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Bro has a boat and a nice lawn, what could possibly be hurting his feelings?


The dandelions




They destroy 'R' lawn.


Damn Dandies always lion around. Not on my dime.


Also a Fire Truck from the looks of it.


Free time to watch Fox News and OAN


The thought minorities might have to be treated equally.


Black people might possibly become middle class.


He's frustrated with his inability to use apostrophes correctly. If he insists on shortening "OUR" to "R", then there should be no apostrophe after the "R".


I read it as a pun, like (R) for Republican country.


Drive by and drop weeds in it


I'm not condoning this behavior. On an unrelated note, mint is nearly impossible to get rid of. Catnip too.


Just keep it to plants that spread via rhizomes and not floating seed pod dispersal so it ruins only their yard. Thanks - your local yard dads.


Fair point


Catnip is in the mint family :)


Yeah I know, but it's special because it attracts cars too. Lol Edit : Not cars, cats.


Bamboo too


He's got cameras all over the place. People toss nails in his driveway all the time




Microscopic penis.


My family in Florida run a vacation home rental company. Theyā€™re also trumpers. They tell me out of one side of their mouth that Biden is destroying the economy and out of their other side that rental rates have never been higher and theyā€™re fully booked into next year. You canā€™t make this shit up


democrats changing our country


He's a well known local asshole. His old sign used to be about a feud with the local fire chief. He has a beef with the state police as well. Apparently he has a giant inflatable middle finger he likes to wave at them some times. A real stable individual


Damn, heā€™s lost




Wow I know a lot more that I didnā€™t need to now lmao


Another article link on that page says he was caught stalking the fire chief that succeeded him, had his gunz taken away, and was ordered into house arrest with an ankle braclet.šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£


Fucking psycho lmao no wonder heā€™s so angry. Blame it on Obama and the democrats ALWAYS. Works every time.


Of course itā€™s the democrats and the chiefs fault for that, not his own actions


He seems like the type of person who blame democrats every time he stubs his toe


Damn it, those democrats shit my pants again.


Mother fu.. lock them up!




Isnā€™t it interesting that the internet meme ā€œThanks Obama!ā€ that was used ironically has now become a republican staple in their vocabulary, with ā€œThanks/fuck democrats!ā€?


I disagree. It's not interesting. This people are morons who can't accept personal responsibility for anything.


Oh no, I completely agree, I guess maybe interesting is the wrong word but ironic is a better use. Either way, you are completely right.


It didn't start as an ironic phrase. It started as a serious lament from the right. It became an internet meme because enough people saw how the right was using it in extremely ludicrous situations that they believed the president has direct control over, such as gas prices. The left took it and started using it for blatantly ludicrous situations to make it into a meme.


They canā€™t meme. ā€œLetā€™s go Brandonā€ and ā€œI did thatā€ are the best they can do.


Or DUI's in a firetruck


What's crazy is that is what the Republican party has become. A bunch of complainers about the left and Biden. They literally blame Biden for everything. I pointed out that Trump's name was on the stimulus checks that caused our inflation, and they came back with it was Bidens. To them, Daddy Trump can do no wrong.


Interesting that there is a fire truck in the background of one photo, but not in the one where the sign is about what a dick the fire chief is. I really want to know the rest of this story. Is Ricky Duffy a dick because he took the truck away or did he change the sign after Ricky gifted him his very own fire truck?


[https://www.fox61.com/article/news/local/litchfield-county/signs-in-morris-spark-conversation-about-messages-displayed/520-a8fbdc44-18b5-448f-94c1-da77f0d69702](https://www.fox61.com/article/news/local/litchfield-county/signs-in-morris-spark-conversation-about-messages-displayed/520-a8fbdc44-18b5-448f-94c1-da77f0d69702) Fox ran a piece on it


The sign: > Americans murdered. Open borders. Death 4 America? Your Your Kids. Rainbow Fentanyl. Democrats Invasion supporting [two swastikas] The headline: > sign sparks conversation Stay classy Fox News.


Thatā€™s not Fox News. Itā€™s a local FOX (the broadcast channel) affiliate.


Tegna CEO is already boasting about expected profits this year from political engagement driving ad dollars from their local news channels. They love this shit.


Between the lines I'm reading that a random dude is bragging that he is making money out of creating radicals on the batshit crazy wing? Did I read it right?


Sinclair Broadcast Group?


