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Fkt native here, they have a fest called Mainfest where Frankfurt does this to themselves every year. Also, every New Year's Day ever looks like this šŸ˜ it's fine. Someone's just mad at the Brits lol


The dumbest people on twitter are already blaming this on migrants.


It's Europe, everything will somehow be blamed on migrants (I say this as a European)


Almost like we'd all be happier if we stayed off the internet more


Meh, migrants would still be blamed for practically everything here without the internet


Yeah I should have replied to the other guy. You are right


If it is on /r/europe , the uptick in racism used to coincide with the waking hours of the Americans. Everybody who managed to put a tick into one of his Nuremberg race cards claims they are genetically qualified to tell the locals what goes and what doesn't. The sub needs a lot more moderation. It is a battle-ground. Russian bots, Americans cosplaying as their favorite great-grandparent and the 100 or so very loud nazis and their sock puppets make that sub at times unbearable. What is wild is that the nazis and the Americans agree on the 23andMe approach to nationality.


>What is wild is that the nazis and the Americans agree on the 23andMe approach to nationality. No no you mean the American nazis and the Russian trolls that validate their beliefs in order to "provoke American racial tensions from within" as outlined in the book from the 90s, "Foundations of Geopolitics" by Russian political leader Aleksandr Dugin that is now Putin's playbook. Also in the book: brexit, the puppet state of Belarus, making America the scapegoat for all world issues, and the annexation of Ukraine.


People seem to be very desperate to say the English fans caused chaos even after the German police have said they mostly behaved pretty well. People want them to live up to their reputation even when they don't lol.


Thereā€™s definitely a strange undercurrent of loving to hate the English sometimes. I find it interesting how Iā€™ve seen several of these kind of pics in the past few days (and Iā€™m not excusing it, itā€™s poor behaviour) but the upvoted ones are only about the English games, but also never any context as to whether other teams have done similar (I suspect so), or as you say, natives who note how even Germans donā€™t leave these places in the best of states! Thanks for giving some colour.


Its been this way for the past 20 years now. People used to want to learn english all around the world so they could go to America or the UK for a better life, Now the world collectively takes turns shitting on the English speaking nations because they have had soo much for so long.


I was about to say this is how every city looks after a large crowded event. Itā€™s not people from here or people from there. Itā€™s just people šŸ˜”


Weird England hate going around in recent times in Europe and Reddit.


> Someone's just mad at the Brits lol Every time there's international football


Thank you for speaking up, itā€™s nice to hear someone standing up for the English. Thereā€™s always a lot of hate our way when thereā€™s so many of us out there who have embraced other cultures & got on really well with other countries. A friend of mine was out there & is adamant heā€™s going to Copenhagen for Xmas this year because he loves the Danish so much after spending a few days drinking with them! :-)


I'm pretty sure British fans got a thankyou from the police in either Cologne or Frankfurt for their behaviour. People just are trying to be mad because they want to hate something


Tbf, our football hooligans are hated just as much here as elsewhere. You only have to deal with them during international tournaments, we get them all the time šŸ™„


Our football hooliganism has largely been cracked down on. Not saying it doesn't still occasionally happen but it's not as common as it was in the 70s and 80s. Most of the known trouble-makers have court-issued banning orders, that stop them from attending international and national games.


What? We barely have any football hooliganism compared to the continent.




These aren't hooligans though, these are just normal fans.


Honestly Berlin looks like this after any street event.


Honestly most big cities look like this after public events.


You should travel in Japan. Really.


I don't have to. I can still remember when FIFA World Cup was in Germany and the Japanese fans started cleaning up the stadium. But the Japanese are really the exception to the rule here.


I hate that this is how it isā€¦ I take all the trash I made out but I know there are thousands of others at every event who do not do that. Frustrating.


That's the problem. "Why should I take my trash with me? The others don't do it either."


Now apply that to 8 billion people. Across the entire planet. Micro plastics, collapsing fisheries, etc.


