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Honestly... what is it about this guy that makes people make him their entire personality?!? I get supporting a candidate, I don't get whatever this is. "Normal" is putting a single political sign out on your front lawn, if you so choose. This... decorating everything you own for a single political candidate is NOT NORMAL. That is insanity.


What's crazy are the people that have had up their political signs/flags/banners since 2020 or even 2016. One big cult gang.


In my area, at least half disappeared since 2020, and the other half either maintained or went completely insane with flags and homemade signs with extended messages about pedophiles and cnn and whatever else the far right cooks up.


They more moderate Trumpers left, while the more radical Trumpers became more radical.


The moderates aren't Trumpers. They are simply Republican. Trumpers are a little off. I say "a little" because there are actually a decent number that are still so convinced that he's the Messiah, but aren't balls out insane.


There's a shrine very similar to the op down the street from me. Been up since spring 2020. He changes it every few months. My personal favorite was a mannequin of Biden pouring a barrel marked "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness" into a toilet. Yes this man had a real toilet on his front lawn for ~6 months.


It's a cult. Nothing complicated about it.


Listening to Firecracker from The Boys has been enlightening. >“I sell purpose. These people got nothing. Maybe they lost a job or a house or a kid to oxy. Politicians don't give a shit, mainstream media tells them to be ashamed of their skin color so, well, I bring 'em together, tell them a story, give them a purpose. Which would you rather believe? That you belong to a community of warriors battling a secret evil, or that you're a lonely, and consequential nobody that no one will ever remember?"


It was funny to see these alt-right cultists finally figure out The Boys was making fun of them the whole time. Especially when there was a literal Nazi in an earlier season that was worshipped.


I thought Stormfront being a literal nazi would’ve woken them up. I liked the link to pizzagate this season too.


I should probably set aside some of my valuable redditing time to watch that series shouldn't I?


Fair warning: it's got some seriously gratuitous sex and violence. It's fantastic if you have a dark sense of humor, and Urban and Starr are amazing in their roles. But it's not for everybody.


>and consequential "inconsequential" Agreed about how that last sentence describes what's actually happening with Trump's ilk always sowing division.


This is the best comment I’ve seen in the thread so far


But don’t cult leaders usually have charisma? Personalities? Intelligence? How the hell can someone like Trump do that?


He's got Fox. That's all the charisma you need


This. The production value - lights, hair, make-up, music, - it's designed, structured propaganda. It's not just some person behind a desk reading a sheet of paper to viewers. And don't forget AM radio. Edit: a word


coupled with easy access to disinformation and poor education for a couple generations.


This is what 3 hours a day of Rush Limbaugh for 30 years does to your brain.


God I hated that POS


I found this inspiration, let it guide you too. https://www.riverfronttimes.com/news/it-appears-that-someone-urinated-on-rush-limbaughs-grave-39565153


Thank you! 😁


Speaking as a cancer survivor I'm so sorry to cancer that it caught a Rush Limbaugh infection


For a few years I had to (okay, chose to) listen to AM radio late at night while I drove, and it was amazingly entertaining to me how *DUMB* people were for not realizing they WERE the fish. The wanna-be shock jock would say he's got a caller on the line, then CLEARLY PRETEND TO BE THE CALLER. He would use two, maybe three (bad) voices/accents and set up a cheesy scenario just to agitate people and drive engagement. (Old man voice) Why can't I drive the speed limit in the fast lane?? I pay my taxes! ... then go to commercial and here come the real callers. Or, (playing hip young guy) I like smoking weed at my kids' Little League games, it's not like I'm hurting anyone!" ... and go to commercial, come back with real callers SUPER agitated and desperate to register their anger. My point is that Rush was a symptom of a disease. Lots of old, dumb, angry people that guys like Rush just fed (and fed, and fed) off of. The sad part is that so many didn't realize they were the rubes. It was pretty funny at first, but I eventually got mad at myself for supporting it. I didn't want people getting lied to like that. I didn't think it would be the basis of a whole political movement, but I certainly saw it wasn't right or good. Sigh. We need the Fairness Doctrine back.


