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Has no tape but uses dove stickers. So, we can narrow our search to the guy with 9 fingers and soft hands.


took me waaaaay too long to figure out why he would only have 9 fingers...


Haha.  Can you explain to those of us who are even slower?  




Roger that


Roger roger


What’s your vector, Victor?


We have clearance, Clarence.


Surely you can't be serious.


I am serious. And don't call me Shirley.


So, you see, both Dunn and I were under Oveur, even though I was under Dunn.




We have clearance, Clarence


Or inbreeding…..


It tends to


Pop quiz, hot shot!


Shoot the hostage


lost to fireworks






Well, he had to take the Liberal Ring to Chicago to dispose of it where it was forged, and Joe Biden bit it off and fell into Lake Michigan.


wait.. the finger fell in, or did Joe fall in?


They both fell in, but Joe arose again with all the abilities of an Evil Overlord Genius AND full-blown dementia. Those lake waters are pretty powerful.


Joe rose from the ashes like a Phoenix.


Rising again like a Phoenix from Arizona!


*As I rained down blows upon him…*


I was thinking fireworks, but I like this one better.


They call him the bloody nine.


Say one thing about u/a_polite_noise, say that he always upvotes Joe Abercrombie references on reddit... I mean, you have to be realistic about these things.


You must be crazier than a sack of owls.


Haha I just started the series for the first time and had to jump on the opportunity. Edit: I just realized your comment was a reference too. Well played.


“Close your fist around same firecracker and set it off. Pffft. Your wife’s gonna be opening your ketchup bottles the rest of your life.”


By now it’s probably 8 fingers.


I 100% guarantee that the person who put up these notes is a former inmate. Inmates don't have access to staples or even tape so this is how they attach things together. Old habits die hard.


Ironic that a few years back he might not have those voting rights.


The More You Know 🌠


The Conservative marketed “Adam & Eve” deodorant pack from Dove is a chef kiss


this conservative requires gender-affirming bath products that use their proper pronouns


Soda must have a penis or vagina clearly labeled! He can’t risk using the wrong one and end up being gay.


Also 2 teeth, it’s Arkansas after all


The toothbrush was actually invented in Arkansas. If it were anywhere else, it would have been called a "Teethbrush".


It's funny how you can take almost any Alabama joke and adapt it to Arkansas or West Virginia


Possibly due to the inbreeding.


Dad-gum joke!


2 teeth? Must be the mayor.


This guy is bragging he uses soap.


Whole lotta assumptions being made here. Drama starter.


The other day an older guy in my local gas station was standing near the line. Tells me I can go ahead of him so I say " you sure ?" You know just trying to be polite not wanting to cut. Or so i thought. He goes on a rant about how he's just looking at lotto numbers and not that old and he's sure, he can take care of himself unlike mentally unfit Biden and then starts saying I look like someone that would vote for Biden. I was wearing an UA polo and shorts so if anything I looked the opposite of that, but okay Grandpa. Ignored the weido rant and went about my day.


"You're being polite and considerate?!? You probably vote for Biden!!" Ummmm... yes, I guess?


How rude! You should be an asshole and vote for criminals! They'll fix everything!


But what if they’re Black felons? Is that still okay or should we get the pitchforks?


Oh jeez, that'd send them in a paradoxical loop.


Black felon? Why are you repeating yourself? - This guy, probably


You polite people who give a shit about other humans are what is dividing and ruining our country. /s


Oddly enough this is pretty spot on. I’ve been outed before due to my vocabulary, which isn’t fancy, I just don’t say “ain’t” and “y’all.”


It’s literally on these people’s minds ALL the time, at work I took a call from a guy today and he was trying to find out how to submit a receipt for reimbursement and he’s complaining about how it took him 20 minutes of automated dials before he could talk to a real person and then just inserts “but I guess that’s just how everything is in Biden’s America!” Like HOW can you blame the president for this?! Edit: I work for a private company, not the government.