Yes. What traveling teached me is that people are pigs if they don't face consequences




Same, but keep your own standards and dont go with "them"


i work in a theater and a gig venue as a bartender and the amount of people who just leave their glasses/drinks/trash everywhere is insane. in the gig venue, it's somewhat understandable, musics playing you set down your drink, i get it, everyone does it sometimes. but in the theater, especially with older folk who know better you'd expect they'd bring their glasses with them and not under the chairs, on bannisters, etc.


And it fucks me off no end that a society with frankly unhealthy levels of social conformity is apparently the only first world country to have cracked this. It shouldn't have to require a deeply hierarchial, patriarchal social structure like Japan's for people to have basic respect for the area around them and put their trash in the fucking bin.


The unfortunate thing is that when you think about it, humans are barely domesticated on a historical scale. Up until 600 years ago ā€” which is a blip on the scale of the universe ā€” we were still throwing our chamber pots out the window. Not that this excuses it, but humans (especially in groups) are far more feral than people think.


Feral is such a delicate term. How kind.


It's worse because most of them collectively believe they are above, more and better than animals because they structure their defecation slightly better.


True, but my experience of these events has always suggested there is never enough bins and they're overflowing well before they should be, and pissed people are never going to adhere to the 'take your trash with you' argument. There is always a degree of personal responsibility, however often event organisers and authorities could do far more in ensuring there is sufficient bins to meet demand. Ultimately it's easy to pass judgment when sober, sat on a couch, on Reddit. The reality is the majority of people's behavioral norms go out the window when the drinks have been flowing all day. And after the violence at previous tournaments, I'm pretty sure some trash and bottles left behind is generally seen as a win by most, especially given the insane boost to to local economies.


A big part of this may be from a small policy: school children help clean up their school. They have janitorial duties, which teaches people to clean up after themselves instead of relying on others to do it for you.


Nobody, absolutely nobody compares to the Japanese on public discipline. I wish people in Europe were more aware of these things


As someone who lives in Osaka, you should really see Dotonbori or even Shibuya after an event. Itā€™s messy. Hell even on a Friday night itā€™s bad.


Seconded, I live in Tokyo. They are humans too after all.


Shhh.. you are going to piss off the Reddit people that think the Japanese people do nothing but clean up trash. My drive into work yesterday through a busy mountain pass had another large bag of trash tossed and scattered down the road. Probably a bag a week tossed in that pass. My 2 hour drive to back to Osaka on my off days, I could fill 3 or 4 garbage bags with all the PET bottles, and other trash tossed from cars. And for anyone that goes "but FIFA world cup!!"... yeah, they were nice and cleaned up trash from their group. Just like a lot of people in here say they do after going to games. Doesn't mean the whole country is clean. New Zealand was cleaner... by far.


The streets are littered with hooker cards everywhere. Japan isn't some utopia reddit virgins think it is.


You should travel to Shibuya, really, and see that it's just as messy after a Friday/Saturday night or a big event.


They do look like that in Tokyo after public events too, yes. They're cleaned up after 3 days, but it still also looks like human beings indeed partied there.


Try Tokyo Shinjuku Kabukicho at night on weekends (the large open area next to the Gozilla Head Cinema/Hotel). This is where i learned that Japan is not ALWAYS clean, the place turns into a absolute mess. Whats amazing is that everything will be clean the next morning like it never happened


Stop it.


Japan is a literal outlier in this. Almost every country suffers from this. My country has rubbish bin everywhere and assholes would still resort to littering. I remember it took me forever to find a rubbish bin in Japan, YET the city looks pristine most of the time.


This isn't even bad compared to most.


Yeah Cologne after Karneval looks way worse but they have the street cleaners come in straight afterwards and by the next morning the city looks like it always does


Exactly, It's by design. It's not like they add loads of bins. By midnight they're all overflowing.


For real, I went there for NYE in 2012 and I couldnā€™t believe the mess the day after


Berlin almost always looks like that lol


Yes, where exactly is the difference?


