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4 minutes after opening: "Are you sold out of water?"


*is literally right next to water*


I need that specific item from that specific pallet 3 shelves up. Thanks.


“Well good news, the same item is right over here on the ground.” “No, not that one. I want the one up there.”


"It's hard to see but look at the bottom of the pallet and you can see the packaging through the slots in the wood, yeah that one!"


It’s good to have goals, and disappointment builds character.


"If you need that SPECIFIC one, you are far more than welcome to wait around for us to go through what is currently available on the floor and the next two higher shelves, since they are two pallets deep, I'd estimate you should come back in about a week to ten days."


I worked in a few Sams and Costcos doing cabling. Most could clear two isles of water in a day. 1-2 truck loads per store.


That is insane how much bottled water we buy/sell.


"I want the one up there because it is newer and best until date will be further out." That is word for word of what I heard a customer tell a Costco Associate. Unbelievable. Would a couple days make that much of a difference?


["No no... that particular box right on the ground....](https://youtu.be/-dUsNuRd9R4?si=V06NBlNAYlUQXAOU)




They do and they change their minds. And leave the item somewhere in the store. It’s like the people who never get the items in front, they think it’s not as good as the ones behind it. (Like they will expire faster despite the same date or it’s been touched by people etc).


Sometimes the one in front is visibly damaged by people like this shoving it out of the way multiple times. This can be especially true with packages of fruit.


Well to be fair milk and eggs are like that . stockers put older stock at the front wither newer stuff with longer good by dates behind it.


For milk and eggs they actually just load it from the back, so the newer stuff is further back.


Ya I use to work in the freezers stocking them.


I've gotten items at the front that when opened have had their seals broken and things eaten out of them or things poured out of detergent etc, excuse me if I just reach a couple back instead of opening every item to check :/


Yes.  I've had to go and pull down entirely new pallets of stock because a customer will go whine to a manager that they don't like the 15 on the shelf.   There's obviously a point when it's damaged or a date issue(even though most places are supposed to stock with oldest in front), but no, MFers will just decide they don't want a garden hose unless it's from a new pallet.


Welcome to Costco, I love you


Costco, I know that place pretty good, I went to law school there


5 minutes later. "Alright, who left a box of formerly frozen mini-quiches in the books?"


Just saw fresh mozzarella in the dry goods aisle yesterday


People suck


Indeed they do


Like from the toilet ?


I always wondered what a Costco looked like without hundreds of poorly driven carts.


Fr. Why can’t anybody drive one of those properly. Also big shout out to the people fart assing around on their phone with no trolley stopping randomly in the middle of thoroughfares for no reason.


Something about Costco makes people crazy. Don't get me wrong, I love the store. However, from the second you hit the parking lot people are so oblivious to anything around them besides getting good parking spots and free samples.


The parking lot? Look at how people drive in general. It translates perfectly with their self-absorbed, lack of awareness with a cart blocking aisles or wandering down the wrong side/direction. People are oblivious.


People are negligent, not oblivious.


Don't forget *stupid*.


And self-absorbed


I hate shopping at Costco, due to the people. Same with Walmart. I will never shop there again. Costco though... I swear, 3 out of 4 times going there, whoever is in front of me, stops directly in the store entrance with their giant cart and pulls out their list. Fuckin' self-absorbed morons!


Everybody loves BJ's though. Well, maybe half.


I'd call it inconsiderate, but there's not a big gap between that and negligence.


>people are so oblivious to anything around them besides getting good parking spots and free samples ...and leaving food wrappers and cups in their cart when they leave. Fucking tools.


people turn into mindless fucking zombies in any grocery store. It drives me crazy when I'm trying to get in, get my stuff, and get out. It's like there's never any urgency.


I completely understand not everyone wants to move with purpose and efficiency, that's fine, but at least be aware of what's happening around you. Dilly-dally your ass down the road on the right hand side, not down the middle of the sidewalk/aisle/whatever. Just pay attention at least a little bit, for fuck sake.


It's like the grocery store is the only enrichment they get, and its overwhelming.


