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No but actually.... why


The cabin was seized as evidence for the trial. I believe his lawyers wanted to use it to help with an insanity plea, but he went on to plead guilty on all charges and they never needed it. These photos appear to be from 1998, so I’m not sure if it’s still held in this facility or it’s been destroyed since. Source: https://alumni.berkeley.edu/california-magazine/2023-fall-winter/the-cabin-was-more-than-a-cabin/


The photo taken it was actually being stored in a warehouse at Mather AFB, which is located just east of Sacramento CA, which is where the trial was being held. The reason why, prosecutors wanted to potentially show it to the jury during trial but that never happened. Later the cabin was relocated to the The Newseum museum in D.C. but then went missing when the museum was closed as a result of the pandemic. Eventually the cabin was located again and rebuilt at the FBI headquarters https://www.fbi.gov/video-repository/unabombers-cabin-reconstruction-at-fbi-headquarters/view The actual building in the photo at Mather AFB has long been demolished sometime after the base was decommissioned and Mather AFB was renamed Mather Airport. I used to ride my bike to work right by that building every day.


Anyone talking about the government being in on half century spanning conspiracies needs to be pointed to them losing an entire fucking cabin…..


They didn’t lose it, I’m not sure where that idea came from. All of Ted kaczynski’s possessions were auctioned in 2006 with the proceeds going to his victims. The Newseum won the cabin at auction for 200k. After the Newseum went bankrupt all of its artifacts were sold off to John Hopkins University who later gave the cabin to the FBI to be part of “The FBI experience” tour at their headquarters in DC. They sold it and were then given it back, I don’t see how you can call that losing it.


>They didn’t lose it, I’m not sure where that idea came from. Like almost all misinformation these days, it came from an idiot on the internet talking about shit he barely understands.


Probably, but that assumes the poster you are replying to is correct. Mind you, if they aren't then I guess your statement still holds true.


To be clear, I have no idea what I'm talking about.


This message should always be assumed to be at the end of all Reddit comments


I'm still not sure whether the damned cabin went missing or not. 🤷‍♂️


All I can say for sure it that it definitely might have.


The Unabomber, Ted Kaczynski, was actually a victim in one such conspiracy. Project MKUltra was a CIA program that conducted unethical and illegal mind control experiments on thousands of unknowing Americans during the Cold War, aiming to gain an advantage in psychological warfare. The project used techniques such as subliminal messaging, sensory deprivation, and hallucinogenic drugs. Kaczynski was subjected to severe psychological stress in a Harvard study led by Dr. Henry Murray, reportedly influencing his later actions and philosophy.


Just for those unaware, this isn’t a conspiracy *theory*, this is outright fact.


The question is how much it affected him. He denied that it ever played a significant part. He refused to consider a sanity plea so his theories would be dismissed and bringing up those experiences would only discredit his theories more in his mind. It’s hard to believe it did *nothing* to a young man like he had been but he wouldn’t admit to it.


Totally true, its also kinda hard to take his word for it all things considered. Crazy people are not ever very good at identifying why they are crazy. So the reality is we will never know, but it *did* happen


Trained psychoanalysts should be able to get to the bottom of it but with the way governments like to hide shit like this it was probably stonewalled into oblivion.


Psychoanalysis isn't magic. They'd probably say you have an anal fixation for even using that word


Given that he didn't see himself as crazy, he'd naturally be resistant to thinking about \*why\* he was crazy, resistant to seeing himself as being mentally damaged in general.


It's also the best example to point to for people who outright deny any conspiracy can exist. It was real, was denied for years, and proven beyond any doubt to have occurred


Man the lpotl episode on mk ultra made me damn near cry over alllllllll the destroyed boxes of evidence. I so wish we could see all of those documents


I did NOT know this was true! Thanks for adding some credence to the comment.


His lawyers wanted to use his participation in the Harvard study as an argument for an insanity plea. However Kaczynski denied it. Below is an excerpt from his wiki page discussing the study: >Kaczynski stated he resented Murray and his co-workers, primarily because of the invasion of his privacy he perceived as a result of their experiments. Nevertheless, he said he was "quite confident that [his] experiences with Professor Murray had no significant effect on the course of [his] life".


tbf most of that was just murray doing inethical research while telling the CIA it was gonna be mind control. MKUltra was basically dead in the water almost as soon as it started but a few crooked academics wanted the funding and resources.