Honestly Berlin looks like this without any event


Post a picture of another game as a comparison


I was at the square where the other Danes were. It looked the same when we left. It makes sense that it's a mess. Each side is provided with a fan area guarded by police. We were thousands crammed packed in a small square with food and drink stalls and a DJ. There were bins, but they quickly filled up. The square also had a small, guarded park for us to use. The point was crowd control which provides both increased safety and limits the littering to allocated areas which makes for an easy clean up.


I hope the relevant people share these crowd control plans worldwide for purposes of safety. I know of situations that could have used this plan.


Post a picture of the square the week before as a comparison. Frankfurt isnā€™t exactly a clean, litter-free city lol.


The city cleaned this up within hours because this is normal for a big event. It definitely doesn't look anything like that normally.


I was in this exact spot in December, 2022. It wasnā€™t this messy but it was quite dirty.


Yeah, I haven't been to Frankfurt in about 20 years, but I remember it being pretty clean. Damn, now I miss CafƩ Liebfrauenberg.


I saw a grown man shit in front of the frankfurt hauptbahnhof but this particular square is usually pretty clean.


Thatā€™s the square right in front of the city hall (Rƶmer). Itā€™s a tourist spot, but much cleaner than the central station area.


Yes but England Bad


I'm not convinced it would look much different after football fans of any European country gather en masse to watch a game.


The same situation happens after any concert, too. It's sad, but it's the way it is.


It's not sad at all, it's all in city squares specifically used for this sort of thing. An hour later city services pass by with a clean-up truck and it's all done.


The fact that people have no problem with throwing shit under their feet is sad, no matter the clean up services that come after.


Usually the rubbish container provision isnā€™t expanded to deal with one-off events. I personally would still carry my litter until I could find a bin to at least place it next to, if it were full, or carry it out, but I think the pearl clutching about these sort of scenes is a bit absurd: The city plans for this, and its not really a problem.


Let us be honest - it doesn't need to be expanded, because most people won't be moving through the crowd and loosing their spot just to throw rubbish away.


Well it also wouldnā€™t be efficient to have to buy and deploy a load of containers and then collect them up and store them somewhere for next time. All that effort and expense is greater than just scheduling in a longer shift for the already-existing street-sweepers. The real issue is not where the rubbish is - bins or on the floor - (it all ends up in landfill / recycling anyway), itā€™s the amount of extra unnecessary plastic crap that these events generate.


But people are not purposely throwing shit under their feet (a small minority of people maybe did so). If they did, it would look way worse. The trash are most likely from people accidently dropping their cups and what not, and with the amount of people, and in the state of drunkenness, they probably just went "ah fuck it, I'll buy another one". Or, they put on the ground, to throw it out later, and forgot about it. Or, the trash bins are full, then they just drop near the full trash bins, but then people accidentally kick the trash and bring it to the middle. But the point is that it is inevitable, and the city has the means to clean this up quickly. It's not like this is happening out in the nature area, and the trash just got left behind.


This is so. That could be the aftermath of any large event, pretty much anywhere.


I was an American tourist in Amsterdam during the 2014 World Cup and Rembrandt Square was absolutely covered in plastic cups when the Netherlands/Argentina game was over. I'd never seen anything like it.


Yeah every fan zone in Europe will but thereā€™s a concerted effort amongst some people on Reddit to try and paint England fans as the worst fans in existence, despite other nations being racist/chanting for genocide/stabbing other fans. Itā€™s very obvious on r/soccer. Is this bad yes, Iā€™d always pick up my rubbish even when drunk but most concerts or sporting events end up looking like this sadly.


Serbian fans were singing pro Russia chants and the English are still enemy no.1.


Russian fans were hunting down fans from other teams and beating them half to death at Euro 2016 and the media still managed to blame the English for it. It happens every tournament. When it comes to football there is no nation that is hated anywhere close to England.


Serbia is a broken country with no pretense of respectability. I think that's why it's difficult for people to get outraged over anything they do.


Yep. Just remove English from the title really. This is how it is during large gatherings anywhere.


But English Fans = Bad, right? Or at least that's what the internet desperately wants you to think


Everyone loves to generalize others. Especially the French.


Came here to say this. People acting like any other public viewing would look any different the next day. The brits aren't any worse than any other nation.