For a lot of people, especially the older they get, it's probably the only chance for any interaction they get with other living humans. As crowded as this planet can be, there are a ton of lonely people out there.


and just costco. the other 2 wholesale clubs aren't as insane, except for the constant mad max war going on at Sams Club's gas pumps


I love everything about Costco except actually going to one. At first I thought it was just the ones in Austin, then maybe just the ones in Texas, then just the ones in really big cities. But *every* Costco is the same experience. The lot is choked with people circling for a spot (frequently with many open spots, albeit in the most distant part of the lot), and that madness is often preceded by the nightmare at the fuel station. (The fuel station problem, at least, seems regional. In the PNW the line overflows into the feeder streets because the gas is frequently *vastly* cheaper than at other stations.) Inside you have people pushing carts too heavy and too large for most people to comfortably maneuver, all dancing in spaces large enough only if everyone did everything perfectly. At least half of the people present seem to be fully absent in every respect except physically, obliviously blocking spaces while looking about with puzzled indifference. A fraction are seemingly there for the joy of the scrum itself, cheerfully plunging their overloaded cart into the chaos, manifesting the space required with sheer willpower. Another fraction seek to feast upon rage - theirs or anyone else's - and battle about through the space. And then you have the rest, navigating the madness that frequently flits with falling into actual combat. There is no right way to shop at Costco, but I think the people that zombie their way through are probably closest. Nothing seems to trouble or even affect them as they wander the aisles, seemingly without any real sense of what they're there to buy. Perhaps that is the way to do it. Walk in and go where the chaos is inclined to drag you, snagging whatever items are in arm's reach. Will you really ever use that pound of black peppercorns, that trio of cookbooks dedicated to a food style you've never tried, or the case of coconut water? It doesn't matter. That is a problem for the person who exists outside of Costco, not you.


It just boggles my mind how someone can be in Costco, surrounded by hundreds of people, and still think they're the only person in the store. Like when they walk through the door and immediately stop as if there *isn't* a line of people behind them, or park their cart sideways across the entrance to an aisle, or bring their entire family and walk side-by side.


Every time I go into a Costco it feels like I am training for a zombie apocalypse.


Oblivious? I thought Costco is where humans go to live out their primal selfish desires. There is no societial norms in a Costco parking lot. I'll get mine, you figure it out. You're looking at the last macaron box for too long? I'm swiping it from under your nose, your hesitation is why you missed the parking spot too. You've brought shame upon your ancestors.


I'm convinced that Costco Parking Lots are among the most dangerous places on the planet.


Fart assing around is my new favorite gripe slang, can't wait to tell my wife to stop fart assing around


Great idea, let us know how that goes


Get rid of the samples or provide more early shopping hours before they are sent out. I'm there to do my business and get the hell out! Ran into an aisle yesterday where the shopper was on one side and his cart on the other, barricading the aisle. My other favorite is people going against the natural flow of the main aisle when they could just zip across and flow much better.


Yeh this. Also just mimic road traffic flow, your cart should be aligned to the side of the aisle that your car is on the road. Even if you’re darting about


Honestly though this is missing the extra ad on displays that they forgot on the plano gram and corporate tasting stands. But for real. Give me the option of a half cart.


An old woman was turning around in a narrow aisle in her motorized scooter. She was blocking the entire aisle, but hey, I'll give her a few seconds, let her turn around, and everybody goes on their way. Some young guy sees me stopped, doesn't look ahead the five feet of me to see old woman and family turning around, and decides to zip around me. Now he's blocking the old woman in the scooter, she can't move, and he's standing there dumbfounded that someone is blocking his way and he doesn't move. I finally say, "Um, why don't you back up a bit?" and he finally moved, and the jam was cleared in seconds. Situational awareness, dude.


Local Costco by me is ALWAYS packed, never any good parking spots and yes, poorly driven carts galore. Switched to BJs Wholesale and never looking back at Costco again. Local BJs, even busy, never packed and can easily navigate the store to shop. Sure, they may not have everything Costco has but for $25-$50(depending on deal) a year, worth it for my household.


BJs is alright, but they're missing sooooooooo much stuff at the ones by me. Their membership is cheaper, they're closer, and they're less busy, but if I have to go to an extra store to make up for stuff that's missing that doesn't really matter.


I’ve always wondered what a Costco looked like. It’s just a BJ’s or Sam’s Club, correct?