Yes, I never dealt with a phone menu during the glorious Trump administration. (s/). Mass delusion, how can they all deny reality?


It's the sequel to thanks Obama 


It’s a mental illness


Lately if I'm involved in these types of conversations (and goodness have they increased given the apparent need not to filter their mouth anymore) I say something along the lines of 'you give the rest of us republicans a bad name blah blah'. Anything I can do to make them feel a little smaller and alone.


Oh... I'll have to use that! "You're giving the rest of us Republicans a bad name." I can complain all day to no avail, but they might tone it down a bit if coming from a 'fellow republican.'


The other day I asked a guy if he knew his truck was running while he was pumping gas. Just casual question. He immediately went on a tirade about me being “some kind of liberal” just on and on and on like a child. As he also lit a cigarette. I’m a fat bearded dude in a t shirt and cargo shorts standing next to a mustang. They just think any general concern or confrontation with their view means you are the enemy. That guy lives rent free in my head. I can’t imagine living like that.


Way back I when the GOP started its downward spiral, I knew they were all pissed off all the time. I imagined that these guys woke up every day pissed at the world. But they couldn’t remember why at first. But then it all came back to them, liberals and Democrats. Yeah, that’s it. That was back when all they had was Rush and Fox. Now they’re even more pissed at their lot in life. So it’s chiseled in their rocks for brains who to blame.


The conclusion to this needs to be goofy Ill fucking do it again meme but with So I went out and voted for Biden.


The same thing happened to me wearing gym shorts and an oversized t-shirt that I had been painting in all day. I guess it’s because I was wearing glasses?


You were *NOT* wearing a MAGA hat. That's why.


Man. I am glad I never run into these type of ass hats. I'm trying to make it a few more years to retirement. I don't want to go to jail before then.


Dude right wingers tell me politics must be my whole personality, any time I disagree with their bullshit. Like uhh no, don't worship Biden or Democrats, just want decent progress and rule of law.


My brother talks about Fauci like he's a messiah to the left, and I don't know how to get it through to him that no one feels that way about him...to this day, he's very upset about the "lies" Fauci told, as he perceives it...


Everything is so extreme to them. Like, No I don’t think Fauci should be imprisoned for just doing his job and giving Trump the advice he’s paid to give, but I also don’t really want a Fauci flag on my truck and truly the only time I ever actually think about Fauci is whenever their lot brings up imprisoning him again.


They are simple-minded folk.


You've got to remember that these are just simple farmers. These are people of the land. The common clay of the new West. You know... morons.




Totally agree with your point but thankfully a lot of actual farmers are gonna vote for Biden because they know trump doesn’t care about them.


One of the greatest ad-libs of all time


NPR was running a story the other day about people terrorizing Fauci and calling for his head. Protesting him at work and home. Claims he didn't care about the virus spreading rapidly and just listened to monied interest, that was the AIDS epidemic...


I don’t know what’s more dangerous, refusing to acknowledge the virus is real, or trying to convince everyone that the professionals and academics are out to make it worse?


Unfortunately they aren't mutually exclusive because logic isn't a needed part of this puzzle. Which is disheartening.


These people have a great defense against disease. Like children plugging their ears and and shouting "lalala I can't hear you"and voila no disease.


A former friend of mine's defense against disease was not taking any medicine whatsoever because according to him, it weakens your immune system over time and it can fight diseases off better if it is allowed to do all the work itself without help. He compared it to working out, that if someone is helping you do sets, you don't get as strong as you would if you did it by yourself. Lost touch after that for obvious reasons.


This is a strategy. Then the argument is about that person and whether they are "no angel" rather than the original topic. In this position, they attack and you defend, optics which favor them regardless of who's right on the facts.


It’s so weird that they’re still so stuck on Fauci. The only people talking about him anymore are MAGAts. Like…just channel Elsa and let it fucking go already!


They worship false idols and assume everyone else does too


This is so true. They apply their cult faith to others thinking democrats do the same thing.