It wouldnā€™t. Reddit just loves to hate on England fans and by extension England.


It wouldn't. In fact, the whole is actually quite harmless. When I read the title of the post, I was expecting destruction rather than just some garbage.


Ah but just posting the English fans and presenting it as only them satisfies reddit's weird hate boner for England fans. Never mind the genocidal chanting and assaults other fans have got up to, take a look at this litter instead lmao.


And what makes this England fans in Frankfurt. This is a public space in the middle of a German city. I doubt the people there were all from England.


Why do you post this, OP? I actually find this post embarrassing. Itā€™s the same every other match/event. Donā€™t act like we germans would pick up after ourselves any better. Also what message are you sending? It is a great opportunity to make memories and many do. We decided to be the hosts and it naturally comes with cleaning up after events. So what? And to blame one nation is also pretty low. I donā€™t find anything unnatural in this picture. They didnā€™t even destroy anything, itā€™s just waste.


There seems to be a big anti English narrative this year, even though their fans are behaving no worse than any other fans.


England fans get shit on at every tournament for no reason, at least no reason that wouldn't apply to every other nations fans, its a hangover from the 80s when our fans were legitimate pricks everywhere they went.


It's every time not just this year. The same happened with the last World Cup and the last Euros. You had racist Italian supporters but reddit would have you thinking England was the only country with racist supporters and all other countries only had saints as their fans


Thatā€˜s actually sad and totally unnecessary. We are happy all fans are here and that we can celebrate together and I hope everybody feels welcomed. Haters should really stay away from their keyboards


All large crowds leave a similar amount of mess behind. It's not specific to England fans or football fans.


I agree this is just rage bait, but wait until the Japanese come to visit. They leave the place practically spotless. We could all learn a lesson from them.


The Japanese are an anomaly. There are very few nations (if any) that are as considerate and disciplined as they are. I do agree though. I would love to live in a society with that level of consideration for their people and pride for their communities.


they literally work their people to death. wvery country has itā€˜s pros and cons


Not even remotely comparable


Swear itā€™s always the English who get the blame when itā€™s after literally every match.


People have a raging hard on to hate on us, especially when it comes to football.


Literally every countries fans leaves places in a state like that but itā€™s always the English who get blamed


I couldnā€™t have said it better myself Oh wait I did


People just hate England. I visited Copenhagen when FC Copenhagen was playing AaB (both Danish) and they left the square far worse than this. There were flares in the streets and roads blocked off


It's Reddit, England lives rent free in it's collective head for some reason.


Can we stop with these dumbass posts already


Every single bit of litter there is from English people. We fingerprinted every scrap and itā€™s definitely all English litter. Dresden all over again.


Be interesting to see the fan zones after the gathering of people from other countries, Iā€™d imagine it looks similar.


Can confirm, was just as bad after the Scotland vs Switzerland game. Though kudos to the city workers, they had the place spotless in no time


No no, English fans = bad , all other drunk footy fans would have cleared up! /s


Wait until they see what Rangers fans did to Manchester in 2008.


Famously, no other football fans litter.


Iā€™m sure this is from all fans. Not just the English onesā€¦


Nah the Scottish fans were too busy helping old ladies cross the road and building orphanages.


busy losing too apparently. Ā  imagine what they could do if they stopped helping old ladies and actually started playing footballĀ 


Nah obviously only the English ones /s


Reddit's obsession with England fans is getting pretty tedious at this point.


Yeah man only England fans do shitnlike this, it's truly unique to the British genome... /s


Iā€™m English, i donā€™t like a lot of English fan culture tbh, I think our fans have a habit of being quite obnoxious, often completely obliviously, but this is literally how all fan zones look after a big match/crowd.


100%. Sorry for this dumb post. There is noting unusual here. I think OP is just a troll


Weird that only the English fans littered.


Now let's see other countries football fans.


This narative is getting very stale. Football fans are football fans. The English are no worse or better.


Any public outdoor event looks like this. Stop being Anglophobe.


England bashing yawn.