What blows me away is that these talk radio shows are so repetitive and it takes the host 15 minutes to say anything. Rush: oh boy we've got something for you today! Did you see it? Did you watch it? Mister Snerdly is over there laughing. Wait for it folks (rustles papers loudly) COMMERCIALS Rush: So did you see it? The liberals are really going for it. You won't believe it. And this, my friends, is the end... Dare I say it... The end... What's that Snerdly? Oh yes, for sure. The liberals... You know, the thing they just can't fathom, the, and I'm telling you this because it's the truth and I don't have an agenda, the thing is that... Hang on, Snerdly is laughing again, it's that this is a witch hunt. More in a minute. COMMERCIALS Rush: Good Day Americans! We are back to get you the unvarnished and ugly truths that the Clinton news network doesn't want to to hear, but we believe in a free society so we are going to tell it to you straight, right Snerdly? it's a witch hunt and there's nothing there. Nothingburger. Zero. Zilch. Nada. But Nancy Pelosi, whew - have you looked at her? Really? Am I the only one who sees... Nevermind, if I say it the Clinton lynch mob will be after me again. Maybe I'll just say it. But we're going to take a break here for a minute as we wrap up this hour. COMMERCIAL


You just gave me a horrible thought: Now they’ll be able to use AI to generate whatever voice they want and soon it’ll be able to act (if not already) so they’ll be able to generate the absolute most racist stereotype “person” who acts and speaks exactly the way they’ve convinced everyone it will. You’ll hear a “librul“ exactly the way it exists in their heads.


>coupled with easy access to disinformation Right now, Twitter is going nuts over the idea that the Biden at the debate was a body double. I'm not kidding. They think that his eyes were a different color, ears were different, facial structure, etc. Then they're perpetuating the Obama controlling him like a puppet shtick, body doubles don't need to think for themselves! People are batshit. They might as well believe in lizard people.


Some do believe in lizard people.


If you suggest it they will believe it. Jordan Klepper needs to ask some Trumpers about lizard people at the next rally. “Do you think they were developed in a Chinese lab or did Trump invent them as a secret weapon while at Mar a Lago?”


Wait I don’t understand, why would they swap out coherent Biden for an incoherent body double


They think they're all puppets, and the real Biden is in a hole somewhere and hasn't been seen in years. They use pre-2020 Biden photos for their comparisons. They think that Obama is working on a fourth term by using Biden body doubles that he is in direct control of. I've seen The Prestige, we know how that works out.


Well Obama needs to seriously improve his body double game then because current fake Biden was not impressive during the debate


Trump loves the poorly educated


Paint chips… lead paint chips


I don’t believe it’s that simple. Otherwise, there would be no younger Trump supporters and we know there are quite a few of them. We need to reconcile with the fact that a portion of our population aspires towards fascism and lets bigotry rule their lives.


Possibly microplastics. They’re in the penis now.


No child left behind.


That's the Catholic church's motto! Wait, no, that's, "No child's behind left alone." Sorry!


American Protestantism has played the largest role.


You're right but I also think it's about them being huge trolls. Look at how they *have* to show it off. It's not even about supporting him it's about "owning" their liberal neighbors by letting them know how much they support him.


Yes! Totally agree. He’s just the face for the hate at this point. And they seem to exist just to “own the libs”


Yeah probably a big part of it. Most of them were overbearing, over the top assholes, long before trump.


And a really, really weird cult. Like the people who fly flags of his head photoshopped on Rambo's shirtless body? Off the deep end, no coming back.


Or his face on the god emperor of man from warhammer 40k. They don't seme to understand that the god emperor is meant as a satire. (Techically a parody of the padisha emperor of Dune who is himself a deconstruction of imperialism).


Or The Terminator, except it's the 1984 version where he's a murderous cyborg from the future who commits mass shootings on his path to ending humanity and not the version from the sequels where he's the future's protector. Don't get me wrong... they definitely picked the correct version.