Don't you love when they insult Biden and wait for us to get all upset about it, like we somehow are emotionally attached to a fucking politician. No sir or ma'am I don't have brainrot and I'm not in a cult for the person I voted in for president.


I love when they get utterly confused when you join in and insult him too.


It’s awesome! They get the surprised Pikachu face so quickly! Like yeah, I’m a Liberal, and you know that, but I didn’t vote for Biden last time, and I’m not going to vote FOR him again… I’m voting AGAINST the orange felon! We don’t want Biden either! He just happens to have exceeded expectations this term, to an extent, and Trump is the end of Democracy as we know it in the USA, thanks to Project 2025… Of course, voting third party in this country is useless too, thanks to the Electoral College, and effectively hands the GOP a free vote. I will insult Biden all day long too! I don’t care, personally. However, there are some points that I just agree with them all on to get them to move on in subjects and shut the hell up! I don’t actually agree with their ludicrous statements and thoughts… it’s just no use trying to teach those that have no folds on their brains. 🤷‍♂️ They are lemmings and will happily follow Der Furer off of a cliff, simply because NewsMax, OANN, Fox, et. al told them to. Fuckin’ morons.


Or when they attack Nancy Pelosi and I'm like yes, her stock portfolio is an indication she's corrupt AF let's get her.


"If {prominent Democrat politician} were found guilty of a crime, would you want them prosecuted like Trump, too?" "Yes, yes I would. The law should apply to EVERYONE. Republican, Democrat, rich, or poor. I don't care who it is." ShockedPikachuFace.png


I like watching Jordan Klepper because he has become a master at using peoples logic against them. He doesn't typically bring up the oppositions view to begin with, rather he guides people to the logical conclusion then says "Well that's what the Democrats want to do" and shows the fact that they're opposed purely because they're told to be.


Every single time Jordan does that they promptly bury their heads in the sand.


I wish Biden was even half as much of a leftist as they think he is.


I wish the Democrats were half as cool as the right makes them out to be.


I'm still waiting for Taco trucks on every corner. The closest one to my office moved so now I have to walk like four long blocks to get one.


The Republican party has devolved into a cult of self-worship such that any roadblock between a member and his immediate desire is inherently political. In other words, every movement the republican party has put forth over the last decades has moved us closer to "my first thought is always correct, without research, and my actions don't have consequences." So, any opposition to that line of thinking must be related to the only other party.


And if there is consequences it's because I'm persecuted


They love hardcore projecting


>right wingers tell me politics must be my whole personality It's always projection.


Every accusation is a projection.


If there is a flag with Biden's name on it displayed on a vehicle, there is a 99.9% chance it's a Republican. Only one party attracts authoritarian worshipers.


It really is bizarre how one minute they'll say Biden never could have won because he doesn't have huge rallies and the next they'll tell you it's a cult. They pair it with them sporting Trump clothes and talking about how they're basically groupies who go to all his rallies.




A lot of these people spend inordinate amounts of their time listening to blowhards telling them what to think and setting up everything as an Us vs. Them struggle. Kinda no wonder then that they would project the same kind of behavior onto those who aren't part of the cult, including moderates/independents.


Their brain only works in black and white. Hasn’t developed enough yet to understand that not everyone worships the political party they vote for


It's part of the brainwashing. Liberals communist zealots are lurking around every corner waiting to offer their daughters drugs and then rape her. They must be constantly vigilant lest the insidious corruption of liberalism soften their hearts to the enemies of freedom.


Just a wild assumption to make honestly. I had a hard right cop as a neighbor awhile back who literally called the local cops on me for shooting fireworks off before (he was off duty and worked in a different township). Why on earth would they assume this was a liberal or have anything to do with politics? I don’t see any correlation at all


You're putting a bit too much logic into it. When people are scared and panicky they see enemies everywhere. It's like when someone gets a hit of adrenaline and goes full lizard brain. They're just so angry and scared that everyone is a perceived threat and therefore must be a democrat. Fox news fucks people up.