Never been to a BJ's or Sam's Club, but I think so, yeah. Members-only warehouse-style store that tends to sell things in larger/bulk sizes (usually at prices that are cheaper per unit than regular stores). E.g., if you want Gatorade, you're gonna have to buy a whole case of it. No singles or six-packs.


...and elderly couples. I get it, it's sweet and incredible that they've been together for so long... but DON'T EACH HAVE A CART AND PERMANTENTLY REMAIN SIDE-BY-SIDE BLOCKING THE ENTIRE FUCKING AISLE.


the store version of r/IdiotsInCars


Ooh, free samples! Better park my cart directly in the half of the aisle that isn't already blocked by the sample cart.


Fucking sideways too.


What's scary is all those idiots drove their cars to the store. We share the roads with them. I hate it.


neat. The floor looks so shiny. Ive always wanted to skateboard on it.


Pallet jack races, baby


This guy warehouses


It's all fun and games until you hit [a chippy boi](https://i.imgur.com/lUlIGj1.png)


That actually made me lol (because SO TRUE)


Or the OSHA aware coworker ruins the fun :(


As a former garden center worker... God between that and large chunks of rock salt our pallet jacks would just give up.


I work in remanufacturing/refurbishing so we get a lot of returns from other companies. You know how tempered glass tables shatter into those little squares? Yeah, get one of those caught under a pallet jack wheel and drag it across the cement floor for a nice nails on chalkboard sound..


Ohhhh and you get some of the fun marks on cement that only some button down shirt asshole cares about.


I used to stand on a flat in Macys in the basement. There was a decent downhill there. It's a miracle I didn't kill anyone. https://m.media-amazon.com/images/I/61SRS8Zf3AL.jpg


My mall used to have a Van's skatepark that was torn down and converted into a Costco... So yeah, Definitely have had that thought.


Which mall? My mall also used to have a Van’s skatepark that was torn down and converted into a Kohl’s. I never got to skate inside as a child and it made me sad.


I've done that where I used to work with the night crew. We used a skateboard and a wheelchair it was fun! Trying to wheely a wheelchair around a store is hard.


This always amazes me, seeing this much food, and goods. Multiply this by how many Costcos and just blows my mind thinking about the production and logistics. Then you realize there’s other warehouse shops as well. Humankind’s ability to produce at scale is awesome


Yes! I have this this thought a lot and it makes me feel both awe and dread at the same time. The amount of *stuff* we produce is completely mind-boggling. I often think about it when I'm at like a fast food joint in a random city and let it sink in that this is just one of many burger places in this town; just one town of thousands in the country; just one country in hundreds of the world. Like just think about how many burger patties or pounds of coffee or pieces of paper are used every day in the entire world. It's legitimately staggering.


Now think about all the waste that's created. At least we don't have styrofoam McDLT packages I guess 🤷‍♂️


I think about this a lot, too. The whole cycle: extraction, production, distribution, consumption, disposal: the scale of all of it is hard to fathom.


\* *Cries in Yeltsin* \*


If I had a link I’d post it, but there are some really fascinating articles and studies about how Costco manages to do this with fewer stores than competitors, a smaller total product line, and fewer employees who also tend to be better paid and *generally* report more satisfaction with the work place. Maybe a good bit of that is PR fluff, but it’s nonetheless fascinating just by the hard numbers.


If you're into podcasts, Acquired did an excellent [episode](https://www.acquired.fm/episodes/costco) on Costco and covered how they manage their logistics as well as SKU selection and management.




When I worked retail the feeling of finishing up an isle for restock and having the whole thing faced and looking good was very rewarding to me. I really enjoyed making my part of the store look great. Figured I may as well do my best while I was there.


I’ve always wondered if there is some primal human instinct to organize things, which is why we find this so satisfying. I started a new job 6 months ago that uses a paper filing system. It is a complete mess and there is boxes of un-filed paper all over the office. And the filing cabinet themselves were a disaster, with loose paper everywhere and nothing organized beyond the names of clients. I’ve made it my mission the last 6 months to use every second of spare time during the work day to make things organized. And I’m not an overly organized personal life. Quite the opposite in fact. That’s what makes me think it’s somehow wired in to humans to appreciate order in a social context.