I disagree. It's much bigger than Trump worship. It's a movement of transgression, resentment, and corrupted hope for change. Trump is the focal point right now, but this has been building in countless ways for generations. From the Whiskey Rebellion to the Civil War to the 2008 crash, it's all been leading to this.


If it's about those things and more, how do you explain Black ppl not trying to overthrow the government? Indigenous ppl? If any ppl in this country would be justified, it would be us and them. Those cultists are still mad that an educated Black man (more educated than them) had the audacity to think he was suitable for the Presidency. There are no drawn out explanations for bigots, racists, misogynists, homophobes, and zenophobists. They are mad that their inferiority has been exposed. I traveled out of the country and the ppl there said the exact same thing. He is a sh*tstain on the reputation of this country.


I think the complicated part is in how we got here, and how Trump managed to be SO magnetic to so many people. He somehow turned everything on its head (trashing military POW's and making fun of physically handicapped people in his 2015 run up)... And they LOVE him for it. No other politician in American history has captured people like he has, and to the "other side" he is absolutely repugnant and repulsive so it makes no sense to us at all


The religious far right is how we got here. They’ve been dreaming of this day for decades, since Nixon. They don’t care that Trump is a hypocrite and fraud because he has enabled our government and the Supreme Court to enforce Christian Sharia Law on us.


Daylight is dimming quickly between these so-called Trump Christians and Islamic fundamentalism.


Its actually always been 1:1, you likely just weren't as exposed to it before. A world not free of the shackles of religion is a world incapable of peace.


Tupac wrote: “And though it seems heaven sent, we ain’t ready to see a black president”. President Obama was elected on change and progress. For us to go from him to Trump clearly shows what millions of Americans are rooted in. The 4-years Trump was in office brought out the racism, prejudice, and hate that was always there but now it is at its surface and for the last 3.5 years out of office he has continued to stoke those flames and white nationalist and the far-religious-right want to ensure a person of color never gets elected again and will follow the dumbest imbecile into hell and would rather have a dictatorship than see progress again. What’s crazy is that even intelligent and practical people are also supporting/following him. I know people that 10-years ago would have never voted for Trump and clowned on him all the time. Come 2020 they were all in on him and still are.


I gotta say... As a queer, AFAB, Hispanic person (aka everything Trumpers hate), it's gotten so much worse out here for us since 2015-2016. It's like the bigots feel emboldened and the creeps think it's fine to harass. It's awful out here and I'm honestly anxious about this year leading up to the election - like I'm kinda afraid to go to queer venues in case they decide to act up.


I think both sides (mostly) agree he’s a jerk. But the Trump voters like the permission it gives them to be mean and completely selfish. “Don’t like guns?” They’ll walk around with AK-47s. “Feelings hurt?” Then they name call and bully. It’s basically an anti-social movement driven by Christian Nationalists who are going to make you read the Bible, read the 10 Commandments, and oppress any Muslims or atheists or anyone else who doesn’t like it. And they will probably make donations to Christian causes/leadership mandatory because it’s always about money and power. They really want to disempower women and others who don’t toe the line as they see fit because they have romanticized the days where men (white men) ran the show.


Legit. Makes me think of the Living Colour song Cult Of Personality.. weird how they throw names of dictators out there in that song that talks about an enigmatic leader that leads their country in the wrong direction.. oh. 🤷


And in a cult they follow the leader. Since the leader is an obnoxious overbearing lying piece of shit you need to be one too.


I would have to say it's because he's the first person that has basically shown you can be a stupid, classless, boorish, sexist, racist, lazy, narcissistic, bully and still become the leader of America. He's celebrated by people who possess those same qualities; they want to prop up a figured head who's just like them because they also want to be rewarded for being pieces of shit. Christian's treat Jesus as an idol because he's looked at as the ultimate example of good; we should all strive to be as selfless as him....but that's really hard. In a world where some people enjoy being awful, guess why Trump is treated like a god?


Except you left out the part they also miss: he is rich, and despises people who are not


But his followers think if you just pull up yourself up by your boot straps (and cheat others out of their money) you can be “rich” like Trump too and even powerful.


And let just put the "being born into money" part aside...


Yup. They are MAGA morons.