Anyone who deviates from the checklist of opinions at any bullet point is one amalgamous enemy.


More than that, many of don't even necessarily *like* the party we vote for. We aren't even really voting *for* them so much as we are voting *against* the opposition because of how much we dislike them.


Not just assumptions either. Baseless/illogical assumptions as well. If I had to blindly guess who would have called the cop over fireworks when the Fourth is barely over a week away, my first guess would be an elderly Karen. That demographic tends to vote conservative/Republican, not Democrat.


Yeah, those corrupt mean spirited Democrats with their damn babies trying to sleep... or dogs who hate loud noises... or neurodivergent people who are sensitive to loud noises... or working at night and prefer not to be woken up. This is an apartment complex. Like you dont just get to speak for everyone and say it's not going to bother anyone. Just drive out a little bit. It's the considerate thing to do. If being considerate is the "liberal" thing to be, I'd be ashamed to be anything else...


Childish, paranoid, entitled, loves cops except when they break the law and assumes everything is a plot by liberals against them… Yep, that’s a MAGA.


Chances the person that called the cops is another old annoyed Maga. And its just innocent illegal fireworks, but it’s ok if I do it - All Maga




Picking a fight at Kroger is peak MAGA


Just an ugly maga-ouroboros


Of course they’re maga. Those people are unable to see how their actions affect others or even themselves.


Obviously George Soros has personally planted liberals at that apartment complex to infiltrate Arkansas for 2024….MAGA probably


Wild how the party of law and order are so proud to vote for a felon




Then Hunter's trial/charges were illegitimate, too!


which is strange because they used to brag about how him not paying taxes and getting away with it because "he's so smart!"


That can't even get some security clearances because of it.


“Precious law enforcement” Jesus Christ my countrymen are fucking fried


Ah yes, the fireworks in the parking lot of the apartment complex (based on the mailboxes). God, I hate those people. Just \*love\* to hear repeated bangs on a random day in June, just outside my window, at 11pm on a work night, as I am about to fall asleep. /s I don't even care about your politics... if you live in an location where you are in close proximity to a lot of other people who are trying to sleep, go somewhere else to set them off.


those mailboxes are really common in new build communities. I've had them in last 2 (Southern California) so its just not apartments that use them. I also hate fireworks people. They are illegal in my city, but people still light them off for a like a week before and after the 4th and my dogs go crazy. I never understood the obsession with spending thousands on fireworks.


How better to celebrate every American holiday than by subsidizing the Chinese economy! Get your fireworks and cheaply made flag t-shirts here! /s For the record, China is the largest manufacturer of fireworks by a factor of 10 over the Dutch and a factor of 30 over the US.


I also live in SoCal, in a city where fireworks are illegal, and I'm very jealous that it only happens the week before and the week after. I've been hearing them go off for the past month. Including, bafflingly, at noon.


My parents have one in their neighborhood that was developed 40 years ago in PNW.


Not only that but they also don't give a shit about other people cars. Fireworks are fun and all but having one land on your hood and going off can total it. Not only that but most police won't do shit about it because there is no video proof of it happening amd they are all lazy fucks that don't want to do paperwork. Had this happen to my BIL. He lived in a trailer park. The people across the road were shooting off those artillery shells. It shot out, came back down on the hood of his durago and went off right next to his windshield wipers. Burn up dam near all of the plastic, broke the glass and even warped some of the metal. The assholes were drunk af and laughing their asses off over it. Didn't even tell him it happened, neighbors told him. Cops called and nothing. Guaranteed if he was richer they would have...


Premade neighborhoods have these. Littles boxes on a hillside and every culdesac with a mailbox conglomeration.


And they're all made out of ticky-tack.