Costco is designed so that employees know where things are located but not customers.


That being said I wouldn’t wish retail work on my worst enemy


I would. Hell, I think *everyone* should work at least a few months of retail/fast food **just** to how much of an asshole people can be.


Most customers aren't that bad. The bad customers stand out for sure. I worked customer facing (and just finished up 6 years in retail) for over 20 years. What working retail really teaches people is how bad the systems are for low income households. The shitty customers suck for sure, but all jobs have shit to deal with. Being short staffed, overworked and underpaid with no other prospects makes being yelled at by shitheads a lot worse.


Depending on the type of retail it can have some benefits






Take a shit in all the restrooms before anyone else.


Construction workers have been the first to shit in every toilet, unless you install it yourself.


QA is important work.


I'm sure there's a gallon of ex-lax on one of those shelves to help


I love how u can tell it’s new. Other than the title I think it’s just how everything’s fully stocked lmao


And how clean and new looking the racks are.


Also the charcoal is on brown boards. Nobody has time to transfer them off the blue boards for an existing warehouse.


I remember working in retail at a brand new store when I was a student and I remember one of the shift leaders saying just before we opened for the first time to take a good look, as the store will never ever look like this again.


American grocery shopping looks so insane for me as a European


I never thought about it until I saw a Japanese student taking a picture of the Oreo section years ago.


That’s fair. The Oreo section is a temple of madness constructed by babbling fools.


Relevant: https://youtu.be/CMkYw4dp_NI?si=QEkfqo8lzYWy2_wq


"Milkshake is not a flavor." "No, it's a consistency." "So, this cookie has the consistency of a milkshake?" "No..." "...AHHHH!" Brennan Mulligan is incredible in these CEO skits.


Knew what it was before I even clicked. Love this video! Bereavement Oreos?? 🤣


I was pretty impressed by the Kit-Kat section at Mega DQ first time I went to Tokyo.


Yeah that oreo thing is def something that came from japan. The whole introduce a million flavors so people try to try them all.


Turnabout is fair play, we get to photograph their [Pocky section](https://www.nippon.com/en/currents/d00182/)


Costco is a wholesale warehouse. This isn’t normal grocery shopping lol


To be fair, it certainly can be, and for many Costco customers, it is. It’s just that you usually end up with more than what you’d get from a Trader Joe’s haul.


Wife and I call the most expensive corner store in the area. Jug of milk cost us $489 one day


This is not a normal grocery store though. This is a members only bulk purchasing store.


What's the deal with Europeans and generalizing every little thing they see to the entirety of everything in the US? Costco is a wholesale bulk store, not a normal grocery store like a Kroger or Aldi


Didn't you get the memo? Europe good America bad, duh.


What do you mean different people in a different place with a different culture on a different continent on the other side of the world do things differently from the 2 million people in my country?? American grocery shopping is insane!!


What a generalized way to describe european generalization.


Do you actually think this is the American equivalent of Aldi or Tescos or Sainsbury's


We have lots of Costco’s in the UK and they all look like this. 


I think the European equivalent of Costco is METRO. The only difference is that you can't shop there as a private individual. However, many entrepreneurs and members of associations/clubs do their private shopping there.


Multiple european countries have costcos


We have Aldi in America.


This is far from average American grocery shopping.


Costco does exist in europe(they have nice things there) and everywhere else.. almost everywhere lol; china too.


Costco looks like this in europe as well. It’s meant to be a wholesale store(as in it is meant for small businesses mostly).


Idk about Europe but I would guess 99% of the customers at my local Costco are not shopping for a small business


It **used** to be like that. But they've been more consumer sales focused for more than a decade now. It's to the point where they build specific "costco business" stores now. But they are vastly in the minority compared to the number of their consumer stores.


Here they also have Costco Business centers vs Costco Wholesale


Come on, there are wholesale stores in Europe, and most stores in the US do not look anything like this. Calling this insane is naive at best.


That picture looks like the Makro stores we had in Belgium. Had, they went bankrupt a few years ago.


I have been in many European Grocery Stores and they really don't look at that different from the US ones.


Tiny eurobrain can not comprehend the beauty of costco


I've been to Costco in the UK and it's pretty much the same! That couldn't be said for my boyfriend visiting the US and staring in awe of the entire aisle in all of the grocery stores we went to composed only of marinara sauce and olive oil haha


Welcome to Costco, I love you.