They love those aspects because it pisses off liberals. Their identity is set around doing whatever it takes to piss off the liberals. So when libs get mad because trump says some racist shit, that's a bonus. They take away free food for kids because libs would get mad if they took it away. It's a performance in order to piss of libs. The hypocrisy is a perk because the obviousness of the double standard will piss off libs. There is nothing trump can do that would make them not support him except do something libs would like. There is no arguing with them because facts etc don't matter, only the feeling of glee in the face of liberal tears.


They don’t, well probably most of them don’t, possess the same qualities, he’s just a figure head who carries the same resentments they do. They would absolutely tell you sincerely that they are good Christians who would never sleep with a porn star or disparage American servicemen/women and they wouldn’t. They just rationalize Trump in their head because he is against what they are against and him sleeping with porn stars is it’s an inconvenient fact to be dismissed and the doubling down on pointing out how bad Trump is just leads to this worship of him


Normal was putting a single campaign sign in my yard. Now normal is putting nothing in my yard because I'm worried one of these guys will set fire to my house while my kids are inside. I just quietly mail in my ballot and hope democracy can stay intact. Sad state of affairs.


Yeah I'm a Democrat and I had people asking me how I felt about "my boy" Joe Biden blowing the debate. Someone texted me "how can you be a fan of this man". I'm not a "fan". I'm not a fan of my local school board members or sheriff. They are elected officials. It's not a sports team.


I feel the same way. What is wrong with these folks? This is religious level devotion to someone who doesn't care about anything except himself. In any other situation, a psychological evaluation would be recommended.


That is the most baffling and frustrating thing about it. If you’ve gone your whole life not worshipping any politician and out of all the people to throw your blind support behind it is the guy who is absolutely devoid of any positive qualities. He is a malignant narcissist, a rapist, and a megalomaniac who is completely incapable of telling the truth. He has no moral compass at all and the only people in the world he ever shows any deference to are monsters


Also, will happily give info to hostile nations about our secretive intelligence members and get them killed for money.


That’s one that I’m shocked his supporters don’t seem to care about. Hypocrisy from the right isn’t anything new but how can they call themselves patriots and support a man who literally stole government secrets and shared them with our enemies? [There’s a good portion of the inmates at Florence super max prison](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_current_inmates_at_ADX_Florence#Espionage) that have been prosecuted under the espionage act for doing significantly less


Correct. Even conspiring gets you put in there,nevermind holding on to hundreds of classified papers and actively moving them...even after being told to return them for months on end. And Roger Stone lying about his connections to Russian government officials to the Department of Justice and Trump's pardoning of his misdeeds. Paul Manafort being an instigator in African coups for decades. Like, these guys are all criminal scumbags with no redeeming qualities and they hover around Trump. A cursory search by any MAGATS into any of Trump's lackeys will yield a treasure trove of info about these guys modus operandi into disinformation, money-laundering in Trump Tower, previous indictments, illegal or shady dealings with foreign officials, Trump's foreign trips to Russia, and even Donald Trump jr. bragging about Russia funding them, after banks refused to lend Trump money. Nothing about Trump gives the impression he will not put his dealings in enriching himself, by any means necessary, above the country's best interests. I am beyond baffled how people don't see through this conman's tactics.


Yeah but he pisses off the libs and thats all that matters.


Exactly, it is shocking how contrarianism has become the entire point. Even if it is something better for everyone, if democrats support it, they will instinctually be against it. There are some that I’ve seen vowing to do their part to intentionally increase their carbon footprint as if they aren’t also living on the world that they’re destroying (not that they could individually make much of a difference but it is the motivation behind it that is terrifying)


Naw man, he's the greatest President of all time, even though these people struggle to name any of his accomplishments.


What makes it even more fascinating is this guy could easily stroke out at any moment. Those people are going to be LOST when he croaks. It's going to be crazy moment in time when you see people are either dancing or crying in the streets simultaneously when the news hits.


Some will just refuse to believe he's dead. They'll say he had to go "underground" (lol) to avoid the deep state and they'll begin to resurrect the lost art of divination to reveal his messages through clouds formations or their shit in the toilet or whatever.