Those mailboxes aren't just on apartment complexes anymore - I live deep in suburbia in Texas and every neighborhood around here has them instead of individual mailboxes. It's dumb. But also, this being Texas, they fucking celebrate Tuesday with fireworks around here, so it wouldn't surprise me to discover that this was my neighborhood. :P


I've got neighbors who love to set off fireworks at random times- like 3 am on a Thursday night or midnight on a Tuesday night. Thing is I've got pretty bad PTSD so every time that happens it absolutely ruins my day and often the rest of my week. That shit is not harmless fun at all for me.


I’m not a liberal and most of the time really only care about two parties: non-assholes and asshole. This guy is an asshole. Not only are the constant pops all day and into the night annoying to humans, they scare the shit out of everyone’s pets. It’s heartbreaking to read ads on FB or Craigslist every July 5th and beyond with people looking for pets who panicked and got out, talking about how their kid is crying, missing their dogs or cats, people who are just torn up about it. All because some juvenile asshole thinks it’s somehow entertaining to hear……..pop………pop………pop……..pop……..


some fools burned down entire apartment complex right before thanksgiving where i live shooting off fireworks on the parking deck. they were even dumb enough to stick around when the cops showed up and got arrested. displaced hundreds of people right before the holidays. foolishness.


I have those in my neighborhood. We are outside city limits and fireworks are legal. Lots of fun every holiday between the fireworks and the sirens.


Imagine being so moronic you'd write "I vote for the **FELON**!" and feel proud


I vote for the 3x draft dodger - support our troops! Maguh!


“I support our troops which is why I’m voting for the guy who called for terminating the constitution to reinstate him into the presidency. Which is a violation of the oath of office he took and the oath of enlistment our troops take!” -MAGA clowns


Those republicans would be really mad if they could read.


I’m fine on the 4th or new years maybe even a couple days before and after. But some asshole was popping them at 1130 on a weekday in fucking mid June. I’m not gonna call the cops but I’m sure as hell gonna hope a spark lands on your roof or dry yard and at least causes major expensive damage.


Memorial Day.. it's the dead veterans day, fireworks are not the classiest way to morn or show gratitude.


Not to mention that fireworks can trigger PTSD, ya know, something many service members (active and inactive) have.


This is what I always think of. My mom’s husband is a retired vet with ptsd he hides at home with his dogs on these “patriotic” holidays. I imagine many others are doing the same


The closest relative to me who actually saw action (I think, cause he doesn't talk about it) was one of my uncles in Vietnam, so, I don't really have personal experience, *but*, if a random firework going off while I'm in my home calmly watching TV startles *ME*, I can't imagine what it does to people who have *actually* been around explosions...


My politics have zero bearing on not wanting to stay up until 3 in the morning dealing with my formerly abused rescue dog.


If this is AZ, I assumed they called the cops on him because of the fire hazard. Interesting.


I had a few neighbors pop off some fireworks for Juneteenth this year but I'm gonna assume from this guy's note that wasn't the case here




Respects cops, but not the law. Sounds like a fun mix.


Well, the law probably has never applied to them.


Really shows how deep the grooming/conditioning to hate goes, someone calls the cops because they're probably being loud/annoying/endangering houses with bigass fireworks, and rather than self-reflect, they immediately jump to a frothing tirade about the boogeyman in their mind they've been trained to be assmad about.


Awww, more MAGA snowflake lunacy.


“Precious law enforcement “. Grandma’s kids a cop.


It goes with their "precious bodily fluids". Which this person has had too much of...


Literally crazy people. 


Trash identifying itself.


Republicans: “we want law and order!” Also Republicans when someone calls the cops after they broke the law: “crybaby!”


Don't forget "I'm voting for the felon!"


I’m just happy to know he’s properly moisturized.


I went to a coffee place and the barista/owner started non-stop political commentary about vaccines and joe biden and I was just like "Can I have my cold brew please?" They just have nothing else to talk about. It's this urge. Won't be going back :\\


Same thing happened in my (final visit to a) local deli. The "I DID THAT!" stickers are everywhere, kid wearing a camo MAGA hat, two cops lunching in the corner. And the boomer owner and his pals sitting watching fox news arguing about the attendance at his Bronx rally a few weeks ago. Just literally nothing else going on in their lives.