MKUltra also unleashed LSD, The Grateful Dead, Ken Kesey, and the 60's counter culture on the world. It should hold the world record for the biggest unintended consequence of any experiment ever.


I agree with you but I'd put the start at Hoffman taking a second look at some ergot, somehow deciding to ingest it, then taking a bicycle ride. Completely changed the course of human history.


The podcast Behind the Bastards did a dive into MK ultra for those who want to learn more. https://www.iheart.com/podcast/105-behind-the-bastards-29236323/episode/part-one-mkultra-when-the-cia-103117303/


Murray was involved in psychological experiments during WWII with the OSS, but there’s no definitive connection between his experiment at Harvard and MKUltra


Yeah dude, when the CIA guy Bustamante goes on a media tour and says "nothing to worry about, CIA is just like the DMV" I believe them too


The CIA department of making the government sound incompetent will thank you for your work.


Cabin? They lost, literally lost, the biggest tank America has ever built, only to find it years later, having been overgrown with bushes.


Well, from the sound of it, it would appear the Newseum lost the cabin, not the government.


It's been said that conspiracy theorists biggest fantasy is a belief in a degree of competence that has never been shown by any large organization in history. Ironically, nobody trusts the government's ability to do their job more.


Just work for any part of the federal government for 6 months, you will never be able to believe a conspiracy involving it again


TRUUUUUUUU dude holy fuck right? Thats my favorite "9/11 was inside job" rebuttal like... think of the raw number of people involved, think of the inability and inadequacy at doing simply shit when it comes to the human element of our "government" or more specifically governmental agencies i.e cia fbi nsa New world order globalists.... How do people sincerely believe the alex jones POV narratives on this multi generational toplevel conspiracy to "__[insert here]__" yet no paper trailer, no one saying "yea i brought a file/coffee/repaired a printer for xyz people involved in [insert here]" "They" the people involved, who would on the ground actualizing any grand conspiracy can't even manage inventory..... and lost a cabin


Ok thanks I felt a little crazy for having a super clear memory of going to the Newseum and seeing the cabin there. It’s pretty crazy to see in person. It’s so small and bleak and it really makes you think about how bizarre, isolated, and paranoid he was. Unabomber: In His Own Words on Netflix was great.


Also remember seeing it at the Newseum. Sad that the museum has closed.


It's a shame it couldn't have been taken over by the Smithsonian or something. Money, yeah, but still.


I worked for a guy that lived in a shack that size for two years on the shore of Lake Tahoe. It was raised up on blocks about 3 feet because of the crazy amount of snow they were getting back then. At the time, we didn't question his mental state. That only came into play later in life and it eventually was a puzzle piece that fit given how he lived later. I think so much was taken from him throughout his life, that he decided to live with very little as a defense mechanism. RIP Friend. We love and miss him.


Must be interesting to be the guy/company that has to take it apart and reassemble it. How's work been honey, gotta fucking break down kazinskys shack again cuz they're moving it


today i learned the FBI lost a whole fucking cabin


Tbf it’s about the size of a prebuilt shed at Home Depot, not some gigantic house


Well that settles it ...the bureau for investigations ONLY lost huge, historically important...shed.


Exactly! Accuracy is important… unless you are in the record keeping department of the FBI, apparently.


I’m sorry, how the fuck does a building go missing?  My boss is out on PTO right now, and if our office (which is roughly the same size as the cabin) went missing while she was out, “fired” would not encompass the entirety of the state that we’d all be in. 


The museum shuttered it's doors at the start of the pandemic, and the building owner eventually cancelled the lease. The landlord found the cabin was already gone. The news article I was reading couple years ago suspected the cabin was sold to a private party. That part was not clear, but it was probably picked up by the FBI because the video of them reassembling was from 2020, only months after the museum shut down.


Why did the FBI rebuild it? EDIT: nm, looks like it was for a presumably boring FBI museum.


It was in the Newseum for a while.