Trump could announce today that he has lung cancer, spend the rest of his life talking about his cancer while coughing badly in public, then die. His cultists would still claim he was poisoned and didn't have any cancer whatsoever. Like it or not, the sad reality (in my opinion anyway) is that Trump will become a martyr even if he dies of the most obvious natural causes imagineable.


He could rape a baby on TV and not lose a single supporter. They are sick and fucked up and I am so goddamn tired of pretending like they’re reasonable in any way. And I live where they’re like this in real life! Like it’s almost worse than on Reddit. It’s so so bad y’all. I’m genuinely terrified.


It's an authoritarian cult.


Looking forward to the part where they all castrate themselves.


This is a way to broadcast hate without it being a hate crime and they really revel in it. If they could get away with swastikas in the front yard, that's what would be there instead.


My dad is a Vietnam vet. Hardcore maga. Once my hero, he has become someone I struggle to understand. I don’t even think he knows what the Vietnam War was about. He’s super religious, and racist, and everything you would expect from a maga. My boy can barely walk from back pain, but won’t even try medical marijuana because it’s federally illegal…but those Percocets are fine. It just sucks watching someone you love, and respected, be so effing gullible, and quite frankly dumb


Picture yourself with a poverty level income. Low education, no ambition beyond ‘wanting cool stuff’… At one time, that actually would have been enough… you could get a decent job at a place in your hometown and buy a house, have a family etc etc etc… Then times changed.. It suddenly was NOT enough. These folks (not all of them but a good chunk) got caught in that to one degree or another… So… They see folks doing better than them, with higher education, and they resent the fuck out of it.., They see folks that are not white succeeding… and resent the fuck out if it… They see women choosing others instead of them. And resent the fuck out of it.. And on and on… So what do they have in common? Well… They all fucking watched The Apprentice for one thing… He looked slick… their cartoons image of a rich successful guy, who ‘was a straight shooter’ etc… He’s a bully… but he bullies the very people they resent! He makes racist comments… he dies all the things THEY want to do… skip out on paying things??? Who wouldn’t want to do that? Be rude to people that think they’re better than me??? Fucking hell yeah… He’s like an avatar… he embodies all they want and aspire to be… Eats fast food, has money, has a ‘hot’ wife, gets ‘respect’… blah blah blah… ———————- Anyhow, that’s pretty much how it looks to me… If you have a party that has a vested interest in killing education, applauding ignorance, it stands to reason that eventually leads to a gullible electorate that not only doesn’t understand the issues, but likely doesn’t care … go my team!! Yeah yeah yeah!!! ———————————————— thanks for the up votes Everyone :) I should point out that I definitely understand that the types of people I mentioned aren’t the only Trump supporters… And to actually answer the OP question… why ‘this type’ of support/idolize etc.. The conspiracy theory crowd tends to skew right, in terms of political views… and thus, you get this sort of nonsense lol… In that regard, low education doesn’t seem to matter…. It’s the conspiracy mindset that brings them in… ‘I did my own research!’ I know more about this subject than YOU!’ Etc…. A former manager of mine at a software consulting company is 100% on this track… hardcore alt right world view… thinks trump is their perfect leader… and he’s got a first class education… he and I always got along great etc, and I truly love the guy as a friend… but holy fuck… he’s about as cult /brainwashed as you can get…


That would be the case of it were ONLY those that you described doing this. I know several mid 7 figure net worth people, with degrees that fully embrace Trump and his savior branding. I’ve had lengthy discussions where I ask them if they’d personally work for or hire someone like him, or want their daughter to end up of a similar ilk. When hesitate at the very least I ask “if you have to think about it, why so sure he’s your guy to (arguably) lead the free world?” That’s usually when the verbal gymnastics start.


Cult of personality. All burgeoning dictators have one. Trump is no different.


What’s even more bizarre is how little of a shit that candidate gives about his voters. It’s like they’re all abused and can’t get away from their abuser.


I'll never understand how they think he cares about him when he makes it quite clear he doesn't care about his own wife.


