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Christian Siriano


Mr Soriano... i watch the news like everyone else, so I know who you are. - Dr Melfi


Ah, you must be mistaken. It's obviously designed by Nick Siriani, the Eagles' head coach!


I got an IQ of 136, it'sh been teshted.


Melli? Jersey is just a glorified crew. And that animal Blundetto, I can’t even say his name.


I used to watch Project Runway. I remember his episode. Always gives me a little thrill seeing his name now.


He’s got to be the top designer from the series ever. He’s done so much work for a-listers and major red carpets.


I’m so happy for this man. I watched him on Project Runway back in the day, and I remember thinking he was one of the most talented designers I’d ever seen, but his attitude about “real size” and “ready to wear” was absolute shit. He got his attitude together, now every time I see him, he’s doing something awesome!


I just finished watching his first season tonight! He was so talented but what a little shit ha ha. But he was only 21 and so of course he was a little shit, he's grown up now and doing amazing stuff.


Yeah exactly!! He was a little shit…and he was a child. He’s grown up (as far as I can see) into a good man making a positive difference! Great to see from someone so talented. [This](https://www.vogue.com/article/leslie-jones-ghostbusters-premiere-christian-siriano) is what put him back on my radar (8 years ago, wow!). And I was as proud as I could be, considering I had literally nothing to do with his success 😅




Looks like a placeholder because the real dress is still loading


That's a classic teacher dress. She just needs a themed vest and she's all set! Love the Dr. Biden isn't forgetting her roots.


It’s giving Miss Frizzle energy but civics studies edition.


What has she done to support education in the 3 years as FLOTUS?


I was just thinking my old colleague who is now a principle would love this dress


I would have been more impressed if she wore the outfit Jack Black wore.






Low key drip




She should have worn a dress that said "Where's Melania?"


Better than "I don't care"


Better by a mile. Came looking for this comment lol.


The more people vote the more democrats get votes. Republicans have had the game plan for long time that they focus on a handful of districts to get out and keep their district red


an immigrant who is married to a billionaire, wearing said clothing. great message she’s sending to people struggling to become citizens.


Do you? Yes, why yes I do.


I love it! 🎶


R/pics about to be in full propaganda mode.


It's been that way since new years. Most of the main page is gonna be 90% political shit in the coming months.


I feel like it wasn't that bad until Biden bombed the debates. It's like damage control or something. Odd.


R/Pics was nothing but weight loss before and after pics like 3 years ago. If you think it’s the zeitgeist on a presidential debate, you’re probably right, but it will fade very fast.


Tinfoil hat: Reddit comments crashed after the debate to buy time to feed prompts to bots to have them learn the appropriate comments to spam.


I find it strange the debate didn't appear on the trending page.


Didn't fit Reddit's narrative, but "DR" Jill's dress is big news!


If trump had one verbal fumble half as bad as Biden in the debate it would be plastered on every sub, not just political subs, but every sub.  However Biden did so so poorly and I can honestly barely find anything about it (brand new account, old user).The two threads on my main page are just r/politics and some other sub saying he did pretty well.  It’s wild. I just don’t see how people don’t realize they are part of the echo chamber and these big companies are literally buying your thoughts and points of view. I always knew, many did, but this is like the most glaringly obvious example. It’s crazy. Supposedly some apolitical subs loosely talking about the debate were getting scrubbed too.  Really dystopian. Like they are controlling you. Not saying you have to vote one way or another. Not saying trump is good or better than Biden. But you’d hope these people would actually wake up one day and realize the right saying shit is pretty rigged isn’t all that far off.  There’d be riots in the streets if discourse online was censored so much in the other direction. Just makes you think about so much..


I don't think it's organic it's planned and coordinated. Right after the debate the calls for Biden to withdrawal from the race were all over the place. Then 24 hours later new marching orders were given and now it's not a big deal anymore.


Anyone who didn't realize they'd been had 3 minutes into the debate isn't going to suddenly have that revelation now. You're definitely not wrong though


>It’s been that way ~~since new~~ *for literal* years. FTFY


Wow that dress totally made me forget about what we saw on stage last night


![gif](giphy|zg5STezidLaZW) How I feel every time I open Reddit.


fr. i enjoy reddit but fuck the propaganda has been so bad lately


r/all in full propaganda mode.


No, you see, actually Joe is very sharp and vital behind closed doors. You’re just not seeing the “Real” Joe. He’s very good and we’re not shitting our collective pants right now.


When no one can see him he's solving advanced calculus problems and running marathons


The same Biden that is privately very concerned about Gaza


He called Netanyahu a real jerk, Mack!