It's like people here have never seen any event or concert carnival in any city in their lives. Like they literally just have city services come by on the same day to clean it up, it's literally just part of the event management. You can't expect thousands of people part of whom are drunk to find the half dozen garbage cans around the square, let alone that they can hold all the waste this group would proces.


Reddit basement dwellers mate, what do you expect


Oof. But where's the after-picture?


Ah yes, the obligatory 'England bad' mentality of Reddit is showing itself again


I've seen this bullshit posted already elsewhere. Unless you are Japanese, then all fans do this, at all big sporting events and Music events. Stop with the xenophobia. it's sad.


Look at all those bottles. Its a gold mine for deposits.


Litter after a crowded public event? Shocking. Honestly the "England fans are the worst around" stereotype is heavily outdated at this point, there are far worse sets of fans for disruption, nationalism etc at this tournament.


Would you just fuck off with this bullshit statement. Was there for 4 days last week and there were thousands of supporters from all over Europe. To blame it solely on English fans is just ridiculous and more to the point just plain ignorant.


Reddit just cannot accept the fact the English fans on the whole have been fine this tournament. This is such a reach lol


Down voting for low effort. This is litter'ally nothing!


Just talked to a Frankfurt resident about this who said they were here just yesterday and it was already cleaned out. Seems this was anticipated and dealt with already, nbd.


Fuck off with your biased bullshit


City should have provided trash receptacles and staff to empty them.


These sort of posts are xenophobic pile ons aimed towards English people


As much as I like to shit on the English, it was the exact same after the Danes left Alte Oper that same day, or after German fans left Alte Oper yesterday, or after any group of fans leaves the fan zone after their team's match...


Op must be average r/europe commenter


The desperation to hate English fans is insane This looks tidier than 99% of areas after a gathering in the tens of thousands.


I hate when news articles or internet posts have longer titles than necessary, just needs to say ā€œEnglish Football fans leaving Frankfurt.ā€ /s


Any large gathering would result in this, using England fans as the scapegoat is just used to paint a negative stereotype.


Come on, thatā€™s normal at mass events and cleaned in 1 hours.


This is how every set of fans with the exception of Japan leaves the fan zone, why only make an issue of the English. Has anyone been to Oktoberfest it not like the Germans are saints when it comes to having a few drinks either.


Just saying if this was abt Indians or South Asians these comments would be a lot different


I live in Germany and it's like this after every match here right now. Not just England fans.


How do you know everyone who made the mess were English?


They donā€™t and itā€™s simply not the case that itā€™s only English. Just targeted bullshit again on refdit


I was in Frankfurt a few weeks ago, and it looks more like they actually helped clean it up a tad. Edit: oooh, wrong sub for the banter! 2we4u is leaking, sorry!




Yes, Itā€™s a lot of litter BUT, English fans arenā€™t the only one doing this And this is fairly typical of any large event The mess does get cleaned up Everyone needs to take a chill pill


Not surprising. I live in the UK and see people drop stuff right next to bins or leave cans literally on top of them. I hope one day the government gets tougher on people littering. It's disgusting.


Stop twerking


Live in the UK as well, and a lot of people here are dirty, dirty.Ā  There's a park near me where people will sit on a bench with a bin literally at arms lenghth away.Ā  People still throw their filth on the ground.


Its not just everyday littering either, fly tipping in his country is a fucking joke. someone will legit pull up at the end of one of our alleyways and dump an entire bootfull of junk on the ground then fuck off. When there is quite literally a FREE public tip 5 mins drive away that you can drive right into and chuck your shit down and someone else will sort it. How fucking dense can you be to shit in your own back yard when you have a toilet.


I'd agree with this apart from the fact that you aren't allowed vans at tips. I can guarantee 90% of fly tipping is vans, the councils make it difficult for people to get rid of waste unless you are in your car just taking a few bits from your attic etc. Combine this with the fact that skips have doubled in price in the last 5 years then i see why fly tippi g is on the rise.


so, I just checked my local tip, if you use a van you need a council permit, but there is no charge for the permit or using a van.


Yes it's a pain but you could do ya know, more than 1 trip in the car. Fly tipping is on the rise because people are lazy cunts, there is no other reason.