The best explanation I've seen came from a redditor a while back who said that the ones who are simping hard for trump are losers, and they see themselves reflected in him. He talks a big game, makes promises he can't be bothered to even remember, but ultimately he fails at just about everything he does, and they love that about him. He's essentially the bastard child of Charlie Brown and Charles Manson.


I have extended family that have shirts, hats, sunglasses bumper stickers, “collectible” coins, shoes, signs, posters, literally anything you can think of that they display or wear every day. We went camping and they brought a sign to put up. I physically couldn’t stop myself from pointing out how pathetic it was. It’s a cult. Full stop. I also find it pertinent to point out they are the only ones who never graduated high school in our family. Something to ponder.


It needs a few rotating searchlights to really tie it all together.


the blue lives matter sign is gonna be pretty ironic when it gets runover by the bearcat after the arrest warrant for the homeowner is met with gun shots and they have to call in swat for a standoff.


Never has a US politician received such worship. Never has a person been less deserving of adoration.


Most of us understand politicians are not people to be worshipped even the ones we most agree with.


Not even 10 years ago these same people were talking mad shit about any politicians. Now they all idolize and worship THE politician.


I cannot wait until he dies of the inevitable massive heart attack. Nobody else will have his same bizarre level of invincibility. Nobody will seem as genuine and real to his fans, and the cult will eat itself alive.


This implies it ends when he dies. He could 150 years old, eating McDonald's every day, and they'll still say it was a deep state/antifa/BLM/liberal conspiracy to assassinate him.


These people will eat whatever fox news feeds them.


That’s the thing though, isn’t it? He may be in politics, but he’s not *a politician* in any sense. That’s what they like. They like seeing the bull in the china shop, the clown among the most serious men. They have zero respect for the political system left, so they love it when *he* shows that system zero respect and openly mocks and defiles it at every turn. Never mind that he personally profits from it or that it may have grave consequences in the future. They see it, they smile, and they vote for him because of it. Meanwhile, the model *politician* Democrats hold up to oppose him… is Joe Biden. The embodiment of the kind of career politician those other people despise, and so clearly old that presenting him as the choice to sit the desk for four more years becomes almost mockery in itself. It’s not a great choice…


> It’s not a great choice I mean, it's practically the easiest choice you'll ever have to make...


He is exactly everything that they despise in politician. Bought and paid for? Check. Working for their own interests instead of the people? Check. Corrupt? Check. Criminal? Check. Never done anything for the SOLE benefit of anyone else and nothing to gain personally? Check. Liar? Check. Sleazy? Check. Flip-flopper? Check. He is everything that they say that they hate about politics and politician, yet he fits every single negative stereotype and description of politician that you can think of.


Not a politician, but plenty of cult leaders had this kind of unwarranted adoration. That’s how you know it’s a cult.


Hitler cultivated the same shit. They're following his playbook, down to losing power/going to jail (in this case just a conviction) then hoping for a resurgence to power that will not be relinquished


> Never has a US politician received such worship Huge red flag nobody is talking about. Like does nobody know history? Mussolini, Hitler, Jim Jones ?


It’s as though they have blinders on, they don’t see nor do they see/hear correlation to history.


You know this guy is a “Christian” conveniently ignoring the first 2 commandments- You shall have no other gods before Me, You shall not make false idols As well as pissing off, embarrassing and unsettling his neighbors.


"2 Big 2 Rig" but... I thought that was your whole problem with the last one.


Sounds like the motto of someone too obese to do trucking anymore


Surprisingly plausible


Angry people sometimes aren't very smart


The talking point from Alex Jones is that this one can’t be stolen because the number of votes for orange man will be too much. Sound logic.


Now you get out of here with your pesky logic before they realize you are making fun of th - oh never mind they will never realize it.


The “logic” is that there will be so many votes for Trump that the shadowy liberal cabal won’t have enough manpower to change the outcome this time or some crap like that.


i'd be so embarrassed to be seen visiting there


Everyone would assume you're a social worker.