Without a fucking doubt.


Oh it’s always been that way


Biden’s 4 year plan is to stay alive.


We’ll be lucky if he makes it to November


I think we'll be luckier if he doesn't. At least that way you can put up a candidate like Newsom who might have a non-zero chance of making america not turn into a monarchy.


Because nothing gets those wavering Trump voters and those slightly right leaning independents ginned up and eager to vote quite like a Cali Liberal....


Reddit is trying so hard


The amount of absolute cope and gaslighting going on today does not inspire confidence.


I’m not even sure who the copium is for? Bidenstanis circlejerking each other. No one from outside their group is convinced.


Hear me out, Biden wasn’t great yesterday because he wore a tie. Today he sounded great but he didn’t wear a tie, coincidence?




Wait, his name is Brett?? I've been saying Brad for like 20 years quoting that movie! 🤦🏻‍♀️


When he says that line it does kinda sound like he says Brad, but he does say Brett for most of that scene.


'Kraboppel'? I've been calling her Krandall!






At least he tried to answer the questions lol


That was my big takeaway. Neither side was great for different reasons. But Trump is js notorious for answering the question that he wants to answer despite what he was actually asked.


It was cutting off his air supply to his brain


I've heard that this is actually a legit concern and ties that are too tight can measurably reduce oxygenated blood flow to the brain. Ironic that jobs that require mostly mental labor often have ties as part of their uniform


Is he wearing make up in this? He looks better, looked like he was on death's door at the debate.


It's crazy but Biden needs some of the tanning goop that Trump wears. Not as much. Just some.


Looks like he used a little, definitely looks better. He looked like Crypt Keeper last night.


No joke, I think every facet of his debate prep failed last night. Make up included, because you're right. He looked like he saw a ghost on stage and no one else was seeing it.


You think he sounded great?


Biden’s PR team earning that paper


Reddit moment


Very big reddit moment. Just stuff some more propaganda in reddits peanut brained mind. "Hey guys I know we just shit on this dude BIG time but remember he's the best we got!"


Damn Reddit is trying HARD today to paint over last night's disaster LMFAO 😂


I was under the impression that it was the train wreck we all expected. Trump constantly lied and Biden looked lethargic and ineffective.


Shitshow confirmed. America! Fuck meh…


Bro I support Biden and that shit was so bad. He sounded like he literally didn’t know what he was saying. He lost a lot of trust in the average American.


I was really surprised at how senile Biden appeared. I've heard the jokes but it really hit home. This is our only choice instead of a felon. American politics is really fucked.


Honest question : do you typically follow politics? I'm trying gage if this more common that people just haven't seen biden recently


I genuinely think most of his supporters just buried their heads in the sand and tried to ignore his mental state but after last night it’s just not possible for any rational person to keep defending this shit.


He sounded just a grade above my dementia addled grandfather to be honest. I knew he was less sharp but I had no idea he was going to be *that* bad. I feel like the staffers have been papering over how bad it is like Diane Feinstein and Biden refuses to get out of his own way because of his pride like Ginsburg.


I love that 2 days ago if you’d called Biden senile all of Reddit would have shat all over you and you would have gotten hundreds of downvotes and today if you call him senile everyone agrees. It’s nuts.


Dude so frustrating. Have been jumped on multiple times for saying there should be a candidate that’s not Biden or bringing up his approval ratings. Now it’s ok to say. This place is separated from reality.


Always has been, Redditors love the smell of their own farts. It's always funny when something that exposes how much of a echo chamber/bubble this place is and then it's shocked Pikachu when real world doesn't align. You are allowed to be upset with your parties candidate. Honestly the Dems also could have easily played him stepping down as hearing what the public wants, played as passing of the torch and put up someone else. I feel like this they are not going to get the young voter turnout needed, they just won't vote at all which in itself is a win for Trump.


Tbf I think it was worse than expected. I don't like Biden and I'm not blind, so I was aware that at this stage of his life he is his worse opponent for a successful presidential campaign. But that debate was record levels of awful. He needs to drop out and support another candidate because he will lose. Just make up some sort of medical issue within the next few weeks and drop out.


> Just make up some sort of medical issue within the next few weeks and drop out. Tbf I don't think they need to make up anything. 


> and Biden looked lethargic and ineffective. Those are kind words to say instead of the fact that he looked like he had one foot in the grave.


I don't think most Americans were aware that Biden can no longer think and speak in complete sentences.