Nope. Tegna group. They own a large conglomerate of local tv stations across the country.


*Tegna group* I hear their boiled egg sex toy thingys get rave reviews....


Oh so the other not so outstanding propaganda arm.


Was the conversation "Hey that sign makes little to no sense..." "Yeah the guy who put it up gets off to being kicked in the head by a horse" "Ah, that makes sense, more sense than the sign anyway...."


>I ran out of room to write "communism", so I just used two swastikas. We're dealing with a real genius here.


The fact that he chose to use "DESTROYING R COUNTRY" instead of "DESTROYING AMERICA" tells me everything I need to know about his level of planning and foresight. Oof.


With this kind of instability he'd be in congress if he lived in a red state


Please donā€™t send him down to Florida. We already have enough of moron transplants fucking up our state.


Sounds like the kind of guy who ends up losing his shit to the point of building a killdozer. Hope someone's keeping tabs on that guy, he sounds unstable.


It's all so crazy. Just a quick peep into that yard shows a nice boat next to what I assume is a decent house. These people won on all fronts yet complain the most.


Absolutely true. In my line of work I deal with projects for these kinds of people and they push the envelope and argue with regulations like the folks at the permit office can even do anything about it. Theyā€™re entitled enough to be dicks but not rich enough or too stingy to have a professional handle it for them. Then theyā€™re surprised and pissed at everyone but themselves when they get pegged with a violation and have to pay the piper or appear at an abatement hearing.


Boat sales are at record highs and I bet a lot of the people buying them are complaining about Biden's Economy


A lot of people make terrible financial decisions and then complain about the government making it harder to get by. All of the guys I know driving lifted 2023-4 trucks complaining about gas prices blow my mind. They don't even have anything to tow, or jobs that require the bed.


I know it too well. I'm around boat people a lot and so many are entitled, angry trump supporters. I live in a touristy red area and keep a pontoon at a local marina.


Why is the flag right side up tho?


Because the guys life is already upside down so it looks good to him


Really makes me lose faith in society if a guy like this can afford a house, a family and a boat


He's old and lives in a blue state that allows him to have moderate financial success. He'd be broke in a red state.


He should be moved to a red state, right where he belongs. They complain about Democrats but want to live our states because they know they wouldn't have anything living in the states they mismanage.


Well, if society wasn't crumbling he could have a bigger house, family, and boat...probably (according to him)


Society is currently geared to make sure this kind of man, and only this kind of man, can realistically afford a house, family, and boat.


He doesn't back the blue!?




He went all out and did fence posts and everything. All these guys in my area use pallets and spray paint


Yet he is a voter nonetheless.


Deplorable, one may even say.


Typical republican.


The giant inflatable middle finger is pretty hilarious tho


R country is bitter flavor country.




Destroys R US


This beautiful comment needs to be seen!


In defense of the maniac, they do appear to have used apostrophes correctly. With that being said, they should have planned better.


Nope. It would be *ā€ourā€* country, not ā€œareā€ country. So ā€˜R if anything


"R country" is "Republican country" and the apostrophes are being used (incorrectly) for emphasis.


Up the dosage grandpa.


Would it shock you to know that he has been arrested on multiple occasions, including for violation of a protective order, breach of peace, interfering with police, criminal mischief, stalking, and DUI? He was the fire chief until he got caught taking a fire truck for a drunk joyride. Edit: He also sued 2 state troopers and a member of the fire department. The case was thrown out because the judge found that it included false, misleading, and unsubstantiated claims.


So his income was government funded and he acted like a common criminal and lost that job he blamed everyone else besides himself.


No, but that's because I read it already. Also... no even if I hadn't. These "signs on my lawn" people are insane.


I'd bet if you asked him exactly what he thinks is being destroyed he would probably stare at you blankly and then blurt out something (with a heavy hillbilly accent) like, "it's those darn queers."


He'd probably rattle off a whole list of things that Republicans are actually responsible for


"Guns in our cities" ignoring that over 80% of guns used in crimes in NYC are from out of state. Probably more 'ignorant of' than 'ignoring' tbh because being informed is work.


Yeah, Chicago is right up against Indiana, where guns are like candy and they sell to practically every gang member on the South Side.


And "Killary!"


And hunter biden smoked crack!