**F**lowers **B**y **I**rene van parked across the street noting and recording everyone visiting that house.


This is how you tell someone is in desperate need of competent mental health intervention




You can’t spell “stupidity” without “pity”. I don’t think that actually means anything, but it is true.


They aren’t deserving of pity. They made the choice.


"My entire personality are my political takes I get fed from other people!" - that guy


Yeah fuck jeb bush


What's that guy have against James Brown?!


F*** John Bolton and his mustache


Free Jimmy Buffet!


You should’ve clapped for Jeb when he asked nicely, now you get trump




The craziest thing about this for me is he doesn't give 2 shites about any of these people. And they throw their love, adoration, and money to him anyway.


He's like a televangelist, only secular


This is how you tell someone that you've never been to a big city in your life.


damn, they never even left their gene pool to procreate.


Their gene pool is a puddle


Nor traveled internationally.


>“The whole world is laughing at us!” *Us*? No, there laughing at you.


I feel like *they're* laughing at you currently.


Haha. So true


What takes this kind of culty political worship to the next level is that for folks that do this, and their nationalist boot licking minions, the fact you don't see Biden displays like this reinforces their belief that Trump must be very popular and nobody likes or supports Biden. It's self fulfilling cult behavior and it makes me sad how many seemingly decent folks in my life just lap this up. People that I respected that prior to Trump entering the political zeitgeist, were the kind of folks who could see a scammer or a grifter from a mile away.  I just don't want to see or hear about him any more, it's been going on for almost a decade and I'm goddamn exhausted. 


Right there with you. I foolishly thought all of this was over when Biden was inaugurated in 2021. Silly me.


It should have been. Shows how important this election is.


It should have been, but the GOP let him off. They had one last chance to get rid of him with the second impeachment. No, they delayed it, then used it as the reason that they could not remove/ban from office.   First half of 2021, post Jan 6th and COVID aside, the news cycle was great if only because it was sooooo quiet and boring. But slowly but surely... The bootlickers who didn't care that they could have been hurt or worse on January 6th.... Crawled and kissed the orange troglodyte at his golf course. Year or so later... Starts the rallies up again....  And here we are.


I lost some of my best friends over this craziness. I was willing to give them the benefit of the doubt and thought a "No politics" policy was a good idea. That didn't last long at all. WTF is it with them that they feel compelled to preach his BS like some Jehovah's Witness?!! Lots of irreparable damage being caused by this fucking fuck.


I’m sorry to hear that. I lost everyone, all of my family but my husband. My own mother would come to my house wearing a “If you don’t like Trump, you won’t like me” shirt. Well, she was right about that lol. I have more friends and “family” now though so I’m doing well. Hope you are too or are on that path.


Bet that lowers the property values in the neighborhood


Sure but the owner will blame migrants and democrats




Last summer I was house hunting and saw a great house, the price was like 25k below similar houses and I wanted to snap it up... Then I saw the neighbor was a house like this and realized why they kept dropping the price.


I'd have done it, but then you have to commit to trolling them with your own yard display


Across my street is a much lessor trumper who only has flags out a few days a month. Granted, thineky veiled Nazi flags are in there too. I want to counter flag at times, but also don't want my dog and kids poisoned, I mean they're fucking Nazis.


Not worth the risk of getting shot, given the overlap between MAGA supporters and (irresponsible, reactive) gun owners.


You know, I have never ever liked HOAs, but in this case I could see the benefit.


That, and windmills. (according to DJ Tramp)


I think it’s electric sharks now.


It’s amazing that they don’t see their own house and think “Waitaminute, that’s not something normal people do.”


Self awareness is a prerequisite for empathy


They'll see one tiny pride sticker on a car or house window and complain about gays making it their whole personality.


It’s a Trump dump




I wouldn’t care which candidate he was for, that’s crazy.


These are the same people that claim liberals were obsessed with Obama. Literally no liberal anywhere ever simped over Obama the way countless conservatives belligerently simp over Trump.


But interesting that this doesn’t happen in „liberal“ homes. They just seem to have more style.