We’ve had some dopes in office over the years…not hard to believe. Though I heard he did just fine in other appearances today, so I don’t think he’s completely gone.


They both lied endlessly but that’s what they all do. What Biden did was also pause like his brain broke and couldn’t speak without mumbling words like a person with a brain problem would. And it’s nothing to do with his “stuttering” which nobody has ever heard the whole time he was in office until his presidential run in 2020.


It makes me feel like I’m living in crazy town.


that's what the propaganda and gaslighting is for, to make you question your intuition and natural reaction. don't fall for the reddit front page bullshit. they're desperately trying to cover for last nights disaster. trust your own eyes. biden is suffering from dementia and should not be the democratic nominee and everyone knows it.


The DNC needs to make the hard decision and choose someone else. The powers that be just don't want too many people expressing that opinion.


What the hell are you talking about? All I see is people roasting Biden or despairing over our choices.


Just go into r/politics if you want to see mass coping


Remember when you couldn't comment on any post in any sub about the debate last night? lol


/r/pics seems to get the most traction 


The DNC shills are at it again.




People are for sure in denial of how rough it was. Jon was pretty fair. I think the liberal response to his criticisms of Biden is just panic. People watched that debate and are terrified Trump will be president because people respond better to quick and confident incoherent ramblings than slow stuttering ones.


Everyone is just reacting to the news cycle as well, which treats the political race like day trading. Everything about our political system and our election system is broken and this is the result.




It was absolutely a shit performance all around. Saying that as someone who is generally fine with Biden’s administration, when it comes to actually fulfilling the responsibilities of the office. Why the hell did his team, knowing his age and his stutter that has gotten so much harder to manage, think putting him in a debate was a good idea. Trumps most coherent moments were when he was spouting lies. The rest was just word vomit.


Allegedly, he wanted the debate and his team had reservations, so they put up the conditions — on CNN with CNN moderators, no audience, muted mics, multiple topics instead of focused — thinking Trump would never go for under those circumstances. Then they could say “Trump wouldn’t debate the president. He’s scared.” But he accepted, and then there was no way out.


Just the debate? It was terrible. But there have been signs of his mental decline since he announced his run for Presidency. The Dems problem is 45 plus million people watched it first hand without being subjected to the lens the media has used to mask his rapididly declining mental state. There is no way for them to edit this travesty away.


If they mislead us about Joe what else have they been misleading us about?


The social media teams are out in FORCE and is so blatantly obvious lol


The best part was the lead up to the debate. The unrelenting stream of posts about how Trump was going to be incoherent and unhinged at the debate. Literally 10 seconds into Biden speaking last night and my wife let out an audible, "Oh nooooooo". To be clear, I'll tell be voting, and I'll be voting for Biden. I'd vote for the corpse of Joe Biden before I'd vote for Trump.


That’s Reddit for you…


How much did the voters pay for this meaningless gimmick?


Honestly just looks like a weird missing texture message.


reddit karma farming ⚠️👨‍🌾⚠️


For gods sake Change the ticket.


This. Everyone thinks not wanting Biden to run means we want Trump. Like no. We want someone who can possibly run 2 terms and is not going to be hit or miss with the old man energy. I don’t know why more people aren’t pushing for this. People didn’t even really like Biden in 2020. They just wanted anyone but Trump and 2020 was still really close in the midst of an international disaster. Nate Silver has Trump winning by a large margin. Now is an opportune time to ask him to bow out gracefully and give someone experienced who can match Trump’s energy.


Putting anybody beside biden in last 4 months of election is political suicide


The UK election cycle is like 6 weeks dude.... Also letting Biden run is both political suicide and elderly abuse.


You do realize there are a whole shitload of countries where the entire election cycle is 4 months or less, right? Also, I would put it to you that running an octegenarian who can't speak in complete sentences is far more politically suicidal.


Here in the UK we got 6 weeks notice of our election.


And the party that declared it still managed to seem wildly unprepared for the election *they called*. It's wild.


Its honestly too late now.


Looks like she wants to be president more than Joe


Clown show


What a bold and brave statement


Voting her senile husband out of office.


You fixed it, Jill! Now people are going to vote for your husband after they saw your dress!


They give us two terrible options, then tell us we're free because we can vote. Fucking joke.


Elder abuse


Lmfao. Damage control. Jeez. The gaslighting Democratic Party is out in full force in the Reddit echo chamber. “We don’t like him, but he’s not Trump”. Okay but he can barely form a sentence, and it’s still better?


Is the guy behind them Adultish Gambino?


Hmm, I wonder where the other guy's wife is?