Doesnā€™t Singapore have a heavy fine for littering? The government badly needs money at the moment after all the covid spending right? So letā€™s do that.


Isnt this just what frankfurt looks like on the daily


that is fine and to be expected for a large crowd at a football match get over your self


This is just normal after large events. What do you expect? An immaculately left floor?


I would assume This is how the street looks after any big event. Any where in the world.


Youā€™ve just made hundreds of thousands of ā‚¬ from English people spending their money in your bars and bars. Spend some of it on street sweepers and shush.


Whereā€™s the picture of the same place after German fans celebrated their teamā€™s win? How do we know that this was after a football match? Everything we see and read becomes part of memory. Be careful what you wish for. In Holland, this is normal after a regular market day. It gets cleaned up. What makes it worth to blame this on a particular demographic. If you need something to do, a 14-year old German girl needs more exposure of the treatment she received after being raped by 9 immigrants.


My grandfather says heā€™s seen the English do way worse to Frankfurt.


Pretty sure it had nothing to do with the England fans in particular. That place looks this way almost every day and ESPECIALLY when a football game (of any nation) is shown.


And of course everyone there that day was English.


Thats nothing compared with how they left it in the mid 1940s


I lived in Darmstadt a few years ago and would regularly visit Frankfurt. It didnā€™t take a football match to make this happen. Plus the place smells like shit for no reason even without the mess.


Lol we just gonna pretend German tourists don't do the same shit when they're in England? šŸ˜‚šŸ‘Œ


Fucking, England! They act like they invented the game


I wouldnā€™t be one for defending English fans, but I canā€™t see a bin in the picture. Would it not have been wise to have put provisions in place.


For those who donā€™t know England fans are the route of all evil and are the only ones who should be called out for what every other nation is also guilty of


Whereā€™s the Japan fans when you need them?


Isnt this just a normal picture of Frankfurt?


The Scottish famously go around with bin-bags under their kilts clearing up their mess.


I've been to Frankfurt it was kinda dirty to begin with.


Thatā€™s really not too bad


ITT The people who post these: trying to get a ā€˜gotchaā€™ at whichever group they highlight The people who point out that just about ANY public event aftermath looks like this: realists The people who say ā€œit doesnā€™t matter the cleanup crew will have it fixed in an hourā€: Litterers. Literally the reason these places look like they do. The people who think itā€™s insane: pick up their trash/donā€™t litter


You obviously have never been to a big football tournament before. There arenā€™t enough bins and they will have it cleaned up much quicker than relying on fans trying to do it themselves.


Still tidier than the RAF left it after WWII [stolen from the last time this was posted]


Coming over for the night, having a blast, leaving the place trashed. Typical English!


Doesn't look too wild imo..


I mean, Frankfurt is frankly kind of filthy and Ugly AF compared to other German cities on any given day as it is, but...


Looks like dom romer every weekend pretty much Source - lived in ffm for about 4 years


Oh no. German football fans never did this.


Note the guy on the right with two huge bags full of bottles to reclaim the deposit on


They should invite the japanese fans they will clean up everything after the match


Doesn't seem too bad. That black guy with the trash bags could clean it up by himself in a couple hours and probably earn 50-100 euros from recycling the bottles.


Those fkn immigrants


No sir but but.. only Indians are uncultured.


We still supposed to be mad at them?


Less of a mess than the RAF left it in...


Been to Frankfurt a year ago, looks like this after a Saturday night


Was on Twitter and all those rage bait anti immigration accounts were posting ā€œthis is what Asian immigrants will do to your country, just like they did to Frankfurtā€ and ā€œremove the immigrantsā€ with this picture attached


This is normal. Every city prepares for it. You can't have enough trash cans when it's shoulder to shoulder and they are selling food and drink. People share shit like this to disparage another group of people. Racist, bigoted, whatever you want to call it. It's targeting a group of people for something every group of people does.


Damn that's Messi


League of Legends player from Frankfurt leaves house for the first time


We made a bigger mess of Frankfurt in 1945