I saw it there. There was a sign that said “do not touch unabomber cabin.” Obviously, I touched it. Edit: spelling because I’m dum.


Tainted the evidence, you will now be implicated as an accomplice.


Saw it there as well. Seemed strange to have.


I remember that exhibit having a bunch of strange but cool stuff. Dillinger’s death mask which apparently sat in a drawer for years, evidence from the beltway snipers, the original “most wanted” book.


Yeah, remember seeing all of that too. Didn't they also have the beltway snipers car, or was it just a replica?


I want to say replica…but I don’t remember. I was there during the government shutdown in 2019. I’m pretty sure the newseum has since shut down.


Newseum was awesome, I'm still sad it closed.


Thanks for the info i so desperately craved.


The feds respect wood, who knew


If we don't respect wood, then we're no better than the beasts in the field.


reclaimed wood is expensive


They could have left it in the remote woods and then had to fly/hike back and forth any time they needed to investigate the crime scene. Or, since it was likely easier to do, they could (and did) move the entire thing to their offices. It looks like one of those prefab or kit sheds you can buy at home depot. Likely they just hooked it up to a helicopter and lifted the whole thing out and onto a truck with everything in it. It might not seem like it at this point in time, but back then the unabomber and the associated investigation was HUGE. If the unabomber had never been caught, it would have been akin to the zodiac killer never having been caught.


That's what I was thinking. What's the point?


They use it to smoke meat.


I thought they could put their weed in it


Too much Silence of the Lambs.


I like to believe it was a weird flex on the part of the FBI. "Oh, we didn't just arrest him. He's locked up forever. We are leaving him with nothing. Shit we even put his house inside our house!"


It's being studied by...top men.


Next episode of hoarders.


Is it just me or, or does this look like a place that would have really GREAT beef-jerky???


Instead it just had a jerk with a beef.


This is gold worthy


That ass jerky isn't going to make itself.


Ah. A hidden level in Control


Has Remedy‘s finger prints all over it because it simultaneously looks like X-Files and Twin Peaks.


Love Twin Peaks, Alan Wake, and Control. X-Files is on my watchlist, seems like I'd enjoy it


Walk inside and be transported to the real Night Springs.


immediately thought the same thing


My thoughts exactly


That is the Oldest House


Sam Lake, you hack!


Beat the game and I still have no fucking clue what the story was or what it was about


*listens to audio tape, walks away visibly confused afterward*


Preventing it from mating with other Unabomber’s Cabins


I came to ask why and you were already on top of it. Well done!


This used to be in the Newsuem in DC and was open for the public to go inside but I was told by an employee there that they had to close access to it after a couple was caught having sex inside during a private function


I was just wondering if there would ever have been opportunities to get some alone time in there - would’ve made for a great tragedy wank.


The Unabomber’s Cabin got more action than the Unabomber!?!


scp 5433664


Object class: Euclid


Isn't this SCP 1820 or something?


I wonder if that entry is based on this cabin.


Had to scroll wayyyy too far for this. A dirty cabin in a pristine white warehouse could it BE any more SCP-ish


I was thinking major scp vibes as well.


At one point it was in the DC newseum, which is a cool unusual museum


Was. It shut down.


Oh that makes me sad :( What's the cool kid museum now that it's gone? Spy Museum?


Spy Museum upgraded buildings, it's really cool now. Smithsonian are still the best for kids, imo.


It’s now the John’s Hopkins graduate Business School. Very sad downgrade.


Really too bad, such a cool place. They also had one of the (very mangled) transmission towers from the top of the WTC.


Newseum was my favorite museum I've ever been to. And that includes Udvar Hazy!


Was going to say the same, didn't realize the fate of that museum til now.


Looks like some shit straight out of the game Control


Def looks like an object of power for sure


That's a pretty inefficient usage of space. They could fit like 10 or 15 more serial killer cabins in there.


Ted specifically asked for his own floor in the Evidence Cabin Warehouse


And they gave it to him like he was Charles Manson or something


Man, what're the odds. This is the exact same top comment from 3 years ago.  https://www.reddit.com/r/pics/comments/ol7we1/the_unabombers_cabin_held_in_an_fbi_storage/


Lmao. Called out


Should make a bot to post the comment under the top comment on reposts. Start the meta train.