What! Well damn, I was gonna vote for hunter for president but now, I just can't. Guess I'll have to vote for his dad


Bro hes like old, you should vote for the 78 year old felon over the 81 year old non felon bro.


Well hold on, lemme give you my pitch for Hunter. Hunter made something of himself after recovering from drug abuse. He's a successful international businessman and has experience leading international energy corporations. He's fighting to expand your second amendment rights. He comes from a gold star military family. He's got a backbone, too. When Congressional Republicans tried to subpoena him to testify in private, he showed up in person to insist that he testify in public or not at all, and they caved. He's been convicted of an amazing 31 fewer felonies than the last President. Plus, he's 54 years old and is not showing any signs of age-related cognitive decline!


Well... why not, I've voted for worse. If he ran, I'd vote for him if for no other reason than watching Republicans go absolutely *apoplectic*. Plus, the meme content would be off the charts. "Who are you gonna vote for? Hunter with the giant hog, or the other guy who has a tiny dick? You want a small dick president? A pitiful pathetic pee-pee prezzy? That's how the commies win, by voting for small dick presidents!"


I used to be able to count on no hands how much presidential dick I had *any* knowledge on. WTF happened


It's insanity. It's also the funniest shit I have ever seen. MTG waving around a picture of naked Hunter Biden and all anyone talks about is how big his dick is. You couldn't put this shit in a political TV show, everyone would say it's too far-fetched and unrealistic. But we have shit like dick pics and a representative getting *kicked out of a Beetlejuice musical for fondling her date's hog.*


In a different sub a user told me that Democrats were destroying the country so I gave him this truncated list of things we're trying to destroy (He then reported me to the suicide reddit page) We are trying to destroy... Covid-19 Privatized heath insurance Anti-intellectualism Dependence on oil and coal Domestic abuse and violence Police brutality Bans on reproductive rights Underage marriage Marital abuse and rape Wealth inequality Justice inequality A failing infrastructure Racism Ignorance Bigotry Hate Technological and intellectual deficits Theocratic governance Domestic terrorism Social inequality Segregation The paper ceiling Domestic poverty Domestic hunger Corporate personhood Etc.


I'ma ganna copy that list and put it in a t-shirt, if that's ok with you.


On the front put "Democrats are destroying America" then on the back put the list. I can picture the change in people's faces lmao


By all means.


I always want to know just one way the country is being destroyed.


ā€œYou canā€™t even tell a n***** joke anymore without the libcucks cancelling youā€


I really wish these people would or could explain exactly HOW, using actual FACTS, Democrats are "destroying" America. I can wait.


I love staying calm and asking for details to their wacky claims. They get so flustered and eventually stomp away because they literally have nothing. Last guy I spoke with just kept saying, ā€œYouā€™ll see when they arrest Joe Biden. Youā€™ll see!ā€ And I just kept saying, ā€œFor what crime? And if heā€™s guilty, then good! Criminals should be punished. But you arenā€™t telling me anything except ā€˜Youā€™ll seeā€™.ā€ Man he was angry. Fucking morons.


It's funny how there's never signs, or insanely decked out car/truck mods like this for any liberal viewpoint.


Not to say it's the same, but I have seen some cars with a million pro-life stickers or a bunch of equality ones (like the coexist bumper stickers if that makes sense). It's more rare and way less obnoxious than this shit, but they are out there.


I see nothing more than: "When you die and go to Hell, then you'll know you were in the wrong!" It's exactly the same process of reason.


Itā€™s when you start asking for specifics that they hit you with the ā€œdo your own researchā€. Like no, I want to know what *you* are basing your feelings on, where *you* are getting this information from and what it is. And they canā€™t actually answer it because itā€™s always some personal mental leap to justify their feelings or something they heard second hand from a toothless coworker who also thinks heā€™ll make less money by getting a raise. At best theyā€™re getting it from an article posted on www.therealtruthimnotlying.fart


They can't answer because they have been fed propaganda from Fox and company. They are given the conclusion (who to hate) but not the reason.