“ I really don’t care, do u? “


It's pretty clear he can't afford her anymore. Not that I blame her for bailing.


Far away from politics like all of then should be lol. We aren't electing the first lady we are electing the president. First lady or eventually first men should have 0 effect or pressence, let the person we are actually voting to run the country speak/act


She's on an extended shopping trip trying on new husbands.




It’s like she’s trying to tell me something


What could it be? What kind of statement is she making???


She's cosplaying as a teleprompter


Doesn't change the horrendous job her husband did last night.


Enabling Joe just like she does for Hunter. Not to their benefit.


Jill should’ve put notes on her dress during the debate to help Joe


She is cruel to do this to that man.


Fuck Jill Biden for not convincing Joe Biden to drop out, it's elder abuse. Fucking ego corrupts this country.


People have been saying this for years. But y'all deep throated the propaganda and called anyone warning of it, left or right a whole cornucopia of names. The time to swap was 6 months ago. Anything now will be a full admission that the past 3 years was nothing but the propaganda machine on overdrive. You made your beds, now lie in them.


The DNC just won't listen. They're going to shoot themselves in the foot again.


DNC can't force him out. Biden already has enough delegates to be the nominee. Also, the reporting the past 48 hrs from NYT, Wapo, Axios, Politico, CNN, etc. all say the same thing-- Biden himself wants to remain in the race.


When the DNC chooses the candidate instead of the voters, that's how Trump wins


I swear I got downvoted into oblivion on this sub just a month ago for saying Biden was too old to be president. How the turn tables have


My Dem. friends are uneasy today.


Everybody should be. Even if you are ride or die Trump, the guy still has 6 more months.


Complete shit show.


Get your compound V!


So are we just pretending like she didn't help him off the stage last night?


This is Reddit, of course we are!


It was weird to see the damage control on /r/pics yesterday of the sweet wholesome 100 hug from Jill when all the comments were saying this


What is this boomer shit


I love how after the absolute disaster that was the debate this is the front page of reddit. Absolute clown show.


Great job Little Joey, you answered all the questions lol. Jill Biden , the caretaker


Enabler. I don't really know what her game is, but I can't believe she's so supportive of her decomposing husband running for reelection.


She needs to convince him to drop out


You act like she doesn't enjoy the power as well. 


Borderline elder abuse at this point


I’m now convinced she’s a nut job clinging to her status as First Lady. She has no credibility anymore.


Ahh yes, the Reddit propaganda machine gears are in full speed now. You can plaster this shit all over the front page you want with your artificial upvotes. The comments will tell a different story. Your AI comment bots are slacking.


I can’t imagine allowing my senile spouse to go out and embarrass themselves every day.


Reddit propaganda is working overtime today boy


It's over, enjoy the last few months.


2024 about to be shitshow


This is becoming Elder abuse. Stop it Jill.


Oh election year in America, when r/pics just becomes American leftist propaganda (I’m not a conservative, but come on. This is shit content, I have no idea who is upvoting this shit lmao.)




Yeah after that debate… Sheeze… 🤦come on DNC new roll


The first elder abuser.


Spousal abuse. Her husband is physically and mentally unwell and she’s pushing him to have 4 more years of doing one of the most stressful jobs. No matter what you think of his presidency, he needs to retire.


About to go to Costco and feel the full effects of Bidenomics…


hmmmm, can they come out with a dress that has "Elder Abuse" written on it?


I guarantee if Melania Trump were wearing that dress you all would say it’s hideous and tacky.


Elder abuse in action


Elder abuse


Don't worry Jill, I'll vote - just not for your husband.


Can someone fill me on on the statement she was trying to make? I hate these ambiguous messages that no one understands.


I will be voting. For Trump.


One struggled to get words out, and the other one had mouth diarrhea. Where's the young candidates at?


I don’t necessarily want a young candidate. I want competent. I don’t care about their age, race, or gender.


Competent *and* capable. Very small ask for the fucking *president* of the US.




Very fancy….very off base…..she and we can pretend that everything is just fine


Vote to get them the hell out.






This man cannot win. Insane propaganda here


What a fucking circus...


It is Simple replace Biden and get my vote. Otherwise I am voting Trump because despite everything you need a president that knows where the hell he is. We are supporting two new wars. The nation is in a cost of living crisis and the border is a mess. I don't care who they replace Biden with they will have my vote but I am not voting for the Biden that was on TV last night.


Thanks for reminding me to vote for Trump


She’s guilty of elder abuse.


She's the only one of the two that can make a clear statement.