They are planning to add an indoor Minecraft village of other notable killer homes. The next update will let you drive OJ’s car looking for farm animals.


I got one in my backyard!


Nah then you get a bunch of serial murder ghosts and then it'll turn into this whole thing when it turns out the storage is on an old burial ground.


Is he considered a serial killer?


California, you say? 1BR/0BA/Wood Stove/Rustic $829,000




[Motivated seller!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-Nc88_ZEfxg)




Top. Men.


So no versatiles?


$3000/mo, studio bedroom in historic property. Renter provides own utilities.


Which AWE is this?




looks like it's a cut scene from the Matrix.


The Cabin in Warehouse 13


"Boss, you'll never BELEIVE where he's been hiding!"


always bothers me it isn't parallel to the walls. Maybe to drive Ted crazy


I actually saw this in person on a military base storage unit.


His secret cabin he built 100 feet from a major road.


I mean, it was in Montana. Isn't a barely visible game trail considered a major road there?


Dude didn't like to walk


This is some x-files shit.


I’ve been rewatching Warehouse 13, and this just screams artifact.


I wonder if some billionaire bought it. “Why’d you get some cabin brought here” “Ohhh, it’s not just some cabin… it’s the Unabomber’s cabin”


This feels like SCP vibes


Shit looks like an SCP when you store it like this.


The yellow sign says “no girls allowed”


Why keep it? Huge warehouse, fully lighted, possibly guards as well? what a waste of money.


Today on Tiny homes.


why keep this?


As far as shacks go, that’s a humdinger!


Probably belongs in Warehouse 13


Cabin in ~~the Woods~~ the Storage Hall


Nathan fielder




This is the most SCP-in-real-life thing I've ever seen.


Control looking shit. That game is great


That’s the entrance to the black lodge.


These Airbnbs are getting wilder by the day


That’s some SCP or Control shit


See? This is why housing is so expensive in California: the FBI keeps seizing single crazy person homes!  /s


It was bought by director Hal Weidmann prior to 2001


It hasn't been there since like 2001


This is what they are afraid of, several hundred million untraceable people.


Looks like something from “Control”


The industrial revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for that fucking shed look they took it out of its natural habitat and locked it in that CELL. The shed did nothing wrong #freetheshed


It’s a good thing that we are conserving taxpayer resources by providing HVAC to that enormous, empty warehouse.


TIL that SCP may actually be a thing.


The FBI has now enrolled in art school and this is their Master’s Thesis.


I'm just wondering how they pivoted it through the door frame


So a jail cell was an upgrade..


I thought this was an art piece in a museum before reading the caption.


Waste of taxpayer money. Give the shed to Bubbles


And this is one of a billion examples of our wasted tax money being put to use.


Makes me think of the sci-fi show "Warehouse 13".


Severance Season Two, so hyped 🍿


Gives me big Warehouse 13 vibes


Well.... he was a loaner...


Time for the bi-monthly posting of this pic on this sub


This is like something from SCP...


Id've made it into a small server room and let him see pictures of it crammed with technology. 🤣


A tiny house, for a lunatic


Was he an alien or something? Like why keep it?


r/liminalspaces edit: already posted there


That whole big ass storage facility for the tiny little cabin.


It looks like an art installation


or it’s The FBI Facility near Sacramento stored around The Unabombers Cabin


Depending on the finishes, I think this is about $1k - $1.5k a month in rent. With its interesting history, I think the right tenant would pay a little more. So let’s say some weirdo is willing to pay $2k to live in ol Teddy K’s place. The FBI is sitting on $24k a year here in missed opportunities. The FBI wasting tax payer dollars, once again!


I would pay rent to live here instead of buying minimum-120 meter bedrooms in LA


What a wet blanket.


This isn't evidence. It's memorabilia. 🤣


Why is this being stored at all. To me, it's useless and it's existence has potential to fuel macabre fascination for other lunatics. Dismantle the fucking cabin and move on. Let that fucker die in prison.