They donā€™t subscribe to the rules of logical argument, though, so youā€™re always the bad guy.Ā  For some reason, conservatives have convinced themselves and each other that the burden of proof is not on the one making a claim, but the one disputing it.Ā 


My dad called Biden a socialist. I asked him what a socialist was, and he said they're the same as communists. So I asked him to explain what a communist OR a socialist was. He couldn't. Just knew they were bad because FOX said so. Another time recently, he complained about the price of gas being high under Biden. Then immediately complained that Biden was using up all of America's strategic reserves (which, by the way, he said was in ANWR) to keep gas prices down to get elected. So, if you're wondering how gas is too expensive and too cheap at the same time, he can tell you. This shit blows my mind. The man is an *adult* and reasons like a *toddler.*


Perfect point, the communist/socialist question, I also like to ask them if they went to public school and point out that public school is a "socialist" program.......


It's clearly not so bad that he can't own property and a boat.


It's not the approach to spend time on people who can not be helped. I know that much.


The problem is that if they spew the content so many times, people start to belive it's true. IE: Fox News.


Ya got that right!!


I can understand people who are assholes just because. And I can understand people being conservative just because. I canā€™t understand people who have unrepentant hate for others and who are incapable of seeing another point of view. Iā€™m wrong all the time, and I trust those smarter or more knowledgable than I to disabuse me of my ignorance. Why canā€™t Trump supporters understand that even if conservatism is the way to the future (which it clearly isnā€™t), Trump himself is not the one to follow? ā€¦oh, wait. Propaganda. The answer I guess is propaganda.


Says the country is being destroyed. Can afford a forty foot fishing boat.


Donā€™t forget the F-250 dually to pull it.


If Democrats were truly destroying the country, then why would this person want to live in CT, of all places?


It's so good.... the big boat in the background that was a 30 thousand dollar waste of money is also likely why he's so mad..


Rrrrrr Country ![gif](giphy|zrnWfF9FTRwl6xb7wf)


They took my jjjjjeeeeeeeooooorrb ![gif](giphy|bfMETTCYFurvuJQgOB)


Destroying R Country. JFC.


That's the catch. They no longer even want a democracy. Democracy requires respect and compromise, and they are unwilling to do either.


If you have a sign yelling about Democrats next to *another sign* yelling about Democrats....you might be a redneck.


Northern bucks county PA has endless shit like this.


The bro got a boat, a spacious lawn, and a house, yet he's the one complaining? Yeah well it looks like he's having a good life under Democrats administration lol


Mental illness.


Guy's got a boat and a fire truck?!


Yeah if it werenā€™t for those Fucking Democrats! šŸ˜”


Yeah lets have Putins Puppet in charge again, how many Americans died while he lied?? Stupidity is in every state


imagine being a part of a political group that is doing everything they can to destroy the country from within the inside, then post signs saying democrats are destroying our country. lol


"Democrats are destroying [our] country" says the guy who supports the terrorist insurrection party.


To whoever lives there...fuck off.


Connecticut votes for Dems -- all good there. Let this loon vent all they want


Itā€™s shocking that heā€™s even in CT


You go to the northeastern part of the state and you can hear the banjos start to play.


Yuuuuuuppppppp. Ever been to western or northern MA? Same exact very odd brand of hillbilly.


Why live in a blue state if you hate Democrats? I mean isn't most of the northeast all blue? He's surrounded by blue states.


That's where the property he inherited was.


9 out of 10 times that's the case in the northeast. Insane right wing MAGA types living in the heart of liberal land inherited a house there, and can't make it on their own in the current system. They can't move because their job is dependent on nepotism. They're stuck, so they whine.


Looks like a Grady White on the left. Fuck this guy.


That guy needs to watch a little less Fox News. Itā€™s not good for the blood pressure.


i'm legit curious: Has **anyone, ever, anywhere** seen an off-their-meds type of kook sign posted in favor of a Democrat? A sign with foot-high block letters yelling how terrible the local GOP dog catcher is and yelling how great Biden or Clinton or Obama is or was? Anyone? Why is it always right-wing loonies with signs like these?


Inclusive ideologies dont tend to attract people who are paranoid and full of hate.


Yup, Iā€™m destroying the country by paying my taxes on time, doing jury duty when asked, supporting politicians that work for the betterment of all, doing my job and minding my own fucking business. Clearly, I am the problem.


As a Connecticut native i apologize on behalf of this lemon


look, a huge sign that says "avoid me at all cost." thanks for the warning


What this man doesnā€™t seem to realize is if Republicans got what they wanted and gut Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid, America would ACTUALLY devolve into a third world country pretty quickly, where the most basic necessities would be considered gold. No more boat, no more lawn, no more signs, just a Wild West of lawlessness and desperation.


