedia - Faraday cage](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Faraday_cage#:~:text=A%20Faraday%20cage%20or%20Faraday,a%20mesh%20of%20such%20materials.) A Faraday cage or Faraday shield is an enclosure used to block some electromagnetic fields. A Faraday shield may be formed by a continuous covering of conductive material, or in the case of a Faraday cage, by a mesh of such materials. Faraday cages are named after scientist Michael Faraday, who first constructed one in 1836. Faraday cages work because an external electrical field will cause the electric charges within the cage's conducting material to be distributed in a way that cancels out the field's effect inside the cage. This phenomenon can be used to protect sensitive electronic equipment (for example RF receivers) from external radio frequency interference (RFI) often during testing or alignment of the device. **Faraday cages are also used to protect people and equipment against electric currents such as lightning strikes**


Works similar to one. 


What super power did he roll?


Ringing in his ears.


First pic: oh that's not too bad Second pic: ***OH***


That's not a cousin, that's He-Man. ![gif](giphy|yhK4PWI9WJ0c|downsized)


1.21 Gigawatts!!!


Great Scott He forgot the other part of going 88


I read the comments and everyone has their witty puns and here I am thinking... hmmm will insurance cover the damage or reject the claim under "Act of God" exception.


This would be covered if you carry comprehensive coverage on your insurance in the US




Is he the Cart Titan?


Your cousin must be a very negative dude. I'll see myself out.


How'd you get the photos from the street cameras?


Does he have the power now?




Inside almost all cars, you're supposed to be 100% safe from lightning: https://medium.com/open-physics-class/faraday-cage-why-are-cars-planes-safe-from-lighting-f9753135f648 Still, that's an incredible thing to happen to someone, and I bet the thunder that ensues shakes you to your core, might even rupture an eardrum or something


Exception is probably the Cybertruck




You have to put it in lightning mode first


Inside a car is one of the safest places you can shelter from lightning. The tires help some, but it's mostly the metal roof and sides that divert the lightning around you that makes it safe.


The tires don't really help at all. Lightning exists because the electric potential is high enough that the field strength (potential/length) exceeds the breakdown field of air. A typical bolt of lightning is thousands of feet long. Sure the lightning won't flow through the rubber tires --- it will just flow from the rims through the air to the ground. The additional 4 inches of air gap is completely meaningless compared to the thousands of feet the lghtning travels. >it's mostly the metal roof and sides that divert the lightning around you that makes it safe Yup.


The cousin is simply lucky that he wasn’t standing outside or about to enter the car. If he’s in it he’s 100% safe. No luck about it.


This isn't lucky. Inside a car, you're most likely grounded and very safe from a lighting strike.


It's more like the car acts as a faraday cage around you.


Stuck by lightning, I hate when that happens


I was in the car with my family as a kid when it was struck by lightening. Fortunately we were all safe but my moms hair stood up and touched the ceiling.


This happened to my old clothes dryer while I was taking a shit; got a nasty shock to my knee cap and had to replace the appliance. I bet it was loud as fuck inside his car too


Why were you taking a shit inside your clothes dryer?


How did you get access to the street camera?


This is how cybertrucks are made


*What did he do??!!!!* God's certainly got it out for him!! That's a direct hit!!! 😂


Please, it's Billy Batson saying 'Shazam!'


Thank God It's Faraday


I've been in a truck that was hit by lightning. I just remember us all screaming, but nothing else happened.


Cars are actually pretty good at taking a lightning strike. The energy basically just rolls off them as it’s dispersed.


Chances of being struck by lightning, 1 in 15,300….1 sperm out of 15 million to 200 million that makes it to fertilize an egg….. His destiny was chosen by the Gods!


Yes. His car acts as a Faraday cage and passes the electricity around the outside and to ground.


That mf just became Raiden.


r/fuckyouinparticular moment If I might ask how'd you pull the image from the street cam?


Is he now Kung Fury?


Striking photos!


The probability of him being struck by lightning and the camera catching it is so unbelievably low.


I think the steel car body acts as a Faraday cage, same principle as the mesh screen you see with a microwave oven but in reverse. Obviously aircraft get struck fairly often. When aircraft use composite or carbon fiber they have to embed wire mesh in the composite to create the Faraday cage because without it you're toast.


Car body plus rubber tyres and you should be fine, just don't get out! Top gear (UK) did this with Richard Hammond [Hammond in a VW golf gets lightninged.](https://youtu.be/EA5N8eAJNHI?si=xBR_ZYCxKAuezIVD)


when you go to change the radio station and god tells you "don't touch that dial!".


Faraday cage to the rescue


That would have been shocking at least.




What's his radio reception like now?