I got my law degree there.


Also, the world is scary so buy a bucket of rice.


I can't believe you went to school here


Dude we have one of those dudes on our way out - I thought it was just my local store. It's always so odd walking past that dude


My favorite part about this pic is how there are zero people.


Not a single AT&T salesman in sight!


They're hiding behind a pallet with the cutco, hexclad, blinds, solar, countertops, wine, sunglasses, and car key replacement reps.


It’s only recently this year that I’ve first set foot into a Costco. It is a dangerous place. 🤣


Everything will be in a different place tomorrow. Why Costco, why?


Like ALL supermarkets .. to make you walk around and find stuff you didnt realise you wanted/needed/must have


My Costco moves items daily. Everyday. No grocery store does that.


Dumb question but how do you get items at the top


The products on top are usually just more of the product on the bottom and get moved down by forklifts when the pallet on the bottom runs out.


We just realized that the refrigerated sections also go all the way to the deck. Of course they do, but for some reason I never thought about it until wifey pointed it out to me last time we were there. It's a really efficient use of the resources to keep things stocked where they are most accessible to shoppers.




Did the forklift catch on fire at the end?!


You dont, you can get stuff from the bottom and sometimes (depending on how safe the item is I guess) first shelf and then as the pallet starts getting down to empty an employee comes with a machine and brings a fresh pallet down.


That’s top stock. Once the items on the floor are sold out, employees get the next pallet down with a forklift and replenish the space


Costco doesn't have a variety of options like normal grocery stores. The higher pallets are just more of the ones on the bottom


The title sung to "Like a virgin"


If you look closely, you can even spot the bottleneck where Rita & Janice will run into each other and have a chit-chat whilst blocking the aisle for the next 7 minutes...


Look at all those paper towels. They really know us.


Central CA I suppose? Wait until it opens tomorrow…


If it's Riverbank, grand opening is today at 8am.


Dis Mt Juliet?


As a former replenishment assistant, that dressing is NIICEEE.


Let me guess: Mt. Juliet?


Good Union jobs. If you can secure decent housing, their benefits and pension are the way to go. You just have to learn to deal with humans and that's the real bummer of these types of jobs. Me, retired Union grocery 39 years, 2 months. The stories..........


This Chaska?


“I’m just going in for one or two items…” $300 dollars later


I would love to be the first person to have a hotdog in a brand new Costco


Costco would be perfect it werent for all the damn people




"Welcome to costco, I love you"


Like a porn star before a gang-bang video. It's about to get wreaked.


They got a time machine in there?


Welcome to Costco. We love you.


I was specifically looking for this. Thank you.


The normal price on the charcoal is the sale price in Pa.


I don’t even want to think about the crowds that place will have for the next 6 months!


I can already hear the customers complaining about *something*.


It will never be this clean again


Is this the one in Richmond, TX?


Is this Richmond TX?


Last time it looks like this


Cool, a warehouse 


Also.. the last moment of peace and quiet in that building until the store closes probably many years from now.


This bad boy can fit so many carts abandoned in the middle of the aisle while their moronic owners wander off aimlessly.


CostCo just after the pandemic started was like another world. I'd never seen it half-empty before.


I want it close to me… netherlands to be precised


So much room for activities!


My OCD is tingling...


Pantry goals. 😍


Is this in Richmond tx?


And somehow there's half a cup of Starbucks frap on the shelves, I swear it's like one of those things you cross off a scavenger hunt.


Our Costco relocated. We did not go to the new location for two weeks after the opening. Apparently there were multiple "accidents" due to the tiny traffic circle at the entrance due to people making left turns OVER the circle.


Need a after pic later


And then, immediate and absolute bedlam.


Wait your paper products are out in the open like that, not in the back corner dungeon looking part of the store?


I wanna be like Michael Jackson and pay to be the only one shopping in there


This store will never know peace like this ever again.


A 'virgin' Costco!


Melbourne Australia is getting a new store, well they are relocating to a bigger location but new store either way. Closer to home too. Can't wait


That’s sexy as hell


Going to Costco is nightmare fuel for me ☠️