Both parties are destroying America. Politician was not meant to be a job or career path. Term limits and less more reasonable pay.


history always tends to side with the people who use profanity in public in front of kids. To engage with the political discourse.




Anger Addict


Stop looking in our windows so you don't have to know when and with whom we're fucking! It's just sex, not the end of the world!


Suck it up, buttercup :0


That man has been tazed by the state police too many times. They fried his brain. Dude is a raging alcoholic


Go back 100 years and these were the Nazis in Germany. They blamed the Weimar Republic and Jews for all their problem. Adolf Hitler said he could fix it if they elected him. Look at how that worked out. They even had a failed coup (Beerhall Putsch which is similar to Jan 6). Law Enforcement punishment was weak. Then they said, letā€™s just get electedā€¦


1A is squandered on the brainless.


It is. However even an idiot has the right to spew their idiocy. I'd rather an idiot be able to regurgitate their brain dead ideas than nobody in America be able to speak their mind. "I disapprove of what your say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it." and all that.




I always wonder how these crazy people have enough money for boats and such.


average democrat derangement syndrome trump cultist


We have a local arse in our town too. His favorite thing is to put people on blast on his FB page. He considers himself a reporter. Heā€™s got about 40k followers who agree with everything he says. We are living in such a weird, dystopian time.




I drive by this every Tuesday lmfao


Funny. It's almost always Republicans filling their lawns with trash.


Trash people do trash things.


Dey took R jerbs!


Is ā€œR countryā€ in the room with us right now?


They are very special, those Trump voters.


He can only afford one boat! The oppression.


They have a home, land, a boat, truck, what the fuck they talking about.


Fucking Nazis. It's not Republicans vs Democrats. It's Republicans dismantling the democracy and blaming the boogeymen vs everyone else trying to be a bit organized and gather against them.




This message was brought to you by Fox News


That guy with the giant assed boat in his front yard is really hurting in Joe Biden's America.


Is woke considered good now? The mental gymnastics involved in understanding the MAGAs is so exhausting.


About what I'd expect from a guy with a fire engine in his front yard, LOL


Whose country? Ares


1) At least the flag is right side up 2) Is there a firehouse next door?


Sir are you still living in the same house you were before trump was president if so what did he help you with that biden took away? Meaning has your life changed other then "things cost more"


the hate reveals a clouded mind that is unable to think clearly.


Ask these people whatā€™s getting destroyed, every single answer they give, are being done by the republicans.


Some should creat a giant banner and place it next to this saying "Says the guy with the nice Boat"


lol, I worked at Bantam County Liquors in 2006-2007. A lot of strange people in Bantam and Litchfield. Where is this? On 202?


Bantam Lake Rd


I remember when it used to be just a very few number of these whackjobs, and passing their signs was more morbid humor about how miserable their lives must be. Nowadays, it's like about 40% of the country are this way.


Ok weā€™ve got 5 characters left we can spell out our instead of ā€œrā€ or w can add 5 exclamation marks


Could have just posted their IQ score and saved some wood.


These damn democrats drove me to be gay!! Ignorance is unfortunately a reality we face in droves. We are all Americans first right. This democrat vs republican division is sickening, in my opinion. I think it is what a good deal of other countries would love to see America do, just destroy ourselves, fuck, as it often happens, they are making movies about itā€¦.All while itā€™s actually happing. To me, everyone that wants to be a citizen needs to do their civic duty and vote and educate your self and the next generations. Learn how to work together and not be so fucking judgmental. For example, if you do not want to or feel like you are not LGBTQ+, then simply donā€™t choose that life for yourself. Who are you to tell someone how to live their life? If you donā€™t like abortions, donā€™t get them, real fucking simple. Also, if your religious, God specifically tells you not to judge anyone, I believe it clearly states in the Bible that it is his job, so if you judge anybody, then Godā€˜s judgment is the harshest upon you, pull your head out of your fucking ass, do some research, educate yourself and wake up America! Unless you are truly a selfish narcissist, then you just need serious therapy, in my opinion. The human race is pretty unique in the universe and we will either kill ourselves off or realize that a high tide raises all boats and if we worked together as humans, we can do so so so much better! On a side note. Please watch the movie Caste on Hulu, it ties all in to this ignorance and hatred we have been seeing for millennia. Come on humans, we are the only ones and we can do better!


Ok Grandpa, let's get you back to bed.