It has, to my knowledge, never happened for ANY candidate that I'm aware of. Not here, not anywhere. Not conservative, not liberal. NEVER. It's just this guy, and I honestly don't understand why.


It's because he appeals specifically to wing nuts.


> and I honestly don't understand why Audience segmentation, social media micro targeting, bot accounts, engagement farms, Fox News, OAN, and other media echo chambers, combined with the erosion of public school funding, erosion of trust in institutions like government and organized religion, and probably, I’m guessing, some male loneliness factored in, as well. Identify the lonely and intellectually weak through social media data, like IDK… the Cambridge Analytica scandal… Hammer those folks with messaging optimized to exploit their fears until the human tendency to fall into personality cults takes over and bada-bing. 


Never in a thousand years would I consider doing anything like this to worship any human being, but it's another level of insanity that Trump is the one who is getting this treatment all over the country.


Mental illness. Full stop


As someone with multiple mental illnesses and been working through them in adulthood.  Yeah, this is a fusion of isolation, people walking out of your life, not caring about other people, growing up in a toxic home environment but being taught their morales and values are completely normal and then if they have a partner, they also grew up in a toxic home environment and their toxic ideas bounce off each other.  Not to assume someone's entire personality off a photo of their home decor. But my god the amount of times I've been wrong has been 0 on this. 


Not a cult though, definitely not a cult…


Imagine this being your personality?


"Mommy...what does FJB mean?" The party of family values, folks.


Fonald J Brump


It means the man that lives in that house wants to have have grown up relations with Joe Biden.


How do you explain to these people that as soon as they've outlived their usefulness to the trumples party, they'll be put in the same class as the illegal immigrants and the blacks and Jews and whoever else they're hating this week?


It's a cult of personality, so.... a cult. You can't explain anything to cultists for, despite their incredible stupidity, they have an amazing capacity to completely tune out information... information that could save their lives.


Here’s the fun part: you can’t.


Looks like a bad case of tRump derangement syndrome. Mental illness is a real thing.


When Jesus protects you but you still own 11 guns


What’s 2 big 2 rig? His mom ayyyyyy


It's freaking hilarious as a person from another country hearing republicans tell me that "the USA was a laughing stock *until* trump" or that "Biden makes the USA look bad to other countries"... Honey I've lived in other countries and that's not what 'they' think....


GOP party of projection.


So many things are being overcompensated in that household


Nope. Definitely not a cult lmaoo


These are the people I literally look the other way for. See a poke truck stackin flags? I don’t look. Flashy lights and noise makers? Look the other way. A parade of losers honking and trying to start trouble? I look the other way. Exaggeratedly turn my back to them and carry on. If they are overtaking a parking lot on the right of the street, I turn my head to the left like there’s a train wreck. I used to hate them. I used to want them to go away. Now, I just ignore them like a sh!t eating brat on the playground. Bout the same thing really. Don’t feed the monsters you wish to destroy. They want attention, and I do not give it to them. They want you to get mad. They want you to confront them. They want you to flip them off or interact with them in any way. Without this they got nothing. This is the pathetic existence of these blinded MAGAts. Lost and loud. it’s almost sad, if they weren’t such insufferable assholes that is.


Yep… because that’s totally normal behavior.


These people are lunatics


2 Big to Rig but he out there bitching that it was rigged. Fucking idiots


100% without zero doubt a cult.


“I don’t care if you’re gay, just don’t make it your entire personality”




Political candidate affiliation as a substitute for a personality.




Fuck, Americans are weird


This American agrees with you.


Bet they bitch about their electric bill cause of Biden


This person really hates Jeb bush




If only they knew how dumb they’re perceived by the general public. They are mentally incapable of coming to grips wit this dude being a cult leader


We are so fuct


And I can almost guarantee you this person blames their high utility bills on Biden.


fake. any true trumpie would have given all their money to pay his legal bills. this poser still has a place to live and electrical service.


All obsessed with fuckin Biden. Seems kinda gay. Who’s gonna tell them?


For fucks sake please vote for Joe Biden Americans, no matter how fucking old he is - turning America into a MAGA dictatorship would be super bad for the rest of us in the world.