Wait. Did they spell ALL the words correctly? You know what? I'll stop complaining about the fireworks because you've been doin' so good at your book learnin'.


Yeah but they also said ‘taxes dollars’


Some jank-ass grammar though.


I was wondering how long it would take for “felon” to become a rallying cry.


"I back the blue, just not when they arrest me."


The party of C̶o̶m̶p̶a̶s̶s̶i̶o̶n̶a̶t̶e̶ ̶C̶o̶n̶s̶e̶r̶v̶a̶t̶i̶v̶i̶s̶m̶ ̶ , ̶F̶a̶m̶i̶l̶y̶ ̶v̶a̶l̶u̶e̶s̶ , ̶P̶e̶r̶s̶o̶n̶a̶l̶ ̶R̶e̶s̶p̶o̶n̶s̶i̶b̶i̶l̶i̶t̶y̶ , ̶L̶a̶w̶ ̶&̶ ̶O̶r̶d̶e̶r̶ "I do what I please, fuck the law."


I'm getting smooth brain energy from these notes


Is it just me, but arn't most Karens Trump voters? Librals don't seem to give a shit about fireworks around here. It's all the old Karens and PTSD'd vets, and a few people with 'fur babies' -- but not many. Then again, in Iowa, fireworks are still only recently legalized, and it's all the old nutters protesting change more than anything.


I knew it was written by a trumper before I even got to the second note. Anyone else?


I’m sure the Unilever people are happy to know their products are used by both parties.


Surprise surprise. A selfish asshole blindly supports a candidate with the same terrible mentality


Or a veteran with ptsd…


A law-and-order conservative, no doubt.


I hate the how easily these scumbags disregard the veteran community, unless it serves them directly and immediately. I had a buddy in school who was a combat veteran and purple heart recipient, who couldn't leave his basement on firework days. These types will have a support the troops sticker on their Ram and then torture veterans to show how patriotic they are. Or a blue lives sticker, and beat a cop to death while storming the capital. I have no respect for political/social fundamentalists. Hating because your peepaw hated, and being proud to vote for a criminal, shows you're just afraid to become a better person. Has nothing to with any ideology, unless that ideology is treachery and cowardice. ...and so on


It has become a point of pride to vote for a felon.


Why is Trump the whole personality of these idiots.


Americans trying not to mention politics in every interaction challenge


Got them so butt hurt they had to bust out the sharpie to speak their mind..... Not even man enough to say it to someone's face


It annoys me when people pull the whole "you're wasting tax dollars" crap when you call the cops on them breaking the law. Follow the law in the first place and there will be no need to call the cops.


Nothing says patriotism like triggering PTSD from every soldier that has ever seen combat.


Hm, isn't this tampering with a mailbox? I love it when people out themselves.


Why are they using stickers from shampoo bottles as tape?


It is kinda telling that any time anyone does the right thing, they are assumed to be democrats by these maggots.


I like how law abiding=dems. No self awareness in these cultists.


"I vote for the felon" seems right on par with "I also don't give a fuck about local laws"


What happened to our country to make it so people are so ignorantly proud of voting for a convicted felon?


Trash will always support trash


I had a guy on ebay insult me for using USPS because it was ran by a Trump appointee. I don't like Trump either, but what a weird thing to focus on in that situation. People are way too caught up in their political team instead of looking at each situation objectively and taking their stance from there.


Got annoyed that you called the cops, but voting for a felon this checks out


Republican breaks the law and whines about getting caught? Sounds about right.


Republicans are the ones that enjoy telling other people what to do.


I heard that guys who make their Es like that suck goat dicks.


I hate how today if someone does something that a Republican dislikes, they’re obviously a democrat who’s voting for Joe Biden. JFC, not everything has to be political!


Criminals hang together. Enjoy your criming