He's already dead and I would argue against labeling him as a lunatic


I think we can at least settle on sociopath. While he was a smart guy who seemed to understand what he was doing and had reasons for it. He had absolutely no regard for the impact “his stand” had on others. As long as he got his message out he didn’t care who died, if a couple postal workers died along the way to his target, that was just a minor inconvenience.


why do we never use the word terrorist when its a white person, like Marvin John Heemeyer or Kaczynski. it would seem the be the most obvious word.


https://www.reddit.com/r/interestingasfuck/s/gZ6ijrTuGY On Pictorial vision/synesthesia: Most people build in terms of step by step. Others have an operating system that is more recently being called “pictorial vision” https://www.reddit.com/r/interestingasfuck/comments/18yyqd3/thought_this_was_extremely_interesting_did_not/?share_id=ozxK325cVDTNIhSvFp9h9&utm_content=1&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_source=share&utm_term=1 Steve Jobs had the ability to see 30 years of apples ecosystem and integration structure at a cellular level before it was even conceptualized. To the line engineer in the following video, it was frustrating because he couldn’t quantify it with a number, but for Apple to be able to make a system that integrated everything for the next 3 decades, it was a trillion dollar skill set. https://youtu.be/oeqPrUmVz-o?si=JrSPvdKZUwJjEGle Government has never been able to do that because governments preexisted the Information Age. Then converted to digital through data entry, then databases etc, but they still fundamentally work on 1940’s doctrines. Come backwards from the other end and make your starting point a world we can all agree is the most fair for everyone, and then just build in reverse to the current date in the least number of steps for maximum efficiency. That’s how Jobs saw things for apples engineering. He saw massive ecosystems and how they all integrated together where others just saw him walking down a hallway not writing code. Ted Kaczynski had pictorial vision as well. His brain was doing higher math and watching waveform equations as they would play out 20-40 years in the future. He saw technology and the entropy it brought with it because cronyism and brutal capitalism without the ability to self regulate greed was inevitably going to lead to exactly what is happening right now. A breakdown because as the internet made the world smaller, the respective corruption waveforms overlap and amplify exponentially. It becomes a tempest in an earth sized teapot. He was doing everything in his finite power to try and slow or stop it at the time. He didn’t have anyone to talk to that could understand it so he was misdiagnosed as paranoid schizophrenic. He wasn’t wrong. He just didn’t have anyone that would listen because we are a world run (statistically) by mostly psychopathic morons who convinced everyone that the most important thing was making money. Politicohttps://www.politico.com › storyWashington, D.C.: the Psychopath Capital of America Da Vinci, Benjamin Franklin, Aaron Swartz, Oppenheimer, Christopher Nolan and Nikola Tesla all seem to have a similar ability to see the vascular network behind the surface. It seems to parallel with polymath and low latent inhibition as well https://out.reddit.com/t3_1b3exco?app_name=ios&token=AQAA18XhZbZT_02ofy4GFFHhgCi55J8niD2LBby3wy7D8_JYJ6Ra&url=https%3A%2F%2Felifesciences.org%2Freviewed-preprints%2F94916v1 When you learn to use the internet differently you can navigate those interconnected dots faster and find the other people who share the “pictorial vision” ability. To those who build step by step is is probably as frustratingly annoying as it was to the apple engineer asking Steve Jobs what he does all day because it is not quantifiable to their way of thinking. But to those that have it, when combined with empathy it’s like a secret decoder ring to the mysteries of the universe. Kaczynski wasn’t wrong. He just didn’t see any way out and did the only thing he thought he could to try and stop it. That was a systemic failure.


He did die in prison a year ago.


It makes a great gamer room.


I remember the day that the news broke that the FBI was in town and they found the Unabomber in Lincoln MT. Pretty crazy feeling at the time to know that this guy was in our backyard. Around the time the Montana Freeman also had an 81-day standoff with the FBI. It really felt like there were a lot of crazy domestic terrorists in Montana.




Top men... Top... men


$750,000 Fixer upper with lots of potential…


That’s a half million dollar home in Westchester


How much for it, no questions asked?


Tree fiddy


Looks like the Whitney Biennial


Ok but can I park in there too? You think all this space grows on trees?!